1000 resultados para COMUNICAÇÃO VERBAL
1869/02/07 (A5).
1876/02/06 (A12,N2).
1869/08/08 (A5).
The amygdala nuclei appear to be critically implicated in emotional memory. However, in most studies, encoding and consolidation processes cannot be analyzed separately. We thus studied the verbal emotional memory in a young woman with a ganglioglioma of the left amygdala and analyzed its impact (1) on each step of the memory process (encoding, retrieval, and recognition) (2) on short- and long-term consolidation (1-hour and 1-week delay) and (3) on processing of valence (positive and negative items compared to neutral words). Results showed emotional encoding impairments and, after encoding was controlled for, emotional long-term consolidation. Finally, although the negative words were not acknowledged as emotionally arousing by the patient, these words were specifically poorly encoded, recalled, and consolidated. Our data suggest that separate cerebral networks support the processing of emotional versus neutral stimuli.
Integrando ferramentas de auxílio ao diagnóstico no sistema de arquivamento e comunicação de imagens
OBJETIVO: Este artigo apresenta um modelo de integração de algoritmos de diagnóstico auxiliado por computador dentro do fluxo de trabalho dos sistemas de gerenciamento de imagens, desenvolvido com base em um conjunto de ferramentas computacionais de código aberto e uso livre chamado dcm4che2. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: O modelo de integração é composto por um servidor de processamento de imagens e por serviços de comunicação. O gerenciamento de dados segue o fluxo de trabalho definido pelo perfil de pós-processamento (PWF) do Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) e utiliza a funcionalidade de captura secundária do DICOM. Uma aplicação para lesões difusas de pulmão foi utilizada para prova de conceito. RESULTADOS: O algoritmo de classificação de padrões apresentou acurácia de 78%, com base em um método de teste de validação cruzada. A integração possibilita a visualização das imagens processadas como uma nova série dentro do estudo original. CONCLUSÃO: O modelo de integração proposto baseiase em perfis do IHE e permite o estabelecimento de procedimentos padronizados. Os princípios utilizados para integração do fluxo de trabalho são aplicáveis para qualquer tarefa não interativa de pós-processamento de imagens.
This paper proposes a model for visual communication, conservation, and maintenance of the collection "Chemical Abstracts". It describes the various steps for its implementation and makes considerations about the whole reference work.
This paper studies the initial development of certain language components. More precisely, we analyse the relation between three aspects that are closely involved in the grammar of the verb: morphological productivity, syntactic complexity, and verb vocabulary learning. The study is based on data about the relationship between lexical development and grammatical development, and also on proposals that a critical mass of vocabulary is needed in order to develop a grammatical component. The sample comprised six subjects who are monolingual or bilingual in Catalan andlor Spanish. Results show a morphological spurt some time afer the learning of a certain quantity of verbs. Moreover, syntactic complexity is only evident some months after this morphological spurt
In the present work, we provide some considerations about the role of scientific communication in Chemistry Education. Such considerations may subsidize the development of communication in scientific language by Chemistry students. These considerations are based on information collected during a participatory research for the production of didactic material about scientific communication. The meetings were audio recorded and the contents of the participants' speeches were divided into categories. The category analysis supported the elaboration of the considerations.
Este trabajo se centra en estudiar la adquisición de la morfología verbal en una lengua con un paradigma verbal morfológicamente rico. Se predice que los niños de dos años no mostrarán productividad morfológica ante verbos desconocidos. La muestra se compone de 12 sujetos de edades comprendidas entre los 22 y los 31 meses. El procedimiento, de tipo experimental, se caracteriza por entrenar a los niños con verbos inventados. Los resultados muestran que los sujetos solamente utilizan los nuevos verbos con la forma morfológica con la que se han presentado. También se observa la omisión de determinados constituyentes de la oración. Estos resultados se discuten en relación con la asunción de discontinuidad de las competencias lingüísticas infantiles
The chemist must master a number of abilities. These include a solid knowledge of theory and the capacity to devise theoretical problems. The chemist is also expected to solve problems. In order to improve these abilities, this work aimed to evaluate several tools, such as the use of contextualization, problem-based learning and the interdisciplinary approach. In the methodology developed, undergraduate students had to investigate and propose a hypothesis, suggesting how physical changes took place in inappropriately stored drugs. The interdisciplinary approach is achieved by connecting public interest, chemistry, biology and pharmacology concepts. The tools can improve these abilities required for a well-prepared chemist.
The importance of teaching scientific communication skills in undergraduate chemistry courses is well recognized. This paper provides an overview of didactic activities in which students engage to improve these skills. The study was based on an extensive literature review performed on the Journal of Chemical Education and on the Journal of College Science Teaching, in the years spanning from 1991 to 2010, and on The Chemical Educator, from 1996 to 2010. The findings from the study provided an opportunity to expand the knowledge on the variety of methods and contents used to teach scientific communication skills in undergraduate chemistry education, as well as to deepen our understanding of the effects of different approaches to teaching on performance in practice.
Blogs and other technology tools are commonly used in our society. Although we are familiar with the use of technology for social interaction, its application in the classroom environment is still not fully appreciated by the teaching community as a useful learning tool. This paper sheds light on this use by presenting the analysis of the comments posted on a blog used by undergraduate chemistry students for a scientific communication undergraduate course. On the course, students used the blog to ask questions and discuss assignments. All the comments were monitored by the professor and her teaching assistant, who also posted their comments. We analyzed the content of these comments using the model proposed by Henri and adapted by McKenzie and Murphy. The results show a predominance of administrative comments, followed by course content comments. The findings also indicated that this tool complements classroom discussions, supports the participation of students who would otherwise not take part, and allows a continuous learning process for all the students. We concluded that the use of blogs improved the classroom experience and supported the instructional classroom activities.
O presente trabalho se orienta pela hipótese de que a reflexão sobre a linguagem e a crítica do fetichismo mercantil, de Guy Debord, são aspectos inseparáveis de um único e mesmo ponto de partida da crítica da "sociedade do espetáculo", centrado na crítica da linguagem e da forma-mercadoria. Debord se posiciona por uma transição, no que diz respeito ao horizonte da reflexão estética e social sobre a linguagem, do conceito de expressão ao de comunicação ou diálogo. Ele busca recolher e manter, ultrapassando-a, a natureza crítica da expressão não-comunicativa (e, por isso, refratária à "pseudocomunicação" da sociedade burguesa), tal como concebida e experienciada pela arte moderna e as vanguardas do início do século XX, formulando a perspectiva crítica social da comunicação direta.
The main focus of the present thesis was at verbal episodic memory processes that are particularly vulnerable to preclinical and clinical Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Here these processes were studied by a word learning paradigm, cutting across the domains of memory and language learning studies. Moreover, the differentiation between normal aging, mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and AD was studied by the cognitive screening test CERAD. In study I, the aim was to examine how patients with amnestic MCI differ from healthy controls in the different CERAD subtests. Also, the sensitivity and specificity of the CERAD screening test to MCI and AD was examined, as previous studies on the sensitivity and specificity of the CERAD have not included MCI patients. The results indicated that MCI is characterized by an encoding deficit, as shown by the overall worse performance on the CERAD Wordlist learning test compared with controls. As a screening test, CERAD was not very sensitive to MCI. In study II, verbal learning and forgetting in amnestic MCI, AD and healthy elderly controls was investigated with an experimental word learning paradigm, where names of 40 unfamiliar objects (mainly archaic tools) were trained with or without semantic support. The object names were trained during a 4-day long period and a follow-up was conducted one week, 4 weeks and 8 weeks after the training period. Manipulation of semantic support was included in the paradigm because it was hypothesized that semantic support might have some beneficial effects in the present learning task especially for the MCI group, as semantic memory is quite well preserved in MCI in contrast to episodic memory. We found that word learning was significantly impaired in MCI and AD patients, whereas forgetting patterns were similar across groups. Semantic support showed a beneficial effect on object name retrieval in the MCI group 8 weeks after training, indicating that the MCI patients’ preserved semantic memory abilities compensated for their impaired episodic memory. The MCI group performed equally well as the controls in the tasks tapping incidental learning and recognition memory, whereas the AD group showed impairment. Both the MCI and the AD group benefited less from phonological cueing than the controls. Our findings indicate that acquisition is compromised in both MCI and AD, whereas long13 term retention is not affected to the same extent. Incidental learning and recognition memory seem to be well preserved in MCI. In studies III and IV, the neural correlates of naming newly learned objects were examined in healthy elderly subjects and in amnestic MCI patients by means of positron emission tomography (PET) right after the training period. The naming of newly learned objects by healthy elderly subjects recruited a left-lateralized network, including frontotemporal regions and the cerebellum, which was more extensive than the one related to the naming of familiar objects (study III). Semantic support showed no effects on the PET results for the healthy subjects. The observed activation increases may reflect lexicalsemantic and lexical-phonological retrieval, as well as more general associative memory mechanisms. In study IV, compared to the controls, the MCI patients showed increased anterior cingulate activation when naming newly learned objects that had been learned without semantic support. This suggests a recruitment of additional executive and attentional resources in the MCI group.
Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo analisar como as Tecnologias da Informação e da Comunicação são utilizadas como possibilidade pedagógica para criar um ambiente de aprendizado e que contribuições podem trazer para a interdisciplinaridade prevista nas atuais diretrizes curriculares nacionais do ensino médico. A análise de dados enfatizou os seguintes temas: o projeto político- pedagógico no âmbito das diretrizes curriculares do ensino médico; as tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação no enfoque interdisciplinar; seus entraves na práxis pedagógica. As reflexões preliminares apontaram para os seguintes aspectos: a importância do projeto político pedagógico como norteador dos objetivos do ensino; a integração interdisciplinar como um processo para a melhoria da qualidade do ensino; as TIC como um instrumento facilitador da aprendizagem; as dificuldades dos discentes frente à seleção de informações no ambiente virtual; e, finalmente, o desafio para a formação do médico generalista.