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A study was undertaken to examine the population structure of viridans group streptococci (VGS) in the sputum of adult patients with cystic fibrosis (CF). Freshly expectorated sputa (n=58) from 45 adult CF patients were examined by selective conventional culture on Mitis-Salivarius agar and yielded 190 isolates of VGS. Sequence analyses of the rpnB and 16-23S rRNA ITS genes identified these isolates to belong to 12 species of VGS and included S. anginosus, S. australis, S. cristatus, S. gordonii, S. infantis, S. mitis, S. mutans, S. oralis, S. parasanguinis, S. pneumoniae, S. salivarius and S. sanguinis. The most frequently VGS organism isolated was S. salivarius (47/190; 24.7%), followed by S. mitts (36/190; 19%), S. sanguinis (25/190; 13.2%), S. oralis (20/190; 11.0%), S. pneumoniae (19/190; 10.0%), S. parasanguinis (16/190; 8.4%), S. infantis (11/190; 5.8%), S. gordonii (7/190; 3.7%), S. anginosus (4/190; 2.1%), S. cristatus (2/190; 1.1%), S. australis (1/190; 0.5%), S. mutans (1/190; 0.5%) and S. agalactiae (1/190; 0.5%). All, but four, patients harboured at least one VGS species, which ranged from one to five streptococcal species, with a mean of 2.85 species per patient. There was no clonality at the subspecies level employing ERIC RAPD PCR. Antibiotic susceptibility was determined by Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) testing against penicillin, erythromycin and ciprofloxacin. Overall, resistance to penicillin with all VGS was 73/190 (38.4%) and 167/190 (87.9%) for erythromycin. With regard to ciprofloxacin, 27/190 (14.2%) were fully resistant, whilst a further 21/190 (11.1%) showed intermediate resistance, which equated to approximately three quarters (74.7%) of isolates being fully sensitive to this agent. In addition, as a comparator control population, we examined antibiotic susceptibility, as above, in a non-CF population comprising 12 individuals (50 VGS isolates), who were not receiving chronic antibiotics. In comparison, 8% and 38% of VGS isolates from non-CF individuals were resistant by disk susceptibility testing to penicillin and erythromycin, respectively. None of the non-CF VGS organisms were resistant to ciprofloxacin, but 42% showed intermediate resistance. (C) 2010 European Cystic Fibrosis Society. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background The use of portable fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FENO) devices is increasingly common in the diagnosis and management of allergic airways inflammation. Methods We tested two handheld FENO devices, to determine (a) if there was adequate intradevice repeatability to allow the use of single breath testing, and (b) if the devices could be used interchangeably. In a mixed pediatric population, including normal, asthmatic, and children with peanut allergies, 858 paired values were collected from the NIOX-MINO® and/or the NObreath® devices. Results The NIOX-MINO® showed excellent repeatability (mean difference of 0.1 with 95% limits of agreement between -7.93 to 7.72?ppb), while the NObreath® showed good repeatability (mean difference of -1.61 with 95% limits of agreement between -14.1 and 10.8?ppb). Intradevice repeatability was good but not adequate and the NIOX-MINO® systematically produced higher results than the NObreath® [mean difference of 7.8?ppb with 95% limits of agreement from -11.55 to 27.52?ppb (-33% to 290%)]. Conclusions Our results support the manufacturer's advice that single breath testing is appropriate for the NIOX-MINO®. NObreath® results indicate that the mean of more than one breath should be utilized. The devices cannot be used interchangeably. Pediatr Pulmonol. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The identification of filamentous fungi and/or yeasts in the airway secretions of individuals with cystic fibrosis (CF) is becoming increasingly prevalent; yet the importance of these organisms in relation to underlying inflammation is poorly defined.

Cystic fibrosis bronchial epithelial cells (CFBE) and human bronchial epithelial cells (HBE) were co-incubated with Candida albicans whole cells or Aspergillus fumigatus conidia for 24 h prior to the measurement of pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-6 and IL-8 by ELISA.

Treatment of HBE or CFBE with C. albicans whole cells did not alter cytokine secretion. However treatment of CFBE with A. fumigatus conidia resulted in a 1.45-fold increase in IL-6 and a 1.65-fold increase in IL-8 secretion in comparison to basal levels; in contrast there was far less secretion from HBE cells.

Our data indicate that A. fumigatus infection modulates a pro-inflammatory response in CF epithelial cells while C. albicans does not.


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Abstract Aims The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) Science and Research Department was commissioned by the Department of Health to develop national care pathways for children with allergies: the asthma/rhinitis care pathway is the third such pathway. Asthma and rhinitis have been considered together. These conditions co-exist commonly, have remarkably similar immuno-pathology and an integrated management approach benefits symptom control. Method The asthma/rhinitis pathway was developed by a multidisciplinary working group and was based on a comprehensive review of evidence. The pathway was reviewed by a broad group of stakeholders including the public and was approved by the Allergy Care Pathways Project Board and the RCPCH Clinical Standards Committee. Results The pathway entry points are defined by symptom type and severity at presentation. Acute severe rhinitis and life-threatening asthma are presented as distinct entry routes to the pathway, recognising that initial care of these conditions requires presentation-specific treatments. However, the pathway emphasises that ideal long term care should take account of both conditions in order to achieve maximal improvements in disease control and quality of life. Conclusions The pathway recommends that acute presentations of asthma and/or rhinitis should be treated separately. Where both conditions exist, ongoing management should address the upper and lower airways. The authors recommend that this pathway is implemented locally by a multidisciplinary team (MDT) with a focus on creating networks. The MDT within these networks should work with patients to develop and agree on care plans that are age and culturally appropriate.


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Neutrophil elastase (NE)-mediated inflammation contributes to lung damage in cystic fibrosis (CF). We investigated if DX-890, a small-protein NE inhibitor, could reduce neutrophil trans-epithelial migration and reduce activity released from neutrophils and NE-induced cytokine expression in airway epithelial cells.

Activated blood neutrophils (CF and healthy) treated ± DX-890 were assayed for NE activity. Transmigration of calcein-labeled neutrophils was studied using a 16HBE14o- epithelial monolayer. IL-8 release from primary nasal epithelial monolayers (CF and healthy) was measured after treatment ± DX-890 and NE or CF sputum.

DX-890 reduced NE activity from neutrophils (CF and healthy) and reduced neutrophil transmigration. DX-890 pre-treatment reduced IL-8 release from epithelial cells of healthy or CF subjects after stimulation with NE and CF sputum sol. All improvements with DX-890 were statistically significant (p < 0.05).

DX-890 reduces NE-mediated transmigration and inflammation. NE inhibition could be useful in managing neutrophilic airway inflammation in CF.


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Maternal diabetes mellitus is associated with increased teratogenesis, which can occur in pregestational type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Cardiac defects and with neural tube defects are the most common malformations observed in fetuses of pregestational diabetic mothers. The exact mechanism by which diabetes exerts its teratogenic effects and induces embryonic malformations is unclear. Whereas the sequelae of maternal pregestational diabetes, such as modulating insulin levels, altered fat levels, and increased reactive oxygen species, may play a role in fetal damage during diabetic pregnancy, hyperglycemia is thought to be the primary teratogen, causing particularly adverse effects on cardiovascular development. Fetal cardiac defects are associated with raised maternal glycosylated hemoglobin levels and are up to five times more likely in infants of mothers with pregestational diabetes compared with those without diabetes. The resulting anomalies are varied and include transposition of the great arteries, mitral and pulmonary atresia, double outlet of the right ventricle, tetralogy of Fallot, and fetal cardiomyopathy.


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The authors conducted a study to define the long-term outcomes and risks of stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) for pediatric arteriovenous malformations (AVMs).


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Oxidative stress may increase lung permeability by upregulation of matrix-metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-8), a type-IV collagenase that can disrupt alveolar basement membranes. We have compared a marker of oxidative stress (protein carbonyl residues) with levels of MMP-8 and its inhibitor, tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1), in bronchoalveolar lavage samples from newborn babies. Bronchoalveolar lavage samples (n = 87, two from each time point) were taken in the first 6 postnatal days from 41 ventilated babies: 18 of


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More fathers than ever before attend at the birth of their child and, internationally, there is a palpable pressure on maternity and neonatal services to include and engage with fathers. It is, thus, more important than ever to understand how fathers experience reproductive and neonatal health services and to understand how fathers can be successfully accommodated in these environments alongside their partners. In this paper we advance a theoretical framework for re-thinking fatherhood and health services approaches to fatherhood based on Critical Studies of Men and Masculinities (CSM). We illustrate the importance of this feminist-informed theoretical approach to understanding the gendered experiences of fathers in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) setting. Using a longitudinal follow-up research design, with two data collection points, a total of 39 in-depth semi-structured interviews was conducted with 21 fathers of infants admitted to NICU between August 2008 and December 2009. The findings demonstrate: (i) ways in which men are forging new gendered identities around the birth of their baby but, over time, acknowledge women as the primary caregivers; (ii) how social class is a key determinant of men’s ability to enact hegemonic forms of ‘involved fatherhood’ in the NICU, and; (iii) how men also encounter resistance from their partners and health professionals in challenging a gender order which associates women with the competent care of infants. An understanding of these gendered experiences operating at both individual and structural levels is critical to leading change for the inclusion of fathers as equal parents in healthcare settings. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.