976 resultados para Artigo zero
A Administração Pública Portuguesa tem sentido necessidade de se modernizar e, na procura desse objetivo, têm sido criados diversos programas de simplificação administrativa em Portugal. No âmbito de um desses programas – o Simplex, surgiu o programa Licenciamento Zero que visa reduzir os procedimentos necessários ao licenciamento de determinadas atividades económicas. O presente trabalho pretendeu demonstrar como se projetou legalmente a implementação do Licenciamento Zero e como se procedeu a implementação organizacional desta medida, procurando identificar as principais dificuldades da sua implementação. Pretendeu-se ainda conhecer os procedimentos de licenciamento antes do projeto Licenciamento Zero, e compará-los com a realidade posterior à sua implementação. Para isso, fez-se um foco na área da publicidade. Por fim, procurou-se compreender quais as vantagens desta desmaterialização, desburocratização e modernização administrativa para as empresas, bem como compreender quais as consequências positivas e negativas sentidas pelas entidades responsáveis pelo licenciamento, nomeadamente a Câmara Municipal de Vagos.
Despite widespread controversy surrounding zero-rating—that is, the practice of subsidizing mobile data—the field suffers from a lack of inquiry into user understanding of and experience with zero-rated services. This paper explores how Ghanaian mobile users interact with zero-rated mobile applications Free Basics and Wikipedia Zero. Based on semi-structured interviews with users and non-users of the applications, I discuss how mobile phone users perceive Free Basics and Wikipedia Zero, what motivates them to use or not use the applications, and how the availability of the applications influences their data-buying strategies. Findings suggest that respondents, including those who did not actively use the applications, understood and experienced Free Basics and Wikipedia Zero in ways divergent from the providers’ aim of expanding access to online content and services.
We study the relations of shift equivalence and strong shift equivalence for matrices over a ring $\mathcal{R}$, and establish a connection between these relations and algebraic K-theory. We utilize this connection to obtain results in two areas where the shift and strong shift equivalence relations play an important role: the study of finite group extensions of shifts of finite type, and the Generalized Spectral Conjectures of Boyle and Handelman for nonnegative matrices over subrings of the real numbers. We show the refinement of the shift equivalence class of a matrix $A$ over a ring $\mathcal{R}$ by strong shift equivalence classes over the ring is classified by a quotient $NK_{1}(\mathcal{R}) / E(A,\mathcal{R})$ of the algebraic K-group $NK_{1}(\calR)$. We use the K-theory of non-commutative localizations to show that in certain cases the subgroup $E(A,\mathcal{R})$ must vanish, including the case $A$ is invertible over $\mathcal{R}$. We use the K-theory connection to clarify the structure of algebraic invariants for finite group extensions of shifts of finite type. In particular, we give a strong negative answer to a question of Parry, who asked whether the dynamical zeta function determines up to finitely many topological conjugacy classes the extensions by $G$ of a fixed mixing shift of finite type. We apply the K-theory connection to prove the equivalence of a strong and weak form of the Generalized Spectral Conjecture of Boyle and Handelman for primitive matrices over subrings of $\mathbb{R}$. We construct explicit matrices whose class in the algebraic K-group $NK_{1}(\mathcal{R})$ is non-zero for certain rings $\mathcal{R}$ motivated by applications. We study the possible dynamics of the restriction of a homeomorphism of a compact manifold to an isolated zero-dimensional set. We prove that for $n \ge 3$ every compact zero-dimensional system can arise as an isolated invariant set for a homeomorphism of a compact $n$-manifold. In dimension two, we provide obstructions and examples.
This thesis describes the development and correlation of a thermal model that forms the foundation of a thermal capacitance spacecraft propellant load estimator. Specific details of creating the thermal model for the diaphragm propellant tank used on NASA’s Magnetospheric Multiscale spacecraft using ANSYS and the correlation process implemented are presented. The thermal model was correlated to within +/- 3 Celsius of the thermal vacuum test data, and was determined sufficient to make future propellant predictions on MMS. The model was also found to be relatively sensitive to uncertainties in applied heat flux and mass knowledge of the tank. More work is needed to improve temperature predictions in the upper hemisphere of the propellant tank where predictions were found to be 2-2.5 Celsius lower than the test data. A road map for applying the model to predict propellant loads on the actual MMS spacecraft in 2017-2018 is also presented.
Este artigo visa testar um hexa-modelo dimensional do empenhamento organizacional sugerido em pesquisas anteriores de Rego (2002b, 2003). O modelo difere do esquema tri-dimensional mais comum (afectivo, normativo e instrumental) no que concerne a três aspectos: a) a faceta afectiva é desmembrada em duas (empenhamento afectivo; futuro comum); b) a faceta instrumental é dividida nas facetas “escassez de alternativas” e “sacrifícios elevados”; c) é sugerida uma nova dimensão, designada “ausência psicológica” e que representa o “grau zero” do empenhamento. A amostra é constituída por 366 indivíduos, com actividades profissionais bastante distintas. Análises factoriais confirmatórias sugerem que o modelo de seis dimensões se ajusta satisfatoriamente aos dados, embora os modelos de quatro e cinco dimensões denotem igualmente boas qualidades psicométricas.
Certain characteristics of some vegetable crops allow multiple harvests during the production cycle; however, to our knowledge, no study has described the behavior of fruit production with progression of the production cycle in vegetable crops with multiple harvests that present data overdispersion. We aimed to characterize the data overdispersion of zero-inflated variables and identify the behavior of these variables during the production cycle of several vegetable crops with multiple harvests. Data from 11 uniformity trials were used without applying treatments; these comprise the database from the Experimental Plants Group at the Federal University of Santa Maria, Brazil. The trials were conducted using four horticultural species grown during different cultivation seasons, cultivation environments, and experimental structures. Although at each harvest, a larger number of basic units with harvest fruit was observed than units without harvest fruit, the basic unit percentage without fruit was high, generating an overdispersion within each individual harvest. The variability within each harvest was high and increased with the evolution of the production cycle of Capsicum annuum, Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme, Phaseolus vulgaris, and Cucurbita pepo species. However, the correlation coefficient between the mean weight and number of harvest fruits tended to remain constant during the crop production cycle. These behaviors show that harvest management should be done individually, at each harvest, such that data overdispersion is reduced.
O presente documento visa ser um guia orientador da construção de artigos científicos, no contexto da unidade curricular (uc) Metodologia de Investigação, do curso de Mestrado em Ciências do Consumo Alimentar (MCCA). Pretende-se, deste modo, considerar a filosofia subjacente a este trabalho, tendo em conta a natureza do artigo, bem como abordar questões formais e sua extensão, formatação, acrescida da estrutura do mesmo.
ABSTRACT: Background: The Caries Assessment Spectrum and Treatment (CAST) is a new epidemiological instrument for detection and treatment of dental caries. Worldwide, the WHO criterion constitutes the epidemiological tool most commonly used for caries detection. The objective of the present study is to determine the levels of similarity and difference between the CAST instrument and WHO criterion on the basis of caries prevalence, dmf/DMF counts, examination time and reporting of results. Methods: An epidemiological survey was carried out in Brazil among 6-11-year-old schoolchildren. Time of examinations was recorded. dmft, dmfs, DMFT and DMFS counts and dental caries prevalence were obtained according to the WHO criterion and the CAST instrument, as well the correlation coefficient between the two instruments. Results: Four hundred nineteen children were examined. dmft and dmfs counts were 1.92 and 5.31 (CAST), 1.99 and 5.34 (WHO) with correlation coefficients (r) of 0.95 and 0.93, respectively. DMFT and DMFS counts were 0.20 and 0.33 (CAST), 0.19 and 0.30 (WHO), with r = 0.78 and r=0.72, respectively. Kappa coefficient values for intra-examiner consistency were CAST = 0.91-0.92; WHO = 0.95-0.96 and those for inter-examiner consistency were CAST = 0.90-0.96; WHO = 0.94-1.00. Mean time spent on applying CAST and WHO were 66.3 and 64.7 sec, respectively p = 0.26. The prevalence of dental caries using CAST (codes 2, 5-8) and the WHO criterion for the primary dentition were 63.0% and 65.9%, respectively, and for the permanent dentition they were 12.7% and 12.8%, respectively. Conclusions: The CAST instrument provided similar prevalence of dental caries values and dmf/DMF counts as the WHO criterion in this age group. Time spent on examining children was identical for both caries assessment methods. Presentation of results from use of the CAST instrument, in comparison to WHO criterion, allowed a more detailed reporting of stages of dental caries, which will be useful for oral health planners.
Realizaram-se dois experimentos, um em 1981 e outro em 1984, com a cultura do tomateiro rasteiro (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) em cultivo irrigado, num Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo do Submedio Sao Francisco, para avaliar o efeito de fontes, niveis e epocas de aplicacao de nitrogenio (N) na produtividade dessa cultura. As fontes de N estudadas foram ureia e sulfato de amonio. No primeiro experimento os niveis foram: 0, 50, 100 e 150 kg/ha de N aplicados nas seguintes epocas: a) toda dose por ocasiao do transplantio das mudas; b) metade da dose no transplantio e a outra metade 30 dias depois; e c) um terco da dose no transplantio seguido de igual quantidade aos 25 e 50 dias depois. No segundo experimento, foram testados os niveis 0, 40, 80, 120 e 160 kg/ha de N parcelados em duas epocas, 1/3 no transplantio e 2/3 30 dias depois. Nao houve diferencas significativas entre as fontes, nem entre as epocas de aplicacao de N. No primeiro experimento, foi estimado um nivel otimo economico de 100 kg/ha de N que proporcionou uma produtividade de 28 t/ha de frutos. No segundo experimento, esse nivel foi de 97 kg/ha de N com produtividade de 67 t/ha de frutos. Essas produtividades foram 111% e 50% superiores aquelas obtidas no nivel zero para o primeiro e segundo experimento, respectivamente.
O presente Trabalho de Investigação Aplicada tem como tema “As ROE na condução das Operações de Estabilização (não Artigo 5º - NA5CRO)”. Atendendo à variedade de modalidades de intervenção, as forças multinacionais regem-se por Regras de Empenhamento. As Regras de Empenhamento implicam treino, em função da especificidade da Operação de Estabilização, enquadradas na gestão de crises. A investigação tem por objetivo saber qual o papel das Regras de Empenhamento nas Operações de Estabilização e a forma como estas são interpretadas e aplicadas pelas chefias militares em situações de intervenção em crises, com a presença de forças multinacionais, nomeadamente da ONU, NATO e UE. A metodologia adotada visa responder à pergunta central e, após a formulação desta, foram formuladas questões derivadas para encontrar possíveis respostas. O trabalho realizado fundamenta-se no levantamento bibliográfico, análise de documentos e realização de entrevistas. Através de uma amostra, realizaram-se entrevistas a chefias militares Portuguesas do Exército e da Marinha, que já se debruçaram sobre a problemática das Regras de Empenhamento, em termos teóricos e práticos, nomeadamente acerca do papel que lhes atribuem e a sua importância na concretização de um ambiente seguro e estável para as populações. A análise de conteúdo das entrevistas permitiu constatar que as chefias militares entrevistadas consideram relevante a existência e concomitante aplicação das Regras de Empenhamento. A investigação confirmou a importância das Regras de Empenhamento, como uma orientação para a ação e, sobretudo, como devem ser consideradas imprescindíveis para demarcar a limitação do uso da força, em questões de proporcionalidade e demais princípios que regem a aplicação de forças no âmbito do Direito Internacional Humanitário e dos Conflitos Armados (DIHCA). Verificou-se que a metodologia doutrinalmente aplicada nas Regras de Empenhamento, lhes confere suficientemente flexibilidade, não carecendo de atualização permanente, sendo utilizadas de acordo com tipologias específicas. Por último, releva-se a importância do treino militar, para que se conheçam os objetivos específicos das Operações de Estabilização em função da sua tipologia e a correspondente aplicabilidade das ROE.
Zero valent iron nanoparticles (nZVI) represent a promising agent for environmental remediation. Nevertheless, their application presents some limitations regarding their rapid oxidation and aggregation in the media. The aim of this study was to determine the effect that nZVI aging has in heavy metal remediation in water. Contaminants studied were Zn, Cd, Ni, Cu and Cr, which are typical elements found in ground and wastewater. Results show a high contaminant removal capacity by the nZVI in the first 2 h of reaction. Nevertheless, for longer reaction times, some of the metal ions that had already been adsorbed in the nZVI were delivered to the water. Cd and Ni show the maximum delivery percentages (65 and 27% respectively after 21 days of contact time). The starting delivery time was shortened when applying lower nZVI amounts. No re-dissolution of Cr was observed in any circumstance because it was the only element incorporated into the nanoparticles core, as TEM images showed. Contaminant release from nZVI is probably due to nanoparticles oxidation caused by aging, which produced a pH decrease and nZVI surface crystallization.
Enterotoxemia in sheep and in goats is caused by the effects of the epsilon toxin of C/ostridium perfringens type D, being considered the main infectious cause of mortality in those animal species. The main prophylactic measures include adequate nutritional management and vaccination of ali animais using vaccines of high immunogenic power. Six commercial vaccines containing in its formulation the epsilon toxoid of C. perfringens type D were sorogically evaluated. Eighty four female goat kids, whose mothers had no previous vaccination history against clostridioses were used. They were divided into six groups of 14 animais each. The animais of the control group didn't receive any vaccine dose and the animais from the groups 1 to 5 received two vaccine doses, The first vaccine dose was applied at 45 days of life (day zero) and the second dose at 75 days (30 days after the first dose). Blood samples were collected from the goat kids at the days zero, 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 after the beginning of the experiment, in order to evaluate the immunologic response. The Indirect ELlSA technique was used for the quantification of the antibodies against epsilon toxin in the samples of blood serum of the animais. In day zero, no animal presented titre considered protector. The largest number of animais considered protected was found at day 60, in response to the two initial doses of the vaccine (days O and 30, first and second doses, respectively). Only tive animaIs which received the vaccine 1 and one animal which received the vaccine 3 stayed wilh titres of antibodies considered up to 150 days after the first vaccine dose. Based on the results, it was concluded lhat the evaluated vaccines showed small amount of epsilon toxoid in the commercial formulations, a crucial fact for lhe low efficiency of. the vaccines. For commercial reasons, the vaccines against the clostridioses present versatile formulations, with several toxoid types, used for various animal species, which certainly contributed to reduce their effectiveness in preventing the iIInesses caused by the clostridia or their toxins.
Reductive dechlorination of TCE and cis-DCE by zero-valent iron and iron-based bimetallic reductants
CEs are the most frequently detected pollutants in groundwater. Several studies have been shown iron-based bimetallic reductants as a good method toward to chlorinated ethylenes degradation. However, many fundamental issues surrounding the chemistry of this phenomena remains elusive. In this study, kinetics and compound specific isotope analysis for reductive dechlorination of TCE and cis-DCE by unamended iron and iron-based bimetal reductants was evaluated. Generally, all the bimetals reductants tested revealed to increase the reactivity of the degradation, in which palladium and nickel were the additional metals more reactive. Ethene and ethane were the major products of TCE degradation. It is supported the simultaneous hydrogenolysis and β-elimination reaction hypothesis, however, the first step of TCE degradation by Au/Fe undergoes preferably by β-elimination, while by unamended iron, Pt/Fe and Co/Fe goes preferably by hydrogenolysis. No apparent elucidation was obtained to explain the high reactivity on bimetals systems; Degradação do TCE e cis-DCE por ferro de valência zero e redutores bimetálicos à base de ferro Resumo: Etilenos clorados são os poluentes mais frequentemente detetados na água subterrânea. Vários estudos têm mostrado que redutores bimetálicos à base de ferro são um bom método para a degradação dos etilenos clorados. Porém, muitas questões fundamentais acerca da química deste fenómeno permanecem elusivas. Neste estudo foi avaliada a cinética e a análise isotópica de compostos específicos para a degradação do TCE e cis-DCE por ferro e redutores bimetálicos à base de ferro. Genericamente, os redutores bimetálicos mostraram aumentar a reatividade da degradação, sendo paládio e níquel os metais adicionais mais reativos. Os produtos principais da degradação do TCE foram eteno e etano. É apoiada a hipótese da simultaneidade de hidrogenólise e β-eliminação, porém, o primeiro passo da degradação do TCE por Au/Fe é realizada preferencialmente por β-eliminação, enquanto por ferro, Pt/Fe e Co/Fe é realizada preferencialmente por hidrogenólise. Não houve uma elucidação aparente para explicar a reatividade nos sistemas bimetálicos.