985 resultados para BOS-INDICUS HEIFERS
Avaliou-se a repetibilidade da mensuração de imagens de ultrassom da área do músculo longissimus dorsi (AOL) e das espessuras de gordura subcutânea do lombo (EGL) e da garupa (EGG). Imagens de ultrassom tomadas no lombo (entre a 12ª e a 13ª costela) e na garupa (entre os músculos gluteus medium e biceps femoris) de novilhas Nelore de 14 a 22 meses de idade foram classificadas em aceitáveis, marginais e rejeitáveis. As imagens aceitáveis e marginais foram mensuradas duas vezes por três técnicos em diferentes níveis de treinamento. Foram estimadas as repetibilidades entre e dentro de técnicos por classe de qualidade da imagem, para determinação do efeito da qualidade da imagem e do técnico no valor absoluto da diferença entre a primeira e a segunda mensuração dessas características. A repetibilidade para as imagens aceitáveis foi maior que para imagens marginais, tanto entre como dentro de técnicos. Na análise da diferença absoluta entre a primeira e a segunda interpretação, foram significativos os efeitos de técnico para AOL e EGL e de classe de qualidade da imagem para AOL. Em geral, o técnico com maior experiência apresentou maiores valores de repetibilidade. É recomendável que a mensuração de imagens de animais de mesmo grupo contemporâneo seja feita por um único técnico.
Realizou-se um estudo para caracterizar a situação epidemiológica da brucelose bovina no Estado de Minas Gerais. O Estado foi estratificado em sete circuitos produtores. Em cada circuito foram amostradas aleatoriamente cerca de 300 propriedades e, dentro dessas, foi escolhido, de forma aleatória, um número pré-estabelecido de animais, dos quais foi obtida uma amostra de sangue. No total, foram amostrados 20.643 animais, provenientes de 2.204 propriedades. Em cada propriedade visitada aplicou-se um questionário epidemiológico para verificar o tipo de exploração e as práticas zootécnicas e sanitárias que poderiam estar associadas ao risco de infecção pela doença. O protocolo de testes utilizado foi o da triagem com o teste do antígeno acidificado tamponado e a confirmação dos positivos com o teste do 2-mercaptoetanol. O rebanho foi considerado positivo, se pelo menos um animal foi reagente às duas provas sorológicas. As prevalências de focos e de animais infectados do Estado foram de 6,0% [5,0-7,1%] e 1,1% [0,78-1,4%], respectivamente. Os resultados para os circuitos pecuários da prevalência de focos e de animais foram: circuito 1, 4,7% [2,7-7,7%] e 0,82% [0,06-1,6%]; circuito 2, 7,2% [4,6-10,6%] e 1,2% [0,53-1,8%]; circuito 3, 6,8% [4,3-10,0%] e 1,5% [0,47-2,4%]; circuito 4, 6,5% [4,1-9,8%] e 1,1% [0,39-1,7%]; circuito 5, 3,8% [2,0-6,5%] e 0,40% [0,11-0,69%]; circuito 6, 6,2% [3,8-9,6%] e 0,66% [0,29-1,0%]; circuito 7, 11,0% [7,7-15,0%] e 1,7% [0,92-2,6%], respectivamente. Os fatores de risco (odds ratio, OR) associados à condição de foco foram: compra de reprodutores (OR = 1,66 [1,13-2,44]), ocorrência de aborto nos últimos 12 meses (OR = 1,81 [1,26-2,60]) e presença de cervídeos na propriedade (OR = 1,56 [1,08-2,27]). A vacinação contra brucelose foi identificada como fator protetor (OR = 0,38 [0,19-0,79]). Concluiu-se que o programa obrigatório de vacinação de bezerras, iniciado na década de 1990, está sendo eficaz ao reduzir a prevalência em todo o Estado e em todos os sistemas de produção animal. As autoridades sanitárias devem priorizar o controle da compra de animais para reprodução, que não apresentem garantias sanitárias e incorporar essa medida às ações de educativas.
Realizou-se um estudo para caracterizar a situação epidemiológica da brucelose bovina no Estado do Espírito Santo. O Estado foi dividido em dois circuitos produtores. Em cada circuito foram amostradas aleatoriamente cerca de 300 propriedades e, dentro dessas, foi escolhido de forma aleatória um número pré-estabelecido de animais, dos quais foi obtida uma amostra de sangue. No total, foram amostrados 5.351 animais, provenientes de 622 propriedades. Em cada propriedade amostrada foi aplicado um questionário epidemiológico para verificar o tipo de exploração e as práticas de criação e sanitárias que poderiam estar associadas ao risco de infecção pela doença. O protocolo de testes utilizado foi o da triagem com o teste do antígeno acidificado tamponado e o reteste dos positivos com o teste do 2-mercaptoetanol. O rebanho foi considerado positivo quando pelo menos um animal foi reagente às duas provas sorológicas. Para o Estado, as prevalências de focos e de animais infectados foram, respectivamente, de 9,0% [7,0-11,6%] e 3,5% [1,9-6,4%]. Para os circuitos, as prevalências de focos e de animais infectados foram, respectivamente, de: circuito 1, 6,8% [4,5-10,2%] e 3,4% [1,3-8,6%]; circuito 2, 10,9% [7,9%-14,8%] e 3,7% [2,1-6,3%]. Os fatores de risco (odds ratio, OR) associados à condição de foco foram: utilização de inseminação artificial (OR = 7,05 [2,51-19,82]) e confinamento/semiconfinamento dos animais (OR = 2,98 [1,22-7,26]). A vacinação de fêmeas entre três e oito meses de idade foi um fator protetor (OR = 0,03 [0,01-0,1]).
O trabalho consistiu em estratificar o Estado da Bahia em quatro regiões com características homogêneas (circuitos produtores) para que fossem amostradas aleatoriamente, em cada uma delas, 300 propriedades. Em cada propriedade foram escolhidas, de forma aleatória, 10 a 15 fêmeas bovinas adultas, das quais foi obtida uma amostra de sangue. No total, foram amostrados 10.816 animais, provenientes de 1.413 propriedades. O protocolo de testes utilizado foi o da triagem com o teste do antígeno acidificado tamponado (Rosa Bengala) e a confirmação dos positivos com o teste do 2-mercaptoetanol. O rebanho foi considerado positivo se pelo menos um animal reagiu às duas provas sorológicas. As prevalências de focos e a de fêmeas adultas soropositivas do Estado foram de 4,2% [3,1-5,3%] e 0,66% [0,41-0,93%], respectivamente. Para os circuitos produtores foram: circuito 1, 5,8% [3,6-8,7%] e 0,86% [0,41-1,3%]; circuito 2, 3,1% [1,5-5,6%] e 1,2% [0,25-2,1%]; circuito 3, 6,3% [4,0-9,3%] e 1,7% [0,66-2,7%]; e circuito 4, 0,60% [0,07-2,2%] e 0,07 [0,00-0,21%]. Para a análise de fatores de riscos associados à doença foi aplicado um questionário epidemiológico em cada propriedade visitada. Os fatores de risco (odds ratio, OR) associados à condição de foco foram: compra de reprodutores (OR= 2,27) e presença de áreas alagadiças (OR= 1,76). A vacinação de fêmeas de três até oito meses de idade foi um fator de proteção (OR= 0,53).
Recoleta uterina como estratégia para aumentar a taxa de embriões em fêmeas bovinas de corte e leite
Embryo recovery rate in superovulated cows after uterine flushing is lower than the ovulation rate, which contributes to the relative inefficiency of the conventional cervical recovery procedure. A simple and easy alternative to improve embryo recovery rate is the uterine re-flushing procedure. To evaluate the effect of re-flushing and the influence of breed and operator on bovine embryo recovery rate, 38 Nelore and 19 Jersey females were stimulated using FSH, with embryos being collected by one of two trained operators. At the end of flushing, the catheter was sealed and maintained into the uterine body, filled with flushing medium, while females were released to a paddock for 30 to 50 min, to be submitted to the re-flushing procedure by the same operator. A total of 599 structures were recovered out of 57 procedures, from which 423 (70.6%) were obtained in the first flushing and 176 (29.4%) after re-flushing. Mean recovery rates of 7.4 and 3.1 structures were obtained after the first and second flushing, respectively, for a total of 10.5 structures per cow. Structures were obtained in 73.6% ( 42 out of 57) of the re-flushing procedures. No breed effect was observed on total ova or embryo recovery, with 10.9 total ova collected from Jersey and 10.3 from Nelore females. Likewise, the embryo recovery rate obtained following uterine flushing or re-flushing did not differ either between Jersey (8.1 and 2.7) and Nelore (7.0 and 3.2) animals, or between operators A (7.5 and 3.3) and B (7.3 and 2.9), respectively. In conclusion, the uterine re-flushing procedure significantly increased the rate of embryo recovery in Jersey and Nelore females, with no operator influence being observed.
With the aim of estimating the coefficient of heritability of average annual productivity of Nellore cows (COWPROD), a data set from 24,855 animals with known pedigree was analyzed. COWPROD is defined as the amount (in kilograms) of weaned calves produced yearly by one cow during her remaining time in herd ignoring a fixed period of 365 days. COWPROD was calculated regarding three standards: a) based on the post-weaning weight from the calves ignoring any kind of adjustment (COWPROD_NAJ), b) adjusted weight for the fixed effects (COWPROD_AJFIX) and c) adjusted weight for the fixed effects and for the genetic merit of the sire (COWPROD_AJFIN). The obtained heritabilities were 0.15, 0.15 and 0.16 for COWPROD_NAJ, COWPROD_AJFIX and COWPROD_AJFIN, respectively. A complete set composed of 105,158 COWPROD records on 130,740 animals in pedigree was also analyzed for predicting the genetic merit of all animals in the data set and for the calculation of the genetic, phenotypic and residual trends. Ranking correlation was high for the adjusted and non-adjusted data, yet, for some of the animals, the difference among the genetic values was large. This would be an indication that it would be better to work always with the adjusted weaning weights. The genetic trend was positive, but was of small magnitude (0.26% of the trait average) and the residual trend was negative as a consequence of the large intensification of the production system, which has been occurring in the last years in the farms studied. The phenotypic trend was also negative and intermediate between the genetic and the residual ones.
The soil organic matter (SOM) extracted under different vegetation types from a Brazilian mangrove (Pai Matos Island, Sao Paulo State) and from three Spanish salt marshes (Betanzos Ria and Corrubedo Natural Parks, Galicia, and the Albufera Natural Park, Valencia) was investigated by pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS). The chemical variation was larger in SOM from the Spanish marshes than in the SOM of the Brazilian mangroves, possibly because the marshes included sites with both tidal and nontidal variation, whereas the mangrove forest underwent just tidal variation. Thus, plant-derived organic matter was better preserved under permanently anoxic environments. Moreover, given the low number of studied profiles and sedimentary-vegetation sequences in both areas, depth trends remain unclear. The chemical data also allow distinction between the contributions of woody and nonwoody vegetation inputs. Soil organic matter decomposition was found to cause: (i) a decrease in lignin contents and a relative increase in aliphatics; (ii) an increase in short-chain aliphatics at the expense of longer ones; (iii) a loss of odd-over-even dominance in alkanes and alkenes; and (iv) an increase in microbial products, including proteins, sterols, short-chain fatty acids, and alkanes. Pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry is a useful tool to study the behavior and composition of SOM in wetland environments such as mangroves and salt marshes. Additional profiles need to be studied for each vegetation type, however, to improve the interpretability of the chemical data.
Data on fertilisation and embryo quality in dairy cattle are presented and the main factors responsible for the low fertility of single-ovulating lactating cows and embryo yield in superovulated dairy cattle are highlighted. During the past 50 years, the fertility in high-producing lactating dairy cattle has decreased as milk production increased. Recent data show conception rates to first service to be approximately 32% in lactating cows, whereas in heifers it has remained above 50%. Fertilisation does not seem to be the principal factor responsible for the low fertility in single-ovulating cows, because it has remained above 80%. Conversely, early embryonic development is impaired in high-producing dairy cows, as observed by most embryonic losses occurring during the first week after fertilisation. However, in superovulated dairy cattle, although fertilisation failure is more pronounced, averaging approximately 45%, the percentage of fertilised embryos viable at 1 week is quite high (>70%). Among the multifactorial causes of low fertility in lactating dairy cows, high feed intake associated with low concentrations of circulating steroids may contribute substantially to reduced embryo quality. Fertilisation failure in superovulated cattle may be a consequence of inappropriate gamete transport due to hormonal imbalances.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of dietary addition of ground oilseed sources on the quality, fatty acid profile, and CLA content of meat from zebu steers. Thirty-one zebu steers with an initial average age of 23 mo and an initial BW of 365 kg were used in this study. The experimental period was 84 d, which was preceded by an adaption period of 28 d. The diet was provided ad libitum with a forage: concentrate ratio of 40:60. Corn silage was used as the forage source. Four different concentrates were formulated for each treatment: without additional lipids (control) or with ground soybeans (SB), ground cottonseed (CS), or ground linseed (LS). The SB, CS, and LS diets were formulated to have 6.5% ether extract on a total dietary DM basis. The experiment was set up as a completely randomized design. After slaughter, samples were taken from the longissimus thoracis muscle for the measurement of fatty acid concentration and the evaluation of meat quality. The luminosity index was greater in the control and LS diets (P < 0.01). The greatest percentages of myristic acid (C14:0), palmitic acid (C16:0), trans octadecenoic acid (C18:1 trans-10, trans-11, or trans-12), and SFA in the subcutaneous fat were observed in the CS treatment (P < 0.01). Moreover, the least percentages of oleic acid (C18:1 cis-9) and total unsaturated fatty acids in the subcutaneous fat were observed in the CS diet (P < 0.01). The meat linoleic acid and a-linolenic acid percentages were greatest in the SB and LS treatments, respectively (P < 0.001). The unsaturated fatty acid: SFA ratio was smallest for the CS diet (P < 0.01). A gradual increase in oxidation was observed as a function of storage time; however, the diets did not affect the rancidity of the meat (P > 0.05). The fatty acid profile of subcutaneous fat was impaired by the addition of CS. Supplying ground oilseeds did not increase the content of CLA in the meat.
A study was conducted in Brazil to identify factors affecting grazing distribution of yearling Nelore cross heifers and to evaluate the efficacy of placement of a salt-mineral mix away from water to improve uniformity of grazing. Two pastures (25 ha and 42 ha) were evaluated for four 15-d sessions. Mineral mix was placed 590 m to 780 m from water during two sessions and at water for two sessions. Stubble heights were measured at the beginning and end of each session in 1-ha subunits of each pasture. Cattle locations were recorded oil clay 13 and 14 of each session by horseback observers. Heifers avoided areas with a preponderance of forbs and taller grass (P < 0.001). For the first 15 days of the study cattle avoided subunits farther from water. Thereafter, horizontal distance from water had no affect on grazing use (P > 0.10). Stubble height reduction was more uniform (P < 0.05) when the mineral mix was Lit water compared to away from water. In contrast, heifers spent less time farther from water when Mineral mix was placed at water (P = 0.02) based Oil Visual observations. Strategic placement of a salt-mineral mix away from water does not appear to be a reliable tool to improve cattle grazing distribution in humid tropical pastures from 25 ha to 45 ha in size.
Several heteracanthocephalid specimens were recovered from the flatfish Rhombosolea leporina (Gunther), a host of Heteracanthocephalus peltorhamphi (Baylis, 1944) Petrochenko, 1956 from New Zealand. Unlike H. peltorhamphi, these new specimens have trunk spines. Measurements and proboscis armament of the new specimens are consistent with the worms being Aspersentis minor Edmonds & Smales, 1992 originally described from the Australian flounder Rhombosolea tapirina Gunther. A review of the family Heteracanthocephalidae Petrochenko, 1956 was undertaken to assess the validity of its four genera and eight species. The validity of Aspersentis megarhynchus (Linstow, 1892) Golvan, 1960 (syn. Echinorhynchus megarhynchus Linstow, 1892) is questioned. E. megarhynchus is not considered to be an heteracanthocephalid and is relegated to a species inquirenda. A. megarhynchus (Linstow, 1892) of Golvan (1960) nec E. megarhynchus Linstow, 1892 is considered a synonym of A. austrinus Van Cleave, 1929. The monotypic genus Heteracanthocephalus Petrochenko, 1956 is proposed as a synonym of Aspersentis Van Cleave, 1929 because there appear to be insufficient morphological differences between them. Aspersentis peltorhamphi n. comb. is proposed for Heteracanthocephalus peltorhamphi. The monotypic genus Sachalinorhynchus Krotov & Petrochenko in Petrochenko, 1956 is considered valid, but the other heteracanthocephalid genus, Bullockrhynchus Chandra, Rao & Shyamasundari, 1985, also monotypic, is not. B. indicus Chandra, Rao & Shyamasundari, 1985 possesses more features resembling rhadinorhynchids than heteracanthocephalids but only females are known, and therefore the genus and species cannot be placed. There are currently four valid species of Aspersentis and one of Sachalinorhynchus.
Contents Sex pre-selection of bovine offsprings has commercial relevance for cattle breeders and several methods have been used for embryo sex determination. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has proven to be a reliable procedure for accomplishing embryo sexing. To date, most of the PCR-specific primers are derived from the few single-copy Y-chromosome-specific gene sequences already identified in bovines. Their detection demands higher amounts of embryonic genomic material or a nested amplification reaction. In order to circumvent this, limitation we searched for new male-specific sequences potentially useful in embryo sexing using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis. Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) assay reproducibility problems can be overcome by its conversion into Sequence Characterized Amplified Region (SCAR) markers. In this work, we describe the identification of two bovine male-specific markers (OPC16(323) and OPF10(1168)) by means of RAPD. These markers were successfully converted into SCARs (OPC16(726) and OPF10(984)) using two pairs of specific primers.Furthermore, inverse PCR (iPCR) methodology was successfully applied to elongate OPC16(323) marker in 159% (from 323 to 837 bp). Both markers are shown to be highly conserved (similarity >= 95%) among bovine zebu and taurine cattle; OPC16(323) is also highly similar to a bubaline Y-chromosome-specific sequence. The primers derived from the two Y-chromosome-specific conserved sequences described in this article showed 100% accuracy when used for identifying male and female bovine genomic DNA, thereby proving their potential usefulness for bovine embryo sexing.
P>Age at first calving (AFC) measures the entry of heifers into the beef cattle production system. This trait can be used as a selection criterion for earlier reproductive performance. Using data from Nelore cattle participating in the `Program for Genetic Improvement of the Nelore Breed` (PMGRN-Nelore Brazil), bi-trait analyses were performed using the restricted maximum likelihood method, based on an AFC animal model and the following traits: female body weight adjusted to 365 (BW365) and 450 (BW450) days of age, and male scrotal circumference adjusted to 365 (SC365), 450 (SC450), 550 (SC550) and 730 (SC730) days of age. The heritability estimates for AFC ranged from 0.02 +/- 0.02 to 0.04 +/- 0.02. The estimates of additive direct heritabilities (with standard error) for BW365, BW450, SC365, SC450, SC550 and SC730 were 0.36 +/- 0.07, 0.38 +/- 0.07, 0.48 +/- 0.07, 0.65 +/- 0.07, 0.64 +/- 0.07 and 0.42 +/- 0.07, respectively, and the genetic correlations with AFC were -0.38, -0.33, 0.10, -0.13, -0.13 and 0.06, respectively. In the herds studied, selection for SC365, SC450, SC550 or SC730 should not cause genetic changes in AFC. Selection based on BW365 or BW450 would favor smaller AFC breeding values. However, the low magnitude of direct heritability estimates for AFC in these farms indicates that changes in phenotypical expression depend mostly on non-genetic factors.
Bovine leukemia virus (BLV) is among the most widespread livestock pathogens in many countries. Despite advances in understanding the pathogenesis of this disease, little is known about the involvement of oxidative stress. Therefore, this study examined the antioxidant status and the markers of oxidative stress in BLV-infected dairy cows. BLV infection was associated with an increase in triacylglycerol levels, a decrease in glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activity and a tendency toward lower superoxide dismutase activity in the infected animals. No significant difference was observed in other markers of oxidative stress (i.e., conjugated dienes, hydroperoxides and malondialdehyde) in the infected animals compared to controls. A novel method for the analysis of oxidative stress, Z-scan based on the measurement of the mean-value of 9 in low density lipoprotein indicated that the infected animals had low-density lipoprotein particles that were slightly less modified than those from the healthy group. Thus, we conclude that BLV infection is associated with a selective decrease in GSH-Px activity without any alteration in the common plasma markers of oxidative stress. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Thirteen goat herds and seven sheep flocks in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil were screened for leptospirosis. From the three herds and three flocks with greatest seroreactivity, 19 goats (16 females and three bucks) and 40 sheep (26 ewes and 14 rams) that were seropositive (specific anti-Leptospira titres >= 400, based on a microscopic agglutination test), were selected for more detailed studies. From those animals, samples of vaginal fluids or semen were collected for bacteriological and molecular assays. For both species of animals, the most prevalent reactions were to serovars Hardjo, Shermani, and Grippotyphosa. Although leptospires were detected by darkfield microscopy in three vaginal fluid samples (from two goats and one ewe), pure isolates were not obtained by bacteriological culture of vaginal fluids or semen. However, seven vaginal fluid samples (from four goats and three ewes) and six semen samples (all from rams) were positive on polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Based on these findings, in addition to analogous findings in cattle, we inferred that there is potential for venereal transmission of leptospirosis in small ruminants. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.