772 resultados para Architectural pedagogy


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La Diputació de Barcelona planteja la possibilitat de fer un projecte per a generar comunitats virtuals (GCV), definit en diversos mòduls. L'abast del projecte i l'anàlisi funcional general s'especifica en el document Anàlisi funcional del GCV. En aquest informe es presenta el disseny i la construcció del projecte respecte al mòdul 'Fòrum' i el mòdul 'Notícies'. Com a llenguatge de desenvolupament, s'ha fet servir Java amb l'arquitectura J2EE. En l'apartat de disseny arquitectònic s'especifiquen les eines emprades amb més detall.


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The place of technology in the development of coherent educational responses to environmental and socio-economic disruption is here placed under scrutiny. One emerging area of interest is the role of technology in addressing more complex learning futures, and more especially in facilitating individual and social resilience, or the ability to manage and overcome disruption. However, the extent to which higher education practitioners can utilise technology to this end is framed by their approaches to the curriculum, and the socio-cultural practices within which they are located. This paper discusses how open education might enable learners to engage with uncertainty through social action within a form of higher education that is more resilient to economic, environmental and energy-related disruption. It asks whether open higher education can be (re)claimed by users and communities within specific contexts and curricula, in order to engage with an uncertain world.


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This article presents preliminary findings from a research study conducted by the Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education on the role of open educational resources (OER) in transforming pedagogy. Based on a study of art and humanities teachers participating in an OER training network, the study reveals how exposure to OER resources and tools support collaboration among teachers, as well as new conversations about teaching practices. These findings have implications for engaging teachers in adopting new OER use practices, and for how OER can be integrated as a model for innovation in teaching and in resource development.


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Osteoporosis is characterized by low bone mass, micro architectural impairment of bone tissue, and a subsequent in crease in fracture risk. Fractures or the vertebrae and distal forearm, as well as the proximal femur, or hip fracture, are included. Hip fracture is associated with high mortality, morbidity and medical expenses. There is a dramatic increase in the incidence of hip fracture with age. Hip fracture incidence is 350 times higher in women aged 85 years and over comparatively to women between 35 and 44 years of age. In recent studies in Switzerland, it was observed that the annual age adjusted incidence rate of hip fracture was comparable with similar rates for white population in industrialized countries, although in men the rates were relatively high. Among the major risk factors for osteoporosis are age, female gender, white and Asian race, and menopause. Postmenopausal estrogen replacement therapy reduces bone resorption. Family history of osteoporosis, frail constitution, as well as excessive alcohol intake, cigarette smoking, chronic insufficient nutritional calcium intake and physical inactivity are other risk factors. A cardinal element is the peak bone mass reached in the third or fourth decade of life. Independently of osteoporosis, falls are a key agent in fractures; several medical conditions and drugs increase the risk of falling. There is an enormous social and financial cost of osteoporosis; the annual cost of medical treatment only for hip fracture is close to Fr. 200 million in Switzerland. The burden of osteoporosis is likely to increase in the future because of the demographic aging of the population unless large scale preventive interventions are undertaken.


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In the histomorphological grading of prostate carcinoma, pathologists have regularly assigned comparable scores for the architectural Gleason and the now-obsolete nuclear World Health Organization (WHO) grading systems. Although both systems demonstrate good correspondence between grade and survival, they are based on fundamentally different biological criteria. We tested the hypothesis that this apparent concurrence between the two grading systems originates from an interpretation bias in the minds of diagnostic pathologists, rather than reflecting a biological reality. Three pathologists graded 178 prostatectomy specimens, assigning Gleason and WHO scores on glass slides and on digital images of nuclei isolated out of their architectural context. The results were analysed with respect to interdependencies among the grading systems, to tumour recurrence (PSA relapse > 0.1 ng/ml at 48 months) and robust nuclear morphometry, as assessed by computer-assisted image analysis. WHO and Gleason grades were strongly correlated (r = 0.82) and demonstrated identical prognostic power. However, WHO grades correlated poorly with nuclear morphology (r = 0.19). Grading of nuclei isolated out of their architectural context significantly improved accuracy for nuclear morphology (r = 0.55), but the prognostic power was virtually lost. In conclusion, the architectural organization of a tumour, which the pathologist cannot avoid noticing during initial slide viewing at low magnification, unwittingly influences the subsequent nuclear grade assignment. In our study, the prognostic power of the WHO grading system was dependent on visual assessment of tumour growth pattern. We demonstrate for the first time the influence a cognitive bias can have in the generation of an error in diagnostic pathology and highlight a considerable problem in histopathological tumour grading.


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Actualment ens trobem en un món on tot gira al voltant de les noves tecnologies, i un pilar fonamental és l'oci i l'entreteniment. Això engloba principalment les indústries del cinema, videojocs i realitat virtual. Un dels problemes que tenen aquestes indústries és com crear l'escenari on es produeix la història. L'objectiu d'aquest projecte de final de carrera és crear una eina integrada al skylineEngine, que serveixi per crear edificis de manera procedural, on l'usuari pugui definir l'estètica d'aquest edifici, introduint la seva planta i els perfils adequats. El que s'implementarà serà una eina de modelatge per a dissenyadors, que a partir d'una planta i perfils pugui crear l'edifici.Aquest projecte es desenvoluparà a sobre del mòdul de generació d'edificis del skylineEngine, una eina pel modelatge de ciutats que s'executa sobre el Houdini 3D, que és una plataforma genèrica pel modelatge procedural d'objectes.El desenvolupament d'aquest projecte implica:• Estudi de la plataforma de desenvolupament Houdini 3D i de les llibreries necessàries per la incorporació de scripts Python. Estudi de les EEDD internes de Houdini.• Aprendre i manejar el llenguatge de programació Python.• Estudi del codi de l'article Interactive Architectural Modeling with Procedural Extrusions, per en Tom Kelly i en Peter Wonka, publicat a la revista ACM Transactions on Graphics (2011).• Desenvolupament d'algorismes de conversió de geometria d'una estructura tipus face-vertex a una de tipus half-edge, i viceversa.• Modificació del codi Java per acceptar crides sense interfície d'usuari i amb estructures de dades generades des de Python.• Aprendre el funcionament de la llibreria JPype per permetre enllaçar el Java dins el Python.• Estudi del skylineEngine i de les llibreries per la creació d'edificis.• Integració del resultat dintre del skylineEngine.• Verificació i ajust de les regles i paràmetres de la simulació per a diferents edificis


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The pleiotropic cyclic nucleotide cAMP is the primary second messenger responsible for autonomic regulation of cardiac inotropy, chronotropy, and lusitropy. Under conditions of prolonged catecholaminergic stimulation, cAMP also contributes to the induction of both cardiac myocyte hypertrophy and apoptosis. The formation of localized, multiprotein complexes that contain different combinations of cAMP effectors and regulatory enzymes provides the architectural infrastructure for the specialization of the cAMP signaling network. Scaffolds that bind protein kinase A are called "A-kinase anchoring proteins" (AKAPs). In this review, we discuss recent advances in our understanding of how PKA is compartmentalized within the cardiac myocyte by AKAPs and how AKAP complexes modulate cardiac function in both health and disease.


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En este proyecto se plantea que a través de la colaboración entre todos se puede lograr el proceso de adaptación y un sistema constructivo, con la finalidad de evitar los obstáculos que sufren determinados alumnos. Por este motivo se debe consensuar con la comunidad educativa, a través de una orientación colaborativa y constructiva, con el objetivo de que todos colaboren, tanto los alumnos, como los tutores y los padres-madres, servicios sociales, siendo el asesor/a quien plantee unas mesas de trabajo, desde cada ámbito.


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RESUME en français Centrée sur le grand nymphée de Leptis Magna la recherche met en évidence l'évolution et la signification de ce monument des eaux dans l'une des plus importantes cités africaines de l'époque romaine en mettant en lumière trois thèmes principaux. L'étude historiographique permet tout d'abord d'appréhender, à l'aide des témoignages littéraires des siècles derniers et d'une abondante documentation d'archive, l'histoire de l'édifice de son ensablement à sa remise au jour, puis de suivre les différentes étapes de son dégagement et de sa restauration, mettant ainsi en relief la perception des divers observateurs à l'encontre du monument. L'étude urbanistique permet ensuite de dégager la signification de l'édifice dans la cité par rapport aux autres monuments du secteur aux différentes périodes de son histoire, ainsi que de reconstituer l'approvisionnement en eau de Leptis Magna. Enfin, l'étude architecturale s'intéresse à l'analyse détaillée des structures, permettant la mise en évidence de la conception initiale, du fonctionnement et des transformations du nymphée. Cette dernière approche, qui s'accompagne d'un catalogue circonstancié des éléments du décor, fait intervenir des considérations sur les techniques de constructions, le traitement des blocs d'ornementation et, d'une manière plus générale, sur ('économie du chantier. Cette recherche permet non seulement de reconstituer l'aspect, le rôle et l'histoire du monument et de le replacer dans la série des nymphées romains, mais aussi de percevoir son impact sur les habitants du lieu aux différents moments de son histoire, cherchant ainsi à rejoindre par l'archéologie des considérations sociologiques. THE GREAT SEVERAN NYMPHAEUM OF LEPTIS MAGNA: HISTORIOGRAPHICAL, URBANISTIC AND ARCHITECTURAL STUDY RESUME en anglais Based on the great nymphaeum of Leptis Magna, the research considers the development and significance of this water monument in one of the most important African cities of the Roman period, through three principal aspects. The historiographical study aboards the subject through literary testimony from the last centuries and an abundance of documentary archives, the history of the edifice from its burial to its reconstruction, studying the different stages of its unearthing and its restoration, thus pinpointing perspectives from various observers of the monument. The urban study divulges the significance of the edifice in the city, in comparison with other monuments in the region over different periods of its history, as well as reconstituting Leptis Magna's water supply. Finally, the architectural study undertakes a detailed analysis of the structures, which highlights the conception and the transformations of the nymphaeum, as well as its hydraulic functions. This architectural approach, which is accompanied by a detailed catalogue of the decorative elements, juxtaposes the technical considerations of construction with the ornamental treatment of the marble blocks, accounting for the economical aspects of the site of the nymphaeum. This research proposes not only a consideration of the appearance, the role and the history of the monument and situates it within the series of Roman nymphaea, but also the perception of its impact on the local inhabitants at different moments in its history, looking for accomplish by archaeology some sociological considerations.


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The subject of this bachelor's thesis has its origins in the frequently asked question of an author; whether any of their own theatrical techniques correlate with those of any well-known theatrical personality. The aim of this bachelor's thesis, consequently, was to find out the true nature of the author as an actor and theatrical professional. The author started to put together a puzzle, from different fields of acting techniques, and came up with a solid picture. Different acting techniques and the basics of them were clarified and tested in practice. Techniques were reflected on, through great personalities in the field of theatre, via discussion. The selected personalities were Jouko Turkka, Antonin Artaud, Konstantin Stanislavski, Kaisa Korhonen and Bertolt Brecht. The toughness and physicality of acting played a strong role in this thesis. "Black pedagogy" was strongly criticized. The methods of Jouko Turkka were thoroughly investigated and, surprisingly to the author, turned out usable, although the author questioned the brutal ways that Turkka used them. The author carried out some of the physical exercises that corresponded to the different acting methods, and did "human tests" to understand the true meaning of the methods. Antonin Artaud abandoned all of his past life and sacrificed himself to art, which the author refuses to even consider it. The author found a soul-mate in Kaisa Korhonen and agreed with most of her methods. Many people who had worked with Kaisa Korhonen were interviewed to find out if she actually used the techniques. The author debated objectivity with Bertolt Brecht but, whereas Brecht saw it as the basis of everything, the author couldn't even consider it a usable technique. The author also had a discussion with Konstantin Stanislavski concerning the basics of acting, the study of singing, dancing and oral expression, and other beneficial skills. In the end, the author put herself on a plate, chopped herself into tiny pieces, started to study the pieces, and found out how she became as she is.


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Tässä opinnäytetyössä tutkin miten videokameraa voi käyttää oppimisen välineenä perusopetuksessa. Tutkielmani perustuu ajatukseen kamerasta audiovisuaalisen kulttuurin kynänä, monipuolisena kirjoittamisen, kuvittamisen ja itsensä ilmaisemisen välineenä, jonka käyttö on yksinkertaista ja tasa-arvoista. Lähestyn kysymystä sekä kasvatuksen, mediakasvatuksen että elokuvateorian näkökulmista ja etsin niiden yhtymäkohtia. Tavoitteena on hahmotella työkaluja ja kehyksiä, joista olisi opettajille hyötyä käytännön koulutyössä, ja jotka auttaisivat entistä paremmin integroimaan mediakasvatuksen näkökulmia opetukseen. Kasvatuksen teoriassa käsittelen konstruktivistista oppimiskäsitystä, jonka mukaan oppiminen on aktiivista ja tavoitteellista toimintaa, jossa oppilas itse rakentaa oman tietonsa. Tästä näkökulmasta tärkeitä ovat monipuoliset ja motivoivat oppimisympäristöt sekä oppilaan luontaista uteliaisuutta ruokkivat työtavat. Korostan myös yhteistoiminnallisen oppimisen menetelmiä, jotka mahdollistavat työskentelyn pienryhmissä siten, että oppilaat pääsevät osallistumaan aktiivisesti ja tasapuolisesti. Videokameran luonnetta työvälineenä käsittelen elokuvateorian näkökulmasta. Nostan esille näkemyksiä, joiden mukaan kamera on erityisesti todellisuuden hahmottamisen väline, jonka katse poikkeaa ihmisen katseesta. Esittelen myös Alexandre Astrucin ajatuksen kamerakynästä, jolla on oma ilmaisuvoimainen kielensä. Liitän nämä ajatukset konstruktivismin kontekstiin: kamera voi olla todellisuuden tutkimisen ja tiedon rakentamisen väline. Teorian ja käytännön kokeilujen pohjalta määrittelen koulutyössä toteutettavalle videokuvaamiselle kolme toiminnallista tavoitetta: tiedon jakamisen, havainnoinnin ja käsittelyn sekä itseilmaisun. Tämän kolmijaon perusteella opetusta on mahdollista suunnitella ja arvioida. Koko tutkimuksen taustalla on huoli audiovisuaalisen mediakulttuurin keskeisten kansalaistaitojen toteutumisesta. Koska tämän päivän media on kiinteä osa yhteiskuntaa, sen päätöksentekoa ja julkista tilaa, on jokaisella kansalaisella oltava siihen vapaa pääsy. Tämä edellyttää taitoja pukea ajatuksiaan mediaviestien muotoon. Jos videokamera on audiovisuaalisen kulttuurin kynä, on sen käyttö kirjoitustaitoon verrattava kansalaistaito.


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A dissertação que ora apresentamos visa a obtenção do grau de mestre no MBA - Gestão de Empresas, pelo ISCTE Business School, Departamento de Gestão. Intitulado o ensino e prática da Contabilidade, orientado para o desenvolvimento de competências científicas, tecnológicas e relacionais, este estudo foi desenvolvido para tentarmos perceber até que ponto o ensino da contabilidade, no instituto eleito para o efeito, corresponde às expectativas da profissão, atendendo às competências que o mercado, inserido num mundo global em constantes mutações, determina como fundamentais para o sucesso da carreira contabilística. Com novas necessidades em competências, na prática contabilística, resultantes da utilização das TICs, presentes em qualquer ramo da esfera humana, tentámos perceber se o currículo do Curso de Contabilidade, do instituto, está projectado para conferir, aos diplomados, competências do saber-saber, saber-fazer, e saber-ser, em conformidade com tais necessidades ou, pelo contrário, baseia-se numa perspectiva tradicional assente numa pedagogia por objectivos, encontrando-se desactualizado. Tratou-se de um estudo de caso, numa investigação qualitativa holística, que permitiu desenvolver compreensões a partir das evidências reunidas, das representações dos sujeitos sobre quem recaem os resultados da investigação, que estabelecem uma relação indirecta com os mesmos resultados. Dos resultados obtidos, percebemos que o currículo do Curso de Contabilidade não se adequa a um currículo baseado em competências, sendo inadequado à realidade contabilística actual, local e global. As conclusões chegadas permitem-nos defender uma revisão curricular do curso para adequá-lo às competências necessárias à garantia duma profissão de contabilista de sucesso. Como contributo, propomos um plano de estudos alternativo. The present dissertation aims at obtaining the master degree in MBA - Management, ISCTE Business School, Department of Management. Titled the teaching and practice of accounting, aimed at developing scientific, technology and relations competencies, this study was designed trying to realize the extent to which accounting education, at the institute elected for that, has met the expectations of the profession given the skills that the market, housed in a global world in constant change, establishes as fundamental to successful accounting career. With new skills needs in accounting practice, resulting from the use of ICT, present in any branch of the human sphere, we tried to see if the accounting course curriculum, of the institute, is designed to give graduates the skills of knowing how to know, knowing how to do and how to be or, conversely, is based on a traditional perspective based on a pedagogy by objectives, and is outdated. It was a case study, a holistic qualitative research, which allowed us to develop insights from the evidence gathered, the representations of the subjects on whom fall the results of research, establishing an indirect link with the same results. From our results, we find that the accounting course curriculum is not appropriate for a curriculum based on skills, and unsuited to current accounting practice, locally and globally. The conclusions reached allow us to defend a curriculum review of the course to suit the skills necessary to ensure a successful accountancy profession. As a contribution, we propose an alternative curriculum.


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Objective To analyze innovative contents on Early Child Development Promotion. Method This action-research involves nine faculties from four Higher Education Institutions at inner-state of São Paulo, Brazil.Data were collected by syllabi analyses (2009-2011), interviews and focus group. We have adopted an ECDP underpinning from international consensus, thus evaluating KT Results We have found relevant incorporation between teaching and extension in Nursing (87,5%) and Psychology (75%) undergraduate courses, while Pedagogy was restricted to teaching. Conclusion This KT evaluation has evinced innovative potential of extension, regardless teaching and research, for a better Early Childhood.


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O objectivo deste trabalho foi de propor propostas de revitalização dos patrimónios arquitectónicos, históricos e culturais da cidade de Ponta do Sol, no intuito de que essa acção pudesse contribuir, de forma significativa, para a preservação dos patrimónios e um possível crescimento económico de Santo Antão, sobretudo do ponto de vista turístico. A cidade de Ponta do Sol, no passado, teve grande importância no que tange à produção e escoamento de vários produtos a exemplo do café, aguardente e quina, tanto para as outras ilhas como para países europeus. Mantém em seu espaço várias e belas construções dos tempos coloniais, entretanto esquecidas, e muitas delas já destruídas e outras encontrando-se em elevado estado de degradação. Além disso, possui uma grande presença judaica e também uma diversidade de herança histórica e cultural, que precisa continuar existindo para que não se perca a identidade cultural da comunidade, uma vez que há presença de tentativas de homogeneização da cultura, imposta principalmente pelos países desenvolvidos e pela globalização. Sendo assim, a preservação e revitalização dos edifícios, tanto público como privado, como do centro histórico em geral, poderá servir de base promotora para o fortalecimento da actividade turística da cidade. Para isso utilizaram-se como fontes bibliográficas, vários documentos, livros diversos, entrevistas, fotografias e trabalho de campo. Depois, com a recolha de dados foi possível constatar que a cidade de Ponta do Sol está atravessando um processo de degradação e modernização. Apesar de ainda activo e vivo, o centro está-se deteriorando, e se não houver intervenções que revertam esse processo, este perderá muito da sua identidade, da sua história-cultural e principalmente os seus patrimónios. Mas, propostas, projectos intervencionistas e acções executoras podem ainda reverter parte dessa situação e dando soluções ao centro da Cidade. Algumas propostas serão implementadas e até mesmo aglutinadas a novas propostas, podendo ser benéficas tanto para a cidade como também para a população. The aim of this work is to make proposals for the revitalization of the historic, cultural and architectural heritage of the city of Ponta do Sol, hoping that this action could contribute in a meaningful way to preserve the patrimony and the possible economic growth of Santo Antão, an island which is particularly considered for the production and trade of different products, especially coffee, liquor and quinine for other islands as well as for European countries. It displays several beautiful colonial constructions. However, they have been forgotten and some of degradation. Besides, this city hosts a great Judaic presence and also some diversity of the cultural identity, since there is the presence of attempts for the homogenization of the culture, imposed mainly by developed countries and the globalization. Thus, the preservation and revitalization of both public and private buildings as well as of the historic centre in general, can serve of a promotion basis for the strength of the historic activity in this town. That´s why a lot of documents, several books, interviews, photos, and field work as local evidence were used as bibliography. Afterwards, with the collected data it was possible to notice that the city of Ponta do Sol is facing a process of degradation and modernization. In spite of still being active and alive, the center is up deteriorating and if on interventions are made to revert this process, it will lose a lot of its identity, cultural history and mainly its patrimony. But proposals, interventionist projects and executive actions can still revert part of this situation and get solutions for the City centre. Some proposal which will be implemented and even be agglutinated to new proposal can be helpful for the city as well as for the population.