950 resultados para Auxílio-moradia
Comprehending social representations of users relatives of Psychosocial Care Centers (CAPS) from Natal-RN, about their participation in the activities of these services, was the purpose of this study. The research instrument used was a semi-structured interview, led to 28 relatives of users of East and West CAPS II, East and North CAPS-ad, involved in the Relative Therapeutic Group, in Relative Meeting, in the Assembly of Users, Technicians and Relatives, according to the therapeutic schedule of each health services, between August to November 2007. Data obtained in family and users identification were characterized with the aid of charts and boards in absolute and/or percentage values. The discursive material from the guide from interviews was submitted to the informational resource ALCESTE (Analyse Lexicale par Contexte d'un Ensemble of Segments of Texte), and analyzed on the basis of the Theory of Social Representations and Central Nucleus Theory. Most of the relatives were women, married, aged over 50 years, who participated for more than two years in CAPS activities, and a coexistence of more than 11 years with the user. From the classification system of ALCESTE were selected categories, identified by: Category 1, Treatment Improvements and Expectations; Category 2, Living User Before and After; Category 3, Activities Relevance, Contradictions and Suggestions; Category 4, Guidelines -- Psychopharmacology and Medicalization; Category 5, Family Participation and Activities; and Category 6, Therapeutic Conditions Thanks, Tips and Vulnerability. The social representation of the family exists in the desire for change, identifying that we need to promote change by the continuity of therapeutic activities and overcome the detected inconsistencies, targeted by strengthening and by the stability of improvements in living and health conditions of users, experienced in CAPS treatment. The central nucleus had corresponded to positive changes in health and living conditions of users, and the peripheral elements were constituted by family conducts before and during treatment, and the expectations of changes in activities, especially in workshops. Despite this family participation be considered important, it still does not meet conditions to promote the inclusion of family, under an emancipating point of view, capable of causing in subject the hope for autonomy, initiative, individual and collective growths, a closer and active involvement in therapeutic activities, in workshops and discussions
With the trajectory that the problems related to child health are taking in our society, particularly with regard to infant mortality, beyond the process of decentralization of health and the implementation of the Family Health Strategy in the cities, where it has increased considerably performance of nursing staff in Primary Health Care, they can be considered essential factors for reflections on the care of nurse dispenses the health of these children. In order to check how it is organized the working process of the nurse in caring for these children in USFs as well as the difficulties found in the dynamics of this work, this research aimed to analyze the work processes of nurses in care Child Health in USFs, with emphasis on technologies used in producing care. This is a research exploratory and descriptive with qualitative approach, based on the theoretical reference in about Work Process and Composition Technique of Work. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews of 11 nurses who, at the moment, perform their functions for more than 01 year at USF. The guiding questions were based at theoretical reference. To analyze the results, was used the referential of content analysis, and was refer to thematic analysis. In situations that were involved closed questions of the interview, was used the aid of SPSS 15.0 program for Windows. The results indicated that the process of nurse work in health care of children, focuses on the preventive character, whose focus of the actions are healthy children, following the routines and protocols established by the Ministry of Health with a view to maintaining health them. When analyzing the data through theoretical references of Composition Technique of Work found that the core technologies of daily tasks of the nurse are directed for the use of technology soft-hard and hard, and the reason established between the Dead Working and Alive Working, there is prevalence of the first against the second in the production of this care. These situations contribute to the explanation of the emergence problems related to adhesion of mothers / caregivers to monitoring the CD, due to character prescriptive and normalizer of actions. The results also suggested the presence of "vanishing lines" in the make of nurses, confirming the self-governance of health professionals in daily work. These "vanishing lines" express the own execution of the Work Live in action, guided by the use of soft technologies, however, was not characterized as a process of technology transition. So, to get a better resolution to the problems related to child health, the nurse has reorganize your work process by focusing on the execution of work live in action.
The accompanying the growth and development of the child is the guiding line of basic health measures directed at this public, acting within the scope of health monitoring and inferring positively in the rate of infant morbidity and mortality, which are still a preoccupation worldwide and in Brazil. However, mostly, this practice is based on the biomedical model of care, individualized, with emphasis on the medicalization and complaints, favoring the passivity of users. Given this issue, aim to develop accompanying the growth and development of the child in a Basic Unit Family Health, through a collective approach of medical care next to a health team, especially nurses and caregivers. This is a qualitative study, with the research-action method. Involved the four nurses and twenty-six of children's caregivers of the area of Basic Unit Family Health of Cidade Nova, in Natal, in the period from February to July 2010. The results were analyzed following the direction of the thematic analysis of Freire. In the situation analysis of the current reality of the accompanying the growth and development the children in the Basic Unit Family Health, through participant observation and applying a questionnaire to the nurses, we realize that despite these professionals have a knowledge tied to the paradigm of health promotion, in practice the monitoring of child is done through individual consultations in outpatient room, based on complaints brought by caregivers, with little solvability in actions employed. Given the need for change in medical care model, we decided jointly, in the focal group, for the collective monitoring of children's the growth and development, featuring then this proposal to the multidisciplinary team, discussing the participation of professional categories and planned collectively the actions. In the implementation stage of collective action, we contemplate the execution by the caregivers of anamnesis and physical examination, recording data in the Child Health Handbook and discussion of clinical findings, under the supervision of nurses and facilitators. In the evaluation, we found that this collective accompanying strategy allowed to caregivers learn new knowledge, exchange experiences, assistance in home care, beyond reduce the waiting time for medical care and creating opportunity of more time for debate about the children‟s health situation, differing of ambulatory care. As difficulties, we face with a high rate of defaulters (53.8%), lack of motivation and passivity of the users, little participation of other health professionals and nurses' involvement in other activities, technical and bureaucratic in the moment of care. Thus, we note also a strong rooting of individual clinical model on the way of thinking and acting of nurses and caregivers
Tuberculosis is a disease of great impact on the world context today. In Brazil, the disease management was directed to the Primary Health Care, due to the determination of the Ministry of Health to decentralize health actions for primary care. Thus, since the actions of diagnosis, treatment and control of the disease should happen in this context, however, there are still many barriers that may hinder the realization of these determinations. This study aims to analyze the development of tuberculosis control activities conducted in the services of primary health care from the patient's vision. This is a descriptive, cross-sectional and quantitative study. The population consists of 517 tuberculosis patients treated in units of Primary Health Care in the city of Natal-RN; the sample consists of 93 TB patients. The collect instrument is structured, based in The Primary Care Assessment Tool (PCAT), validated in Brazil and adapted to assess attention to TB in Brazil, with modifications. This instrument was divided into blocks: the first one describes the socio-demographic information of patients with TB and the second one describes the health services working in control, diagnosis and treatment of TB, and includes issues related to the dimensions of primary care: access, bond, services, coordination of care, guidance to the community and family focus. For quantitative analysis, were built indicators for each item of the instrument. The response patterns are followed according to the Likert scale, which was assigned a value between one and five meant that the degree of preference relation (or agreement) of the statements. Values between 1 and 3 were considered unsatisfactory for the indicator, between 3 and less than 4, regular, and between 4 and 5, satisfactory. The results indicate that 62.37% of patients are male, 27.96% aged 41 to 50 years old, and 34.41% unemployed, with low education and low family income. It was found that the reference hospital services are the front door to the patient (59.14%), and are also the local diagnosis of the disease (72.04%). On access, the conditions satisfactory found are: the number of times the patients need to pick up the health care issue, the marking and the facility to get a consultancy in the HS, assistance provided without harm to the individual's attendance labor and facilities related to the proximity between the residence and services; were considered unsatisfactory conditions related to travel to the HS, and on hours and days of operation of services. As for the cast of services were satisfactory and regular actions related to the request for examination to become viable in the first HS, the availability of pot to perform smear and medicines for the treatment, as well as consultations control and receiving information about the disease and the treatment performed; it is considered unsatisfactory the performance of the home care for patients with TB by the HS that acts as a front door, for implementation of the Directly Observed Treatment (DOT), home visits during treatment, the provision of transportation allowance to the patient and the existence of groups for TB patients. Regarding the coordination of care, resulted in regular the action of referring the patient to other HS to obtain examinations, and as unsatisfactory referral to obtain medications. The relationship bond between patient and health team were considered satisfactory in the majority or regular. As for the family and community focus, is satisfactory only the indicator relating to questions from professionals to the patient about the existence of respiratory symptoms in the family. It is considered that there is need for greater commitment from government entities to the incentives required to TB control, as well as the availability of necessary inputs and training of human resources working in the PHC in the ongoing quest to strengthen primary care, as a place of broader host needs to contact the user with the actions and health professionals. It is recommended the adoption of management mechanisms possible to expand the capacity of the health PHC, promoting the service delivery to the user and ensuring attention to population health.
O objetivo desse trabalho foi estudar a morfologia, anatomia e o processo germinativo de sementes de Phoenix roebelenii. Para o levantamento dos dados biométricos foram utilizadas 100 sementes de frutos recém-colhidos, deixados secar ao ar por um dia. Para a germinação, quatro repetições de 50 sementes tratadas com Vitavax-Thiran foram semeadas em bandejas de plástico, contendo Sphagnum sp. como substrato e mantidas sob condições ambientais de laboratório. Detalhes da morfologia da semente foram documentados com o uso de microscopia eletrônica de varredura e esquematizados com auxílio de câmara clara, acoplada ao estereomicroscópio. Foram confeccionadas lâminas permanentes com cortes do embrião, para o estudo de sua anatomia. As dimensões médias das sementes foram: 10,32mm comprimento, 5,21mm largura e 3,91mm espessura. O peso de 1000 sementes foi de 151,1g e 1kg continha 6600 unidades. O início da germinação variou entre 27 e 58 dias. As sementes são albuminosas, com endosperma duro e o embrião é pouco diferenciado, lateral e periférico. A germinação inicia-se pela abertura de um opérculo, através do qual é emitido o pecíolo cotiledonar com o eixo embrionário na extremidade. O pecíolo funciona, internamente, como um haustório, digerindo gradativamente o endosperma. Na sua parte posterior, desenvolve-se a plúmula, que emerge através de uma fenda. Nota-se o aparecimento de raízes secundárias na porção anterior da raiz primária.
As técnicas de aplicação localizada e em taxas variadas de insumos agrícolas com auxílio da geoestatística têm sido umas das áreas de concentração de esforços recentes em pesquisas e desenvolvimento ligado à agricultura de precisão. Portanto, o trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a necessidade de aplicação de calcário e fósforo com base no comportamento espacial de atributos químicos do solo. Foram feitas amostragens do solo a intervalos regulares de 50 m, em uma área de 42 ha, na profundidade de 0,0-0,2 m para determinação do pH, Ca, Mg, P, V% e cálculo da necessidade de calagem e superfosfato triplo. Os dados foram submetidos às análises da estatística descritiva, geoestatística e interpolação por krigagem. O uso da técnica de geoestatística possibilitou uma precisa descrição dos atributos do solo o que permitiu a definição de zonas de manejo, indicando os locais de ocorrência de déficit e excesso. A variabilidade espacial dos atributos químicos do solo, possibilita a recomendação de doses de calcário e fósforo com taxas variadas, proporcionando economia e maior eficiência na aplicação.
The Theory of Meaningful Learning (TML) described by David Paul Ausubel offers a proposal for the teaching strategies to provide a more active and effective student learning. The projection of the TML practice is demonstrated through the development of concept maps (CM) technique, created by Joseph Donald Novak, which presents as a strategy, method or schematic feature, which is an indicator to identify the cognitive organization of the knowledge acquired by students. The survey was conducted in the light of TML in relation to learning concepts involving students of undergraduate nursing in a public university in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. Thus, the study aimed to compare the concept learning of students of undergraduate nursing, when subjected to different forms of education, to point approaches that promote more effective and meaningful results. It was a quasi - experimental study with a qualitative analysis, conducted with students of the Undergraduate Nursing of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), approved by the Research Ethics Committee/UFRN Certification of Presention for Ethics Appreciation (CPEA) in 11706412.3.0000.5537. The study took place at two different times and involved content on complications mediate postoperative surgical wound in the same discipline with students who attended the 5th semester of the degree course in Nursing. For the viability of data collection, in the second half of 2013, we used the technique of CM, to represent the concept of complications mediate postoperative surgical wound covered in the classroom. CM were built at a different time from that of the discipline, with the support of tutors and preceded by a brief description and explanation about the form of preparation and application. In this study were subjected, 31 students of undergraduate nursing, registered in the discipline of Integral Attention to health I. In the first stage, 18 students participated in the survey, they had the teaching intervention based on TML, and in the second stage, all students participated in the lesson provided curriculum with the responsible teacher of the subject, on the same issue occurred. At the end of each meeting, the students 11 developed concept maps with the aid of software Cmap Tools®. Data analysis happened upon the technique of content analysis, supported by a conceptual map "glass", previously developed by researchers and aid in the preparation of the categories in which the concepts found were classified. The study found that the teaching intervention based on TML with the help of CM, managed to develop in students a more expressive teaching learning process than just classroom curriculum with the traditional teaching method, and also that the association between the intervention motion teaching with the traditional method and the use of the technique of CM encourages the student the ability to articulate the various acquired knowledge as well as apply them in real situations
In recent years, the Brazilian construction industry has gone by changes like currency stability, increasing competition, shortage of skilled labor and increasing quality importance required by the customer, who made the sector companies seek solutions through new management practices in order to become more efficient. A alternative to these management practices is known as Lean Construction which is derived from the Toyota System Production. Lean Construction main goals are to reduce parts of activities that do not add value, increase product value by considering customer needs, reduce variability and production cycle time, simplify process by reducing the number of parts or steps, increase the flexibility in the product execution and transparency process, focus the control on overall process, introduce continuous improvement process, maintain a balance between improvements in flows and conversions and seek to learn from practices adopted by competitors. However, the construction industry is characterized by having nomadic activity, which undertakes an unique product with high cost of production and big inertia for behavioral change, making it difficult to implement the philosophy of lean construction in companies. In this sense, the main objective of this study is to develop a methodology for implementation of the principles of Lean Construction. The method of implementing the proposed management system was designed with the aid of 5W2H tool, and the implementation process is divided into three phases. The first one aims to know in a macro way the current operation of construction, identify who is its target audience and what are the products and services offered to the Market. The second phase aims to describe what actions should be taken and which documents are needed to be created or modified; finally, the third step goal consists in how to control and monitor established processes, where through Strategic Planning the company goals would be set along with their respective targets and indicators in order to keep the system working, aiming for continuous improvement with focus on the customer. This methodology was conceived as a case study analyzing a medium size construction with more than 18 years of activity and certified for almost 10 years with ISO9001 and level A in PBQP-H. We also conclude that this implementation process can be used in any developer and / or builder
O consumo de matéria seca (CMS) do capim tanzânia de 24 vacas lactantes mestiças (HPB x Gir) e Gir, sob pastejo, foi estimado no mês de janeiro de 1998, a partir da relação entre a digestibilidade da MS da forragem e a produção fecal obtida com auxílio do cromo mordente por meio de um modelo não-linear. Os resultados do consumo estimado foram comparados aos consumos preditos por diferentes equações baseadas nos dados de degradabilidade do capim, no rúmen. A pastagem foi manejada com taxa de lotação de dois animais/ha, em sistema de pastejo rotativo com três dias de ocupação do piquete e 39 dias de descanso. Foram utilizadas para predizer o CMS diferentes equações: CMS = -1,19 + 0,035 (a+ b) + 28,5c (1), CMS = -0,822 + 0,0748 (a+ b) + 40,7c (2), CMS = -8,286 + 0,266a + 0,102b +17,696c (3) e CMS = [%FDN na MS]* [consumo de FDN ] / [(1-a-b)/K P +b/(c+ k p)]/24] (4). As equações, em geral, subestimaram o consumo obtido no modelo não-linear (9,6 kg/vaca/dia). Os consumos médios de capim de 6,2 e 6,0 kg MS/vaca/dia obtidas, respectivamente, nas equações de (2) e (4) foram semelhantes entre si e inferiores ao das equações de (1) (12,7 kg/vaca/dia) e (3) (8,1 kg/vaca/dia). A predição do consumo de forrageiras tropicais, sob pastejo, utilizando-se as equações baseadas nas variáveis da degradação in situ, constitui um importante potencial para estas avaliações. Entretanto, mais estudos dessa natureza devem ser realizados para validar o uso destas equações na prática.
O consumo de matéria seca (CMS) de vacas mestiças Holandês-Zebu, fistuladas no rúmen, em lactação, foi medido pela diferença de peso do alimento oferecido e das sobras e estimado com auxílio do óxido crômico (Cr2O3) pela produção fecal (PF) e indigestibilidade do alimento. O delineamento experimental foi em três quadrados latinos (3x3) e os tratamentos consistiram de capim-elefante cortado nas idades de 30, 45 e 60 dias. A digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca (DIVMS) foi determinada nas amostras do capim-elefante e estimada a partir do consumo medido diretamente e pela produção fecal obtida com o Cr2O3. A produção fecal foi também calculada (PFc) a partir dos valores do consumo (direto) e da DIVMS e foi estimada pela relação do indicador administrado/indicador excretado. Foram observadas diferenças entre os CMS obtidos nas três idades de corte do capim-elefante pelos dois métodos avaliados. Os CMS médios obtidos pelo método direto foram de 8,00; 10,00 e 11,02 kg/vaca/dia, respectivamente, para o capim cortado com 30, 45 e 60 dias. Os CMS estimados com auxílio do Cr2O3 foram de 9,00; 11,10 e 12,00 kg/vaca/dia, para os mesmos tratamentos. As estimativas de consumo utilizando o Cr2O3 foram superestimadas em 9,25% em relação aos resultados obtidos pelo método direto.
O consumo de matéria seca (CMS) do capim-coastcross, sob pastejo, de vacas lactantes mestiças (HPB x Gir) e Gir, foi calculado a partir da relação entre a digestibilidade in vitro da MS (DIVMS) da forragem (extrusa colhida com animais esôfago- fistulados) e a produção fecal obtida com auxílio do cromo mordante por meio de um modelo não-linear. A pastagem foi manejada com uma taxa de lotação de 1,6 e 3,2 animais/ha, respectivamente para as épocas seca e chuvosa do ano, num sistema de pastejo rotativo com três dias de ocupação e 27 dias de descanso. Quatro diferentes equações baseadas em variáveis de degradação ruminal foram utilizadas para predizer o consumo de MS: CMS = -1,19 + 0,035 (a+ b) + 28,5c (1), CMS = -0,822 + 0,0748 (a+ b) + 40,7c (2), CMS = -8,286 + 0,266a + 0,102b +17,696c (3) e CMS = [%FDN na MS]* [consumo de FDN ] / [(1-a-b)/K P +b/(c+ k p)]/24] (4). Os dados observados utilizando as equações 1 e 2 (12,2 e 12,7 kg/vaca/dia respectivamente) foram similares entre si e superiores aos resultados obtidos na equação 4 (7,8 kg/vaca/dia). Já o resultado obtido pela equação 3 (5,5 kg/vaca/dia) foi menor do que aqueles determinados pelas outras equações, subestimando o CMS calculado a partir do cromo mordante (6,3 kg/vaca/dia). A predição do consumo de forrageiras tropicais sob pastejo, utilizando equações baseadas nas variáveis de degradação, constitui um importante potencial para estas avaliações. Entretanto, mais estudos devem ser realizados antes de se usarem estas equações na prática.
Muita atenção tem sido dada ao desenvolvimento de inseticidas vegetais buscando-se um efetivo controle de ectoparasitas de bovinos, sem prejudicar animais, consumidores e meio ambiente. Este estudo, realizado de abril a julho de 2008, na Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA) Pecuária Sudeste, em São Carlos, SP, Brasil, avaliou a eficácia de uma torta comercial de nim (Azadirachta indica) no controle da mosca-dos-chifres (Haematobia irritans) em bovinos. A torta de nim, misturada ao sal mineral na concentração de 2%, foi fornecida a 20 vacas Nelore, durante nove semanas, e sua eficácia foi monitorada através de contagens semanais nos grupos tratado e controle. Infestações individuais foram registradas por meio de fotos digitais em todos os animais de ambos os grupos, e o número de moscas foi, posteriormente, quantificado com o auxílio de um sistema de análise de imagem computadorizado. A quantificação dos componentes da torta de nim, por cromatografia líquida, revelou a presença de azadiractina (421 mg.kg-1) e 3-tigloyl-azadirachtol (151 mg.kg-1). A adição da torta de nim a 2% reduziu o consumo de sal mineral em cerca de 22%. O tratamento com torta de nim a 2% não reduziu as infestações por mosca-dos-chifres em bovinos durante as nove semanas do estudo.
The aim of this work is to analyse the tourism events and the performance of this segment from market as strategy in the combat of Natal's hotel seasonality, in the executives/managers's vision from this sector. Two searches were realized to turn available this study: Inicialy a bibliographic search involving the concepts associated with the tematic in question so that it arranges the embasament theoric-scientific and a survey from facts through the country search, where it was applicable in the establishments of work's population with the auxiliary from a formulary answered by a personal interview. The analyses techniques through facts were: estatistic descritive and Kolmogorov-smirnov test.Among the results found, it was verified that the main reasons alleged by the hotels to ingress in the segment from the events were the alinement from the competitive company, the diversification in the options in the sense of occupy the establishments during the period of low season and answer to the demand of market. Investigated the profile from the events occured in the Natal hotels referring to the port, public origin , kinds of events and frequency from their realizations, as well as , the capacity from these establishments to attend this segment.It was noticed that in spite of the hotels agree that the events are important estrategies to combat the seasonality, the establishments still suffer with the flutuation, what can be justified from the moment that it's considered that the events also behave from seasonal manner, having more concentration in certain periods from the year. It was evaluated that the main advantage noticed by the realization from the hotels's events is the utilization from alimentation and drinking services, surpassing the advantage from elevation of taxes occupation from the apartments
The main goal of this dissertation is to develop a Multi Criteria Decision Aid Model to be used in Oils and Gas perforation rigs contracts choices. The developed model should permit the utilization of multiples criterions, covering problems that exist with models that mainly use the price of the contracts as its decision criterion. The AHP has been chosen because its large utilization, not only academic, but in many other areas, its simplicity of use and flexibility, and also fill all the requirements necessary to complete the task. The development of the model was conducted by interviews and surveys with one specialist in this specific area, who also acts as the main actor on the decision process. The final model consists in six criterions: Costs, mobility, automation, technical support, how fast the service could be concluded and availability to start the operations. Three rigs were chosen as possible solutions for the problem. The results reached by the utilizations of the model suggests that the utilization of AHP as a decision support system in this kind of situation is possible, allowing a simplifications of the problem, and also it s a useful tool to improve every one involved on the process s knowledge about the problem subject, and its possible solutions
The decrease in crime is one of the core issues that cause concern in society today. This study aims to propose improvements to public safety from the choice of points to the location of police units, ie the points which support the car and the police. For this, three models were developed in order to assist decision making regarding the best placement of these bases. The Model of Police Units Routing has the intention to analyze the current configuration of a given region and develop optimal routes for round preventative. The Model of Allocation and Routing for New Police Units (MARNUP) used the model of facility location called p-median weighted and traveling salesman problem (TSP) combined aiming an ideal setting for regions that do not yet have support points or to assess how far the distribution is present in relation to that found in solution. The Model Redefinition and Routing Unit Police (MRRUP) seek to change the current positioning taking into account the budgetary constraints of the decision maker. To verify the applicability of these models we used data from 602 points to instances of police command that is responsible for the capital city of Natal. The city currently has 31 police units for 36 of these 19 districts and police have some assistance. This reality can lead to higher costs and higher response times for answering emergency calls. The results of the models showed that in an ideal situation it is possible to define a distance of 500 km/round, whereas in this 900 km are covered by approximately round. However, a change from three-point lead reduced to 700 km / round which represents a decrease of 22% in the route. This reduction should help improve response time to emergency care, improving the level of service provided by the increase of solved cases, reducing police shifts and routing preventive patrols