1000 resultados para 126-788


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The kinetics of drop penetration were studied by filming single drops of several different fluids (water, PEG200, PEG600, and HPC solutions) as they penetrated into loosely packed beds of glass ballotini, lactose, zinc oxide, and titanium dioxide powders. Measured times ranged from 0.45 to 126 s and depended on the powder particle size,viscosity, surface tensions, and contact angle. The experimental drop penetration times were compared to existing theoretical predictions by M. Denesuk et al. (J. Colloid Interface Sci. 158, 114, 1993) and S. Middleman (Modeling Axisymmetric Flows: Dynamics of Films, Jets, and Drops, Academic Press, San Diego, 1995) but did not agree. Loosely packed powder beds tend to have a heterogeneous bed structure containing large macrovoids which do not participate in liquid flow but are included implicitly in the existing approach to estimating powder pore size. A new two-phase model was proposed where the total volume of the macrovoids was assumed to be the difference between the bed porosity and the tap porosity. A new parameter, the effective porosity (epsilon)eff, was defined as the tap porosity multiplied by the fraction of pores that terminate at a macrovoid and are effectively blocked pores. The improved drop penetration model was much more successful at estimating the drop penetration time on all powders and the predicted times were generally within an order of magnitude of the experimental results. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA).


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O Sistema de Informa????o de Legisla????o (Silab) ?? destinado a processar e disponibilizar os atos legislativos produzidos pelo Minist??rio do Planejamento, Or??amento e Gest??o (MP), visando ?? agiliza????o na recupera????o da informa????o. Inicialmente atendia ??s unidades de biblioteca, mas, devido a um elevado n??mero de pesquisas, sua atua????o passou a ser descentralizada, estendendo tamb??m os benef??cios aos servidores do minist??rio, via Intranet, e, posteriormente, ao p??blico em geral, via Internet. O resultado obtido foi a aprova????o e o crescimento vertiginoso das consultas. O Silab encontra-se ?? disposi????o do p??blico em geral, no seguinte endere??o eletr??nico: http://silab.planejamento.gov.br


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Contrata????o de servi??os t??cnicos profissionais especializados para elabora????o e revis??o de material did??tico, bem como instrutoria em sala de aula, objetivando o desenvolvimento do Programa de Capacita????o em Acessibilidade e Direitos Humanos


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O cat??logo de cursos da Escola Nacional de Administra????o P??blica (ENAP) tem como objetivo apoiar a escolha de a????es de desenvolvimento de compet??ncias de dirigentes p??blicos brasileiros


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Semin??rio internacional sobre educa????o a dist??ncia, realizado na ENAP em 09 de julho de 2007.


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Este artigo apresenta diversas caracter??sticas dos mercados de trabalho do setor p??blico e privado, ressaltando as disparidades entre ambos e, mais especificamente, as distor????es observadas no setor p??blico, a fim de demonstrar o grau de segmenta????o entre ambos. As compara????es se d??o em torno do comportamento do emprego, do perfil dos trabalhadores e da din??mica das remunera????es. A an??lise evidencia que a crise fiscal e a rigidez da legisla????o s??o determinantes fundamentais das caracter??sticas e distor????es (e conseq??entemente da segmenta????o) observadas no setor p??blico e que a flexibiliza????o das regras atuais, assim como as reformas constitucionais em curso, constituem importante condi????o para a aproxima????o entre os dois mercados e a melhoria da gest??o de recursos humanos na administra????o p??blica.


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O presente artigo, escrito por Luiz Beltr??o em 1971, trata de fundamentos sobre a teoria da comunica????o dentro das institui????es, especialmente sobre o que se refere ?? avalia????o dos resultados nas rela????es p??blicas dos ??rg??os. O texto relata como se deu o processo de iniciar o setor de Imprensa e de Rela????es P??blicas da Funda????o Nacional do ??ndio (Funai) num per??odo em que a imprensa internacional passava a imagem do Brasil como pa??s genocida e indiferente ?? popula????o ind??gena. O texto destaca como era abordada a quest??o do ??ndio pela m??dia da ??poca e explica a fun????o do setor em cobrir as lacunas dos notici??rios, retificar dados e conceitos, bem como divulgar a filosofia e a fun????o da institui????o. Nesse sentido, o artigo apresenta os esfor??os realizados pela Funai na avalia????o e monitoramento das not??cias e dos dados divulgados visando uma melhor proje????o, nacional e internacional, da atua????o do Estado brasileiro acerca da tem??tica ind??gena, al??m de apresentar a import??ncia das rela????es p??blicas para uma institui????o governamental


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Protein-based polymers are present in a wide variety of organisms fulfilling structural and mechanical roles. Advances in protein engineering and recombinant DNA technology allow the design and production of recombinant protein-based polymers (rPBPs) with an absolute control of its composition. Although the application of recombinant proteins as biomaterials is still an emerging technology, the possibilities are limitless and far superior to natural or synthetic materials, as the complexity of the structural design can be fully customized. In this work, we report the electrospinning of two new genetically engineered silk-elastin-like proteins (SELPs) consisting of alternate silk- and elastin-like blocks. Electrospinning was performed with formic acid and aqueous solutions at different concentrations without addition of further agents. The size and morphology of the electrospun structures was characterized by scanning electron microscopy showing to be dependent of concentration and solvent used. Treatment with air saturated with methanol was employed to stabilize the structure and promote water insolubility through a time-dependent conversion of random coils into β-sheets (FTIR). The resultant methanol-treated electrospun mats were characterized for swelling degree (570-720%), water vapour transmission rate (1083 g/m2/day) and mechanical properties (modulus of elasticity of ~126 MPa). Furthermore, the methanol-treated SELP fiber mats showed no cytotoxicity and were able to support adhesion and proliferation of normal human skin fibroblasts. Adhesion was characterized by a filopodia-mediated mechanism. These results demonstrate that SELP fiber mats can provide promising solutions for the development of novel biomaterials suitable for tissue engineering applications.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de nitrogênio (N) em pastagem de azevém (Lolium multiflorum Lam.), manejada à mesma altura em pastejo contínuo, sobre o comportamento ingestivo de cordeiros de corte. Utilizaram-se o azevém com quatro doses de N, empregando-se ureia comercial (45% de N) com aplicação única, sendo: 0 kg/ha de N; 75 kg/ha de N; 150 kg/ha de N; e 225 kg/ha de N. O período de avaliação foi de 63 dias, dividido em três períodos de 21, que corresponderam aos estágios de desenvolvimento das plantas desde a fase vegetativa até o florescimento. Em cada período os dias foram divididos em três turnos de avaliação comportamental: manhã (6:30 às 10:30), meio-dia (10:31 às 14:30) e tarde (14:31 às 18:30). Na análise dos períodos, os animais diminuíram a atividade de ócio em 0,3 min a cada dia de avanço no ciclo da pastagem, independentemente do turno de avaliação. Já para o consumo de água, não houve diferença entre as fases fenológicas (média de 1,8 min por dia). Os cordeiros reduziram o tempo de ruminação em 0,612; 0,660; e 0,060 min a cada dia de utilização da pastagem nos turnos da manhã (6 : 30 - 10 : 30), meio-dia (10:31 -14:30) e tarde (14:31 - 18:30), respectivamente, ao passo que para o pastejo os tempos destinados a essa atividade aumentaram 0,726; 1,104; e 0,354 min, respectivamente. Com relação às doses de N, não houve interferência (P > 0,05) sobre as atividades de ruminação (126,6 min) e consumo de água (10,5 min). Observou-se comportamento linear crescente (P < 0,05) para ócio em 0,108 min e decrescente para pastejo em 0,198 min para cada kg de N aplicado na pastagem. O estágio fenológico do azevém influenciou as atividades comportamentais dos cordeiros.


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Como Carlos Pinto de Abreu refere e bem, no seu livro e no seminário, entre juízes, partes ou sujeitos processuais, advogados ou solicitadores, magistrados do Ministério Público ou testemunhas, peritos ou funcionários, encontramos “pessoas que podem ser mais ou menos sérias”, por sinal “motivadas por outros interesses que não os de servir a Verdade e a Justiça”; Abstract: Carlos Pinto de Abreu as regards and well in his book and seminar, between judges, parties or procedural subject, lawyers or solicitors, prosecutors and witnesses, experts or officials, found "people who may be more or less serious" , by the way "motivated by interests other than those serving the Truth and Justice".


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This paper discusses the main theme the financial implications that Portuguese companies with the implementation and subsequent certification of the Quality System and respective Quality Audits. The literature review shows that companies do not publish financial results on the subject in question, making it necessary to acquire information through a questionnaire. About 126 questionnaires were sent. Our sample is however 32 validados.Pode to complete questionnaires that the top 5 overall benefits or indirect financial benefits for Portuguese companies were, respectively: improving internal organization; improving the company's image; increasing customer satisfaction; continuous improvement in customer service; improving competitive position. In terms of direct financial benefits the 3 main benefits obtained by the companies were: turnover increase; Performance (cost reduction); Increased business productivity. So it is expected to contribute to the knowledge of the impact, notably financial of Quality Management Systems and respective audits in Portuguese companies.


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Dental implant recognition in patients without available records is a time-consuming and not straightforward task. The traditional method is a complete user-dependent process, where the expert compares a 2D X-ray image of the dental implant with a generic database. Due to the high number of implants available and the similarity between them, automatic/semi-automatic frameworks to aide implant model detection are essential. In this study, a novel computer-aided framework for dental implant recognition is suggested. The proposed method relies on image processing concepts, namely: (i) a segmentation strategy for semi-automatic implant delineation; and (ii) a machine learning approach for implant model recognition. Although the segmentation technique is the main focus of the current study, preliminary details of the machine learning approach are also reported. Two different scenarios are used to validate the framework: (1) comparison of the semi-automatic contours against implant’s manual contours of 125 X-ray images; and (2) classification of 11 known implants using a large reference database of 601 implants. Regarding experiment 1, 0.97±0.01, 2.24±0.85 pixels and 11.12±6 pixels of dice metric, mean absolute distance and Hausdorff distance were obtained, respectively. In experiment 2, 91% of the implants were successfully recognized while reducing the reference database to 5% of its original size. Overall, the segmentation technique achieved accurate implant contours. Although the preliminary classification results prove the concept of the current work, more features and an extended database should be used in a future work.


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Revista Lusófona de Línguas, Culturas e Tradução


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Pedro Feytor Pinto headed the Department of Information Services (SEIT) in the government of Marcello Caetano who replaced Antonio Oliveira Salazar in 1968 as the head of the Portuguese government. Feytor Pinto has just released a book entitled Na Sombra do Poder (In the Shadow of Power)[Lisboa, D. Quixote, 2011, pp. 402]. Not wishing to classify it as history or memoirs, yet hoping that historians may find it useful, the author chooses to narrate events as he experienced them from his vantage point in the shadow of Power, during the years ending with the Carnation Revolt of 25 April 1974, which put an end to half a century of dictatorship, known as Estado Novo.