1000 resultados para AREA DE URGENCIAS


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We perform direct numerical simulations of drainage by solving Navier- Stokes equations in the pore space and employing the Volume Of Fluid (VOF) method to track the evolution of the fluid-fluid interface. After demonstrating that the method is able to deal with large viscosity contrasts and to model the transition from stable flow to viscous fingering, we focus on the definition of macroscopic capillary pressure. When the fluids are at rest, the difference between inlet and outlet pressures and the difference between the intrinsic phase average pressure coincide with the capillary pressure. However, when the fluids are in motion these quantities are dominated by viscous forces. In this case, only a definition based on the variation of the interfacial energy provides an accurate measure of the macroscopic capillary pressure and allows separating the viscous from the capillary pressure components.


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We study the extent of macroeconomic convergence/divergence among euro area countries. Our analysis focuses on four variables (unemployment, inflation, relative prices and the current account), and seeks to uncover the role played by monetary union as a convergence factor by using non-euro developed economies and the pre-EMU period as control samples.


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This paper presents the underlying concepts developed by the Institute of Geography of the University of Lausanne (Switzerland) for a popularisation project of the geoheritage in the Tsanfleuron-Sanetsch area (Valais, Switzerland). Due to its wide scientific interest, the local geoheritage is of great value (Reynard, 2008). The article details the complementary links existing between the different parts of a geotourist project - databases, educational panels, educational material and geotourist map - developed for popularising the geoheritage value of the area. Each element of the project is briefly presented. Special focus is set on mapping questions: how cartographic design and information structure can be set in order to facilitate map's use and comprehension. In this way, the Tsanfleuron-Sanetsch map is presented as an applied example of the guiding principles proposed by Coratza and Regolini-Bissig (2009).


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Changes in the dynamics of sediment transport in a Mediterranean lake (sediment fluidization events) are linked to atmospheric circulations patterns (trough monthly precipitation). In the basins of Lake Banyoles, located in the northeast of Spain, water enters mainly through subterranean springs, and associated fluctuations in the vertical migration of sediment distribution (fluidization events) present episodic behavior as a result of episodic rainfall in the area. The initiation of the fluidization events takes place when the monthly rainfall is ∼2.7 times greater than the mean monthly rainfall of the rainiest months in the area, especially in spring (April and May), October, and December. The duration of these events is found to be well correlated with the accumulated rainfall of the preceding 10 months before the process initiation. The rainfall, in turn, is mainly associated with six atmospheric circulation patterns among the 19 fundamental circulations that emerged in an earlier study focused on significant rainfall days in Mediterranean Spain. Among them, accentuated surface lows over the northeast of Spain, general northeasterly winds by low pressure centered to the east of Balearic Islands and short baroclinic waves over the Iberian Peninsula, with easterly flows over the northeastern coast of Spain, are found the most relevant atmospheric circulations that drive heavy rainfall events


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Audit report on the Shelby County Area Solid Waste Agency for the year ended June 30, 2009


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Selostus: Lihassolutyypin ja lihassolun poikkipinta-alan yhteys sian kasvuun ja ruhon koostumukseen maatiaisessa ja yorkshiressa


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In the scope of the European project Hydroptimet, INTERREG IIIB-MEDOCC programme, limited area model (LAM) intercomparison of intense events that produced many damages to people and territory is performed. As the comparison is limited to single case studies, the work is not meant to provide a measure of the different models' skill, but to identify the key model factors useful to give a good forecast on such a kind of meteorological phenomena. This work focuses on the Spanish flash-flood event, also known as "Montserrat-2000" event. The study is performed using forecast data from seven operational LAMs, placed at partners' disposal via the Hydroptimet ftp site, and observed data from Catalonia rain gauge network. To improve the event analysis, satellite rainfall estimates have been also considered. For statistical evaluation of quantitative precipitation forecasts (QPFs), several non-parametric skill scores based on contingency tables have been used. Furthermore, for each model run it has been possible to identify Catalonia regions affected by misses and false alarms using contingency table elements. Moreover, the standard "eyeball" analysis of forecast and observed precipitation fields has been supported by the use of a state-of-the-art diagnostic method, the contiguous rain area (CRA) analysis. This method allows to quantify the spatial shift forecast error and to identify the error sources that affected each model forecasts. High-resolution modelling and domain size seem to have a key role for providing a skillful forecast. Further work is needed to support this statement, including verification using a wider observational data set.


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Audit report on the Crawford County Area Solid Waste Agency Commission for the year ended June 30, 2009


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A compactação é um processo que pode ocorrer em solos manejados inadequadamente, afetando, direta ou indiretamente, o crescimento e a produção das culturas. Com o objetivo de avaliar o crescimento da parte aérea de plantas, considerando os diferentes graus de compactação subsuperficial, plantas de soja, milho, algodão e Brachiaria brizantha foram cultivadas em vasos com material de um Latossolo Vermelho-Escuro distrófico, sob condição de fornecimento subsuperficial de água. O experimento foi realizado, sob telado, na Faculdade de Agronomia e Medicina Veterinária da UFMT, em vasos de PVC rígido de 195 mm de diâmetro interno, adotando-se delineamento inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 4 x 4 x 5 (quatro espécies, densidades do solo de 1,0; 1,2; 1,4 e 1,5 Mg m-3 e cinco repetições). O conteúdo de água no sistema solo/vaso foi mantido acima de 60 % da capacidade de campo. Ao fim do experimento, mediu-se a altura das plantas, cortaram-se as plantas rente ao solo e foram determinadas a área foliar, a massa seca de frutificações (algodão, soja e milho) e a massa seca total da parte aérea. A compactação do solo provocou reduções significativas no crescimento da parte aérea do algodoeiro, milho e soja a partir de 1,4 Mg m-3 e na densidade do solo de 1,5 Mg m-3, para Brachiaria brizantha. A soja apresentou os maiores incrementos das características avaliadas na densidade do solo de 1,2 Mg m-3. A Brachiaria brizantha mostrou-se como a espécie de maior tolerância, enquanto o algodoeiro revelou maior susceptibilidade aos efeitos da compactação. Em geral, o modelo quadrático explicou adequadamente o crescimento das plantas de acordo com a compactação.


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Audit report on America’s Agricultural Industrial Heritage Landscape, Inc., d/b/a Silos and Smokestacks National Heritage Area (Silos and Smokestacks), in Waterloo, Iowa for the years ended December 31, 2009 and 2008


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O crescimento radicular é favorecido em condições adequadas de disponibilidade de boro no solo e, por isto, a aplicação da dose correta desse micronutriente é de grande importância, para que não ocorra prejuízo no desenvolvimento e na produtividade da cultura de arroz de terras altas, de acordo com a variedade e tipo de solo. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a influência das doses de boro no crescimento radicular e da parte aérea, em três cultivares de arroz de terras altas. O experimento foi realizado em casa de vegetação, em vaso com capacidade de 10 L, que continha 8 dm³ de solo Latossolo Vermelho distrófico, sendo o delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 3 x 3, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos consistiram de três cultivares (Caiapó, Primavera e Maravilha) e três doses de boro (0, 3 e 6 mg dm-3), usando, como fonte, o bórax. A dose de 6 mg dm-3 foi prejudicial tanto à produção de matéria seca da parte aérea como de raiz para o arroz de terras altas. Além de apresentar maior capacidade de absorção de boro, o cultivar Maravilha apresentou-se mais tolerante à elevação da disponibilidade de B no solo, não ocorrendo alterações de comprimento, diâmetro e superfície radicular.


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A eficiência da calagem superficial pode ser melhorada por meio de compostos orgânicos hidrossolúveis liberados por resíduos vegetais. No entanto, não se sabe se os teores desses compostos nos resíduos das culturas podem ser modificados pela aplicação de calcário e gesso em superfície. O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar os efeitos das aplicações de calcário e gesso em superfície sobre os teores de cátions solúveis nos resíduos vegetais das culturas de arroz, feijão e aveia-preta. O experimento foi realizado em um Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico de Botucatu (SP). O delineamento foi de blocos casualizados com parcelas subdivididas e quatro repetições. As parcelas foram constituídas por quatro doses de calcário dolomítico (0, 1.100, 2.700 e 4.300 kg ha-1) e as subparcelas, pela aplicação ou não de 2.100 kg ha-1 de gesso agrícola. Para as culturas de verão foi utilizado esquema de parcela subsubdividida. As subsubparcelas foram constituídas por dois cultivares de arroz de terras altas (Caiapó e IAC 202), no ano agrícola 2002/03, e dois cultivares de feijão (Pérola e Carioca), em 2003/04. A aveia-preta foi cultivada no inverno dos dois anos, utilizando apenas o cultivar Comum. Os teores de cátions solúveis na parte aérea das culturas de arroz, feijão e aveia-preta foram alterados pela aplicação de calcário e gesso em superfície. A gessagem em superfície aumentou os teores solúveis de Ca e reduziu o de Mg na parte aérea das culturas, principalmente nas primeiras safras após a aplicação. A calagem aumentou os teores de cátions solúveis na parte aérea de todas as culturas. As culturas do feijão e da aveia-preta apresentaram maiores teores de cátions solúveis nos resíduos da parte aérea, avaliados no florescimento.


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The Polochic and Motagua faults define the active plate boundary between the North American and Caribbean plates in central Guatemala. A splay of the Polochic Fault traverses the rapidly growing city of San Miguel Uspantan that is periodically affected by destructive earthquakes. This fault splay was located using a 2D electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) survey that also characterized the fault damage zone and evaluated the thickness and nature of recent deposits upon which most of the city is built. ERT images show the fault as a similar to 50 m wide, near-vertical low-resistivity anomaly, bounded within a few meters by high resistivity anomalies. Forward modeling reproduces the key aspects of the observed electrical resistivity data with remarkable fidelity thus defining the overall location, geometry, and internal structure of the fault zone as well as the affected lithologies. Our results indicate that the city is constructed on a similar to 20 m thick surficial layer consisting of poorly consolidated, highly porous, water-logged pumice. This soft layer is likely to amplify seismic waves and to liquefy upon moderate to strong ground shaking. The electrical conductivity as well as the major element chemistry of the groundwater provides evidence to suggest that the local aquifer might, at least in part, be fed by water rising along the fault. Therefore, the potential threat posed by this fault splay may not be limited to its seismic activity per se, but could be compounded its potential propensity to enhance seismic site effects by injecting water into the soft surficial sediments. The results of this study provide the basis for a rigorous analysis of seismic hazard and sustainable development of San Miguel Uspantan and illustrate the potential of ERT surveying for paleoseismic studies.


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Audit report on the Rathbun Area Solid Waste Commission for the year ended June 30, 2010