936 resultados para textual similarity


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Modeling physiological processes using tracer kinetic methods requires knowledge of the time course of the tracer concentration in blood supplying the organ. For liver studies, however, inaccessibility of the portal vein makes direct measurement of the hepatic dual-input function impossible in humans. We want to develop a method to predict the portal venous time-activity curve from measurements of an arterial time-activity curve. An impulse-response function based on a continuous distribution of washout constants is developed and validated for the gut. Experiments with simultaneous blood sampling in aorta and portal vein were made in 13 anesthetized pigs following inhalation of intravascular [O-15] CO or injections of diffusible 3-O[ C-11] methylglucose (MG). The parameters of the impulse-response function have a physiological interpretation in terms of the distribution of washout constants and are mathematically equivalent to the mean transit time ( T) and standard deviation of transit times. The results include estimates of mean transit times from the aorta to the portal vein in pigs: (T) over bar = 0.35 +/- 0.05 min for CO and 1.7 +/- 0.1 min for MG. The prediction of the portal venous time-activity curve benefits from constraining the regression fits by parameters estimated independently. This is strong evidence for the physiological relevance of the impulse-response function, which includes asymptotically, and thereby justifies kinetically, a useful and simple power law. Similarity between our parameter estimates in pigs and parameter estimates in normal humans suggests that the proposed model can be adapted for use in humans.


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The parasite fauna of Spanish mackerel Scomberomorus commerson from 10 sites across northern Australia and one site in Indonesia, was examined to evaluate the degree of movement and subsequent stock structure of the fish. Kupang fish (Indonesia) had very few Terranova spp.. Grillotia branchi, Otobothrium cysticum or Pterobothrium sp. compared to Australian fish, indicating that no Australian fish enter the Kupang fishery. Univariate and discriminant function analysis of four 'temporary' parasite species, the copepod Pseudocyenoides armatus and the monogeneans Gotocotyla bivaginalis, Pricea multae and Pseudothoracocotyla ovalis, demonstrated little similarity between areas of northern Australia, indicating minimal short-term exchange between neighbouring groups of S. commerson. Analyses of five 'permanent' parasite species, the larval helminths G. branchi, O. cysticum, Pterobothrium sp., Callitetrarhynchus gracilis and Paranybelinia balli, also revealed large differences between areas thus indicating long-term separation. There are at least six parasitological stocks across northern Australia: Fog Bay/Bathurst Island, Cape Wessel. Groote/Sir Edward Pellew. Mornington Island, Weipa. and the Torres Strait. The occurrence of a few irregular fish in the samples suggested that LIP to 5% of fish moved between stocks during their lifetime. The similarity of within-school variability to that between schools showed that the fish do not form long-term school associations. (C) 2003 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles.


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Anthracnose and crown rot, caused by Colletotrichum trifolii, are serious diseases of lucerne (Medicago saliva L.) in humid regions of the world. A race survey was conducted by inoculating individual lucerne clones (genotypes) with C. trifolii isolates collected from a range of Medicago hosts, locations, and years in south-eastern Queensland. This survey revealed for the first time in Australia the presence of race 2 (virulence on anthracnose resistance gene An I) and the first world report of race 4 (virulence on An(2)). A collection of North American race I and race 2 C. trifolii isolates, when inoculated onto the Australian differential clones, gave responses that were in agreement with their North American reactions. A RAPD analysis was conducted on 9 Australian C. trifolii isolates including races 1, 2, and 4; two C. destructivum and one C. gloeosporioides isolate were included as known outliers. For the C. trifolii isolates, 94.6% similarity was found regardless of host origin or race, compared with 2.2% similarity between this group and the C. gloeosporioides and C. destructivum isolates, confirming that the new races belong to C. trifolii. Currently, it is hypothesised that only plants carrying genes An, and An2 are resistant to the 3 races. Of 22 cultivars screened against the 3 races, only UQL-1, Hallmark, and Pioneer 54Q53 had >30% of plants resistant to the 3 races in separate screenings. The research highlights the need to find new sources of resistance to C. trifolii in lucerne.


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Multiple HLA class I alleles can bind peptides with common sequence motifs due to structural similarities in the peptide binding cleft, and these groups of alleles have been classified into supertypes. Nine major HLA supertypes have been proposed, including an A24 supertype that includes A*2301, A*2402, and A*3001. Evidence for this A24 supertype is limited to HLA sequence homology and/or similarity in peptide binding motifs for the alleles. To investigate the immunological relevance of this proposed supertype, we have examined two viral epitopes (from EBV and CMV) initially defined as HLA-A*2301-binding peptides. The data clearly demonstrate that each peptide could be recognized by CTL clones in the context of A*2301 or A*2402; thus validating the inclusion of these three alleles within an A24 supertype. Furthermore, CTL responses to the EBV epitope were detectable in both A*2301(+) and A*2402(+) individuals who had been previously exposed to this virus. These data substantiate the biological relevance of the A24 supertype, and the identification of viral epitopes with the capacity to bind promiscuously across this supertype could aid efforts to develop CTL-based vaccines or immunotherapy. The degeneracy in HLA restriction displayed by some T cells in this study also suggests that the dogma of self-MHC restriction needs some refinement to accommodate foreign peptide recognition in the context of multiple supertype alleles.


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The novel mammalian gene Crim1 encodes a transmembrane bound protein with similarity to the secreted bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) antagonists, vertebrate Chordin, and its Drosophila homologue short gastrulation. Crim1 is expressed in the neural tube in mouse in a restricted pattern, but its function in central nervous system development is largely unknown. We isolated the chicken Crim1 orthologue and analyzed its expression in the developing neural tube. Chicken CRIM1 shares strong homology to human/mouse CRIM1 and C. elegans CRIM1-like proteins. Crim1 is expressed in a similar but not identical pattern to that in the developing spinal cord of mouse, including the notochord, floor plate, motor neurons, and the roof plate. Unlike follistatin, a secreted inhibitor of BMPs, in ovo electroporation of CRIM1, as a full-length transmembrane bound or secreted ectodomain was not sufficient to disrupt early patterning of the neural tube. However, ectodomain CRIM1 overexpression leads to an approximate 50% decrease in populations of specific ventral neuronal populations, including ISL-1(+) motor neurons, CHX-10(+) V1, and EN-1(+) V2 interneurons.


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Women have lower iron stores than men because of iron loss during their reproductive years. However, variation between women could result from differences in iron loss, aspects of iron homeostasis common to men and women, or a combination of both. We compared the effects of age, menopause, menstrual blood loss and the number of pregnancies (sex-specific factors), and the effects of genetic variation, on markers of iron stores. We assessed how much the same genes or other familial factors influence iron status in both men and women. Data from 2039 female twins who participated in studies of reproductive health and iron status were used to estimate the proportions of variation that could be ascribed to genes, environment and measured factors. Significant effects of age, menopausal status and magnitude of menstrual blood loss were demonstrated, accounting for up to 18% of variance in serum ferritin in this sample, but number of children had no significant effect. Genetic effects were more than twice as great as sex-specific effects. The within-pair similarity of ferritin values in dizygotic female twin pairs was greater than for dizygotic opposite-sex pairs, but this difference was not quite significant, consistent with a minor role for sex-specific factors; and the opposite-sex within-pair differences did not diminish significantly with age. We conclude that the contribution of genetic differences between women to variation in iron stores outweighs the comparatively small effects of interindividual variation in iron loss through variation in menstruation and number of pregnancies.


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This discussion argues the transformative potential inherent in the corporeal experience of motherhood as represented in selected textual moments of Japanese narrative. Narratives that address the experiences of the body of the mother are informed and given substance by an intense physicality, and thus have the potential to contest processes of social inscription in addition to suggesting alternative possibilities for all readers, not just those occupying an embodied maternal space. The discussion features brief events from the work of three writers who have written as mothers: Tsushima Y(u)macrko, Ariyoshi Sawako and Enchi Fumiko. In Yama o hashiru onna (1980; translated as Woman Running in the Mountains, 1991), Tsushima Y(u)macrko invites the reader to consider the embodied response to light of Takiko, a young pregnant woman. Emiko, the protagonist of Hishoku (Without Colour, 1967) by Ariyoshi Sawako, is the Japanese wife of an African American and has just given birth to a child. The daughter protagonist in Enchi Fumiko's 'Kami' ('Hair', 1957) operates a hairdressing business that is viable only with her mother's unpaid labour. The narratives are read through a matrix of post-structuralist theories of embodiment, drawing on the work of writers such as Julia Kristeva, Luce Irigaray and Elizabeth Grosz.


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The pathogenesis-related (PR) protein superfamily is widely distributed in the animal, plant, and fungal kingdoms and is implicated in human brain tumor growth and plant pathogenesis. The precise biological activity of PR proteins, however, has remained elusive. Here we report the characterization, cloning and structural homology modeling of Tex31 from the venom duct of Conus textile. Tex31 was isolated to >95% purity by activity-guided fractionation using a para-nitroanilide substrate based on the putative cleavage site residues found in the propeptide precursor of conotoxin TxVIA. Tex31 requires four residues including a leucine N-terminal of the cleavage site for efficient substrate processing. The sequence of Tex31 was determined using two degenerate PCR primers designed from N-terminal and tryptic digest Edman sequences. A BLAST search revealed that Tex31 was a member of the PR protein superfamily and most closely related to the CRISP family of mammalian proteins that have a cysteine-rich C-terminal tail. A homology model constructed from two PR proteins revealed that the likely catalytic residues in Tex31 fall within a structurally conserved domain found in PR proteins. Thus, it is possible that other PR proteins may also be substrate-specific proteases.


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Trata-se de um sistema desenvolvido para integrar informa????es em base georreferenciada e textual de diversos ??rg??os p??blicos, a fim de possibilitar an??lises gerenciais, a atua????o estrat??gica e a decis??o ministerial sobre a concess??o de ato de assentimento pr??vio, de acordo com a Lei no 6.634/79. Ao possibilitar o cruzamento de informa????es de diversos bancos de dados, em raz??o da especialidade do Gabinete de Seguran??a Institucional da Presid??ncia da Rep??blica (GSI/PR), o sistema oportuniza o diagn??stico de incongru??ncias e conflitos de atividades entre ??rg??os da Administra????o P??blica Federal indireta e o indicativo da situa????o fundi??ria do Pa??s, tanto no aspecto territorial quanto no da riqueza mineral e respectivos interessados em sua explora????o. O sistema permite que os bancos ???conversem entre si???, o que o torna um marco na hist??ria da gest??o p??blica federal, por possibilitar o conhecimento do nosso territ??rio em tempo real, com informa????es confi??veis, precisas e amig??veis geradas em banco de dados textuais associados a uma base cartogr??fica digital composta por mapas digitalizados, fotografias a??reas e imagens de sat??lites


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Texto elaborado para apoiar as atividades did??ticas do M??dulo I do curso de qualifica????o de cerca de quarenta t??cnicos do Minist??rio da Sa??de (MS) na utiliza????o do enfoque participativo do Planejamento Estrat??gico-Situacional (PES), de Carlos Matus, realizado presencialmente na Escola Nacional de Administra????o P??blica (ENAP), em Bras??lia


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Texto elaborado para apoiar as atividades did??ticas do M??dulo II do curso de qualifica????o de cerca de quarenta t??cnicos do Minist??rio da Sa??de (MS) na utiliza????o do enfoque participativo do Planejamento Estrat??gico-Situacional (PES), de Carlos Matus, realizado presencialmente na Escola Nacional de Administra????o P??blica (ENAP), em Bras??lia


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Dotar o aluno de referencial te??rico e pr??tica simulada que permita o controle, acompanhamento e fiscaliza????o do fiel cumprimento das obriga????es assumidas pelas partes do contrato administrativo, ao mesmo tempo em que opera as mudan??as permitidas ou determinadas pela lei para a manuten????o das condi????es iniciais do contrato e para a realiza????o eficaz do objeto


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O Material do Aluno ?? o instrumento did??tico complementar ??s aulas presenciais do curso que, juntamente ??s orienta????es do professor e ??s pr??ticas realizadas na sala de aula, possibilita o aprendizado dos temas apresentados. Este documento apresenta seguinte estrutura: Cap??tulo 1 ??? Introdu????o: apresenta o contexto do curso de Elabora????o de Indicadores de Desempenho Institucional. Cap??tulo 2 ??? Conceitos Gerais: apresenta os conceitos que envolvem a melhor forma de defini????o e sele????o de indicadores. Cap??tulo 3 ??? S??o apresentados os principais atributos dos indicadores. Cap??tulo 4 ??? Classifica????o de indicadores de desempenho Institucional. Cap??tulo 5 ??? Estabelecimento de indicadores que ir??o compor um sistema de medi????o do desempenho institucional. Cap??tulo 6 ??? Apresenta????o dos elementos complementares: descri????o de indicadores, interpreta????o de seus resultados, estabelecimento de metas, a informatiza????o, a comunica????o de seus resultados e o desdobramento do sistema de medi????o do foco estrat??gico para o gerencial e o operacional. Cap??tulo 7 ??? Bibliografia. Este material tamb??m tem por finalidade servir de instrumento de consulta r??pida para esclarecer eventuais d??vidas do aluno na aplica????o dos conhecimentos adquiridos no exerc??cio de seu trabalho


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O curso teve como ementa: apresentar conceitos b??sicos de Monitoramento e Avalia????o; a evolu????o hist??rica da metodologia de monitoramento e avalia????o dos PPAs: 2000-2003; 2004-2007; e 2008-2011; o Monitoramento das Agendas Estrat??gicas de Governo; o monitoramento e avalia????o do PPA 2012-2015: metodologia, concep????o de monitoramento e avalia????o, e suporte informatizado (SIOP); o monitoramento das prioridades da Presid??ncia, dos programas tem??ticos, incluindo os indicadores, os objetivos e as metas do plano; a proposta de monitoramento participativo do PPA 2012-2015, por meio da rela????o do governo com o F??rum Interconselhos de pol??ticas p??blicas; e o acompanhamento das a????es e os fundamentos dos planos or??ament??rios (PO) do Or??amento de 2013