973 resultados para toxic myopathy
We report the isolation and initial characterisation of Indian Ocean ciguatoxin (I-CTX) present in toxic lipid soluble extracts isolated from ciguateric fishes collected off the Republic of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean. Following i.p. injection of this extract, mice displayed symptoms that were similar, though not identical, to those produced by Pacific and Caribbean ciguatoxins (P-CTXs and C-CTXs). Using a radiolabelled brevetoxin (PbTx) binding assay and mouse bioassay guided fractionation, I-CTX was purified by Florisil, Sephadex LH-20 and TSK HW-40S chromatography with good recovery. Isolation to purity was not possible by preparative reversed phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) due to significant losses of toxicity. However, analytical reversed phase HPLC coupled to an electrospray mass spectrometry detector identified a [M + H](+) ion at m/z 1141.58 which co-eluted with activity that displaced [3 H]-PbTx binding to rat brain. This mass corresponded to C-CTX-1, but the fragmentation pattern of I-CTX showed a different ratio of pseudo molecular and product ions. I-CTX was found to elute later than P-CTX-1 but was practically indistinguishable from C-CTX-1 on reversed phase HPLC, while the TSK HW-40S column chromatography differentiated I-CTX from the later eluting C-CTX-1. Taken together, these results indicate that I-CTX is a new ciguatoxin (CTX) responsible for ciguatera caused by reef fish in the Indian Ocean. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Seed extracts of Aphanamixis polystachya Wall et Parker (pithraj) and Azadirachta indica A. Juss (neem) were evaluated for their in vivo and in vitro toxicity to Nephotettix cincticeps Uhler (rice green leafhopper). Crude extracts from both plants showed toxicity to leafhopper. Among them, the methanol extract of pithraj (MCX) was most toxic and showed 95% mortality effects at 72 h after treatment (HAT), followed by neem (74%). When LD50's were compared, it was found that the neem extract possessed the highest toxicity (LD50 16.59 μg/insect) at 72 HAT. Both the pithraj (MCX) and neem extracts showed their enzyme inhibition effectiveness against rice green leafhopper. The highest inhibition rate (IR) was caused by neem (60%) at the concentration of 2.0 mg/ml, followed by MCX (47%). The lowest IR50 value (0.97 mg/ml) was observed in neem at 30 min.
We studied the variation in toxin profiles of purified extracts of 10 individual specimens and two pools of ciguateric Caranx latus. High-performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (HPLC/MS) identified in all individual samples at least seven Caribbean ciguatoxins (C-CTXs) comprising C-CTX-1 and its epimer C-CTX-2 ([M + H](+) m/z 1141.58), and five new C-CTX congeners with pseudo-molecular ions at m/z 1141.58, 1143.60, 1157.57, 1159.58, and 1127.57. In some samples, additional C-CTX isomers were detected with [M + H](+) ions at m/z 1141.58 (two), 1143.60 (one) and 1157.57 (two). The two low-toxic pools contained only four to six ciguatoxins. The comparison in relative proportions of four different mass classes ([M + H](+) at m/z 1141, 1143, 1157 and 1127) showed that the group at m/z 1157 increased (2-20%) with flesh toxicity. More than 80% of group m/z 1141 comprised C-CTX-1, C-CTX-2 and their isomer C-CTX-1 a whose level in this group correlated with fish toxicity. Contrary to low-toxic fishes, high-risk specimens had C-CTX-1 levels
Toxic (Gobiodon spp.) and non-toxic (Paragobiodon xanthosomus) gobies became infected with external parasites (gnathiid isopods) at equal rates in a laboratory experiment. Parasites were evenly distributed over the body of P. xanthosomus but were mostly confined to the fins of Gobiodon spp., where toxin glands are less abundant. Skin toxins were not associated with the rate of infection but their distribution did appear to influence the site of parasite attachment. (C) 2003 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles.
This investigation aimed to elucidate the relative roles of putative brevetoxins, reactive oxygen species and free fatty acids as the toxic principle of the raphidophyte Chattonella marina, using damselfish as the bioassay. Our investigations on Australian C. marina demonstrated an absence or only very low concentrations of brevetoxin-like compounds by radio-receptor binding assay and liquid chromatography-mass spectroscopy techniques. Chattonella is unique in its ability to produce levels of reactive oxygen species 100 times higher than most other algal species. However, high levels of superoxide on their own were found not to cause fish mortalities. Lipid analysis revealed this raphidophyte to contain high concentrations of the polyunsaturated fatty acid eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA; 18-23% of fatty acids), which has demonstrated toxic properties to marine organisms. Using damselfish as a model organism, we demonstrated that the free fatty acid (FFA) form of EPA produced a mortality and fish behavioural response similar to fish exposed to C. marina cells. This effect was not apparent when fish were exposed to other lipid fractions including a triglyceride containing fish oil, docosahexaenoate-enriched ethyl ester, or pure brevetoxin standards. The presence of superoxide together with low concentrations of EPA accelerated fish mortality rate threefold. We conclude that the enhancement of ichthyotoxicity of EPA in the presence of superoxide can account for the high C. marina fish killing potential. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.
In response to recent reports of contamination of the nearshore marine environment along the Queensland coast by herbicides (including areas inside the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park), an ecotoxicological assessment was conducted of the impact of the herbicides diuron and atrazine on scleractinian corals. Pulse-amplitude modulated (PAM) chlorophyll fluorescence techniques were used to assess the herbicide effects on the symbiotic dinoflagellates within the tissues (in hospite) of 4 species of coral (Acropora formosa, Montipora digitata, Porites cylindrica, Seriatopora hystrix) in static toxicity tests, and in freshly isolated symbiotic dinoflagellates from Stylophora pistillata. Using change in the effective quantum yield (DeltaF/F-m') as an effect criterion, diuron (no observable effect concentration, NOEC = 0.3 mug 1(-1); lowest observable effect concentration, LOEC = 1 mug 1(-1); median effective concentration, EC50 4 to 6 mug 1(-1)) was found to be more toxic than atrazine (NOEC = 1 mug 1(-1), LOEC = 3 mug 1(-1), EC50 40 to 90 mug 1(-1)) in short-term (10 h) toxicity tests. In the tests with isolated algae, significant reductions in DeltaF/F-m' were recorded as low as 0.25 mug 1(-1) diuron (LOEC, EC50 = 5 mug 1(-1)). Time-course experiments indicated that the effects of diuron were rapid and reversible. At 10 mug 1(-1) diuron, DeltaF/F-m' was reduced by 25% in 20 to 30 min, and by 50% in 60 to 90 min. Recovery of DeltaF/F-m' in corals exposed to 10 mug 1(-1) diuron and then transferred to running seawater was slower, returning to within 10% of control values inside 1 to 7 h. The effect of a reduction in salinity (35 to 27%) on diuron toxicity (at 1 and 3 mug 1(-1) diuron) was tested to examine the potential consequences of contaminated coastal flood plumes inundating inshore reefs. DeltaF/F-m' was reduced in the diuron-exposed corals, but there was no significant interaction between diuron and reduced salinity seawater within the 10 h duration of the test. Exposure to higher (100 and 1000 mug 1(-1)) diuron concentrations for 96 h caused a reduction in DeltaF/F-m' the ratio variable to maximal fluorescence (F,1F.), significant loss of symbiotic dinoflagellates and pronounced tissue retraction, causing the corals to pale or bleach. The significance of the results in relation to diuron contamination of the coastal marine environment from terrestrial sources (mainly agricultural) and marine sources (antifouling paints) are discussed.
A barracuda implicated in ciguatera fish poisoning in Guadeloupe was estimated to have an overall flesh toxicity of 15 MUg/g using mouse bioassay. A lipid soluble extract was separated into two toxic fractions, FrA and FrB, on a LH20 Sephadex column eluted with dichloromethane/methanol (1:1). When intraperitoneal injected into mice, FrA provoked symptoms characteristic of slow-acting ciguatoxins, whereas FrB produced symptoms indicative of fast-acting toxins (FAT). High performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry/radio-ligand binding (HPLC/MS/RLB) analysis confirmed the two fractions were distinct, because only a weak overlap of some compounds was observed. HPLC/MS/RLB analysis revealed C-CTX-1 as the potent toxin present in FrA, and two coeluting active compounds at m/z 809.43 and 857.42 in FrB, all displaying the characteristic pattern of ion formation for hydroxy-polyethers. Other C-CTX congeners and putative hydroxy-polyether-like compounds were detected in both fractions, however, the RLB found them inactive. C-CTX-1 accounted for >90% of total toxicity in this barracuda and was confirmed to be a competitive inhibitor of brevetoxin binding to voltage-sensitive sodium channels (VSSCs) with a potency two-times lower than P-CTX-1. However, FAT active on VSSCs and
The presence of toxic cyanobacteria in drinking water reservoirs renders the need to develop treatment methods for the 'safe' removal of their associated toxins. Chlorine has been shown to successfully remove a range of cyanotoxins including microcystins, cylindrospermopsin and saxitoxins. Each cyanotoxin requires specific treatment parameters, particularly solution pH and free chlorine residual. However, currently there has not been any investigation into the toxicological effect of solutions treated for the removal of these cyanotoxins by chlorine. Using the P53(def) transgenic mouse model mate and female C57BL/6J hybrid mice were used to investigate potential cancer inducing effects from such oral dosing solutions. Both purified cyanotoxins and toxic cell-free extract cyanobacterial solutions were chlorinated and administered over 90 and 170 days (respectively) in drinking water. No increase in cancer was found in any treatment. The parent cyanotoxins, microcystins, cylindrospermopsin and saxitoxins were readily removed by chlorine. There was no significant increase in the disinfection byproducts trihalomethanes or haloacetic acids, levels found were well below guideline values. Histological examination identified no effect of treatment solutions except male mice treated with chlorinated cylindrospermopsin (as a cell free extract). In this instance 40% of males were found to have fatty vacuolation in their livers, cause unknown. It is recommended that further toxicology be undertaken on chlorinated cyanobacterial solutions, particularly for non-genotoxic carcinogenic compounds, for example the Tg. AC transgenic mouse model. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Ouabain increases vascular resistance and may induce hypertension by inhibiting the Na+ pump. The effects of 0.18 and 18 µg/kg, and 1.8 mg/kg ouabain pretreatment on the phenylephrine (PHE; 0.1, 0.25 and 0.5 µg, in bolus)-evoked pressor responses were investigated using anesthetized normotensive (control and uninephrectomized) and hypertensive (1K1C and DOCA-salt treated) rats. Treatment with 18 µg/kg ouabain increased systolic and diastolic blood pressure in all groups studied. However, the magnitude of this increase was larger for the hypertensive 1K1C and DOCA-salt rats than for normotensive animals, while the pressor effect of 0.18 µg/kg ouabain was greater only in DOCA-salt rats. A very large dose (1.8 mg/kg) produced toxic effects on the normotensive control but not on uninephrectomized or 1K1C rats. Rat tail vascular beds were perfused to analyze the effects of 10 nM ouabain on the pressor response to PHE. In all animals, 10 nM ouabain increased the PHE pressor response, but this increase was larger in hypertensive DOCA-salt rats than in normotensive and 1K1C rats. Results suggested that a) increases in diastolic blood pressure induced by 18 µg/kg ouabain were larger in hypertensive than normotensive rats; b) in DOCA-salt rats, smaller ouabain doses had a stronger effect than in other groups; c) hypertensive and uninephrectomized rats were less sensitive to toxic doses of ouabain, and d) after treatment with 10 nM ouabain isolated tail vascular beds from DOCA-salt rats were more sensitive to the pressor effect of PHE than those from normotensive and 1K1C hypertensive rats. These data suggest that very small doses of ouabain, which might produce nanomolar plasma concentrations, enhance pressor reactivity in DOCA-salt hypertensive rats, supporting the idea that endogenous ouabain may contribute to the increase and maintenance of vascular tone in hypertension.
O mercúrio é um elemento que ainda necessita constante monitoramento devido sua capacidade tóxica em concentrações em níveis de traço com possibilidade de contaminação e exposição por uma variedade de formas e compostos presentes no ambiente. Esse estudo possuiu como objetivo a obtenção de um procedimento simplificado e eficiente para a determinação de teores de mercúrio em tecidos de rato Wistar a partir da otimização de um método de determinação, utilizando um sistema de geração de vapor frio acoplado a espectrometria de absorção atômica com forno de grafite (CV-GF AAS). Houve a comparação entre métodos de digestão, comparação de métodos de amalgamação, otimização, verificação do método a partir da obtenção de figuras de mérito e análise de amostras de fígado e rins de ratos tratados com exposição crônica ao mercúrio. Os resultados comprovaram que o método de digestão em bloco digestor, a utilização de amalgamação por recobrimento de tubo em ouro em conjunto com rede de ouro e adição pré-análise à solução de simeticona e isopropanol apresentou os melhores resultados, com teores de recuperação médios entre 92 e 114 %, viabilizando a utilização do procedimento proposto.
Um complexo de alta fotoluminescência é proposto como marcador óptico para a identificação de resíduos de tiro (GSR). O marcador é o complexo [Eu(PIC)3(NMK)3], de fórmula molecular Eu(C6H2N3O7)3.(C7H13NO)3, que apresenta o íon Eu3+ e os ligantes ácido pícrico (PIC) e n-metil-Ɛ-caprolactama (NMK). Foi realizada a caracterização quimicamente através de espectroscopia de emissão, espectroscopia de infravermelho com transformada de Fourier (FTIR), termogravimetria e análise térmica diferencial (TG/DTA), e espectrometria de massas com ionização por eletrospray e ressonância ciclotrônica de íons por transformada de Fourier (ESI-FT-ICR MS), e, em seguida, foram adicionadas diferentes massas do complexo a munições convencionais (de 2 a 50 mg por cartucho). Após os tiros, o GSR marcado foi visualmente e quimicamente detectado por irradiação UV (ʎ = 395 nm) e ESI-FT-ICR MS, respectivamente. Os resultados mostraram uma fotoluminescência eficiente e duradoura, sendo facilmente visível sobre a superfície do alvo, no ambiente, no cartucho deflagrado, na arma de fogo, e sobre as mãos e braços do atirador quando utilizada massa a partir de 25 mg do marcador em cartuchos .38 e 50 mg em cartuchos .40. Sua toxicidade aguda também foi avaliada empregando-se o Protocolo 423 da Organização para a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico (OECD) e apresentou DL50 de 1000 mg.kg-1, sendo classificado como de categoria 4 na escala do Sistema Globalmente Harmonizado de Classificação e Rotulagem de Produtos Químicos (GHS), considerado, portanto, de média toxicidade. O composto mostrou ser menos tóxico do que os componentes inorgânicos de munições convencionais (em especial o Pb), justificando o seu emprego como marcador de GSR.
O descarte ou reutilização da água produzida da indústria do petróleo é difícil por causa dos impactos ambientais causados devido à presença de alta salinidade e componentes tóxicos, ou pelo risco de obstrução nas colunas de produção devido à formação de incrustações que causam redução na produção de petróleo e enormes perdas no processo de extração. Assim, o conhecimento da composição química da água produzida é muito importante. O método proposto por este trabalho visa a determinação de elementos traço (Co, Cr, Fe, Mn, Ni, Se e V) em amostras de água produzida de petróleo por espectrometria de emissão óptica com plasma indutivamente acoplado (ICP OES) utilizando a digestão ácida assistida por micro-ondas para o preparo das amostras (15 g de amostra e 2 mL de HNO3 concentrado). A curva analítica construída em HNO3 2% v v-1 foi adotada para o método após verificar que não é necessário o uso de salinidade para equiparação de matriz. Para o elemento Ni, não há necessidade do uso de padrão interno, para os elementos Co, Cr, Fe, Mn e V os melhores resultados foram obtidos usando Sc como padrão interno. Para o elemento Se é recomendado o uso de Y como padrão interno. Os limites de detecção obtidos foram Co 0,67, Cr 1,2, Fe 2,3, Mn 0,49, Ni 1,9, Se 3,7 e V 5,5 μg L-1; e os limites de quantificação foram Co 2,2, Cr 4,0, Fe 7,7, Mn 1,6, Ni 6,5, Se 12,4 e V 18,3 μg L-1. A exatidão do procedimento foi verificada através de testes de recuperação em dois níveis de concentração (40 e 80 μg L-1) e análise dos materiais certificados de referência de água estuarina SLEW-2 e de água do mar NASS-5. Bons valores de recuperação foram obtidos e não houve diferença significativa (95% de confiança) entre os resultados obtidos e os valores certificados dos materiais de referência.
Apesar dos benefícios econômicos dos agrotóxicos para a agricultura, os efeitos negativos à saúde humana e ao meio ambiente são questionados. Dentre os agroquímicos que são usados na agricultura, destacam-se os fungicidas, que são utilizados em grande quantidade nas lavouras para controle de doenças. Com intuito de verificar os danos ocasionados por esses compostos, diversos métodos de avaliação têm sido utilizados na análise de toxicidade e mutagenicidade dos agrotóxicos. As análises macroscópicas (germinação e crescimento radicular) e microscópicas (índice mitótico, aberrações cromossômicas e nucleares) são importantes na determinação da toxicidade de compostos lançados ao meio ambiente, porque permite averiguar danos na germinação, no desenvolvimento da plântula e no ciclo celular. No entanto, para melhor compreensão dos mecanismos moleculares da mutação e de seus efeitos sobre a população exposta à contaminação ambiental, os marcadores moleculares oferecem perspectivas, por medir o efeito direto da exposição sobre o DNA. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o potencial tóxico dos fungicidas por análises macroscópicas, microscópicas e moleculares em Allium cepa. Os resultados indicam redução nos parâmetros de germinação, crescimento radicular e índice mitótico nas maiores concentrações para os princípios ativos difenoconazol, tebuconazol, procimidona e iprodiona, quando comparados ao controle negativo, mostrando que os princípios apresentaram efeito genotóxico, citotóxico, fitotóxico para as raízes de Allium cepa pela alta frequência de aberrações cromossômicas, nucleares e redução do índice mitótico. Os resultados moleculares indicaram mudança no perfil de amplificação dos primers SSR (Sequência Simples Repetitiva) e o ISSR (Inter Sequência Simples Repetitiva), após a exposição do Allium cepa aos princípios ativos, incluindo alterações na perda, ganho e mudança na intensidade de banda. A perda e o ganho de bandas aconteceram à medida que aumentou a concentração dos princípios ativos. O método de agrupamento e as distâncias e dissimilaridades mostraram relação de dose-dependência, pois conseguiu separar as maiores concentrações do controle negativo para os princípios ativos no ISSR e SSR, com exceção dos princípios procimidona e iprodiona no SSR. Esses dados indicam que possui relação entre as análises utilizadas, sendo indicadores confiáveis para detectar alterações por substâncias químicas. Os marcadores moleculares ISSR e SSR são ferramentas eficientes em avaliar alterações ocasionadas no DNA por fungicidas podendo ser utilizada em estudos de toxicidade.
Flooded rice cultivation promotes anaerobic conditions, favoring the formation of short chain organic acids such as acetic acid, which may be toxic to the crop. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of acetic acid on rice seeds coated with rice husk ash. The experiment was arranged in a 2 x 5 x 5 factorial randomized design, with two cultivars (IRGA 424 and BRS Querência), five doses of coating material (0, 2, 3,4 e 5 g kg-1 seed) and five concentrations of acetic acid (0, 3, 6, 9 and 12 mM), with 4 replications, totaling 50 treatments. The variables first count of germination, germination, shoot and root length, dry weight of shoots and roots were recorded. The results showed that coating rice seeds with rice husk ash up to 5 g kg-1 seed does not influence the performance of rice seeds of cultivars IRGA 424 and BRS Querência when exposed to concentrations of 12 mM acetic acid. The presence of acetic acid in the substrates used for seed germination reduced the vigor and viability of seeds of cultivars IRGA 424 and BRS Querência, as well as seedling development, affecting mainly the roots of BRS Querência.
Introduction - Microscopic filamentous fungi, under suitable environmental conditions, can lead to the production of highly toxic chemical substances, commonly known as mycotoxins. The most widespread and studied mycotoxins are metabolites of some genera of moulds such as Aspergillus, Penicillium and Fusarium. Quite peculiar conditions may influence mycotoxin biosynthesis, such as climate, geographical location, cultivation practices, storage and type of substrate. Toxicity has been extensively investigated for the most important mycotoxins, such as aflatoxins, ochratoxin A and Fusarium toxins, and much information derived from toxicokinetics in animal models has also been obtained. The adverse effects are mainly related to genotoxicity, carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, teratogenicity and immunotoxicity. Aim of the study - To identify fungal species able to produce important mycotoxins in different Portuguese settings.