995 resultados para 225
In the present study, 520 questionnaires about general self–efficacy, achievement goal orientation, learning motivation and time management were delivered to university students. The students were randomly chosen from Communication University of China, Central University of Finance and Economics, Capital University of Business and Economics and Shanxi University. 495 responses were valid , in which 225 majoring in liberal arts and 270 majoring in natural sciences. The influences of these four factors on students’ academic achievements were explored. And the gender differences in General self-efficacy, achievement goal orientation, learning motivation and time management were analyzed in the present study too. It was found that: 1) There were gender difference on academic achievements. The scores’ of female students were higher than males’. 2) Significant gender differences were found in four considered factors which indicated that female students got higher scores than male students; 3) There were close relations between the four considered factors and students’ academic achievements. There were also obvious relations among the four factors. 4) University students’ academic achievements could be well predicted by their general self-efficacy, achievement goal orientation, learning motivation and time management.
The aim of the present study was to investigate whether people can establish two oblique spatial reference directions to represent objects’ locations in memory. Participants learned a layout of objects from two oblique viewpoints (0º and 225º) and made judgments of relative direction (“Imagine you are standing at X, facing Y, please point to Z”). Experiments 1 to 3 showed that performance in pointing were better at either one of the familiar imagined headings (0º and 225º) in most of the participants even when they were instructed to learn the layout along their actual heading at both learning directions, and when their actual headings at the test were the same as the imagined headings. Experiments 4 to 6 showed performance in pointing could be equivalent at the two familiar imagined headings for significant number of the participants when participants learned two different set of objects occupied at the same locations from the two learning viewpoints, and when participants learned the same layout of objects together with two different layouts from the two learning viewpoints. These results suggest that the orientation dependent performance in Experiments 1 to 3 cannot be attributed to the possibility that participants had formed two oblique spatial reference directions during learning but only used one of them during testing. Experiments 7 and 8 further showed that the performance of pointing at the two familiar viewpoints were significantly different when participants experienced one viewpoint by learning the actual layout and the other viewpoint by learning the map of the same layout, and when participants experienced two viewpoints alternatively over the ten times of learning sessions. All these results strongly suggest that people establish only one spatial reference system to represent locations of objects when they learn the same layout in the same background from two oblique viewpoints.
As part of a larger research project in musical structure, a program has been written which "reads" scores encoded in an input language isomorphic to music notation. The program is believed to be the first of its kind. From a small number of parsing rules the program derives complex configurations, each of which is associated with a set of reference points in a numerical representation of a time-continuum. The logical structure of the program is such that all and only the defined classes of events are represented in the output. Because the basis of the program is syntactic (in the sense that parsing operations are performed on formal structures in the input string), many extensions and refinements can be made without excessive difficulty. The program can be applied to any music which can be represented in the input language. At present, however, it constitutes the first stage in the development of a set of analytic tools for the study of so-called atonal music, the revolutionary and little understood music which has exerted a decisive influence upon contemporary practice of the art. The program and the approach to automatic data-structuring may be of interest to linguists and scholars in other fields concerned with basic studies of complex structures produced by human beings.
Inexpensive and permanently modified poly(methyl methacrylate)(PMMA) microchips were fabricated by an injection-molding process. A novel sealing method for plastic microchips at room temperature was introduced. Run-to-run and chip-to-chip reproducibility was good, with relative standard deviation values between 1-3% for the run-to-run and less than 2.1% for the chip-to-chip comparisons. Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) was used as an additive in PMMA substrates. The proportions of PMMA and ABS were optimized. ABS may be considered as a modifier, which obviously improved some characteristics of the microchip, such as the hydrophilicity and the electro-osmotic flow (EOF). The detection limit of Rhodamine 6G dye for the modified microchip on the home-made microchip analyzer showed a dramatic 100-fold improvement over that for the unmodified PMMA chip. A detection limit of the order of 10(-20) mole has been achieved for each injected phiX-174/HaeIII DNA fragment with the baseline separation between 271 and 281 bp, and fast separation of 11 DNA restriction fragments within 180 seconds. Analysis of a PCR product from the tobacco ACT gene was performed on the modified microchip as an application example.
A propriedade agrária, sua reserva legal e as áreas de preservação permanente; Exigências climáticas; Exigências hídricas; Exigências térmicas e fotoperiódicas; Rotação de culturas; Seleção de espécies para compor esquemas de rotação; Planejamento da propriedade; Sugestão de um esquema de rotação de culturas; Manejo do solo; Sistema plantio direto; Preparo do solo; Alternância do uso de implementos no preparo do solo; Rompimento da camada compactada; Correção e manutenção da fertilidade do solo; Amostragem e análise do solo; Acidez do solo; Calagem; Calagem no sistema de semeadura direta; Qualidade e uso do calcário; Correção da acidez subsuperficial; Exigências minerais e adubação para a cultura da soja; Adubação; Cultivares; Tecnologia de sementes e colheita; Qualidade da semente; Armazenamento das sementes; Padronização da nomenclatura do tamanho das sementes, após classificação por tamanho; Tratamento de sementes com fungicidas; Seleção do local para produção de sementes; Avaliação da qualidade na produção de sementes - DIACOM (Diagnóstico Completo da Qualidade da Semente de Soja); Metodologia alternativa para o teste de germinação de sementes de soja; Remoção de torrões para prevenir a disseminação do nematóide de cisto; Alerta sobre dessecação em pré-colheita de campos de produção de semente; Manejo de plantas daninhas na entressafra; Inoculação das sementes com Bradyrhizobium; Introdução; Qualidade e quantidade dos inoculantes; Aplicação de fungicidas às sementes junto com o inoculante; Aplicação de micronutrientes nas sementes; Aplicação de fungicidas e micronutrientes nas sementes, junto com o inoculante; Inoculação em áreas com cultivo anterior de soja; Inoculação em áreas de primeiro cultivo com soja; Nitrogênio mineral; Instalação da lavoura; Umidade e temperatura do solo; Cuidados na semeadura; Época de semeadura; Diversificação de cultivares; População e densidade de semeadura; Cálculo da quantidade de sementes e regulagem da semeadora; Controle de plantas daninhas informações importantes: Semeadura direta; Manejo de plantas daninhas na soja RR (Roundup Ready); Disseminação; Resistência; Dessecação em pré-colheita da soja; Manuseio de herbicidas e descarte de embalagens; Manejo de insetos-pragas; Espécies de insetos que atacam a soja; Níveis de dano para tomada de decisão de controle; Medidas de controle; Pragas de difícil controle; Manuseio de inseticidas e descarte de embalagens; Doenças e medidas de controle; Considerações gerais; Doenças identificadas no Brasil; Principais doenças e medidas de controle; Manuseio de fungicidas e descarte de embalagem; Retenção foliar e haste verde.
Pd-supported on WO3-ZrO2 (W/Zr atomic ratio=0.2) calcined at 1073 K was found to be highly active and selective for gas-phase oxidation of ethylene to acetic acid in the presence of water at 423 K and 0.6 MPa. Contact time dependence demonstrated that acetic acid is formed via acetaldehyde formed by a Wacker-type reaction, not through ethanol by hydration of ethylene.
Em novembro de 1977 os trabalhos foram iniciados efetivamente e tiveram como finalidade principal, o estudo e a identificacao dos diferentes solos encontrados na area do CNPGC, compreendendo sua distribuicao geografica, delimitacao cartografica e estudo das caracteristicas quimicas, fisicas e mineralogicas, o que possibilitou a confecccao de um mapa de solos, bem como um mapa de aptidao agricola dos solos considerando-se 6 (seis) grupos de aptidao e 3 (tres) niveis de manejo. O levantamento foi executado segundo normas adotadas pelo SNLCS no que se refere a metodos de trabalho e classificacao dos solos. As fotografias aereas na escala 1:60.000 ampliadas para a escala 1:20.000 e utilizadas como mapa basico, alem da rede de pontos de drenagem bastante intensa, permitiram que se executasse um levantamento de reconhecimento a nivel de detalhe, considerando-se a escala de 1:20.000 para o mapa final.
El cambio de modelo de enseñanza que han sufrido las Universidades con la implementación del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, puso el foco en el desarrollo competencial, buscando que los estudiantes adquieran las habilidades y capacidades. Con el fin de comprobar si el desarrollo de las competencia académicas se ve afectado por el género y la edad de los estudiantes, a una muestra de 364 estudiantes de diferentes Universidades de la Comunidad de Madrid se les aplicó COMPEUEM, un test que evalúa en qué medida los estudiantes poseen 8 competencias académicas: Comunicación, Liderazgo, Trabajo en Equipo, Adaptación a los Cambios, Iniciativa, Solución de Problemas, Toma de Decisiones, Organización y Planificación. Los resultados encontrados ponen de manifiesto que los sujetos de más edad presentan mayores niveles en la adquisición de competencias que los de menor edad. Por otro lado, encontramos diferencias significativas en función del género de los estudiantes.
Grattan, John and Pyatt, Brian. 'Acid damage to vegetation following the laki fissure eruption in 1783 - an historical review' The Science of the Total Environment. 26 August 1993. 151 pgs 241-247