1000 resultados para Åbo Tidningar
Em São Vicente existe um número suficiente de Centros de Saúde, capazes de dar respostas as necessidades de educação para a sexualidade, mesmo assim a IVG é um problema de saúde pública que persiste nesta sociedade. Tendo em conta esta problemática decidiu-se investigar, como tema para o trabalho de conclusão do curso em enfermagem, “As Intervenções de Enfermagem aos casos de Interrupsão Voluntária de Gravidez (IVG) no Hospital Baptista de Sousa (HBS)”. O estudo deste tema objetiva itentificar as intervenções de enfermagem face aos procedimentos pré, durante e pós IVG. A IVG é uma prática que vem sendo feita desde há muito tempo um pouco por todo o mundo, o principal motivo era o de controlar a natalidade. É entendida como a interrupção da gravidez antes das 20 semanas de gestação, por opção da mulher ou quando a vida desta e do futuro nascituro encontram-se em risco. Para se fazer o estudo deste tema, foi abordada uma metodologia qualitativa. Inicialmente fez-se uma análise bibliográfica sobre o assunto em diversas fontes, sejam na internet, nos sitios do google académico ou em livros. Seguidamente para que se pudesse compreender a forma como este assunto é visto e abordado pelos profissionais de saúde do Bloco Operatório (BO) do HBS, que se identifica como o campo empírico do estudo, utilizou-se entrevistas estruturadas, com perguntas fechadas, feitas a cinco enfermeiros com maior tempo de atuação na enfermagem e de BO. Desta pesquisa pôde-se perceber que os profissionais têm conhecimento e consciência que os cuidados prestados às mulheres que praticam a IVG nessa instituição, não são os mais adequados, devido principalmente a problemas de logística do espaço e limitação de pessoal de saúde.
Bronchiolitis obliterans (BO) following allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) affects peripheral airways. Detection of BO is presently delayed by the low sensitivity of spirometry. We examined the relationship between peripheral airway function and time since HSCT, and compared it with spirometry and clinical indices in 33 clinically stable allogeneic HSCT recipients. The following measurements were performed: lung function, exhaled nitric oxide, forced oscillatory respiratory system resistance and reactance, acinar (S(acin)) and conductive airways ventilation heterogeneity and lung clearance index (LCI) measured by multiple breath nitrogen washout. 22 patients underwent repeat visits from which short-term changes were examined. Median time post HSCT was 12 months. Eight patients were clinically diagnosed as having BO. In multivariate analysis, time since HSCT was predicted by S(acin) and forced expiratory volume in 1 s % predicted. 20 patients had abnormal S(acin) with normal spirometry, whereas none had airflow obstruction with normal S(acin). S(acin) and LCI were the only measures to change significantly between two visits, with both worsening. Change in S(acin) was the only parameter to correlate with change in chronic graft-versus-host disease grade. In conclusion, peripheral airways ventilation heterogeneity worsens with time after HSCT. S(acin) may be more sensitive than spirometry in detecting BO at an early stage, which needs confirmation in a prospective study.
El Crucero 0709-10 se realizó a bordo del barco oceanográfico español Miguel Oliver, del 14 de setiembre al 10 de octubre 2007 de Chimbote (9°S) a Punta Sal (4°S). El ambiente frío, manifiesto desde marzo 2007, alcanzó en octubre las máximas anomalías negativas (>3 °C) entre los 4 y 5°S. El evento frío estuvo relacionado directamente con los vientos Alisios del SE (4 a 15 m/s), que dio lugar a la intensificación del afloramiento y al transporte de estas aguas hacia el nor-oeste por la Corriente Costera. En la superficie marina, entre Pimentel y el sur de Talara, se acentuaron las condiciones frías (14 y 15 °C) y las bajas concentraciones de oxígeno (2 a 4 mL/L), mientras que baja salinidad de las aguas tropicales superficiales (ATS) se registraron al norte de Cabo Blanco. La proyección de las aguas costeras frías mantuvo replegados en el norte a la Extensión Sur de la Corriente de Cromwell y su fauna acompañante, aunque frente a Paita se mostró un débil repunte de esta corriente por la ligera profundización de la isoterma de 13 °C y de la isohalina de 34,9 ups. En la columna de agua se registró un máximo de 21,95 °C en superficie y 2,53 °C a 1780 m de profundidad; la salinidad se mostró muy homogénea por debajo de los 500 m (34,65 - 34,55 ups). El oxígeno disuelto, a profundidades entre 60 y 500 m presentó concentraciones <0,5 mL/L; entre 500 a 1000 m se incrementó hasta 1,05 mL/L, y a 1780 m de profundidad se registró el máximo de 2,30 mL/L.
Juha Seppo
Hypertension is a heritable and major contributor to the global burden of disease. The sum of rare and common genetic variants robustly identified so far explain only 1%-2% of the population variation in BP and hypertension. This suggests the existence of more undiscovered common variants. We conducted a genome-wide association study in 1,621 hypertensive cases and 1,699 controls and follow-up validation analyses in 19,845 cases and 16,541 controls using an extreme case-control design. We identified a locus on chromosome 16 in the 5' region of Uromodulin (UMOD; rs13333226, combined P value of 3.6×10(-11)). The minor G allele is associated with a lower risk of hypertension (OR [95%CI]: 0.87 [0.84-0.91]), reduced urinary uromodulin excretion, better renal function; and each copy of the G allele is associated with a 7.7% reduction in risk of CVD events after adjusting for age, sex, BMI, and smoking status (H.R. = 0.923, 95% CI 0.860-0.991; p = 0.027). In a subset of 13,446 individuals with estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) measurements, we show that rs13333226 is independently associated with hypertension (unadjusted for eGFR: 0.89 [0.83-0.96], p = 0.004; after eGFR adjustment: 0.89 [0.83-0.96], p = 0.003). In clinical functional studies, we also consistently show the minor G allele is associated with lower urinary uromodulin excretion. The exclusive expression of uromodulin in the thick portion of the ascending limb of Henle suggests a putative role of this variant in hypertension through an effect on sodium homeostasis. The newly discovered UMOD locus for hypertension has the potential to give new insights into the role of uromodulin in BP regulation and to identify novel drugable targets for reducing cardiovascular risk.
Le syndrome de Brugada, une affection rythmique du sujet jeune potentiellement fatale, se manifeste sur l'ECG par un bloc de branche droit (BBD) complet, avec sus-décalage majeur du segment ST et inversion des ondes Τ de V1 à V3 appelé pattern de type 1. Cette présentation peut être intermittente. Les manifestations incomplètes du syndrome de Brugada sont appelées patterns de types 2 ou 3, et sont caractérisées par un BBD incomplet et un sus-décalage ST plus ou moins prononcé dans les dérivations V-, et V2 de l'ECG. Cette description, cependant, est aussi celle du BBD incomplet fréquemment rencontré chez les sujets jeunes, de moins de 40 ans, et présent dans 3% de la population. Bo nombre de ces sujets sont donc référés pour une recherche de syndrome de Brugada. Le but de cette thèse est donc d'évaluer de nouveaux critères permettant de discriminer les BBD incomplets, banals, des sujets porteurs d'un syndrome de Brugada de types 2 ou 3. Trente-huit patients avec un pattern de Brugada de types 2 et 3, référés pour un test médicamenteux utilisant un antiarythmique révélant un pattern de type 1 chez les sujets porteurs, ont été inclus dans l'étude. Avant le test médicamenteux, deux angles ont été mesurés sur les dérivations Vi et/ou V2 : a, l'angle entre une ligne verticale et la descente de l'onde r', et β, l'angle entre la montée de l'onde S et la descente de l'onde r'. Les mesure à l'état basai des deux angles, seules ou combinées avec la durée du QRS, on été comparées entre les patients avec une épreuve pharmacologique positive et ceux dont l'épreuve s'est révélée négative (i.e. servant de groupe contrôle car porteur d'un véritable BBD incomplet). Des courbes ROC ont été établies afin de déterminer les valeurs d'angles les plus discriminantes. La moyenne des angles β était significativement plus petite chez les 14 patients avec un test pharmacologique négatif comparé aux 24 patients avec un test positif. La valeur optimale pour l'angle β était de 58°, ce qui donnait une valeur prédictive positive de 73% et une valeur prédictive négative de 97% pour une conversion en pattern de type 1 lors du test pharmacologique. L'angle α était un peu moins sensible et spécifique que β. Quand les angles étaient combinés à la durée du QRS, on observait une discrète amélioration de la discrimination entre les deux populations. Notre travail permet donc, chez des patients suspects d'un syndrome de Brugada, de discriminer entre un BBD incomplet et les patterns de Brugada types 2 et 3 en utilisant un critère simple basé sur l'ECG de surface potentiellement applicable au lit du patient
[eng] Objective: To analyse the scientific papers studying citations in the areas of humanities during the period 1959-2008 and to determine the aspects evaluated. The main bibliometric aspects measured were type of study, obsolescence, dispersion, language, theme, author impact and self-citations.Methodology: Broad revision of the international literature in the area of library and information science in the period studied, and detailed analysis of 119 bibliometric studies.Results: Most of the few studies of this area are based on ad-hoc citation compilations. There is a certain predominance of philology. Library quarterly is the journal that has published most papers of this kind. The conclusions of these studies can be as useful as those in the experimental sciences; it would be useful to increase their number.
This paper proposes a test statistic for the null hypothesis of panel stationarity that allows for the presence of multiple structural breaks. Two different speci¿cations are considered depending on the structural breaks affecting the individual effects and/or the time trend. The model is ¿exible enough to allow the number of breaks and their position to differ across individuals. The test is shown to have an exact limit distribution with a good ¿nite sample performance. Its application to a typical panel data set of real per capita GDP gives support to the trend stationarity of these series
This paper proposes a test statistic for the null hypothesis of panel stationarity that allows for the presence of multiple structural breaks. Two different speci¿cations are considered depending on the structural breaks affecting the individual effects and/or the time trend. The model is ¿exible enough to allow the number of breaks and their position to differ across individuals. The test is shown to have an exact limit distribution with a good ¿nite sample performance. Its application to a typical panel data set of real per capita GDP gives support to the trend stationarity of these series
En este trabajo se presenta una aplicación empírica del modelo de Hull-White (2000) al mercado de renta fija español. Este modelo proporciona la expresión por el cálculo de los pagos hechos por el comprador de un credit default swap (CDS), bajo la hipótesis de que no existe riesgo de contrapartida. Se supone, además, que la curva cupón cero, la tasa de recuperación constante y el momento del suceso de crédito son independientes. Se utilizan bonos del Banco Santander Central Hispano para mesurar la probabilidad neutra al riesgo de quiebra y, bajo hipótesis de no arbitraje, se calculan las primas de un CDS, por un bono subyacente con la misma calificación crediticia que la entidad de referencia. Se observa que las primas se ajustan bien a los spreads crediticios del mercado, que se acostumbran a utilizar como alternativa a las mismas.