863 resultados para Access to health


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The Physical Rehabilitation services (PR) are of fundamental importance in combating the global epidemic of Traffic Accidents (TA). Considering the numerous physical and social consequences of the survivors, quality problems in access to PR are a hazard to recovery of victims. It is necessary to improve the management of quality of services, assessing priority dimensions and intervening in their causes, to ensure rehabilitation available in time and suitable conditions. This study aimed to identify barriers to access to rehabilitation considering the perception of TA victims and professionals. The aim is also to estimate the access to rehabilitation and their associated factors. This is a qualitative and quantitative study of exploratory nature developed in Natal / RN with semi-structured interviews with 19 health professionals and telephone survey to 155 victims of traffic accidents. To explore barriers to access the speeches were transcribed and analyzed using the Alceste software (version 4.9). During the interviews used the following guiding question: “What barriers hinder or prevent access to physical rehabilitation for victims of traffic accidents?”. The names of classes and axes resulting from Alceste was performed by ad hoc query to three external researchers with subsequent consensus of the most representative name of analysis. We conducted multivariate analysis of the influence of the variables of the accident, sociodemographic, clinical and assistance on access to rehabilitation. Associations with p <0.20 in the bivariate analysis were submitted to logistic regression, step by step, with p <0.05 and confidence interval (CI) of 95%. The main barriers identified were: “Bureaucratic regulation”, “Long time to start rehabilitation”, “No post-surgery referral” and “inefficiency of public services”. These barriers were divided into a theoretical model built from the cause-effect diagram, in which we observed that insufficient access to rehabilitation is the product of causes related to organizational structure, work processes, professional and patients. Was constructed two logistic regression models: “General access to rehabilitation” and “Access to rehabilitation to public service”. 51.6% of patients had access to rehabilitation, and 32.9% in public and 17.9% in the private sector. The regression model “General access to rehabilitation” included the variables Income (OR:3.7), Informal Employment (OR:0.11), Unemployment (OR:0.15), Perceived Need for PR (OR:10) and Referral (OR: 27.5). The model “Access to rehabilitation in the public service” was represented by the “Referral to Public Service” (OR: 23.0) and “Private Health Plan” (OR: 0.07). Despite the known influence of social determinants on access to health services, a situation difficult to control by the public administration, this study found that the organizational and bureaucratic procedures established in health care greatly determine access to rehabilitation. Access difficulties show the seriousness of the problem and the factors suggest the need for improvements in comprehensive care for TA survivors and avoid unnecessary prolongation of the suffering of the victims of this epidemic.


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This work seeks to understand how trans men build their identities and live the transsexual experience in the relationships they establish daily onto “man” category. It could be observed that for it they engenders a specific gender transition in the midst of male transsexuality. Despite being under a complex amalgam of relations of exploitation and disciplinary domination, ways of being man are brokered for a living and entry into spaces where they are expelled for not conform the bodies that gender norms require. It is understood that gender transition is a process at the same time of organic and prosthetic body management and the assumption of your own identity. Thus, they build a politic of identity that creatively fixes a person's category as rights holder. The "transition" is therefore to transact from nonexistence to a place of humanity. This dissertation describes how this process takes place in the experiences of the speakers, observing the practices that bring out the male, front of class positions on the labor market, access to health, hormonization and own identity. Thereby, theories that fix them as expressing female masculinities or marginal to the hegemony do not find exactitude in their lives. The research methodologically started performing "multilocated ethnographies" that gave possibilities to in-depth interviews with 15 stakeholders from the Northeast, Midwest, Southeast and South of Brazil. Between 2014 and 2015, from the applying of network technique to the first dialogues in research, it was possible to build a participant observation by the trans men’s everyday life. Wherewith I was capable to behold their own private activities, as well as their public agency amid a trans activism collective in northeast, and the follow-up actions in which they were involved during the XII Encontro Nacional em Universidades de Diversidade Sexual e de Gênero (ENUDSG) held in Mossoró/RN. Therefore, the thesis engages to describe and understand the different ways of constructing trans male gender transitions in access to transsexuality and therefore a way of explaining their own trajectories in terms of people that exist as such, even though in the midst of narratives marked by emotions linked to "not live", to suffering and dehumanization.


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Com a crise financeira que se tem vindo a agudizar, com o agravamento da pobreza e exclusão social, associados a problemas de saúde e à emergência de problemas sociais (como o desemprego e a pobreza) tem assomado uma vaga de iniciativas de movimentos da sociedade civil. São novas formas de organização e resposta a situações específicas de grupos de indivíduos na luta por políticas públicas e direitos sociais tais como o da saúde, da habitação, da educação, do trabalho, entre outras. Nos finais da década de 70, em Portugal, a criação do Serviço Nacional de Saúde intenta o acesso à saúde garantido a todos os cidadãos. Nos anos 80 o Estado limita este direito baseado no princípio da justiça social protegendo os grupos mais desfavorecidos. Institui as taxas moderadoras e define as isenções para alguns doentes crónicos. Perante a desigualdade de direitos que daí advém, no Hospital Pediátrico de Coimbra, a partir dos anos 90, surgem movimentos associativos em prol dos direitos de saúde, criados e dinamizados por Assistentes Sociais, nomeadamente as Associações Acreditar em 1993, a Coração Feliz em 1994, a Associação Nacional de Fibrose Quística em 1996 e já no século XXI a Diabéticos Todo o Terreno em 2004 e a Hepaturix em 2006. A Hepaturix – Associação de Crianças e Jovens Transplantados ou com Doenças Hepáticas – fundada já no século XXI e cuja actividade será descrita neste trabalho, tem vindo a lutar pelos direitos sociais desta população, com a colaboração da Assistente Social que, no Hospital Pediátrico de Coimbra, apoia a Unidade de Transplantação Hepática Pediátrica. Entre outros, a isenção das taxas moderadoras para os doentes transplantados e para os dadores vivos assim como o direito aos transportes nas deslocações para o hospital após o transplante, são direitos sociais alcançados pela Hepaturix através da sensibilização do poder político. A Assistente Social tem sido um pilar neste percurso, sendo mediadora entre a instituição e a associação, em prol do direito destas crianças e jovens. / With the financial crisis that has been worsening, with increased poverty and social exclusion associated with health problems and the emergency of social problems (such as unemployment and poverty) there has been a loomed wave of initiatives for movements from the civil society. These are new ways of organization and response to specific situations of groups of individuals in the strike for public policies and social rights such as health, habitation, education, work, among others. In the late 70s, in Portugal, the creation of the National Health Service intents the access to health care guaranteed to all citizens. In the 80s the government limits this right based on the principle of social justice, protecting the most disadvantaged groups. Establishes user fees and defines the exemptions for some chronically ill. Before the inequality of rights resulted from this, there has been a rising of associative movements for health rights, created and dynamized by Social Workers at the Pediatric Hospital of Coimbra, from the 90s on: "Acreditar" in 1993, "Coração Feliz" in 1994, Associação Nacional da Fibrose Quistica" in 1996 and now, in the XXI century: "Diabéticos Todo o Terreno"in 2004 and "Hepaturix" in 2006. The “Hepaturix” - Association of Transplanted Children and Youth or with Hepatic Diseases - founded in the twenty-first century, whose will be discussed in this work, has been fighting for social rights of this population, with the cooperation of the Social Work who, at the Children’s Hospital of Coimbra, supports the Pediatric Hepatic Transplantation Unit. Among others, the exemption of user fees for transplanted patients and living donors as well as the right to transport at dislocations to the hospital after transplant, are social rights accomplished by Hepaturix, through the awareness of political power. The Social Worker has been a pillar in this journey, being a mediator between the institution and the association on behalf of the rights of these children and youth.


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O contexto demográfico e epidemiológico hodierno traz à luz a fulcral relevância dos cuidados paliativos de qualidade acessíveis para todos. Pela importância que o serviço social assume na defesa da garantia dos direitos humanos, com uma ação direta nestes cuidados, o presente estudo pretendeu analisar os cuidados paliativos na perspectiva de assistentes sociais, tendo em conta o atual contexto das políticas sociais e de saúde. Optou-se por uma investigação quanti e qualitativa, através de um inquérito por questionário dirigido a todas as unidades/equipas de cuidados paliativos identificadas no território nacional (Portugal Continental e Regiões Autónomas), com assistentes sociais. A amostra foi constituida por 17 profissionais de serviço social, na sua maioria mulheres (94,1%), com idades entre os 25 e os 57 anos, a exercer a profissão há 5,5 anos, em média, na área dos cuidados paliativos. Os resultados do estudo mostram-nos que os assistentes sociais estão inseridos em 86,36% das unidades/equipas, sendo estas maioritamente de natureza pública. Os profissionais mais frequentes na constituição das equipas são o médico, enfermeiro, assistente social e psicólogo. Todos ou quase todos têm formação específica na área, tendo a maioria apoio para formação continuada. As condições de trabalho atuais foram alvo de uma avaliação desfavorável por parte da amostra. Estes profissionais perspectivam o acesso a estes cuidados como sendo pouco equitativos, apontam a falta quer de estruturas que cubram geograficamente todo o país, quer de recursos humanos adequados, não esquecendo a ausência de regulamentação da atividade laboral dos profissionais nos cuidados paliativos. É exigido ao assistente social uma intervenção baseada no cumprimento de objetivos que apresentem resultados rápidos, o que tem vindo a dificultar uma intervenção eficaz desde a admissão até ao encaminhamento do doente para continuidade de cuidados. A presente investigação oferece um contributo para a produção de conhecimento capaz de evidenciar as transformações que têm vindo a ocorrer na prática dos profissionais permitindo contribuir para a reflexão sobre os contextos e processos de intervenção, assim como sobre a promoção do direito aos cuidados paliativos de qualidade em Portugal. / The current demographic and epidemiological context highlights the crucial importance of quality palliative care accessible for all. The importance that social work assumes in the defense of human rights guarantees, with a direct action on these care, this study aims to analyze the palliative care from the perspective of social workers, taking into account the current context of social and health policies. We chosed a quantitative and qualitative research through a questionnaire addressed to the universe of the palliative care institutions identified in the national territory (Portugal’s mainland and the Autonomous Regions), with social workers. The sample has 17 social work professionals, mostly women (94.1%), aged between 25 and 57 years. They work as a social worker for 5.5 years on average in the area of care palliative. The results of the study show us that social workers are included in 86.36% of the units / teams, wich are mostly public services. The most frequent professionals in the teams are the doctor, nurse, social worker and psychologist. All or almost all have specific training in the area, and the majority has institutional support for continuing training. Current conditions of work have received an unfavorable evaluation by the participants. The inquired considered access to palliative care as being inequitable, or point to a lack of structures that geographically cover the whole country, whether adequate human resources, not to mention the lack of regulation of the activity of professionals working in palliative care. An intervention based on the achievement of goals that have quick results, which have been a difficulty for an effective intervention from the admission to the referral of the patient for continuity of care is required of the social worker. This research offers a contribution to knowledge production, able to highlight the changes that have taken place in professional practice, allowing to contribute to the reflection about the contexts and processes of intervention as well as on the promotion of the right to quality palliative care of in Portugal.


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As tecnologias de saúde, nomeadamente medicamentos, dispositivos médicos (DM), procedimentos médicos ou cirúrgicos, entre outros, têm ocupado uma posição de destaque no setor da saúde, e na vida dos seus utilizadores. A inovação e utilização de tecnologias de saúde, e consequente aumento das despesas fizeram emergir a necessidade de avaliação das tecnologias de saúde. Surge assim, a avaliação de tecnologias de saúde (ATS), que tem por objetivo abordar os impactos clínicos, económicos, organizacionais, sociais, legais e éticos de uma tecnologia de saúde, considerando o seu contexto médico específico, bem como as alternativas disponíveis. A ATS pretende que os processos sejam feitos de forma rigorosa, transparente, valorizando e garantindo a sustentabilidade do acesso aos cuidados em saúde. Seguindo a tendência europeia de implementação de políticas e modelos de ATS, Portugal criou o seu próprio sistema de avaliação de tecnologias. O Decreto-Lei nº 97/2015, de 1 de junho veio oficializar a criação do Sistema Nacional de Avaliação de Tecnologias de Saúde (SiNATS). O SiNATS vai permitir uma avaliação não só de medicamentos, mas também de DM e outras tecnologias tendo em consideração a avaliação técnica, terapêutica e económica das tecnologias de saúde com base em fatores sociais, políticos, éticos e a participação de entidades, como, a indústria, as instituições de ensino, as instituições de saúde, os investigadores, os profissionais de saúde, os doentes e as associações dos doentes. O SiNATS vai emitir recomendações e decisões sobre o uso das tecnologias de saúde e possibilitar o ganho em saúde e contribuir para a sustentabilidade do Serviço Nacional de Saúde (SNS). O SiNATS vem permitir a avaliação de DM. O sector dos DM é um sector caracterizado pela inovação, crescimento e também competitividade. A complexidade e especificidade deste sector devem por isso ser tidas em consideração aquando da sua análise. A implementação do SiNATS permitirá avaliar e reavaliar preços, comparticipações, recomendações, contratos ao longo do ciclo de vida de cada DM. No presente momento, ainda é difícil expor os processos através dos quais esta avaliação vai ser processada, uma vez que se aguarda a publicação de despachos e portarias referidos no Decreto-Lei nº 97/2015, de 1 de junho. Tendo em consideração a partilha de informação sobre políticas, métodos, procedimentos de ATS aplicada aos DM na Europa, foram analisados os casos de França e do Reino Unido com o objetivo de alargar o conhecimento acerca do que já é feito a nível Europeu e explorar se os mesmos poderiam ser adaptados à realidade portuguesa. Em França, a ATS está diretamente relacionada com a comparticipação de DM, já no Reino Unido, o National Institute and Centre of Excellence (NICE) tem a responsabilidade de avaliar os DM segundo procedimentos de ATS, mas não está diretamente relacionado com comparticipação. O NICE publica normas de orientação que auxiliam a decisão de aquisição ou não de um DM. Tendo em consideração a informação reunida e descrita, este trabalho também propõe um modelo hipotético sobre o sistema português de avaliação de DM. Este modelo aborda, ainda que não de forma exaustiva, os possíveis processos e procedimentos para a avaliação de DM. Este sistema caracteriza-se pela importância dada ao envolvimento dos stakeholders e partilha de informação com os mesmos, mas também na agilização dos processos, isto é, uma redução e simplificação dos processos de avaliação de DM. A reavaliação de DM durante a sua comercialização também ganha destaque, apontando que cada grupo genérico de dispositivos ou DM inovador dever ser reavaliado a cada cinco anos, ou sempre que informação emergente o justifique. Este modelo representa uma abordagem experimental sobre o futuro do SiNATS aplicado aos DM. A partilha de informação, os fóruns de discussão e o envolvimento da sociedade serão uma mais-valia para que a implementação do SiNATS aos DM seja feita de forma gradual e com a máxima transparência possível.


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A barreira de comunicação existente entre as pessoas surdas e ouvintes prejudicam a participação ativa da pessoa surda na sociedade, uma vez que dificultam a manifestação de suas opiniões e sua interferência direta no processo de construção do conhecimento. Como forma de amenizar as desigualdades, foi promulgada em 2005 uma lei, conhecida como Lei de Libras, que dentre outras coisas, garantem o acesso bilíngue, nas línguas portuguesa e de sinais, aos serviços essenciais de saúde e educação. Este trabalho de pesquisa teve o objetivo de avaliar a percepção da pessoa surda quanto à qualidade das ações e serviços oferecidos nas unidades de saúde públicas, tendo em vista o cumprimento das leis vigentes voltadas para a inclusão da pessoa surda no acesso à saúde pública. Trata-se de um estudo de natureza exploratório-descritiva e enfoque transversal, realizado numa amostra de 15 pessoas surdas portadoras de perda auditiva severa ou profunda, de ambos os sexos (10 homens e 5 mulheres), que se comunicam através da Língua Brasileira de Sinais (Libras), com idade entre 20 a 38 anos, usuárias dos serviços públicos de saúde, que buscaram atendimento em 2014. Foi utilizado um questionário estruturado. Os resultados apresentados evidenciam uma comunicação inadequada entre pacientes e profissionais da saúde, além da falta de intérpretes e de precariedade na estrutura física. Estes fatos, aliados à necessidade de contratação de intérpretes por parte dos usuários, refletem um desvio da responsabilidade do Estado, no que tange ao acesso pleno aos bens e serviços de saúde conforme as leis vigentes. Palavras-chaves: Acessibilidade; Saúde Pública; Surdez; Língua Brasileira de Sinais; Identidade surda.


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Bioética, 2016.


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La salud sexual y reproductiva es fundamental en el desarrollo biológico, psicológico y social del ser humano, el desconocimiento y la falta de información ponen en riesgo el correcto desenvolvimiento del ser humano en la sociedad, limita sus aspiraciones y metas y favorece la desestructuración familiar. OBJETIVO: Identificar el comportamiento sexual y reproductivo de los estudiantes de la carrera de medicina de la Universidad de Cuenca, para proporcionar una realidad y analizar posibles soluciones respecto a los resultados obtenidos. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Es un estudio descriptivo en el año 2015. La muestra se obtuvo mediante aleatorización por conglomerados, constituido por hombres y mujeres. Para obtener la información se aplicó un cuestionario. La muestra estuvo conformada por 179 estudiantes, el nivel de confianza del 95% y un error estándar de 5%. Los datos fueron ingresados y analizados en el programa estadístico Epi Info 7. RESULTADOS: La población estudiantil con un 24,14% inició su vida sexual a los 18 años. El 48,6% refirió haber tenido relaciones sexuales. El 82,76% afirma haber utilizado un método anticonceptivo. CONCLUSIONES: Se evidencia que a pesar de disponer de recursos para acceder a servicios de salud, tener conocimientos sobre prevención de embarazo y que el uso de anticoncepción es frecuente, existen todavía estudiantes que necesitan capacitación en esta temática


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Dental caries still affect a considerable proportion of children, however the epidemiological profile of oral diseases is changing, social inequalities cause different disease patterns. The same problems occur for the use of services, which damage those who are more susceptible to oral diseases in numerous ways. To verify the association between the variables: socioeconomic condition, oral health and access to dental services providing oral health care for preschool children. The study population consisted of 2,759 children up to 6 years-old. The clinical exams followed the World Health Organization (WHO) criteria. The data were collected using a self-applied questionnaire, answered by the carers of children, with questions about socioeconomic variables and access to dental services. In terms of social class, a majority of the subjects came from the middle socioeconomic level (babies, 84.7%; children, 82.8%). Babies who had caries, 48.4% and 67.2% of the children that had decayed teeth had access to dental service. There was a association between the variables: the reason for the last dental appointment and the parent's perception of the treatment need of their children (babies p=0.0004 and children p < 0.0001); the parent's perception of the treatment need of their children and the oral health condition (babies p=0.0008 and children p < 0.0001); access to dental services and oral health condition (babies p=0.0021 and children p < 0.0001). The majority of the population studied sought care from public dental service and was from the middle class.


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INTRODUCTION: Modern day antiretroviral therapy allows HIV+ pregnant women to lower the likelihood of viral transmission to their infants before, during, and after birth from 20-45% to less than 5%. In developing countries, where non-facility births may outnumber facility births, infant access to safe antiretroviral medication during the critical first three days after birth is often limited. A single-dose, polyethylene pouch ("Pratt Pouch") addresses this challenge by allowing the medication to be distributed to mothers during antenatal care. METHODS: The Pratt Pouch was introduced as part of a one year clinical feasibility study in two districts in Southern Province, Zambia. Participating nurses, community health workers, and pharmacists were trained before implementation. Success in achieving improved antiretroviral medication access was assessed via pre intervention and post intervention survey responses by HIV+ mothers. RESULTS: Access to medication for HIV-exposed infants born outside of a health facility increased from 35% (17/51) before the introduction of the pouch to 94% (15/16) after (p<0.05). A non-significant increase in homebirth rates from 33% (pre intervention cohort) to 50% (post intervention cohort) was observed (p>0.05). Results remained below the national average homebirth rate of 52%. Users reported minimal spillage and a high level of satisfaction with the Pratt Pouch. CONCLUSION: The Pratt Pouch enhances access to infant antiretroviral medication in a rural, non-facility birth setting. Wide scale implementation could have a substantial global impact on HIV transmission rates from mother to child.


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This cross-sectional study aimed to investigate the presence of inequalities in the access and use of dental services for people living in the coverage area of the Family Health Strategy (FHS) in Ponta Grossa, Paraná State, Brazil, and to assess individual determinants related to them. The sample consisted of 747 individuals who answered a pre-tested questionnaire. Data analysis was performed by chi-square test and Poisson regression analysis, obtaining explanatory models for recent use and, by limiting the analysis to those who sought dental care, for effective access. Results showed that 41% of the sample had recent dental visits. The lowest visit rates were observed among preschoolers and elderly people. The subjects who most identified the FHS as a regular source of dental care were children. Besides age, better socioeconomic conditions and the presence of a regular source of dental care were positively associated to recent dental visits. We identified inequalities in use and access to dental care, reinforcing the need to promote incentives to improve access for underserved populations.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the extent of mental health scientific production in Brazil from 1999 to 2003, and to identify the nature of the publications generated, their sources of finance and the ways of publicly disseminating the research findings. METHODS: Searches for publications were conducted in the Medline and PsychInfo databases for the period 1999-2003. A semi-structured questionnaire developed by an international team was applied to 626 mental health researchers, covering each interviewee's educational background, research experience, access to funding sources, public impact and research priorities. The sample was composed by 626 mental health researchers identified from 792 publications indexed on Medline and PsychInfo databases for the period above, and from a list of reviewers of Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria. RESULTS: In Brazil, 792 publications were produced by 525 authors between 1999 and 2003 (441 indexed in Medline and 398 in the ISI database). The main topics were: depression (29.1%), substance misuse (14.6%), psychoses (10%), childhood disorders (7%) and dementia (6.7%). Among the 626 Brazilian mental health researchers, 329 answered the questionnaire. CONCLUSIONS: There were steadily increasing numbers of Brazilian articles on mental health published in foreign journals from 1999 to 2003: the number of articles in Medline tripled and it doubled in the ISI database. The content of these articles corresponded to the priorities within mental health, but there is a need for better interlinking between researchers and mental health policymakers.


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Degeneration (WetAMD) and Diabetic Macular Edema (DME) patients’ access to treatment in public hospitals, by identifying bottlenecks and stress points that prevent timely and adequate care to patients who suffer from a degenerative disease, and consequently for whom the lack of access to treatment can have disastrous consequences. Considering the specificity and degenerative traits of these conditions, the long queues for specialty appointments in public hospitals are a significant threat to patients’ health, as the disease may be misdiagnosed and or progress significantly, causing unnecessary permanent and non-reversible loss in visual acuity. Therefore optimizing the patient journey will increase patients’ access to adequate treatment, and prevent avoidable progress of a degenerative condition which causes permanent and non-reversible blindness. Following the investigation which supports this thesis, the patient journey was broken down into its different phases, so that key issues could be identified, and referred back to the main stress points highlighted during the interviews with physicians and administrators. Finally results were scrutinized and systematized, and a set of action points was proposed, considering what may cause major impact and is actually feasible to implement.


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The remit of the Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) is to promote cooperation for public health between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland in the areas of research and information, capacity building and policy advice. Our approach is to support Departments of Health and their agencies in both jurisdictions, and maximise the benefits of all-island cooperation to achieve practical benefits for people in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. IPH have previously responded to consultations to the Department of Health’s Discussion Paper on the Proposed Health Information Bill (June 2008), the Health Information and Quality Authority on their Corporate Plan (Oct 2007), and the Road Safety Authority of Ireland Road Safety Strategy (Jul 2012). IPH supports the development of a national standard demographic dataset for use within the health and social care services. Provided necessary safeguards are put in place (such as ethics and data protection) and the purpose of collecting the information is fully explained to subjects, mandatory provision of a minimum demographic dataset is usually the best way to achieve the necessary coverage and data quality. Demographic information is needed in several forms to support the public health function: Detailed aggregated information for comparison to population counts in order to assess equity of access to healthcare as well as examining population patterns and trends in morbidity and mortality Accurate demographic information for the surveillance of infectious disease outbreaks, monitoring vaccination programmes, setting priorities for public health interventions Linked to other data outside of health and social care such as population data, survey data, and longitudinal studies for research and analysis purposes.   Identify and address public health issues to tackle health inequalities, and to monitor the success of such efforts to tackle them.


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This document states the Institute of Public Health in Ireland’s (IPH) commitment to an Open Access policy and outlines how it implements that policy. "Open Access is the immediate, online, free availability of research outputs without restrictions on use commonly imposed by publisher copyright agreements. Open Access includes the outputs that scholars normally give away for free for publication; it includes peer-reviewed journal articles, conference papers and data of various kinds."1 The Open Access (OA) movement aims to: Provide access to scientific outputs in publications that are freely available Foster the adoption of open access publication models