971 resultados para Android maps mappe gcm push notification push-notification sensors sensori
O estudo do comportamento do consumidor turista é a chave para descodificar todas as atividades de marketing, usadas para desenvolver, comunicar e vender um produto turístico. A maximização destas atividades depende da compreensão da forma como os consumidores tomam as decisões para comprar ou utilizar os produtos turísticos (Swarbrooke e Horner, 1999). Deste modo, torna-se fundamental conhecer e compreender este tipo de turista, identificando as suas necessidades e, desta forma, criar novos pacotes de produtos, escolher os melhores canais de comunicação, estabelecer contactos com os operadores certos, de modo a adequar a oferta à procura. Assim, de forma a dar resposta às questões anteriormente definidas, foi elaborado o presente estudo, o qual tinha como objetivo principal identificar o perfil dos enoturistas, bem como as dimensões das motivações (push e pull) que estão relacionadas com a satisfação e, por conseguinte, com a sua lealdade. Deste modo foi realizada uma extensa revisão da literatura de referência nas áreas da motivação, satisfação, lealdade e dos modelos de decisão de compra, tendo especial atenção à tipologia do turista em causa. Resultante da revisão da literatura, e nela apoiada, foi construído um modelo de investigação que estabelece que as motivações (push e pull) influenciam positivamente a satisfação e, consequentemente, a lealdade ao destino e aos produtos do destino. Com o intuito de validar o modelo de investigação, foi realizado um estudo empírico que incluiu a recolha de dados primários, a partir de um questionário administrado com o apoio de algumas unidades de Turismo do Douro. Assim, a partir de uma amostra de 519 turistas, o estudo chama a atenção para a importância das motivações internas e externas na lealdade ao destino e aos produtos do destino. Deste modo, este estudo indica que os responsáveis das diferentes organizações do destino devem dar especial atenção aos fatores motivacionais internos, Reencontro com a Natureza (REN), Novidade e Conhecimento (NC), Relaxamento (REL) e Socialização (SOC) dado que estes fatores influenciam positivamente as motivações pull, as quais foram medidas através da Oferta de Atividades Enoturísticas (OAE), da Diversidade e Qualidade Gastronómica (DQG) e da Reputação da Região (RR), o que segundo o modelo testado faz aumentar a lealdade aos produtos da região. Por outro lado, os resultados fornecem evidências de que as Motivações Externas deste tipo de turista estão intimamente associadas com a vantagem competitiva da região. Por último, apresentam-se algumas das limitações inerentes ao estudo e sugerem-se pistas para a investigação futura que prossigam e complementem o presente trabalho.
How is it possible that civilization has a global understanding of the abstraction of the human form? At a subconscious level as humans we have the ability to find the form of the body in the most minimal of shapes, objects, landscape and even natural phenomena such as clouds, it is an ability inherent in human nature. This deep-rooted facility to recognise the human form at various levels of abstraction is also developed further by our life experiences, environment and total education; specifically in the fine and applied arts. For this research I have focused on the change between realistic representations of the human form to complete abstraction. I have broken it down to its most basic elements to explore at what point our visual language allows us to recognise and define a shape or object as being influenced by, or connected to, the human form. I have concentrated on extending my own visual language relating to the human form within my own practice. A series of practical research projects has been undertaken and has been supported by a new series of investigative works, drawings and written evidence of the ways in which the figure can be represented, documenting the process via the thesis and final works. As part of my research, I have investigated the way artists working with clay have abstracted the human form focusing in particular on work from the 1950s to the present day using clay, drawing and installation. I have looked at how, over this period, artists have developed their own visual signifiers of the human form within their abstract/representational creations. The aim of this research will be falls into two parts: • To investigate how far one can push the human form in clay before it moves into abstraction • To locate the vanishing point where viewers still identify the human within ceramic abstract sculpture
BACKGROUND: Notification of hepatitis C virus (HCV) positive status is known to have short-term impacts on subsequent alcohol, drug use and injection behaviors among persons who inject drugs (PWID). It remains to be established whether post-screening behavioral changes extend over time for PWID and whether screening test notification has behavioral impacts among HCV-negative PWID. This study sought to longitudinally assess substance use and injection behaviors after HCV status notification among HCV seroconverters and HCV-negative PWID. METHODS: Initially HCV-seronegative PWID (n = 208) were followed prospectively between 2004 and 2011 in Montreal, Canada. Semi-annual screening visits included blood sampling and an interview-administered questionnaire assessing substance use and injection behaviors. Multivariable generalized estimating equation analyses were conducted to assess substance use and behavior changes over time and compare changes between HCV seroconverters and HCV-seronegative participants while adjusting for baseline characteristics. RESULTS: Of the 208 participants (83% male; mean age, 34.7 years, mean follow-up time, 39 months), 69 (33.2%) seroconverted to HCV. A linear decrease in syringe sharing behavior was observed over time after HCV and status notification, whereas a 10% decrease for each additional 3 months of follow-up was observed for injection cocaine and heroin use among HCV seroconverters but not among HCV-seronegative PWID (P < .05). No significant changes were observed in alcohol use. CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate that notification of HCV-positive status is associated with reduced injection drug use among seroconverters. Among PWID deemed seronegative after screening, there is no sustained trend for change in risk behavior.
Tese de doutoramento, Ciências e Tecnologias do Ambiente, Escola Superior de Saúde, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015
Dissertação de mestrado, Engenharia Informática, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015
Regional knowledge map is a tool recently demanded by some actors in an institutional level to help regional policy and innovation in a territory. Besides, knowledge maps facilitate the interaction between the actors of a territory and the collective learning. This paper reports the work in progress of a research project which objective is to define a methodology to efficiently design territorial knowledge maps, by extracting information of big volumes of data contained in diverse sources of information related to a region. Knowledge maps facilitate management of the intellectual capital in organisations. This paper investigates the value to apply this tool to a territorial region to manage the structures, infrastructures and the resources to enable regional innovation and regional development. Their design involves the identification of information sources that are required to find which knowledge is located in a territory, which actors are involved in innovation, and which is the context to develop this innovation (structures, infrastructures, resources and social capital). This paper summarizes the theoretical background and framework for the design of a methodology for the construction of knowledge maps, and gives an overview of the main challenges for the design of regional knowledge maps.
Regional Innovation Systems describe the relations between actors, structures and infrastructures in a region in order to stimulate innovation and regional development. For these systems the collection and organization of information is crucial. In the present paper we investigate the possibilities to extract information from websites of companies. First we describe regional innovation systems and the information types that are necessary to create them. Then we discuss the possibilities of text mining and keyword extraction techniques to extract this information from company websites. Finally, we describe a small scale experiment in which keywords related to economic sectors and commodities are extracted from the websites of over 200 companies. This experiment shows what the main challenges are for information extraction from websites for regional innovation systems.
China has embarked on the largest program of new hotel construction the world has ever seen. Even though the nation’s growth rate has eased somewhat in the past year, China’s hotel development continues at a pace that would see at least three new 150+ room hotels open every day for the next 25 years.1 Even if the industry does not continue to expand at this rate, China’s hotel growth carries substantial consequences in terms of increases in energy and water consumption, and an expanding carbon footprint. In this paper, we outline the dimensions of this issue, and we urge hotel developers to heed the national government’s push for greater sustainability.
Tese de doutoramento, Geografia (Geografia Humana), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território, 2015
In August 2006, Portugal approved a new quota law, called the parity law. According to this, all candidate lists presented for local, parliamentary, and European elections must guarantee a minimum representation of 33 per cent for each sex. This article analyses the proximate causes that led to the adoption of gender quotas by the Portuguese Parliament. The simple answer is that the law’s passage was a direct consequence of a draft piece of legislation presented by the Socialist Party (PS), which enjoyed a majority. However, the reasons that led the PS to push through a quota law remain unclear. Using open-ended interviews with key women deputies from all the main Portuguese political parties, and national public opinion data, among other sources, the role of four actors/factors that were involved in the law’s adoption are critically examined: notably, civil society actors, state actors, international and transnational actors, and the Portuguese political context.
There is still a lack of effective paradigms and tools for analysing and discovering the contents and relationships of project knowledge contexts in the field of project management. In this paper, a new framework for extracting and representing project knowledge contexts using topic models and dynamic knowledge maps under big data environments is proposed and developed. The conceptual paradigm, theoretical underpinning, extended topic model, and illustration examples of the ontology model for project knowledge maps are presented, with further research work envisaged.
Tese de Doutoramento, Ciências do Mar (Ecologia Marinha), 26 de Novembro de 2013, Universidade dos Açores.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática e de Computadores
Projecto apresentado ao Instituto Politécnico do Porto para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Logística Orientada por Prof. Doutor Gouveia
Projeto para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática e de Computadores