934 resultados para strong applied electric field
It has been proposed that inertial clustering may lead to an increased collision rate of water droplets in clouds. Atmospheric clouds and electrosprays contain electrically charged particles embedded in turbulent flows, often under the influence of an externally imposed, approximately uniform gravitational or electric force. In this thesis, we present the investigation of charged inertial particles embedded in turbulence. We have developed a theoretical description for the dynamics of such systems of charged, sedimenting particles in turbulence, allowing radial distribution functions to be predicted for both monodisperse and bidisperse particle size distributions. The governing parameters are the particle Stokes number (particle inertial time scale relative to turbulence dissipation time scale), the Coulomb-turbulence parameter (ratio of Coulomb ’terminalar speed to turbulence dissipation velocity scale), and the settling parameter (the ratio of the gravitational terminal speed to turbulence dissipation velocity scale). For the monodispersion particles, The peak in the radial distribution function is well predicted by the balance between the particle terminal velocity under Coulomb repulsion and a time-averaged ’drift’ velocity obtained from the nonuniform sampling of fluid strain and rotation due to finite particle inertia. The theory is compared to measured radial distribution functions for water particles in homogeneous, isotropic air turbulence. The radial distribution functions are obtained from particle positions measured in three dimensions using digital holography. The measurements support the general theoretical expression, consisting of a power law increase in particle clustering due to particle response to dissipative turbulent eddies, modulated by an exponential electrostatic interaction term. Both terms are modified as a result of the gravitational diffusion-like term, and the role of ’gravity’ is explored by imposing a macroscopic uniform electric field to create an enhanced, effective gravity. The relation between the radial distribution functions and inward mean radial relative velocity is established for charged particles.
Finite numbers of ions are present in microfluidic devices. This leads to ion limiting effects in microfluidic channels and electrode surfaces. These effects include electrode surface changes and ion concentration gradient formation across microfluidic channels, and can influence microfluidic device behavior. A literature survey on the use of electrochemical analysis techniques in micro- and nanofluidic devices was carried out, which puts into perspective the importance of electrode surface changes with regards to analytical microfluidic applications. Surface changes in Pt wire electrodes under various physiological buffer and electric field conditions were investigated using cyclic voltammetry (CV), SEM-EDS and XPS. Effects of surface changes on electrochemical analysis performance of Pt wire and thin film electrodes were investigated. Electrode surfaces were subjected to varying phosphate buffer and electric field conditions, and their CV performance was monitored. Electrode surfaces were also studied with SEM-EDS. Two studies of ion concentration gradient formation in microfluidic channels were conducted. In the first, concentration gradients of H+ and OH- ions generated on electrode surfaces were found to cause significant pH decreases in certain buffer and electric field conditions, which was also found to play a key role in iDEP manipulation of proteins. The role of electrode surface reactions in this case shows the importance of understanding electrode surface changes in microfluidic devices. In the second study of ion concentration gradient formation, Cl- ion concentration gradient formation was attempted to be quantified upon electric field application across a KCl solution. Electrokinetic transport of the Cl- indicating fluorophore MQAE contributed significantly to the fluorescence microscopy signals collected, complicating Cl- quantification as a function of position and time. It was shown that a dielectric coating on electrode surfaces is effective at preventing MQAE electrokinetic transport.
Integrating evidence from different imaging modalities is important to overcome specific limitations of any given imaging method, such as insensitivity of the EEG to unsynchronized neural events, or the lack of fMRI sensitivity to events of low metabolic demand. Processes that are visible in one modality may be related in a nontrivial way to other processes visible in another modality and insight may only be obtained by integrating both methods through a common analysis. For example, brain activity at rest seems to be at least partly determined by an interaction of cortical rhythms (visible to EEG but not to fMRI) with sub-cortical activity (visible to fMRI, but usually not to EEG without averaging). A combination of EEG and fMRI data during rest may thus be more informative than the sum of two separate analyses in both modalities. Integration is also an important source of converging evidence about specific aspects and general principles of neural functions and their dysfunctions in certain pathologies. This is because not only electrical, but also energetic, biochemical, hemodynamic and metabolic processes characterize neural states and functions, and because brain structure provides crucial constraints upon neural functions. Focusing on multimodal integration of functional data should not distract from the privileged status of the electric field as the primary direct, noninvasive real-time measure of neural transmission. The preceding chapters illustrate how electrical neuroimaging has turned scalp EEG into an imaging modality which directly captures the full temporal dynamics of neural activity in the brain.
The general model The aim of this chapter is to introduce a structured overview of the different possibilities available to display and analyze brain electric scalp potentials. First, a general formal model of time-varying distributed EEG potentials is introduced. Based on this model, the most common analysis strategies used in EEG research are introduced and discussed as specific cases of this general model. Both the general model and particular methods are also expressed in mathematical terms. It is however not necessary to understand these terms to understand the chapter. The general model that we propose here is based on the statement made in Chapter 3, stating that the electric field produced by active neurons in the brain propagates in brain tissue without delay in time. Contrary to other imaging methods that are based on hemodynamic or metabolic processes, the EEG scalp potentials are thus “real-time,” not delayed and not a-priori frequency-filtered measurements. If only a single dipolar source in the brain were active, the temporal dynamics of the activity of that source would be exactly reproduced by the temporal dynamics observed in the scalp potentials produced by that source. This is illustrated in Figure 5.1, where the expected EEG signal of a single source with spindle-like dynamics in time has been computed. The dynamics of the scalp potentials exactly reproduce the dynamics of the source. The amplitude of the measured potentials depends on the relation between the location and orientation of the active source, its strength and the electrode position.
Momentary brain electric field configurations are manifestations of momentary global functional states of the brain. Field configurations tend to persist over some time in the sub-second range (“microstates”) and concentrate within few classes of configurations. Accordingly, brain field data can be reduced efficiently into sequences of re-occurring classes of brain microstates, not overlapping in time. Different configurations must have been caused by different active neural ensembles, and thus different microstates assumedly implement different functions. The question arises whether the aberrant schizophrenic mentation is associated with specific changes in the repertory of microstates. Continuous sequences of brain electric field maps (multichannel EEG resting data) from 9 neuroleptic-naive, first-episode, acute schizophrenics and from 18 matched controls were analyzed. The map series were assigned to four individual microstate classes; these were tested for differences between groups. One microstate class displayed significantly different field configurations and shorter durations in patients than controls; degree of shortening correlated with severity of paranoid symptomatology. The three other microstate classes showed no group differences related to psychopathology. Schizophrenic thinking apparently is not a continuous bias in brain functions, but consists of intermittent occurrences of inappropriate brain microstates that open access to inadequate processing strategies and context information
Map landscape-based segmentation of the sequences of momentary potential distribution maps (42-channel recordings) into brain microstates during spontaneous brain activity was used to study brain electric field spatial effects of single doses of piracetam (2.9, 4.8, and 9.6 g Nootropil® UCB and placebo) in a double-blind study of five normal young volunteers. Four 15-second epochs were analyzed from each subject and drug condition. The most prominent class of microstates (covering 49% of the time) consisted of potential maps with a generally anterior-posterior field orientation. The map orientation of this microstate class showed an increasing clockwise deviation from the placebo condition with increasing drug doses (Fisher's probability product, p < 0.014). The results of this study suggest the use of microstate segmentation analysis for the assessment of central effects of medication in spontaneous multichannel electroencephalographic data, as a complementary approach to frequency-domain analysis.
We investigated whether different, personality-related affective attitudes are associated with different brain electric field (EEG) sources before any emotional challenge (stimulus exposure). A 27-channel EEG was recorded in 15 subjects during eyes-closed resting. After recording, subjects rated 32 images of human faces for affective appeal. The subjects in the first (i.e., most negative) and fourth (i.e., most positive) quartile of general affective attitude were further analyzed. The EEG data (mean=25±4.8 s/subject) were subjected to frequency-domain model dipole source analysis (FFT-Dipole-Approximation), resulting in 3-dimensional intracerebral source locations and strengths for the delta–theta, alpha, and beta EEG frequency band, and for the full range (1.5–30 Hz) band. Subjects with negative attitude (compared to those with positive attitude) showed the following source locations: more inferior for all frequency bands, more anterior for the delta–theta band, more posterior and more right for the alpha, beta and 1.5–30 Hz bands. One year later, the subjects were asked to rate the face images again. The rating scores for the same face images were highly correlated for all subjects, and original and retest affective mean attitude was highly correlated across subjects. The present results show that subjects with different affective attitudes to face images had different active, cerebral, neural populations in a task-free condition prior to viewing the images. We conclude that the brain functional state which implements affective attitude towards face images as a personality feature exists without elicitors, as a continuously present, dynamic feature of brain functioning.
OBJECTIVE: In young, first-episode, never-treated schizophrenics compared with controls, (a) generally shorter durations of EEG microstates were reported (Koukkou et al., Brain Topogr 6 (1994) 251; Kinoshita et al., Psychiatry Res Neuroimaging 83 (1998) 58), and (b) specifically, shorter duration of a particular class of microstates (Koenig et al., Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 249 (1999) 205). We now examined whether older, chronic schizophrenic patients with positive symptomatology also show these characteristics. METHODS: Multichannel resting EEG (62.2 s/subject) from two subject groups, 14 patients (36.1+/-10.2 years old) and 13 controls (35.1+/-8.2 years old), all males, was analyzed into microstates using a global approach for microstate analysis that clustered the microstates into 4 classes (Koenig et al., 1999). RESULTS: (a) Hypothesis testing of general microstate shortening supported a trend (P=0.064). (b) Two-way repeated measure ANOVA (two subject groupsx4 microstate classes) showed a significant group effect for microstate duration. Posthoc tests revealed that a microstate class with brain electric field orientation from left central to right central-posterior had significantly shorter microstates in patients than controls (68.5 vs. 76.1 ms, P=0.034). CONCLUSIONS: The results were in line with the results from young, never-treated, productive patients, thus suggesting that in schizophrenic information processing, one class of mental operations might intermittently cause deviant mental constructs because of premature termination of processing.
We investigated brain electric field signatures of subjective feelings after chewing regular gum or gum base without flavor. 19-channel eyes-closed EEG from 20 healthy males before and after 5 minutes of chewing the two gum types in random sequence was source modeled in the frequency domain using the FFT-Dipole-Approximation. 3-dimensional brain locations and strengths (Global Field Power, GFP) of the equivalent sources of five frequency bands were computed as changes from pre-chewing baseline. Gum types differed (ANOVA) in pre-post changes of source locations for the alpha-2 band (to anterior and right after regular gum, opposite after gum base) and beta-2 band (to anterior and inferior after regular gum, opposite after gum base), and of GFP for delta-theta, alpha-2 and beta-1 (regular gum: increase, gum base: decrease). Subjective feeling changed to more positive values after regular gum than gum base (ANOVA).—Thus, chewing gum with and without taste-smell activates different brain neuronal populations.
Cellular directional migration in an electric field (galvanotaxis) is one of the mechanisms guiding cell movement in embryogenesis and in skin epidermal repair. The epithelial sodium channel (ENaC), in addition to its function of regulating sodium transport in kidney, has recently been found to modulate cell locomotory speed. Here we tested whether ENaC has an additional function of mediating the directional migration of galvanotaxis in keratinocytes. Genetic depletion of ENaC completely blocks only galvanotaxis and does not decrease migration speed. Overexpression of ENaC is sufficient to drive galvanotaxis in otherwise unresponsive cells. Pharmacologic blockade or maintenance of the open state of ENaC also decreases or increases, respectively, galvanotaxis, suggesting that the channel open state is responsible for the response. Stable lamellipodial extensions formed at the cathodal sides of wild-type cells at the start of galvanotaxis; these were absent in the ENaC knockout keratinocytes, suggesting that ENaC mediates galvanotaxis by generating stable lamellipodia that steer cell migration. We provide evidence that ENaC is required for directional migration of keratinocytes in an electric field, supporting a role for ENaC in skin wound healing.
BACKGROUND Cats are definitive hosts of Toxoplasma gondii and play an essential role in the epidemiology of this parasite. The study aims at clarifying whether cats are able to develop specific antibodies against different clonal types of T. gondii and to determine by serotyping the T. gondii clonal types prevailing in cats as intermediate hosts in Germany. METHODOLOGY To establish a peptide-microarray serotyping test, we identified 24 suitable peptides using serological T. gondii positive (n=21) and negative cat sera (n=52). To determine the clonal type-specific antibody response of cats in Germany, 86 field sera from T. gondii seropositive naturally infected cats were tested. In addition, we analyzed the antibody response in cats experimentally infected with non-canonical T. gondii types (n=7). FINDINGS Positive cat reference sera reacted predominantly with peptides harbouring amino acid sequences specific for the clonal T. gondii type the cats were infected with. When the array was applied to field sera from Germany, 98.8% (85/86) of naturally-infected cats recognized similar peptide patterns as T. gondii type II reference sera and showed the strongest reaction intensities with clonal type II-specific peptides. In addition, naturally infected cats recognized type II-specific peptides significantly more frequently than peptides of other type-specificities. Cats infected with non-canonical types showed the strongest reactivity with peptides presenting amino-acid sequences specific for both, type I and type III. CONCLUSIONS Cats are able to mount a clonal type-specific antibody response against T. gondii. Serotyping revealed for most seropositive field sera patterns resembling those observed after clonal type II-T. gondii infection. This finding is in accord with our previous results on the occurrence of T. gondii clonal types in oocysts shed by cats in Germany.
The Hamamatsu R11410 photomultiplier, a tube of 3" diameter and with a very low intrinsic radioactivity, is an interesting light sensor candidate for future experiments using liquid xenon (LXe) as target for direct dark matter searches. We have performed several experiments with the R11410 with the goal of testing its performance in environments similar to a dark matter detector setup. In particular, we examined its long-term behavior and stability in LXe and its response in various electric field configurations.
Electron recombination in highly ionizing stopping protons and deuterons is studied in the ArgoNeuT detector. The data are well modeled by either a Birks model or a modified form of the Box model. The dependence of recombination on the track angle with respect to the electric field direction is much weaker than the predictions of the Jaffe columnar theory and by theoretical-computational simulations.
We present a method to reach electric field intensity as high as 400 kV/cm in liquid argon for cathode-ground distances of several millimeters. This can be achieved by suppressing field emission from the cathode, overcoming limitations that we reported earlier.
We regularize compact and non-compact Abelian Chern–Simons–Maxwell theories on a spatial lattice using the Hamiltonian formulation. We consider a doubled theory with gauge fields living on a lattice and its dual lattice. The Hilbert space of the theory is a product of local Hilbert spaces, each associated with a link and the corresponding dual link. The two electric field operators associated with the link-pair do not commute. In the non-compact case with gauge group R, each local Hilbert space is analogous to the one of a charged “particle” moving in the link-pair group space R2 in a constant “magnetic” background field. In the compact case, the link-pair group space is a torus U(1)2 threaded by k units of quantized “magnetic” flux, with k being the level of the Chern–Simons theory. The holonomies of the torus U(1)2 give rise to two self-adjoint extension parameters, which form two non-dynamical background lattice gauge fields that explicitly break the manifest gauge symmetry from U(1) to Z(k). The local Hilbert space of a link-pair then decomposes into representations of a magnetic translation group. In the pure Chern–Simons limit of a large “photon” mass, this results in a Z(k)-symmetric variant of Kitaev’s toric code, self-adjointly extended by the two non-dynamical background lattice gauge fields. Electric charges on the original lattice and on the dual lattice obey mutually anyonic statistics with the statistics angle . Non-Abelian U(k) Berry gauge fields that arise from the self-adjoint extension parameters may be interesting in the context of quantum information processing.