979 resultados para uptake mechanisms
EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Variations in temperature that occurred in the North Pacific thermocline (250 to 400 meters) during the 1970s and 1980s are described in both a numerical simulation and XBT observations.
干旱化问题将在全球环境变化下进一步加剧,并可能严重影响玉米。玉米是我国主要粮食和最重要的饲料作物,其重要性日益突出。水分是制约玉米产量的关键因子。为此,本研究利用大型活动遮雨棚对玉米进行了出苗后全程水分控制试验,研究大田条件下玉米不同生育期对不同土壤水分(包括水分充足well-watered, WW;适度干旱moderately stressed,MS;和严重干旱severely stressed,SS)的响应及适应机制。研究结果表明: 在吐丝和籽粒形成期,Ms对叶片相对含水量和相对电导率的影响没有达到显著或极显著水平,而SS则极其显著地降低叶片相对含水量和增加质膜透性。并且干旱胁迫下,夏玉米生育进程中保护酶SOD、POD和CAT活性基本呈现一致下降的态势,膜脂过氧化作用增强。短期干旱胁迫对SOD)和POD(在第十三叶期)保护酶有一定的激发效应,但此效应维持不长,其后骤降。 干旱会引起叶绿素a,b含量及总叶绿素含量的减少。MS下营养阶段的叶绿素含量没有明显变化,但随着MS的延续,叶绿素含量在生殖阶段显著降低。而SS的叶绿素含量最初就呈现降低并逐渐扩大。另外,在干旱胁迫下叶净光合速率(PN)和蒸腾速率(E)的降低因干旱强度和时间以及发育阶段而异,而且Ss所引起的不利影响更为凸现。SS显著降低营养和生殖阶段的水分利用效率( WUE),然而MS基本导致前中期WUE增加,后期则减少。 土壤干旱胁迫下,绿色LAI明显降低,特别是生殖时期最高穗位叶面积显著降低:地上部生物量积累在各生育期均为减少。而且,干旱显著减少各生育期的根干重,但MS对第十八叶期(V18)的根干重有短期的促进作用。干旱胁迫下,根冠比在不同生育时期有增有减。MS对第十七叶期(V17)的叶面积、抽雄吐丝出现、叶片展开、最终叶片数以及收获指数影响不大,但其却显著减少各阶段株高、叶面积(第十七叶期除外)、茎粗和生物量积累。随着MS的延续,产量性状诸如穗粒数、百粒重均为降低,而SS对各生育阶段所有生长特性、产量性状及收获指数的影响都较MS更为不利。 生育前期遭遇干旱,可使叶片展开明显迟缓,并且最终叶片数减少。尤其SS减少最终叶片数1~2片,并且延迟抽雄4—5 d,吐丝4—5 d,从而可能导致成熟期推迟。 植物器官的营养吸收动态在短期干旱作用和长期作用之间有所不同。而且P和K元素的积累方式也有别。基本上,干旱胁迫显著降低植物器官在不同生育期的全P和K元素的吸收,尽管后期一些器官诸如叶、鞘和茎等的吸收有所增加,特别是干旱严重影响了根的吸收能力,而且SS较MS对全P.K吸收影响更甚。总之,干旱所导致的生物量减少与植物器官的全P、K吸收的减少是相伴而生的。 与WW相比较,MS和SS的产量两年内分别降低了20,4%—26,1%和59.2%~84.5%,穗粒数分别降低了12.1%~19.7%和39,8%~88.1%,以及百粒重分别降低了2.1%~2.7%和17.7%—46,9%。研究进一步表明,干旱胁迫对多数玉米籽粒的营养品质有利。与WW相较而言,N含量、可溶性总糖、可溶性还原糖、Zn. Ca. Cu. Mg和Mn元素在MS下分别提高了5.9%,39-0%,97.5%,12.1%,4.4%,7.5%,6.1%和2.9%,而在SS下则分别提高了8.6%,99.3%,300.0%,27.8%,24.0%,1 5.3%,9.8%和7.9%。但是,一些玉米籽粒的营养品质诸如淀粉、P和K含量却受到干旱胁迫的不利影响,与WW相比较,MS使籽粒淀粉、P和K含量分别降低了8.3%.12.6%和3.7%,而SS则分别降低了33.3%, 14.6%和18.6%。粗脂肪含量则表现有所不同,与WW比较而言,MS对之有利,2年平均增加9.2%,而SS对之不利,2年平均减少11.3%。 总之,玉米生理生态特征、地上部各部分干物质生产、根系生长、营养吸收、产量性状、营养品质对干旱胁迫的响应和适应不仅依赖于干旱的严重程度(包括强度和时间),而且也依赖于玉米发育阶段。本研究认为,在半湿润地区水分缺乏的条件下,有限灌溉(最低土壤相对含水量55%士5%)在营养阶段抽雄前实施可行。
Considering some predictive mechanisms, we show that ultrafast average-consensus can be achieved in networks of interconnected agents. More specifically, by predicting the dynamics of the network several steps ahead and using this information in the design of the consensus protocol of each agent, drastic improvements can be achieved in terms of the speed of consensus convergence, without changing the topology of the network. Moreover, using these predictive mechanisms, the range of sampling periods leading to consensus convergence is greatly expanded compared with the routine consensus protocol. This study provides a mathematical basis for the idea that some predictive mechanisms exist in widely-spread biological swarms, flocks, and networks. From the industrial engineering point of view, inclusion of an efficient predictive mechanism allows for a significant increase in the speed of consensus convergence and also a reduction of the communication energy required to achieve a predefined consensus performance.
A suite of computer subroutines is described which allows rapid analysis of most types of planar mechanism by the writing of a simple computer programme. The analytical techniques of these subroutines are explained, and a worked example is presented to illustrate the use of the package, and to demonstrate its advantages in the calculation of inertia forces within a mechanism.
The relevance of the effective stress intensity range to crack growth is considered for constant and for variable amplitude loading. The accelerated and retarded growth associated with simple programmed loadings is reported for two steels and an aluminium alloy. The load interaction effects are due to several competing mechanisms, and not due to the single, popular mechanism of crack closure.
This paper describes the effects of abrasive hardness and size on the 2-body abrasive wear mechanisms of a boronized low alloy steel. It is found that the wear resistance of the boronized steel is much greater against alumina abrasive than against silicon carbide. This difference in wear resistance is much enhanced when the particle size or the applied load is increased. Scanning electron microscopy of the worn specimens and of the used abrasive papers revealed that the enhanced difference in wear resistance between coarse alumina and silicon carbide papers is due to a change in the wear mechanism produced by silicon carbide papers with increasing abrasive particle size.