1000 resultados para 135-837A
Marked elevation of dioxin associated with the herbicide Agent Orange was recently found in 19 of 20 blood samples from persons living in Bien Hoa, a large city in southern Vietnam. This city is located near an air base that was used for Agent Orange spray missions between 1962 and 1970. A spill of Agent Orange occurred at this air base more than 30 years before blood samples were collected in 1999. Samples were collected, frozen, and sent to a World Health Organization-certified dioxin laboratory fm congener-specific analysis as part of a Vietnam Red Cross project. Previous analyses of more than 2200 pooled blood samples collected in the 1990s identified Bien Hoa as one of several southern Vietnam areas with persons having elevated blood dioxin levels from exposure to Agent Orange. In sharp contrast to this study, our previous research showed decreasing tissue dioxin levels over time since 1970. Only the dioxin that contaminated Agent Orange, 2,3, 7, 8-tetrachlmodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD), was elevated in the blood of 19 of 20 persons sampled from Bien Hoa. A comparison pooled sample from 100 residents of Hanoi, where Agent Orange was not used, measured blood TCDD levels of 2 parts per trillion (ppt). TCDD levels of up to 271 ppt, a 135-fold increase, were found in Bien Hoa residents. TCDD contamination was also found in some nearby soil and sediment samples. Persons new to this region and children born after Agent Orange spraying ended also had elevated TCDD levels. This TCDD uptake was recent and occurred decades after spraying ended. We hypothesize that a major route of current and past exposures is from the movement of dioxin from soil into river sediment, then into fish, and from fish consumption into people.
A two-domain portion of the proteinase inhibitor precursor from Nicotiana alata (NaProPI) has been expressed and its structure determined by NMR spectroscopy. NaProPI contains six almost identical 53 amino acid repeats that fold into six highly similar domains; however, the sequence repeats do nut coincide with the structural domains. Five of the structural domains comprise the C-terminal portion of one repeat and the N-terminal portion of the next. The sixth domain contains the C-terminal portion of the sixth repeat and the N-terminal portion of the first repeat. Disulphide bonds link these C and N-terminal fragments to generate the clasped-bracelet fold of NaProPI. The three-dimensional structure of NaProPI is not known, but it is conceivable that adjacent domains in NaProPI interact to generate the circular bracelet with the N and C termini in close enough proximity to facilitate formation of the disulphide bonds that form the clasp The expressed protein, examined in the current study, comprises residues 25-135 of NaProPI and encompasses the first two contiguous structural domains, namely the chymotrypsin inhibitor C1 and the trypsin inhibitor T1, joined by a five-residue linker, and is referred to as C1-T1. The tertiary structure of each domain in C1-T1 is identical to that found in the isolated inhibitors. However, no nuclear Overhauser effect contacts are observed between the two domains and the five-residue linker adopts an extended conformation. The absence of interactions between the domains indicates that adjacent domains do not specifically interact to drive the circularisation of NaProPI. These results are in agreement with recent data which describe similar PI precursors from other members of the Solanaceae having two, three, or four repeats. The lack of strong interdomain association is likely to be important for the function of individual inhibitors by ensuring that there is no masking of reactive sites upon release from the precursor. (C) 2001 Academic Press.
A randomized controlled trial was carried out to measure the societal costs of realtime teledermatology compared with those of conventional hospital care in New Zealand. Two rural health centres were linked to a specialist hospital via ISDN at 128 kbit/s. Over 10 months, 203 patients were referred for a specialist dermatological consultation and 26 were followed up, giving a total of 229 consultations. Fifty-four per cent were randomized to the teledermatology consultation and 46% to the conventional hospital consultation. A cost-minimization analysis was used to calculate the total costs of both types of dermatological consultation. The total cost of the 123 teledermatology consultations was NZ$34,346 and the total cost of the 106 conventional hospital consultations was NZ$30,081. The average societal cost of the teledermatology consultation was therefore NZ$279.23 compared with NZ$283.79 for the conventional hospital consultation. The marginal cost of seeing an additional patient was NZ$135 via teledermatology and NZ$284 via conventional hospital appointment. From a societal viewpoint, and assuming an equal outcome, teledermatology was a more cost-efficient use of resources than conventional hospital care.
We investigated roles of different forms of cytochrome P450 (P450 or CYP) in the metabolic activation of heterocyclic amines (HCAs) and other procarcinogens to genotoxic metabolite(s) in the newly developed umu tester strains Salmonella typhimurium (S. typhimurium) OY1002/1A1, OY1002/1A2, OY1002/1B1, OY1002/2C9, OY1002/2D6, OY1002/2E1 and OY 1002/3A4. which express respective human P450 enzymes and NADPH-cytochrome P350 reductase (reductase) and bacterial O-acetyltransferase (O-AT). These strains were established by introducing two plasmids into S. typhimurium TA 1535, one carrying both P450 and the reductase cDNA in a bicistronic construct under control of an IPTG-inducible double me promoter and the other, pOA 102, carrying O-AT and umuClacZ fusion genes. Expression levels of CYP were found to range between 35 to 550 nmol/l cell culture in the strains tested. O-AT activities in different strains ranged from 52 to 135 nmol isoniazid acetylated/min/mg protein. All HCAs tested, and 2-aminoanthracene and 2-aminofluorene exhibited high genotoxicity in the OY1002/1A2 strain, and genotoxicity of 2-amino-3-methylimidazo [4,5-f]quinoline was detected in both the OY1002/1A1 and OY1002/1A2 strains. 1-Amino-1,4-dimethyl-5H-pyrido[4.3-b]-indole and 3-amino-1-methyl-5H-pyrido[4,3-b]-indole were activated in the OY1002/1A1, OY1002/1B1, OY1002/1A2, and OY1002/3A4 strains. Aflatoxin B-1 exhibited genotoxicity in the OY1002/1A2, OY1002/1A1, and OY1002/3A4 strains. beta -Naphthylamine and benzo[a]pyrene did not exhibit genotoxicity in any of the strains. These results suggest that CYP1A2 is the major cytochrom P450 enzyme involved in bioactivation of HCAs. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Forty-five Large White gilts were used to study the effect of energy intake from 28 to 176 d of age on body composition and reproductive development. From 28 to 60 d, the gilts were fed ad libitum a 16.6 MJ DE/kg, 24% crude protein and 1.3% total lysine diet. From 61 d of age three dietary treatments were used; 1) ad libitum access to feed (15.6 MJ DE/kg, 21% crude protein and 1.07% total lysine) (H), 2) feed offered at 75% (M) of the previous days intake of H, and 3) feed offered at 60% (L) of the previous days intake of H. ADG from 61 to 176 d of age was (p <0.05) affected by treatment. Although live weight at 176 d of age did not differ (p >0.1) the H gilts had higher (p <0.08) carcass weights than the M or L gilts. Back fat depths were similar (p >0.1) for all treatments at 115 d of age, however by 176 d of age M and H gilts were fatter (p <0.1) than L gilts. The mean lipid deposition (LD) from 115 to 176 d of age for L gilts (78.9 g/d) was less (p <0.05) than for M gilts (143.6 g/d) and H gilts (135.6 g/d). There were no differences between treatments for protein deposition (PD) over the same period. More (p <0.05) H gilts (n=8) attained puberty (first observed estrus) than either M gilts or L gilts (n=4 for both). Follicle numbers were similar (p >0.1) across treatments. For gilts that attained puberty, H gilts had fewer (p <0.05) follicles (13.5) than M gilts (19.7) and L gilts (21.3). For gilts with follicular development, H gilts had the heaviest (458.7 g) reproductive tract weight (RTW). However, for those that attained puberty, L gilts had the heaviest RTW. RTW were lowest for those with no follicular development. Energy restriction had a negative impact on puberty attainment, i.e. it took longer to reach puberty. However, for gilts that attained puberty, the number of follicles was greater for those on lower feed intakes. It would appear that rate of fat deposition, but not necessarily the total amount of fat, plays an important role in puberty attainment.
Free-ranging koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) were monitored by means of radio-relocation in the area of Blair Athol Coal Mine and surrounding properties. Daytime tree use, home range and diet of these koalas was determined in spring and autumn, as was the leaf moisture composition of potential fodder species. Koalas used on average 93 (male koalas) and 56 (female koalas) trees during the period of observation, occupying home ranges of 135 and 101 ha respectively. Mean sightings per tree were 1.19 for both males and females and home-range sizes were not significantly different between sexes or seasons. Koalas were observed returning to previously used daytime roosting trees infrequently (
Aims: To determine the prevalence of hazardous drinking and alcohol-related negative consequences in New Zealand tertiary students, and to identify predictors of hazardous drinking across a 6-month period. Methods: A total of 1480 tertiary students living in halls of residence was surveyed at the start of the academic year, and a subsample of 967 students was followed up 6 months later. Questionnaire items included quantity and frequency of drinking, alcohol-related problems, use of other substances, and the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT). Drinking at follow-up was modelled using demographic characteristics, mental well-being, other substance use, alcohol-related problems, and hall drinking norms, measured at baseline. Results: Among drinkers, mean (+/- SD) weekly consumption was 243 +/- 241 and 135 +/- 157 g of ethanol for males and females respectively. The majority of male (60.0%) and female (58.2%) drinkers typically consumed more than national safe drinking guidelines. Mean (+/- SD) AUDIT scores were 10.9 +/- 7.6 for males and 7.6 +/- 5.9 for females. After controlling for AUDIT scores at baseline, increased AUDIT scores at follow-up were higher with lower age, Maori ethnicity, smoking, cannabis use, high levels of alcohol-related negative consequences, and higher levels of drinking in the student's hall of residence. Conclusions: Hazardous drinking is widespread and persistent among students living in the halls of residence. There is a need for university alcohol policies and intervention approaches among New Zealand tertiary students.
The effects of convective and absolute instabilities on the formation of drops formed from cylindrical liquid jets of glycerol/water issuing into still air were investigated. Medium-duration reduced gravity tests were conducted aboard NASA's KC-135 and compared to similar tests performed under normal gravity conditions to aid in understanding the drop formation process. In reduced gravity, the Rayleigh-Chandrasekhar Equation was found to accurately predict the transition between a region of absolute and convective instability as defined by a critical Weber number. Observations of the physics of the jet, its breakup, and subsequent drop dynamics under both gravity conditions and the effects of the two instabilities on these processes are presented. All the normal gravity liquid jets investigated, in regions of convective or absolute instability, were subject to significant stretching effects, which affected the subsequent drop and associated geometry and dynamics. These effects were not displayed in reduced gravity and, therefore, the liquid jets would form drops which took longer to form (reduction in drop frequency), larger in size, and more spherical (surface tension effects). Most observed changes, in regions of either absolute or convective instabilities, were due to a reduction in the buoyancy force and an increased importance of the surface tension force acting on the liquid contained in the jet or formed drop. Reduced gravity environments allow better investigations to be performed into the physics of liquid jets, subsequently formed drops, and the effects of instabilities on these systems. In reduced gravity, drops form up to three times more slowly and as a consequence are up to three times larger in volume in the theoretical absolute instability region than in the theoretical convective instability region. This difference was not seen in the corresponding normal gravity tests due to the masking effects of gravity. A drop is shown to be able to form and detach in a region of absolute instability, and spanning the critical Weber number (from a region of convective to absolute instability) resulted in a marked change in dynamics and geometry of the liquid jet and detaching drops. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.
Flying foxes are commonly thought of as highly social mammals, yet little is known about the dynamics of their social interactions at a day roost. The aim of the present study was to examine the nature of the seasonal activities of territoriality and courtship amongst wild flying foxes in Australia. Focal observations were conducted at two permanent roosts of black flying foxes Pteropus alecto during periods of peak social interaction in the summers of 1999 and 2000 in urban Brisbane, Queensland. Observations of male territoriality were conducted at dawn and began eight weeks prior to the commencement of mating. The majority of defense bouts (87%) consisted of ritualised pursuit, while 13% of bouts involved physical contact expressed as either wrestling or hooking. One male with an unusually large territory took significantly longer to defend it than other males with less territory to defend. Observations of courtship revealed repetitive courtship sequences, including pre-copulatory approaches by the males, copulation attempts and grooming/resting periods. Thirty-four complete courtship sequences incorporating 135 copulation attempts were recorded over two seasons. Females actively resisted courtship approaches by males, forcing males to display a continuous determination to mate over time where determination can be considered an indicator of 'fitness'. The courtship bout length of females with suckling young was significantly longer ((x) over bar +/- SE; 230.9 +/- 22.16 s) than that of females unencumbered by large pups (158.5 +/- 9.69 s), although the length of copulations within those courtships was not (45.6 +/- 5.19 versus 36.2 +/- 3.43 s).
General practitioners (GPs) deliver the majority of palliative care to patients in the last year of life. This article seeks to examine the nature of GP care, perceptions of the GPs themselves and others of that care, the adequacy of palliative care training, issues relating to accessibility of GPs to palliative care patients, and strategies that may be of use in encouraging more effective delivery of palliative care by GPs. Medline and PubMed databases from 1966 to 2000 were searched, and 135 references identified. Sixty-six of these described studies relevant to GP palliative care. GPs value this part of their work. Most of the time, patients appreciate the contribution the GP makes to palliative care particularly if the GP is accessible, takes time to listen, allows patient and carer to ventilate their feelings, and is seen to be making efforts made regarding symptom relief. However, reports from bereaved relatives suggest that palliative care is performed less well in the community than in other settings. GPs express discomfort about their competence to perform palliative care adequately. They tend to miss symptoms which are not treatable by them, or which are less common. However, with appropriate specialist support and facilities, GPs have been shown to deliver sound and effective care. GP comfort working with specialist teams increases with exposure to this form of patient management, as does the understanding of the potential other team members have in contributing to the care of the patient. Formal arrangements engaging GPs to work with specialist teams have been shown to improve functional outcomes, patient satisfaction, improve effective use of resources and improve effective physician behaviour in other areas of medicine. Efforts by specialist services to develop formal involvement of GPs in the care of individual patients, may be an effective method of improving GP palliative care skills and appreciation of the roles specialist services can play.
OBJECTIVE Because there is discordance between different immunoassay values for serum hGH, and because clinical state may not correlate with immunoreactive hGH, we have developed an assay to accurately measure serum hGH somatogenic bioactivity. The results of this assay were compared with the Elegance two-site ELISA assay across 135 patient samples in a variety of clinical states. DESIGN The somatogenic assay was based on stable expression of hGH receptor in the murine BaF line, allowing these cells to proliferate in response to hGH. To eliminate interference by other growth factors in serum, we created a specific antagonist of the hGH receptor (similar to Trovert or Pegvisomant) which allowed us to obtain a true measure of hGH somatogenic activity by subtraction of the activity in the presence of the antagonist. The assay was carried out in microtiter plates over 24 h, with oxidation of a chromogenic tetrazolium salt (MTT) as the endpoint. PATIENTS These encompassed a number of different clinical conditions related to short stature, including idiopathic short stature, neurosecretory dysfunction and renal failure, as well as obese patients on dietary restriction and normal volunteers. MEASUREMENTS In addition to the colourimetric (MTT) response to hGH, we measured free hGH by stripping out GHBP-bound hGH using beads coupled to a monoclonal antibody to the GHBP (GH binding protein). All samples were measured in both bioassay and ELISA assay. RESULTS This bioassay was sensitive (5 mU/l or 2 mug/l) and precise, and not subject to interference by the GHBP. There was a good correlation (r = 0.95) between bioactivity and immunoactivity across clinical states. There was, however, an increased bioactivity during secretory peaks (over 25 mU/l), which has been reported previously for the Nb2 bioassay. Free hGH did not correlate with clinical state. CONCLUSIONS Because the results of the Elegance ELISA and the bioassay correlate well, even though there is greater bioactivity at higher hormone concentrations, it is evident that an appropriate immunoassay is able to act as a reliable indicator for clinical assessment. In those rare cases where bio-inactive GH exists, our bioassay should provide an appropriate means to demonstrate this.
The major trans (1) and minor cis (2) isomers of 1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane-6,13-dicarboxylate have been characterized as the complexes [Co(1)](ClO4) and [Co(H-2)(OH2)]Cl(ClO4).H2O. The former crystallized in the C-2/c space group and the latter in the P2(1)/c space group, with cell parameters a 16.258(7), b 9.050(3), c 15.413(6) Angstrom, beta133.29(3)degrees, and a 9.694(4), b 16.135(1), c 12.973(5) Angstrom, beta 93.00(2)degrees, respectively. Their characterization completes identification of the respective trans and cis isomers for the series of C-pendant macrocycles also including 1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane-6-amine-13-carboxylate ((3), (4)) and 1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane-6,13-diamine ((5), (6)). The complexes show limited distortion from octahedral geometry with the strain in the presence of the coordinated C-pendant carboxylate significantly reduced compared with that for the C-pendant amine in analogues, a consequence mainly of six-membered as opposed to five-membered chelate rings involving the pendant donor. A comparison of the physical properties for the trans isomers of the octahedral complexes of (1), (3), and (5), which reflect progressively increasing strain, is presented.
Projetos premiados no 6?? Concurso de Inova????es na Gest??o P??blica Federal - Pr??mio Helio Beltr??o. Representam contribui????es para a melhoria da gest??o p??blica nas seguintes ??reas: planejamento e gest??o estrat??gica, articula????o de parcerias, atendimento ao usu??rio, gerenciamento de informa????es, gest??o financeira e or??ament??ria, gest??o de pessoas e capacita????o, gest??o de servi??os gerais, gest??o de suprimentos e simplifica????o e agiliza????o de procedimentos
Nesta publica????o, referente ao 11?? Concurso Inova????o na Gest??o P??blica Federal, o leitor encontrar?? iniciativas inovadoras nas seguintes ??reas: Arranjos institucionais para coordena????o e implementa????o de pol??ticas p??blicas (intra e inter-governamental); atendimento ao usu??rio; avalia????o e monitoramento de pol??ticas p??blicas; cidadania e inclus??o social; controle de resultados; estabelecimento de padr??es e atendimento de servi??os; implementa????o de melhoria cont??nua; planejamento e gest??o estrat??gica
Fazia algum tempo que o Incra via, na informatiza????o, um instrumento eficiente e eficaz para a obten????o do seu prop??sito final. Al??m disso, a Divis??o de Recursos Humanos da Superintend??ncia Regional do Incra no Acre enxergava, na informatiza????o, a oportunidade de melhorar o atendimento ao p??blico interno e externo da institui????o. Entretanto, entre os diversos obst??culos ?? generaliza????o do uso dos recursos de microinform??tica na institui????o, destacavam-se o alto custo e o tempo dispendido para o treinamento dos servidores.Para solucionar o problema, a Superintend??ncia Regional do Incra no Acre montou, em suas pr??prias instala????es, um Centro de Treinamento de Inform??tica. A iniciativa resultou no treinamento de 115 servidores no per??odo de um ano, com uma economia de custos financeiros de mais de 400%, elevado aproveitamento entre servidores que nunca tinham tido contato com computadores, surgimento de pelo menos treze novos treinadores entre os servidores, elabora????o de novas t??cnicas, que s??o incorporadas ao cotidiano de atividades do Incra, contribuindo para um padr??o de trabalho cada vez mais preciso e amplia????o do acesso ao treinamento em microinform??tica aos servidores de outros ??rg??os p??blicos na regi??o