888 resultados para Biodegradable nanoparticle


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We have developed a novel nanoparticle tracking based interface microrheology technique to perform in situ studies on confined complex fluids. To demonstrate the power of this technique, we show, for the first time, how in situ glass formation in polymers confined at air-water interface can be directly probed by monitoring variation of the mean square displacement of embedded nanoparticles as a function of surface density. We have further quantified the appearance of dynamic heterogeneity and hence vitrification in polymethyl methacrylate monolayers above a certain surface density, through the variation of non-Gaussian parameter of the probes. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3471584].


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Tämän pro gradu -tutkielman tarkoituksena on määrittää jätteenkeräyksen ja -siirron yhteiskunnalliset kustannukset valitulla tutkimusalueella Helsingin Punavuoressa. Jätteenkeräyksen ja -siirron kustannukset vastaavat suuruudeltaan merkittävää osaa jätehuollon kokonaiskustannuksista, minkä vuoksi kustannusten tutkimiselle ja tarkastelulle löytyy kysyntää. Lisäksi keräyksen ja siirron kustannukset saattavat vaihdella suuresti johtuen erilaisista kaupunkirakenteista,keräysmenetelmistä ja teknologioista, joten tapaustarkastelun avulla pystytään selvittämään yksityiskohtaisesti alueen jätteenkeräyksen ja -siirron kustannukset. Tutkimusalue Helsingin Punavuoressa on yksi Suomen tiheimmin asutuista alueista, missä jätteidenkeräystä hankaloittaa kapeat kadut, useat sisäpihoille sijoitetut jätehuoneet ja vilkas liikenne. Erityispiirteidensä vuoksi jätteenkeräys- ja siirto aiheuttaa tutkimusalueella yksityisten kustannusten lisäksi myös useita ulkoisvaikutuksia muun muassa ilmansaasteiden ja viihtyvyyshaittojen muodossa. Tässä työssä lasketaan jätteenkeräyksen ja -siirron yhteiskunnalliset kustannukset neljän eri jätelajin osalta huomioimalla sekä yksityiset kustannustekijät että ulkoiskustannuksina syntyvien päästöjen kustannukset. Työn aineistona on käytetty erilaisia kustannuslaskelmien kirjallisuuslähteitä, asiantuntija-arvioita ja tutkimusalueella tehtyjä kellotusmittauksia. Alueen kellotusmittauksiin perustuvalla aikaperusteisella laskentatavalla jätteenkeräyksen ja -siirron jätetonnikohtaisiksi keskimääräisiksi kustannuksiksi saatiin 73 €/t. Kustannuksissa havaittiin kuitenkin suuria jätelajikohtaisia eroja, jolloin keräyksen ja siirron kustannukset heittelivät 49–125 €/t välillä. Suuret jätelajikohtaiset kustannuserot ovat selitettävissä pitkälti jätteiden koostumuksella, koska kevyiden ja paljon tilaa vievien jätelajien jätetonnikohtaiset kustannukset olivat suurimpia. Teoriataustan ja lähdeaineiston perusteella saadut tulokset myös osoittavat, että jätteenkeräyksen ja siirron kustannuksista huomioitujen ulkoiskustannusten osuus on häviävän pieni verrattuna yksityisten kustannusten tasoon.


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We present the results on the evolution of microscopic dynamics of hybrid nanoparticles and their binary mixtures as a function of temperature and wave vector. We find unexpectedly a nonmonotonic dependence of the structural relaxation time of the nanoparticles as a function of the morphology. In binary mixtures of two of the largest nanoparticles studied, we observe re-entrant vitrification as a function of the volume fraction of the smaller nanoparticle, which is unusual for such high diameter ratio. Possible explanation for the observed behavior is provided. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. doi:10.1063/1.3495480]


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Syövän diagnostiikassa ja hoidossa nanopartikkelit voivat toimia kuljetinaineina lääke- ja diagnostisille aineille tai nukleiinihappojaksoille. Kantaja-aineeseen voidaan liittää kohdennusmolekyylejä partikkelien passiivista tai aktiivista kohdennusta varten tai radioleima kuvantamista tai radioterapiaa varten. Kantaja-aineiden avulla voidaan parantaa lääkeaineen fysikaalis-kemiallisia ominaisuuksia ja biologista hyötyosuutta, vähentää systeemisiä sivuvaikutuksia, pidentää lääkeaineen puoliintumisaikaa ja siten harventaa annosteluväliä, sekä parantaa lääkeaineen pääsyä kohdekudokseen. Näin voidaan parantaa kemo- ja radioterapian tehoa ja hoidon onnistumisen todennäköisyyttä. Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa perehdytään nanokantajien rooliin syövän hoidossa. Vuosikymmeniä jatkuneesta tutkimuksesta huolimatta vain kaksi (Eurooppa) tai kolme (Yhdysvallat) nanopartikkeliformulaatiota on hyväksytty markkinoille syövän hoidossa. Ongelmina ovat riittämätön hakeutuminen kohdekudokseen, immunogeenisyys ja nanopartikkelien labiilius. Kokeellisessa osassa tutkitaan in vitro ja hiirillä in vivo 99mTc-leimattujen, PEG-verhoiltujen biotiiniliposomien kaksivaiheista kohdennusta ihmisen munasarjan adenokarsinoomasoluihin. Kohdentamiseen käytetään biotinyloitua setuksimabi-(Erbitux®) vasta-ainetta, joka sitoutuu solujen yli-ilmentämiin EGF-reseptoreihin. Kaksivaiheista kohdennusta verrataan suoraan ja/tai passiiviseen kohdennukseen. Tehokkaampien kuvantamismenetelmien kehitys on vauhdittanut kohdennettujen nanopartikkelien tutkimusta. Isotooppikuvantamista käyttäen pystytään seuraamaan radioleiman jakautumista elimistössä ja kuvantamaan solutasolla tapahtuvia ilmiöitä. Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa perehdytään SPECT- ja PET-kuvantamiseen syövän hoidossa, sekä niiden hyödyntämiseen lääkekehityksessä nanopartikkelien kuvantamisessa. Kyseiset kuvantamismenetelmät erottuvat muista menetelmistä korkean erotuskyvyn, herkkyyden ja helppokäyttöisyyden suhteen. Kokeellisessa osassa 99mTc-leimattujen liposomien distribuutiota hiirissä tutkittiin SPECT-CT-laitteen avulla. Aktiivisuus kasvaimessa, pernassa ja maksassa kvantifioitiin InVivoScope-ohjelman ja gammalaskijan avulla. Tuloksia verrattiin keskenään. In vitro-kokeessa saavutettiin kaksivaiheisella kohdennuksella 2,7- 3,5-kertainen (solulinjasta riippuen) hakeutuminen soluihin kontrolliliposomeihin verrattuna. Kuitenkin suora kohdennus toimi kaksivaiheista kohdennusta paremmin in vitro. In vivo –kokeissa liposomit jakautuivat kasvaimeen tehokkaammin i.p.-annosteltuna kuin i.v.-annosteltuna. Kaksivaiheisella kohdennuksella saavutettiin 1,24-kertainen jakautuminen kasvaimeen (% ID/g kudosta) passiivisesti kohdennettuihin liposomeihin verrattuna. %ID/elin oli kohdennetuilla liposomeilla 5,9 % ja passiivisesti kohdennetuilla 5,4%. Todellinen ero oli siis pieni. InVivoScope:n ja gammalaskijan tulokset eivät korreloineet keskenään. Lisätutkimuksia ja menetelmän optimointia vaaditaan liposomien kohdennuksessa kasvaimeen.


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The variation in the bulk modulus of semiconductor nanoparticles has been studied within first-principles electronic-structure calculations using the local density approximation (LDA) for the exchange correlation. Quantum Monte Carlo calculations carried out for a silicon nanocrystal Si87H76 provided reasonable agreement with the LDA results. An enhancement was observed in the bulk modulus as the size of the nanoparticle was decreased, with modest enhancements being predicted for the largest nanoparticles studied here, a size just accessible in experiments. To access larger sizes, we fit our calculated bulk moduli to the same empirical law for all materials, the asymptote of which is the bulk value of the modulus. This was found to be within 2-10% of the independently calculated value. The origin of the enhancement has been discussed in terms of Cohen's empirical law M.L. Cohen, Phys. Rev. B 32, 7988 (1985)] as well as other possible scenarios.


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The formation of nanoscale liquid droplets by friction of a solid is observed in real-time. This is achieved using a newly developed in situ transmission electron microscope (TEM) triboprobe capable of applying multiple reciprocating wear cycles to a nanoscale surface. Dynamical imaging of the nanoscale cyclic rubbing of a focused-ion-beam (FIB) processed Al alloy by diamond shows that the generation of nanoscale wear particles is followed by a phase separation to form liquid Ga nanodroplets and liquid bridges. The transformation of a two-body system to a four-body solid-liquid system within the reciprocating wear track significantly alters the local dynamical friction and wear processes. Moving liquid bridges are observed in situ to play a key role at the sliding nanocontact, interacting strongly with the highly mobile nanoparticle debris. In situ imaging demonstrates that both static and moving liquid droplets exhibit asymmetric menisci due to nanoscale surface roughness. Nanodroplet kinetics are furthermore dependent on local frictional temperature, with solid-like surface nanofilaments forming on cooling. TEM nanotribology opens up new avenues for the real-time quantification of cyclic friction, wear and dynamic solid-liquid nanomechanics, which will have widespread applications in many areas of nanoscience and nanotechnology.


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In this paper, we report an enhancement in ionic conductivity in a new nano-composite solid polymer electrolyte namely, (PEG) (x) LiBr: y(SiO2). The samples were prepared, characterized, and investigated by XRD, IR, NMR, and impedance spectroscopy. Conductivity as a function of salt concentration shows a double peak. Five weight percent addition of silica nanoparticles increases the ionic conductivity by two orders of magnitude. Conductivity exhibits an Arrhenius type dependence on temperature. IR study has shown that the existence of nanoparticles in the vicinity of terminal OaEuro center dot H group results in a shift in IR absorption frequency and increase in amplitude of vibration of the terminal OaEuro center dot H group. This might lead to an enhancement in conductivity due to increased segmental motion of the polymer. Li-7 NMR spectroscopic studies also seem to support this. Thus addition of nanoparticle inert fillers still seems to be a promising technique to enhance the ionic conductivity in solid polymer electrolytes.


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Epoxy nanocomposite samples with a good dispersion of alumina nanoparticles in epoxy matrix were prepared and experiments were performed to measure their partial discharge resistant characteristics. Epoxy alumina nanocomposites with 0.1, 1, 5, 10 and 15 wt% nanofillers were prepared in the laboratory and partial discharge (PD) experiments were conducted at a voltage of 10 kV for different durations using IEC (b) type electrodes. The degradation of the sample surfaces were analyzed using SEM techniques, surface profile studies, FTIR spectroscopy as well as PD studies. An attempt was made to understand the interaction dynamics between the nanoparticle and the epoxy chain by measuring the glass transition temperature of the nanocomposites. The partial discharge resistance obtained for the nanocomposites are compared with those of unfilled epoxy and epoxy microcomposites. It was observed that even with 0.1 wt% of nanofiller added to the epoxy matrix, the partial discharge resistance to degradation gets improved considerably. It was also observed that the inter particle distance has a significant effect on the discharge resistance to degradation. The improvement in the degradation resistance is attributed to the interactions between the nanoparticle and the epoxy chain. A possible mechanism for the surface degradation of nanocomposites has been proposed.


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One of the scientific challenges of growing InN quantum dots (QDs), using Molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), is to understand the fundamental processes that control the morphology and distribution of QDs. A systematic manipulation of the morphology, optical emission, and structural properties of InN/Si (111) QDs is demonstrated by changing the growth kinetics parameters such as flux rate and growth time. Due to the large lattice mismatch, between InN and Si (similar to 8%), the dots formed from the Strannski-Krastanow (S-K) growth mode are dislocated. Despite the variations in strain (residual) and the shape, both the dot size and pair separation distribution show the scaling behavior. We observed that the distribution of dot sizes, for samples grown under varying conditions, follow the scaling function.


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The present investigation explores the adaptability of a microwave assisted route to obtain silver nanoparticles by the reduction of AgNO3 with vanillin, an environmentally benign material. Anionic surfactants such as AOT and SDS were used separately for encapsulating AgNPs and their role was compared. The UV-Visible absorption spectra present a broad SPR band consisting of two peaks suggesting the formation of silver nanoparticle with bimodal size distribution. The TEM image shows particles with spherical and hexagonal morphologies which confirms the results of UV-Vis studies. The anisotropy in the particle morphology can be attributed to the surface oxidation which in turn produces Ag@Ag2O core-shell nanostructures. Thus an intriguing feature of this system is that the obtained colloid is a mixture of AgNPs with and without Ag2O layers. Studies on the influence of pH on the stability of the synthesized nanoparticles revealed that the presence of excess Ag2O layers has a profound influence on it. Ag2O layers can be removed from AgNPs' surface by changing the solution pH to the acidic regime. The present study attests the enhanced ability of AOT in stabilizing the AgNPs in aqueous media. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The presence of residual chlorine and organic matter govern the bacterial regrowth within a water distribution system. The bacterial growth model is essential to predict the spatial and temporal variation of all these substances throughout the system. The parameters governing the bacterial growth and biodegradable dissolved organic carbon (BDOC) utilization are difficult to determine by experimentation. In the present study, the estimation of these parameters is addressed by using simulation-optimization procedure. The optimal solution by genetic algorithm (GA) has indicated that the proper combination of parameter values are significant rather than correct individual values. The applicability of the model is illustrated using synthetic data generated by introducing noise in to the error-free measurements. The GA was found to be a potential tool in estimating the parameters controlling the bacterial growth and BDOC utilization. Further, the GA was also used for evaluating the sensitivity issues relating parameter values and objective function. It was observed that mu and k(cl) are more significant and dominating compared to the other parameters. But the magnitude of the parameters is also an important issue in deciding the dominance of a particular parameter. GA is found to be a useful tool in autocalibration of bacterial growth model and a sensitivity study of parameters.


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A new class of biodegradable copolyesters was synthesized by the catalyst-free melt condensation of sorbitol with citric acid, tartaric acid, and sebacic acid. The resulting polymers were designated as poly(sorbitol citric sebacate) p(SCS)] and poly(sorbitol tartaric sebacate) p(STS)]. The synthesized polymers were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, H-1-NMR spectroscopy, and differential scanning calorimetry analysis. Porous spongelike scaffolds were prepared with a salt-leaching technique and characterized with scanning electron microscopy. Tensile testing of the p(SCS) and p(STS) polymers showed that they exhibited a wide range of mechanical properties. The Young's modulus and tensile strengths of the polymers ranged from 1.06 +/- 0.12 to 462.65 +/- 34.21 MPa and from 0.45 +/- 0.04 to 20.32 +/- 2.54 MPa, respectively. In vitro degradation studies were performed on disc-shaped polymer samples. The half-life of the polymers ranged from 0.54 to 38.52 days. The percentage hydration of the polymers was in the range 9.36 +/- 1.26 to 78.25 +/- 1.91, with sol contents of 2-14%. At any given polymer composition, the Young's modulus and tensile strength of p(SCS) was higher than that of p(STS), whereas the degradation rates of p(SCS) was lower than that of p(STS). This was attributed to the structural difference between the citric and tartaric monomers and to the degree of crosslinking. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 121: 2861-2869, 2011


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Raman studies have been carried out on CdSe nanotubes and ZnSe nanorods produced by surfactant-assisted synthesis. The Raman spectrum of CdSe nanotubes shows modes at 207.5 and 198 cm(-1); the former arises from the longitudinal optic phonon mode red-shifted with respect to the bulk mode because of phonon confinement, and the latter is the I = 1 surface phonon. Analysis based on the phonon confinement model demonstrates that the size of the nanoparticle responsible for the red-shift is about 4 nm, close to the estimate from the blue-shift of the photoluminescence. The Raman spectrum of ZnSe,nanorods shows modes at 257 and 213 cm(-1), assigned to longitudinal and transverse optic phonons, blue-shifted with respect to the bulk ZnSe modes because of compressive strain. The mode at 237 cm(-1) is the surface phonon.


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The ion conduction and thermal properties of composite solid polymer electrolyte (SPE) comprising Poly(ethylene) Glycol (PEG, mol wt. 2000), lithium perchlorate (LiClO4) and insulating Mn0.03Zn0.97Al2O4 nanoparticle fillers were studied by complex impedance analysis and DSC techniques. The average size of the nanoparticles was determined by powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) using Scherrer's equation and was found to be similar to 8 nm. The same was also determined by TEM imaging and found to be similar to 12 nm. The glass transition temperature T, as measured by differential scanning calorimeter (DSC), showed a minimum at 5 mol% of narroparticles. Fractional crystallinity was determined using DSC. NMR was used to deter-mine crystallinity of a pure PEG sample, which was then used as the standard. Fractional crystallinity X. was the lowest for 5 mol% and beyond. The ionic conductivity of the composite polymer electrolyte containing 5 mol% Mn0.03Zn0.97Al2O4 nanoparticles was found to be 1.82 x 10(-5) S/cm, while for the pristine one, it was 7.27 x 10(-7) S/cm at room temperature. As a function of nanoparticle content, conductivity was observed to go through two maxima, one at around 5 mol% and another shallower one at around 12 mol%. The temperature dependence of conductivity could be divided into two regions, one consistent with Arrhenius behaviour and the other with VTF. We conclude that the enhancement of ionic conductivity on the addition of Mn0.03Zn0.97Al2O4 nanoparticles is a result of reduction in both the T, and the crystallinity. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Nanoparticle synthesis in a microemulsion route is typically controlled by changing the water to surfactant ratio, concentration of precursors, and/or concentration of micelles. The experiments carried out in this work with chloroauric acid and hydrazine hydrate as precursors in water/AOT-Brij30/isooctane microemulsions show that the reagent addition rate can also be used to tune the size of stable spherical gold nanoparticles to some extent. The particle size goes through a minimum with variation in feed addition rate. The increase in particle size with an increase in reaction temperature is in agreement with an earlier report. A population balance model is used to interpret the experimental findings. The reduced extent of nucleation at low feed addition rates and suppression of nucleation due to the finite rate of mixing at higher addition rates produce a minimum in particle size. The increase in particle size at higher reaction temperatures is explained through an increase in fusion efficiency of micelles which dissipates supersaturation; increase in solubility is shown to play an insignificant role. The moderate polydispersity of the synthesized particles is due to the continued nucleation and growth of particles. The polydispersity of micelle sizes by itself plays a minor role.