908 resultados para Bento Gonçalves
Abstract In the current historiographical production there is a manifest interest for the history of female religiosity. The mystic phenomenon, the everyday life and the temporal dimension of the communities, in terms of familiar and social connection to the outside of cloistered spaces, manifestations of creativity and culture, are increasingly treated issues. This interest is also expressed about the Cistercian Order in Portugal. In the female branch, the monastery of St. Benedict of Cástris, officially Cistercian for more than 700 years, has been the target of an interdisciplinary approach that intents to appreciate the impact of the reflections of the Council of Trent in the musical praxis of the nuns. This community, subject to Alcobaça and controlled through Visitors, registers in its documentation not only the presence of nuns that sang and played various instruments, arising mainly from Évora region, a city with a recognized musical tradition, but also registers various expenses related with the musical practice of the monastery. Resumo Regista-se, na actual produção historiográfica, um interesse manifesto pela história da religiosidade feminina. O fenómeno místico, o viver quotidiano e a dimensão temporal das comunidades, em termos de ligação familiar e social ao exterior dos espaços-clausura, as manifestações de criatividade e cultura, são questões cada vez mais tratadas. Esse interesse manifesta-se também para a Ordem de Cister em Portugal, sendo que, no ramo feminino, o mosteiro de S. Bento de Cástris, oficialmente cisterciense há mais de 700 anos, vem sendo alvo de uma abordagem multidisciplinar que procura apreciar os reflexos do Concílio de Trento na praxis musical das religiosas. Esta comunidade, sujeita a Alcobaça e por ela controlada através dos Visitadores, regista na sua documentação não só a presença de religiosas cantoras e tangedoras de vários instrumentos, oriundas maioritariamente da região de Évora, cidade com uma tradição musical reconhecida, como diversas despesas relacionadas com a prática musical do mosteiro.
Esta publicação pretende ser um manual de apoio às aulas práticas de Desenho Técnico Assistido por Computador, no âmbito da unidade curricular Geomática, permitindo ao aluno atingir mais facilmente os objetivos da disciplina: introdução ao AutoCAD, projeções, cotagem, perspetivas, desenho a três dimensões, cortes e secções.
The Chapel of Nossa Senhora do Rosário is located in the cloister of the São Bento de Cástris monastery and shows off a blue and white tile panel with 6 tiles of height, representing the scenes of the Life of the Virgin in five panels: Adoration of the Shepherds, Presentation of the Virgin in the Temple, Annunciation, Visitation and The Marriage of the Virgin. The authorship of this work is unknown and its date has not yet found consensus. The tiles are in poor condition and have been the target of repeated vandalism or attempted theft over time. During the Residência Cisterciense (Cistercian Residence), held in São Bento de Cástris in September 2013, it has been made a survey of the tile panel’s observable damages including graphic and photographic record of its condition.
As Residências Cistercienses em S. Bento de Cástris que se vêm realizando desde 2013 têm como primeiro objectivo reinventar na contemporaneidade a densidade histórica do discurso cisterciense, integrando a realidade deste mosteiro tanto numa ampla geografia da Ordem de Cister em Portugal e na Europa, como na história da região e do país. Inspiradas nas questões da História, da Arte, da Arquitectura, da Música, do Património e da Paisagem, as Residências Cistercienses em Cástris vêm apostando no debate de questões actuais ligadas aos espaços monásticos e ao seu futuro, nomeadamente os cistercienses. Esta aposta concretiza-se também no presente trabalho, DO ESPÍRITO DO LUGAR. ESTÉTICA. SILÊNCIO, ESPAÇO, LUZ, resultado das I e II Residências Cistercienses (2013 e 2014), e integra estudos que se reportam especialmente ao Silêncio e às suas várias linguagens e significados e às dimensões da Estética monástico-religiosa, com algum privilégio para as temáticas da Música. A apropriação do mosteiro pelo silêncio e pela música e a apreciação do espólio musical e instrumental de S. Bento de Cástris permitem uma melhor percepção das diversidades conjunturais e dos seus ritmos, aliando-se às dimensões de valorização patrimonial, eacompanhando-as de sugestões estéticas na pintura, escultura, pintura mural, azulejaria…, no sentido da fruição plena dos espaços. A riqueza deste evento, a Residência Cisterciense no mosteiro de S. Bento de Cástris, permitirá que o futuro deste património, de tanta diversidade e espessura histórico-cultural, continue a ser debatido e a justificar edições futuras resultantes dos trabalhos de investigação aí apresentados e debatidos.
Memória e identidade encontram-se intrinsecamente ligadas ao património arquitectónico. Sensíveis ao passar do tempo, estes conceitos adaptaram-se atribuindo aos sítios novos significados. O Mosteiro de São Bento de Cástris em Évora, classificado como Monumento Nacional e sendo o primeiro mosteiro cisterciense a Sul do Tejo, foi também celeiro agrícola e mais tarde instituição de acolhimento de menores, encontra-se actualmente desocupado. Questiona-se assim, qual a actual identidade deste lugar? Através do estudo dos valores culturais materiais e imateriais do lugar, no período entre 1957 a 2016, esta investigação procurará identificar esta identidade através do registo das memórias recentes do lugar, da bibliografia específica e da análise do conjunto edificado. Considerando os princípios emanados pela UNESCO que consideram que a preservação do património deve respeitar a autenticidade e integridade dos bens culturais, que permanece na identidade registada na memória, procurouse entender a relação entre a contínua utilização do mosteiro e a estima colectiva por este património arquitectónico, essencial para a continuidade da sua identidade no futuro; The Monastery of São Bento de Cástris: Memory and Identity ABSTRACT: Memory and identity are intrinsically connected to architectural heritage. Their adaptability through time, results in the development of new meanings to the places. The Monastery of São Bento de Cástris in Évora, classified as National Heritage, the first Cistercian monastery built in the South of Portugal, was later a farm barn, a foster care institution and is now empty. Thus a question is posed: what is the current identity of this monastery? Through the study of the place’s material and immaterial cultural values, focus on the period from 1957-2016, this research aims to identify the identity based on the memories of the place, in specific bibliography, and in the analysis of the built environment. Following the UNESCO principles which consider that heritage conservation should respect the integrity and authenticity of the cultural assets, the impact of the continuous usage of the monastery was studied as a method to understand the collective esteem for this architectural heritage, which is vital to the preservation of its identity in the future.
A partir do significado do claustro para a arquitectura cisterciense, procura-se, numa perspectiva histórica e arquitectónica, analisar a aplicação dos princípios cistercienses no mosteiro feminino de S. Bento de Cástris.
O presente artigo comprova a presença de repertório italianizante nos mosteiros e conventos femininos portugueses no final do século XVIII e inícios do século XIX.Foi analisada particularmente a documentação do mosteiro cisterciense de S. Bento de Cástris (Évora) e do convento beneditino da Avé-Maria (Porto), permitindo elencar compositores e obras, acrescentando novas informações acerca da praxis musical das religiosas no período referido.
A partir do modelo definido pela Ordem de Ciser relativamente às funções dos claustros nos conjuntos edificados pela Ordem, será analisado o caso concreto do claustro do mosteiro cisterciense feminino de S. Bento de Cástris no que respeita à aplicação desse modelo.
The planning for Knowledge Cities faces significant challenges due to the lack of effective information tools. These challenges are magnified while planning healthy communities. The Australian Health Information Council (AHIC) concluded in its last report that health information needs to be shared more effectively (AHIC, 2008). Some research justifies the use of Decision Support Systems (DSS) as an E-planning tool, particularly in the context of healthy communities. However, very limited research has been conducted in this area to date, especially in terms of evaluating the impact of these tools on decision-makers within the health planning practice. The paper presents the methodological instruments which were developed to measure the impact of the E-planning tool (i.e., Health Decision Support System [HDSS])) on a group of health planners, namely, the Logan Beaudesert Health Coalition (LBHC). The paper is focused on the culture in which decisions were made before and after the intervention of the HDSS. Subsequently, the paper presents the observed impact of the HDSS tool, to facilitate a knowledge-based decision-making approach. This study is an attempt to make some contribution to the Knowledge Cities literature in the context of planning healthy communities by adopting E-planning tools.
Stormwater pollution has been recognised as one of the main causes of aquatic ecosystem degradation and poses a significant threat to both the goal of ecological sustainable development as well as human health and wellbeing. In response, water sensitive urban design (WSUD) practices have been put forward as a strategy to mitigate the detrimental impacts of urban stormwater runoff quality and to safeguard ecosystem functions. However, despite studies that support its efficiency in urban stormwater management, the mainstreaming of WSUD remains a significant challenge. This paper proposes that viewing WSUD through the lens of the integrated urban metabolism framework which encourages an interdisciplinary approach and facilitates dialogue through knowledge transfer is a strategy in which the implementation of WSUD can be mainstreamed.
Urban settlements, with their role as economic and governance nerve centres, are rapidly expanding in size and in consumption of resources, and consequently have significant impacts on the environment. The transition to an ‘eco-city’ - an urban settlement that adopts the goals and principles in the urban metabolism model - needs to occur to meet the challenges posed by a multitude of pressures including population growth, climate change and resource depletion. Thus, the adoption and integration of ‘sustainable development’ into the management of urban growth is one of the most critical governance issues for urban settlements. A framework in which sustainable development can be achieved is through the lenses of the established theoretical concept of ‘urban metabolism’. The key facet of the proposed ‘Integrated Urban Metabolism Framework’ is the provision of a platform whereby different fields can appreciate, absorb and learn from other areas, to increase the understanding of where each and every one of the pieces fit together in order to create a larger, holistic approach to the currently stagnant problem of unsustainable development.
The concept of knowledge-based urban development has first come to the urban planning and development agenda during the very last years of the 20th century as a promising paradigm to support the transformation process of cities into knowledge cities and their societies into knowledge societies. However, soon after the exponentially rapid advancements experienced, during the first decade of the 21st century, particularly, in the domains of economy, society, management and technology along with the severe impacts of climate change, have made the redefinition of the term a necessity. This paper, first, reports the findings of the review of the relatively short but dynamic history of urbanisation experiences of our cities around the globe. The paper, then, focuses on the 21st century urbanisation context and discusses the conceptual base of the knowledge-based development of cities and how this concept found application ground in many parts of the world. Following this, the paper speculates development of future cities by particularly highlighting potential challenges and opportunities that previously have not been fully considered. This paper, lastly, introduces and elaborates how relevant theories support the better conceptualisation of this relatively new, but rapidly emerging paradigm, and redefines it accordingly.
Rapid urbanisation of the global population over the last two centuries has inevitably brought with it a number of challenges and opportunities for economic, environmental and social sustainability of regions. This is arguably a result of rapid globalisation and subsequent growth in knowledge and service based economic markets. This paper reviews the introduction of a specialised teaching structure where the concepts of Knowledge Based Urban Development and Knowledge Cities were taught to various students of the discipline of Urban and Regional Planning at the Queensland University of Technology, through their study tour to the city of Taipei, Taiwan. The concepts were conveyed under the name ‘Taipei Metropolis Knowledge Based Regional Planning Studio’ and its methodology reviewed a series of tasks that was considered to provide a stronger level of understanding of how Knowledge Cities and Knowledge Based Urban Development had been formed in some areas of Taiwan. Findings from this international collaborative planning studio indicate that students have gained a greater level of understanding and insight into planning systems and processes in a trans-cultural context. The students have also been exposed to ideas and knowledge that have challenged conventional perspectives and encouraged global awareness.
Although advances in technology now enable people to communicate 'anytime, anyplace', it is not clear how citizens can be motivated to actually do so. This paper evaluates the impact of three principles of psychological empowerment, namely perceived self-efficacy, sense of community and causal importance, on public transport passengers' motivation to report issues and complaints while on the move. A week-long study with 65 participants revealed that self-efficacy and causal importance increased participation in short bursts and increased perceptions of service quality over longer periods. Finally, we discuss the implications of these findings for citizen participation projects and reflect on design opportunities for mobile technologies that motivate citizen participation.