762 resultados para Basilio Bessarión, cardenal
It has been said so much about "Life is a Dream" that it seems not to be probable to say anything more, but on the other hand there is such a disagreement and plurality concerning the criticism that is related to the work that it looks like there is still so much left to say about it. Being the debate between these two views, our work tries to focus on the consequences that are derived from the analysis of a character who is never appeared on the stage and is barely named along the text. This character is not other but Clorilene. It has been only two times in which her name comes on the scene and that is the reason why the critics have considered appropriated to talk about two different characters. However, there have also been some people who support the idea about these two Clorilene could be the same character, that is the same person. All doubts are left out by contextualizing the subject and taking into account that if Clorilene who is Basiliós sister and the other Clorilene who is Basiliós wife are the same character, then we would be talking that such a coincidence could be incest. So Segismundo would be the son of such incest. On our opinion, there is no need to insist more on the legitimacy of the incestuous reading of "Life is a Dream", so the contributions we count on are enough to be sure about their validity. However, our work takes an enough span to account for the accumulated bibliography about the case, although it is not very numerous, it is useful. The aim of this thesis is not to question the existence of the incest. It would not be a novelty and as we have said before, the incest is there and it works. However, what is still left to do is an exercise of general interpretation about "Life is a Dream" and to analyze to what extend it could be relevant the reason for the incest or if it is not other thing that a word game that the author ventured without much pretension that the "onomastic incest" which Maurice Molho referred to...
The research on the effect of melatonin on intraocular pressure (IOP) is reviewed from the hystorical point of view of our laboratory. The original idea of melatonin modulating intraocular pressure has been improved by using selective compounds for MT2 and specially melatonin MT3 receptors. The selective compound 5-methoxyamino N-acetyltryptamine (5-MCA-NAT) has been an attractive compound due to its ability to reduce IOP about 40%, therefore being a good candidate to the treatment of the ocular hypertension linked to glaucoma. More compounds have been developed and tested permitting us to have a more accurate panorama of those receptors controlling the relevant process of intraocular pressure.
La influencia de John Henry Newman en la reflexión educativa del último medio siglo pretende demostrar que el núcleo de la teoría educativa newmaniana constituye el referente a partir del cual es posible comprender la forma en que lo educativo está siendo pensado en la actualidad, en un contexto preferentemente cristiano. Para ello, esta investigación proporciona una línea interpretativa que se aleja de la tradición hermenéutica que se ha seguido en la filosofía educativa newmaniana. En lugar de leer esta intentando explicar los discursos en relación a la biografía de Newman, o en contraste con la suerte de su institución, o los textos en sí mismos, sitúa los argumentos educativos en relación con los de otras obras del opus newmaniano. Este modo de proceder permite trazar la influencia de John Henry Newman en la reflexión educativa actual, que se concreta en tres autores: Joseph Ratzinger, Alasdair MacIntyre y Bernard Lonergan. Lo que une a este grupo de intelectuales tan heterogéneo es que reconocieron públicamente una deuda intelectual con Newman, que este condicionó algunos aspectos de su pensamiento y que desarrollaron un conjunto de reflexiones relevantes para la educación en las que Newman terminaba apareciendo, indefectiblemente. No obstante, para conocer esto último con precisión, y dado que a estos autores también les une el hecho de que escribieron sobre educación sólo accidentalmente, esta investigación ofrece una reconstrucción orgánica del pensamiento educativo de cada uno de ellos a la luz de los elementos principales de sus pensamientos. De esta manera, vistas sus reflexiones educativas desde una perspectiva sistemática, es posible conocer los argumentos concretos en que Newman está pretense y, por lo tanto, calibrar la intensidad de su influencia. Esta última se podría medir, así, en dos dimensiones. Una primera, en la que se vería que los elementos de los discursos de Dublín que los autores han tomado para componer sus reflexiones sobre la educación, de forma unánime, son la apología de la teología y el fin de la universidad como la formación de un hábito filosófico de la mente. Pero, además, dado que se adopta una opción hermenéutica distinta a la tradicional, en la que, como dije, se lee la Idea en relación a las obras completas del cardenal, se podría deducir un conjunto de influencias más amplio...
The aim is tassess the tolerability of initiating/uptitrating sacubitril/valsartan (LCZ696) from 50 to 200 mg twice daily (target dose) over 3 and 6 weeks in heart failure (HF) patients (ejection fraction ≤35%). A 5-day open-label run-in (sacubitril/valsartan 50 mg twice daily) preceded an 11-week, double-blind, randomization period [100 mg twice daily for 2 weeks followed by 200 mg twice daily (‘condensed’ regimen) vs. 50 mg twice daily for 2 weeks, 100 mg twice daily for 3 weeks, followed by 200 mg twice daily (‘conservative’ regimen)]. Patients were stratified by pre-study dose of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor/angiotensin-receptor blocker (ACEI/ARB; low-dose stratum included ACEI/ARB-naïve patients). Of 540 patients entering run-in, 498 (92%) were randomized and 429 (86.1% of randomized) completed the study. Pre-defined tolerability criteria were hypotension, renal dysfunction and hyperkalaemia; and adjudicated angioedema, which occurred in (‘condensed’ vs. ‘conservative’) 9.7% vs. 8.4% (P = 0.570), 7.3% vs. 7.6% (P = 0.990), 7.7% vs. 4.4% (P = 0.114), and 0.0% vs. 0.8% of patients, respectively. Corresponding proportions for pre-defined systolic blood pressure <95 mmHg, serum potassium >5.5 mmol/L, and serum creatinine >3.0 mg/dL were 8.9% vs. 5.2% (P = 0.102), 7.3% vs. 4.0% (P = 0.097), and 0.4% vs. 0%, respectively. In total, 378 (76%) patients achieved and maintained sacubitril/valsartan 200 mg twice daily without dose interruption/down-titration over 12 weeks (77.8% vs. 84.3% for ‘condensed’ vs. ‘conservative’; P = 0.078). Rates by ACEI/ARB pre-study dose stratification were 82.6% vs. 83.8% (P = 0.783) for high-dose/‘condensed’ vs. high-dose/‘conservative’ and 84.9% vs. 73.6% (P = 0.030) for low-dose/‘conservative’ vs. low-dose/‘condensed’. Initiation/uptitration of sacubitril/valsartan from 50 to 200 mg twice daily over 3 or 6 weeks had a tolerability profile in line with other HF treatments. More gradual initiation/uptitration maximized attainment of target dose in the low-dose ACEI/ARB group.
The background of this study is to assess the accuracy of lung ultrasound (LUS) to diagnose interstitial lung disease (ILD) in Sjögren’s syndrome (Sjs), in patients who have any alterations in pulmonary function tests (PFT) or respiratory symptoms. LUS was correlated with chest tomography (hrCT), considering it as the imaging gold standard technique to diagnose ILD. This is a pilot, multicenter, cross-sectional, and consecutive-case study. The inclusion criteria are ≥18 years old, Signs and symptoms: according to ACEG 2002 criteria, respiratory symptoms (dyspnea, cough), or any alterations in PFR. LUS was done following the International Consensus Conference on Lung Ultrasound protocol for interstitial syndrome (B pattern). Of the 50 patients in follow-up, 13 (26%) met the inclusion criteria. All were women with age 63.62 years (range 39–88). 78.6% of the cases had primary Sjs (SLE, RA, n = 2). The intra-rater reliability k is 1, according to Gwet’s Ac1 and GI index (probability to concordance—e(K)—, by Cohen, of 0.52). LUS has a sensitivity of 1 (95% CI 0.398–1.0), specificity of 0.89 (95% CI 0.518–0.997), and a positive probability reason of 9.00 (95% CI 7.1–11.3) to detect ILD. The correlation of Pearson is r = 0.84 (p < 0.001). To check the accuracy of LUS to diagnose ILD, a completely bilateral criterion of yes/no for interstitial pattern was chosen, AUC reaches significance, 0.94 (0.07) (95% CI 0.81–1.0, p = 0.014). LUS reaches an excellent correlation to hrCT in Sjs affected with ILD, and might be a useful technique in daily clinical practice for the assessment of pulmonary disease in the sicca syndrome. © 2016 SIMI
El creciente interés de China por África ha modificado y estructurado una nueva política exterior, en donde el fortalecimiento de las relaciones políticas y económicas se ve ligado al uso de la diplomacia cultural como una herramienta de atracción. Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior, la presente investigación tiene por objetivo principal indagar cómo China construye una identidad a través de su diplomacia cultural en Angola, demostrando así, que este país utiliza sus costumbres, principios y normas para establecer una identidad de rol en la que se asume como una potencia que debe cooperar. No obstante, sus intereses van más allá de la cooperación al profundizar en relaciones de confianza que lo beneficien política y económicamente. Haciendo un uso del concepto de Imperialismo, la investigación mostrará las limitaciones y los vacíos de la noción de identidad para explicar acciones chinas en Angola, mostrando cómo se hacen uso de herramientas imperialistas para un beneficio propio.
Este relatório foi elaborado na sequencia do estágio curricular realizado pelo autor, ente 28 de setembro de 2015 e 28 de março de 2016, no Hospital Clínico Veterinario de la Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera (HCV CEU-UCH), em Alfara del Patriarca, Valência, Espanha. A infeciologia foi a área da clínica médica mais representativa (28%), sendo o vírus da imunodeficiência felina (FIV) o agente infecioso registado mais frequentemente (19%). É importante reconhecer e diagnosticar esta infeção de forma a aplicar um maneio adequado aos pacientes infetados, melhorando a sua qualidade de vida e prevenindo a propagação do vírus. A infeção provocada pelo FIV raramente provoca uma síndrome severa, porém, várias alterações podem decorrer. Apesar do FIV provocar uma infeção crónica, com os cuidados adequados, os pacientes infetados poderão viver vidas longas, com uma boa qualidade de vida, e eventualmente acabar por morrer de causas não relacionadas com o FIV; Abstract: Small Animal Medicine and Surgery This report was elaborated following the externship performed by the author, between September 28th 2015 and March 28th 2016, at the Hospital Clínico Veterinario de la Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera (HCV CEU-UCH), in Alfara del Patriarca, Valencia, Spain. The most frequent specialty field within the area of internal medicine was infectiology (28%), with feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) being the infectious agent most frequently registered (19%). It is important to recognize and diagnose the infection caused by this agent accurately, so that the right measures of management can be applied, improving the life’s quality of the patient and reducing the risk of viral spreading. The infection by FIV rarely produces a severe syndrome, however many clinicopathologic disorders may occur. FIV causes a chronic infection, however, with the proper care, the infected cats may live long lives, with a fair quality, eventually ending up dying from causes unrelated to FIV.
IntroducciónDecir que un texto es el resultado de múltiples diálogos con otros textos, suena por de más evidente. El libro de Juan Durán establece relaciones dialógicas entre numerosas obras: Las Casas, Tomás Moro, Jeremías, Nontaigne, Ernesto Cardenal, y una gran cantidad de textos y autores citados en las notas. A su vez, quien suscribe, aspira a entablar un diálogo con este libro polifónico, para subrayar una de las dimensiones de los textos lascasianos señala reiteradas veces, aunq de paso, por el libro de Juan Durán: su condición de texto que busca persuadir, convencer, para hacer...
Com a finalidade de determinar se a utilização do fertilizante organomineral (FOM) resulta em incremento de produção no tomateiro, realizou-se um experimento em em casa de vegetação com tomateiro 'Micro-Tom' WT (WILD TYPE) como genótipo controle e o mutante dgt (diageotropica) pouco sensível ao hormômio auxina (AIA).
Explora a necessidade de integração das ações de promoção, educação em saúde, prevenção de agravos, assistência e reabilitação dos problemas mais relevantes no âmbito individual, familiar e comunitário. Discute como desenvolver ações na perspectiva do cuidado integrado e interdisciplinar.
Explora a necessidade de integração das ações de promoção, educação em saúde, prevenção de agravos, assistência e reabilitação dos problemas mais relevantes no âmbito individual, familiar e comunitário. Discute como desenvolver ações na perspectiva do cuidado integrado e interdisciplinar.
Aprimora o conhecimento sobre temas como: acolhimento, trabalho em equipe multidisciplinar, importância das reuniões de serviço, papel dos cuidadores e da educação em saúde com foco na Estratégia de Saúde da Família.