967 resultados para Amazonian oils


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The purpose of this study was to find a method to reduce the itch experienced by patients who have sustained burn injuries, by using and comparing the effectiveness of 2 shower and bath oils. One product contained liquid paraffin with 5% colloidal oatmeal and the other contained liquid paraffin. The study was carried out in the Adult Burns Unit, Royal Brisbane Hospital (RBH), Brisbane. It was conducted during a 10-month period from July 1998 until April 1999. Thirty-five acute burns patients participated in an assessor-blind clinical trial. Patients were asked twice daily to rate their discomfort from itch and pain. The amount of antihistamine requested by each patient was totalled daily. Analysis of data supplied by patients showed that the group using the product with colloidal oatmeal reported significantly less itch and requested significantly less antihistamine than those using the oil containing liquid paraffin.


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Objective: It has been suggested that parental occupation, particularly farming, increased the risk of Ewing's sarcoma in the offspring. In a national case-control study we examined the relationship between farm and other parental occupational exposures and the risk of cancer in the offspring. Methods: Cases were 106 persons with confirmed Ewing's sarcoma or peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumor. Population-based controls (344) were selected randomly via telephone. Information was collected by interview (84% face-to-face). Results: We found an excess of case mothers who worked on farms at conception and/or pregnancy (odds ratio (OR) = 2.3, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.5-12.0) and a slightly smaller excess of farming fathers; more case mothers usually worked as laborers, machine operators, or drivers (OR = 1.8, 95% CI 0.9-3.9). Risk doubled for those whose mothers handled pesticides and insecticides, or fathers who handled solvents and glues, and oils and greases. Further, more cases lived on farms (OR = 1.6, 95% CI 0.9-2.8). In the 0-20 years group, the risk doubled for those who ever lived on a farm (OR = 2.0, 95% CI 1.0-3.9), and more than tripled for those with farming fathers at conception and/or pregnancy (OR = 3.5, 95% CI 1.0-11.9). Conclusions: Our data support the general hypothesis of an association of Ewing's sarcoma family of tumors with farming, particularly at younger ages, who represent the bulk of cases, and are more likely to share etiologic factors.


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Changes in composition during the maturation of Western Schley pecans [Carya illinoinensis (Wangenh.) K. Koch] grown in Australia were investigated. Pecans of different maturity levels were collected at monthly intervals between March and June in. 1999 and 2000 and analyzed for the concentrations of moisture, total lipid, sucrose, raffinose, protein, and the minerals aluminum, boron, calcium, copper, iron, potassium, magnesium, manganese, sodium, phosphorus, sulfur, and zinc. Moisture, total lipid, and calcium contents changed significantly (p < 0.05) with harvest time and maturity, whereas the other components did not. Western Schley pecans grown in Australia should be harvested after the shuck has opened and it is either green or brown in color to maximize total lipid content and quality. This occurred after May 11 in 1999 and after May 17 in 2000.


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A mudança no mercado global do petróleo nos últimos anos, com o declínio das reservas de óleo leve, têm forçado a busca por novos campos petrolíferos em ambientes mais remotos, como nos campos localizados na camada pré-sal, e a exploração de óleos pesados que possuem elevado teor de ácidos naftênicos. Isso acarreta em grandes desafios para a previsão do desempenho de materiais frente às novas condições ambientais em que estão inseridos. No presente trabalho, o comportamento da corrosão do aço carbono AISI 1010 e do aço inoxidável AISI 316L foi estudado em soluções aquosas com elevado teor de cloreto e em solução de ácido naftênico ciclopentanóico a fim de ter melhor entendimento da ação dessas espécies no processo de corrosão e simular a corrosão pela água de produção na indústria petrolífera. Foram aplicadas as técnicas de potencial de circuito aberto, polarização potenciodinâmica, voltametria cíclica, espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica, espectroscopia Raman, microscopia eletrônica de varredura e microscopia de força atômica, usadas, em cada caso, de acordo com a conveniência. O aumento da [Cl-] na faixa de 1,2–2,8 mol.L-1 não altera os processos catódicos e anódicos perto do Ecorr para os aços AISI 1010 e AISI 316L. Em condições de sobrepotenciais afastados do Ecorr, o aumento de [Cl-] aumenta os processos oxidativos de corrosão, o que é expresso pelas maiores densidades de corrente e carga anódica e aumento da perda de massa sofrida pelos eletrodos de ambos os aços. Portanto, os danos da corrosão são mais intensos quando se aumenta a [Cl-]. O aço AISI 1010 é ativo nas soluções de NaCl e a corrosão se propaga livremente de forma uniforme. Para o aço AISI 316L, uma ampla faixa de passividade pode ser vista nas soluções de NaCl; no Epit ocorre a ruptura do filme passivo e o crescimento de pites estáveis. Após 24 h de imersão em soluções de sulfato de sódio (branco) e de ácido naftênico ciclopentanóico ocorre crescimento de filme de óxido e as fases α-Fe2O3, Fe3O4 e δ-FeO(OH) foram identificadas nos espécimes de aço AISI 1010 e Fe3O4 foi identificado nos defeitos do filme prévio presente na superfície do aço AISI 316L. Os filmes formados em solução de ácido ciclopentanóico possuem menor resistência à polarização, maior rugosidade e maior taxa de corrosão quando comparado aos filmes crescidos na solução branco, para ambos os aços. A presença do ácido naftênico muda a forma como a reação de corrosão se procede e contribui para o aumento da corrosão. A corrosão naftênica foi mais pronunciada no aço carbono porque a presença dos elementos de liga no aço inox reduzem o número de sítios ativos ricos em Fe e tornam menos oportuna a ligação do Fe com o naftenato.


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Os danos causados pelos processos corrosivos em equipamentos presentes nas refinarias de petróleo, durante as destilações, foram descritos inicialmente em 1920. Inúmeras são as referências reportando estudos de processos corrosivos envolvendo tanto os ácidos naftênicos como os compostos sulfurados; em contrapartida, raras são as fontes de estudo envolvendo simultaneamente ambos. Neste trabalho, escolheram-se dois tipos de óleos: um óleo A - com alto teor de enxofre e um petróleo B com elevada acidez. Fez-se então um blend 50/50 em volume obtendo assim o óleo C para verificar a influência tanto da acidez quanto dos teores de enxofre nos processos corrosivos pelos cortes destes óleos. Após a destilação das três amostras, os derivados obtidos foram caracterizados e submetidos aos testes laboratoriais de corrosão. Os cortes do petróleo A apresentaram teores de enxofre e taxas de corrosão crescentes em função do aumento da temperatura final dos derivados, apresentando uma corrosão máxima de 1,66 mm/ano e produtos de corrosão como troilita (FeS) e pirrota (Fe1-xS). As frações de B apresentaram altos valores de NAT na faixa de temperatura de 220-400 °C, enquanto as taxas de corrosão foram de 0,83 mm/ano para esta faixa de temperatura; os produtos de corrosão encontrados foram o óxido de ferro (Fe2O3) e goetite (α-FeOOH). Por fim, os derivados do blend C, apresentaram propriedades intermediárias aos cortes anteriores o que corroborou para taxas de corrosão menores de 0,50 mm/ano até uma temperatura de 300 °C, expondo assim, a eficiência em utilizar a técnica de misturas de petróleos para o refino.


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Neste trabalho foi estudado o comportamento de quatro óleos pesados, com densidade API variando de 13,7 a 21,6, frente à adição de gás condensado, com o objetivo de se obter informações relevantes para o processo de escoamento destes óleos. Assim, foi analisado o comportamento da densidade à 20 °C, pontos de fluidez máximo e mínimo, e viscosidade dinâmica à 50 °C dos óleos contendo diferentes concentrações de gás condensado. Também foi analisado o efeito da variação da temperatura sobre a viscosidade dos óleos crus, e, adicionalmente, após o estudo do efeito do gás condensado sobre os óleos, foi avaliado o comportamento da viscosidade dinâmica dos mesmos com a adição de diferentes solventes orgânicos (querosene, aguarrás e tolueno). Os resultados obtidos indicaram que o gás condensado foi eficiente para a redução da densidade, dos pontos de fluidez máximo e mínimo e da viscosidade dos quatros óleos analisados. O óleo A apresentou uma taxa de decaimento da densidade mais baixa do que os outros óleos e foi o que apresentou o comportamento mais próximo de mistura ideal. A amostra de óleo mais pesada (óleo D) foi a que apresentou as maiores variações nos valores dos pontos de fluidez máximo e mínimo com a adição de condensado, chegando a reduzir um total de 19 °C no ponto de fluidez máximo e um total de 21 °C no ponto de fluidez mínimo com a adição de apenas 10,7% v/v de gás condensado. Nos resultados obtidos nas análises da viscosidade dinâmica observou-se que a grande maioria das misturas preparadas apresentou um comportamento de fluido newtoniano. Todas as amostras apresentaram uma notável diminuição da sua viscosidade, chegando a atingir valores percentuais de redução de viscosidade que variaram entre 75 e 91%, na concentração de 14% v/v de gás condensado. A partir desta concentração a viscosidade continua a decair, porém de forma mais atenuada, e o uso do condensado acima desta concentração pode significar gastos desnecessários com o solvente com a finalidade de se reduzir a viscosidade de óleos pesados. O óleo D foi o que apresentou os maiores percentuais de redução da viscosidade enquanto o óleo B foi o que apresentou os mais baixos valores. Comparando o gás condensado aos outros três solventes orgânicos testados, o condensado apresentou um comportamento bem semelhante ao tolueno quando analisadas as suas capacidades de redução da viscosidade dos óleos estudados.


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Because of the increasing demand of the industry for the production of essential oils, studies highlight the genetic variability of Piper hispidinervum and P. aduncum species according to their patterns of spatial distribution, showing the Amazon region as the source of superior genetic material in the production of safrole and dillapiole. Thus, the objective this study was to characterize the morphology and the phytochemistry of Piper hispidinervum and P. aduncum populations in the Active Germplasm Bank of Embrapa Acre to generate subsidies for the genetic improvement of these species. The results showed that the average values for leaf width and length were 141.67 and 48.04 mm, and petioles length and diameter measurements were 2.83 and 1.78 mm for P. hispidinervum and 189.22; 67.74; 6.03 and 2.22 mm for P. aduncum respectively. The average height and canopy volume measurements were 2.39 m and 6.30 m3 and 2.70 m and 7.78 m3 respectively for each species. For P. hispidinervum, the population with higher performance indried yield and content of safrole was population 02, with 3.9%, and the population 04 showed 94.3% safrole content, both with genetic material from the region of Acrelândia and Plácido de Castro. To P. aduncum, the populations with better performance were 207, 208 and 209, forming a homogeneous group with dried yield average of 3.8% and dillapiol content of 84-85%. Such populations are indicated for selection in breeding program of these species due to better performance.


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The objective of this study was to analyze the environmental performance of aquaculture in the city of Colorado do Oeste, Rondônia State, Brazil. Fifteen fish farmers were interviewed. For data collection, structured interviews were carried out, using a questionnaire based on information supplied by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). The questionnaire considered 12 items, organized into three main topics: a) social and legal standards b) environmental standards c) standards of food safety and hygiene. The questionnaire considered 12 items, organized into three main topics: a) social and legal standards b) environmental standards c) standards of food safety and hygiene. Aquaculture in the city of Colorado do Oeste, Rondônia presents two fish production systems: extensive and semi-intensive. In the semi-intensive system, stocking rate was one fish per m3, on average; tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum), tilapias (Oreochromis spp.), pirarucu (Arapaima gigas) and pintado (Pseudoplatystoma spp.) were the species farmed at the largest number. The rate of water renewal was due to the greater availability of natural food in this system. Water renewal was constant in the ponds (1,500 liters per minute). In the semi-intensive system using dug ponds, alevins were stocked and fed during the entire rearing time with natural and exogenous food. The extensive system relied on the natural production of the pond, with stocking density limited by the production of natural food. The little renewal of water made the cultivation tank itself acted as a decantation lake, with the occurrence of oxidation and sedimentation of residual organic matter, consisting of feces, debris and organic fertilizer. Production of reduced effluent volume took place in the extensive system, compared to the cultivation area. In addition, there was high water turbidity, caused by high concentration of planktonic organisms, and low concentrations of dissolved oxygen in the water. Data showed that nine estates of the interviewed fish farmers had critical environmental performance (less than 30.0%). Six estates of fish farmers had bad environmental performance (between 30.0 and 50.0%) (Coefficient of sustentainability = green square x 100 ÷ Total Questions less the yellow squares)


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The volatiles from Coriandrum sativum L., Satureja montana L., Santolina chamaecyparissus L., and Thymus vulgaris L. were isolated by hydrodistillation (essential oil) and supercritical fluid extraction (volatile oil). Their effect on seed germination and root and shoot growth of the surviving seedlings of four crops (Zea mays L., Triticum durum L., Pisum sativum L., and Lactuca sativa L.) and two weeds (Portulaca oleracea L. and Vicia sativa L.) was investigated and compared with those of two synthetic herbicides, Agrocide and Prowl. The volatile oils of thyme and cotton lavender seemed to be promising alternatives to the synthetic herbicides because they were the least injurious to the crop species. The essential oil of winter savory, on the other hand, affected both crop and weeds and can be appropriate for uncultivated fields.


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This paper describes experimental work done towards the search for more profitable and sustainable alternatives regarding biodiesel production, using heterogeneous catalysts instead of the conventional homogenous alkaline catalysts, such as NaOH, KOH or sodium methoxide, for the methanolysis reaction. This experimental work is a first stage on the development and optimization of new solid catalysts, able to produce biodiesel from vegetable oils. The heterogeneous catalytic process has many differences from the currently used in industry homogeneous process. The main advantage is that, it requires lower investment costs, since no need for separation steps of methanol/catalyst, biodiesel/catalyst and glycerine/catalyst. This work resulted in the selection of CaO and CaO modified with Li catalysts, which showed very good catalytic performances with high activity and stability. In fact FAME yields higher than 92% were observed in two consecutive reaction batches without expensive intermediate reactivation procedures. Therefore, those catalysts appear to be suitable for biodiesel production.


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Supercritical fluid extraction (SEE) of the volatile oil from Thymus vulgaris L. aerial flowering parts was performed under different conditions of pressure, temperature, mean particle size and CO2 flow rate and the correspondent yield and composition were compared with those of the essential oil isolated by hydrodistillation (HD). Both the oils were analyzed by GC and GC-MS and 52 components were identified. The main volatile components obtained were p-cymene (10.0-42.6% for SFE and 28.9-34.8% for HD), gamma-terpinene (0.8-6.9% for SFE and 5.1-7.0% for HD), linalool (2.3-5.3% for SFE and 2.8-3.1% for HD), thymol (19.5-40.8% for SFE and 35.4-41.6% for HD), and carvacrol (1.4-3.1% for SFE and 2.6-3.1% for HD). The main difference was found to be the relative percentage of thymoquinone (not found in the essential oil) and carvacryl methyl ether (1.0-1.2% for HD versus t-0.4 for SFE) which can explain the higher antioxidant activity, assessed by Rancimat test, of the SFE volatiles when compared with HD. Thymoquinone is considered a strong antioxidant compound.


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Description of Lutzomyia robusta, n. sp. (Diptera, Psychodidae, Phlebotominae) from interandean areas of Peru and Equador. Lutzomyia robusta, n. sp., probable vector of human bartonellosis and cutaneous leishmaniasis, is described and illustrated. This species presents strong affinity with L. serrana (Damasceno & Arouck, 1949) but they can be distinguished by variance analysis of four male characteristics and only one female characteristic. In the variance analysis, populations of L. serrana, of Amazonian areas of Brazil, Peru and Bolivia, the coast of Equador and other areas of Brazil were studied. The synonymy of Lutzomyia guayasi (Rodriguez) and L. serrana was corroborated.


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Mestrado em Engenharia Química.Ramo optimização energética na indústria química


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Mestrado em Engenharia Química. Ramo Tecnologias de Protecção Ambiental.


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Dissertação de Mestrado em Ambiente, Saúde e Segurança.