930 resultados para rising paradigm


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Plain radiography still accounts for the vast majority of imaging studies that are performed at multiple clinical instances. Digital detectors are now prominent in many imaging facilities and they are the main driving force towards filmless environments. There has been a working paradigm shift due to the functional separation of acquisition, visualization, and storage with deep impact in the imaging workflows. Moreover with direct digital detectors images are made available almost immediately. Digital radiology is now completely integrated in Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS) environments governed by the Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) standard. In this chapter a brief overview of PACS architectures and components is presented together with a necessarily brief account of the DICOM standard. Special focus is given to the DICOM digital radiology objects and how specific attributes may now be used to improve and increase the metadata repository associated with image data. Regular scrutiny of the metadata repository may serve as a valuable tool for improved, cost-effective, and multidimensional quality control procedures.


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Atualmente, as escolas regem o seu funcionamento de acordo com o paradigma inclusivo, uma vez que a legislação em vigor assim o indica. A mudança entre o paradigma segregador (em que a crianças com problemáticas diversas eram ensinadas separadamente) para o paradigma inclusivo (em que todas as crianças deveriam usufruir de uma educação igualitária) surgiu decorrente das progressivas mudanças a nível social que vieram encorajar a aceitação da diferença e o reconhecimento da diversidade (Correia M. , 2008). Consequentemente, os serviços e apoios prestados pelas equipas escolares também sofreram alterações, passando a considerar cada criança como um individuo com necessidades únicas, às quais o contexto deve proporcionar um ensino igualitário e de qualidade (Pape, Ryba, & Case-Smith, 2004; Jenkinson, Hyde, & Ahmad, 2008). Nestas equipas escolares, encontra-se presente como elemento ativo, o terapeuta ocupacional. Assim, o presente estudo pretende conhecer a perspetiva dos terapeutas ocupacionais a trabalhar nas equipas escolares em contexto inclusivo quanto às experiências de colaboração com a equipa que intervém com a criança. Esteve na sua base uma metodologia qualitativa, em que amostra é constituída por cinco terapeutas ocupacionais, a trabalhar em escolas e jardins-de-infância contemplando a zona norte do país. Foi utilizado o método de amostragem estratégica, de forma a contemplar várias realidades. Como instrumento de recolha de dados foi utilizada a entrevista semiestruturada, com posterior análise de conteúdo para interpretação e discussão dos dados obtidos. Os principais resultados indicam que os terapeutas descrevem o seu papel com base na passagem de estratégias e promoção da autonomia. Reconhecem, ainda, vários benefícios decorrentes do trabalho em equipa de forma colaborativa. Contudo, relatam as experiências de colaboração, maioritariamente pela negativa, tendo por base as barreiras e desafios que encontram para efetivar este processo. Deixam, também, sugestões de aspetos a melhorar, embora não contemplem todas as barreiras/desafios sentidos na colaboração com a restante equipa escolar.


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The advances made in channel-capacity codes, such as turbo codes and low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes, have played a major role in the emerging distributed source coding paradigm. LDPC codes can be easily adapted to new source coding strategies due to their natural representation as bipartite graphs and the use of quasi-optimal decoding algorithms, such as belief propagation. This paper tackles a relevant scenario in distributedvideo coding: lossy source coding when multiple side information (SI) hypotheses are available at the decoder, each one correlated with the source according to different correlation noise channels. Thus, it is proposed to exploit multiple SI hypotheses through an efficient joint decoding technique withmultiple LDPC syndrome decoders that exchange information to obtain coding efficiency improvements. At the decoder side, the multiple SI hypotheses are created with motion compensated frame interpolation and fused together in a novel iterative LDPC based Slepian-Wolf decoding algorithm. With the creation of multiple SI hypotheses and the proposed decoding algorithm, bitrate savings up to 8.0% are obtained for similar decoded quality.


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In practical applications of optimization it is common to have several conflicting objective functions to optimize. Frequently, these functions are subject to noise or can be of black-box type, preventing the use of derivative-based techniques. We propose a novel multiobjective derivative-free methodology, calling it direct multisearch (DMS), which does not aggregate any of the objective functions. Our framework is inspired by the search/poll paradigm of direct-search methods of directional type and uses the concept of Pareto dominance to maintain a list of nondominated points (from which the new iterates or poll centers are chosen). The aim of our method is to generate as many points in the Pareto front as possible from the polling procedure itself, while keeping the whole framework general enough to accommodate other disseminating strategies, in particular, when using the (here also) optional search step. DMS generalizes to multiobjective optimization (MOO) all direct-search methods of directional type. We prove under the common assumptions used in direct search for single objective optimization that at least one limit point of the sequence of iterates generated by DMS lies in (a stationary form of) the Pareto front. However, extensive computational experience has shown that our methodology has an impressive capability of generating the whole Pareto front, even without using a search step. Two by-products of this paper are (i) the development of a collection of test problems for MOO and (ii) the extension of performance and data profiles to MOO, allowing a comparison of several solvers on a large set of test problems, in terms of their efficiency and robustness to determine Pareto fronts.


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Learning is not a spectator’s sport. Students do not learn much by just sitting in class listening their teachers, memorizing pre-packaged assignments and spitting out answers. The teaching-learning process has been a constant target of studies, particularly in Higher Education, in consequence of the annual increase of new students. The concern with maintaining a desired quality level in the training of these students, conjugated with the will to widen the access to all of those who finish Secondary School Education, has triggered a greater intervention from the education specialists, in partnership with the teachers of all Higher Education areas, in the analysis of this problem. Considering the particular case of Engineering, it has been witnessed a rising concern with the active learning strategies and forms of assessment. Research has demonstrated that students learn more if they are actively engaged with the material they are studying. In this presentation we describe, present and discuss the techniques and the results of Peer Instruction method in an introductory Calculus courses of an Engineering Bach


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In recent years, power systems have experienced many changes in their paradigm. The introduction of new players in the management of distributed generation leads to the decentralization of control and decision-making, so that each player is able to play in the market environment. In the new context, it will be very relevant that aggregator players allow midsize, small and micro players to act in a competitive environment. In order to achieve their objectives, virtual power players and single players are required to optimize their energy resource management process. To achieve this, it is essential to have financial resources capable of providing access to appropriate decision support tools. As small players have difficulties in having access to such tools, it is necessary that these players can benefit from alternative methodologies to support their decisions. This paper presents a methodology, based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), and intended to support smaller players. In this case the present methodology uses a training set that is created using energy resource scheduling solutions obtained using a mixed-integer linear programming (MIP) approach as the reference optimization methodology. The trained network is used to obtain locational marginal prices in a distribution network. The main goal of the paper is to verify the accuracy of the ANN based approach. Moreover, the use of a single ANN is compared with the use of two or more ANN to forecast the locational marginal price.


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Smart Grids (SGs) appeared as the new paradigm for power system management and operation, being designed to integrate large amounts of distributed energy resources. This new paradigm requires a more efficient Energy Resource Management (ERM) and, simultaneously, makes this a more complex problem, due to the intensive use of distributed energy resources (DER), such as distributed generation, active consumers with demand response contracts, and storage units. This paper presents a methodology to address the energy resource scheduling, considering an intensive use of distributed generation and demand response contracts. A case study of a 30 kV real distribution network, including a substation with 6 feeders and 937 buses, is used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology. This network is managed by six virtual power players (VPP) with capability to manage the DER and the distribution network.


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The reactive power management is an important task in future power systems. The control of reactive power allows the increase of distributed energy resources penetration as well as the optimal operation of distribution networks. Currently, the control of reactive power is only controlled in large power units and in high and very high voltage substations. In this paper a reactive power control in smart grids paradigm is proposed, considering the management of distributed energy resources and of the distribution network by an aggregator namely Virtual Power Player (VPP).


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A novel approach to scheduling resolution by combining Autonomic Computing (AC), Multi-Agent Systems (MAS), Case-based Reasoning (CBR), and Bio-Inspired Optimization Techniques (BIT) will be described. AC has emerged as a paradigm aiming at incorporating applications with a management structure similar to the central nervous system. The main intentions are to improve resource utilization and service quality. In this paper we envisage the use of MAS paradigm for supporting dynamic and distributed scheduling in Manufacturing Systems with AC properties, in order to reduce the complexity of managing manufacturing systems and human interference. The proposed CBR based Intelligent Scheduling System was evaluated under different dynamic manufacturing scenarios.


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The smart grid concept appears as a suitable solution to guarantee the power system operation in the new electricity paradigm with electricity markets and integration of large amounts of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs). Virtual Power Player (VPP) will have a significant importance in the management of a smart grid. In the context of this new paradigm, Electric Vehicles (EVs) rise as a good available resource to be used as a DER by a VPP. This paper presents the application of the Simulated Annealing (SA) technique to solve the Energy Resource Management (ERM) of a VPP. It is also presented a new heuristic approach to intelligently handle the charge and discharge of the EVs. This heuristic process is incorporated in the SA technique, in order to improve the results of the ERM. The case study shows the results of the ERM for a 33-bus distribution network with three different EVs penetration levels, i. e., with 1000, 2000 and 3000 EVs. The results of the proposed adaptation of the SA technique are compared with a previous SA version and a deterministic technique.


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In this work is proposed the design of a system to create and handle Electric Vehicles (EV) charging procedures, based on intelligent process. Due to the electrical power distribution network limitation and absence of smart meter devices, Electric Vehicles charging should be performed in a balanced way, taking into account past experience, weather information based on data mining, and simulation approaches. In order to allow information exchange and to help user mobility, it was also created a mobile application to assist the EV driver on these processes. This proposed Smart ElectricVehicle Charging System uses Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) technology, in order to connect Electric Vehicles and also renewable energy sources to Smart Grids (SG). This system also explores the new paradigm of Electrical Markets (EM), with deregulation of electricity production and use, in order to obtain the best conditions for commercializing electrical energy.


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One of the most difficult problems that face researchers experimenting with complex systems in real world applications is the Facility Layout Design Problem. It relies with the design and location of production lines, machinery and equipment, inventory storage and shipping facilities. In this work it is intended to address this problem through the use of Constraint Logic Programming (CLP) technology. The use of Genetic Algorithms (GA) as optimisation technique in CLP environment is also an issue addressed. The approach aims the implementation of genetic algorithm operators following the CLP paradigm.


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Power system organization has gone through huge changes in the recent years. Significant increase in distributed generation (DG) and operation in the scope of liberalized markets are two relevant driving forces for these changes. More recently, the smart grid (SG) concept gained increased importance, and is being seen as a paradigm able to support power system requirements for the future. This paper proposes a computational architecture to support day-ahead Virtual Power Player (VPP) bid formation in the smart grid context. This architecture includes a forecasting module, a resource optimization and Locational Marginal Price (LMP) computation module, and a bid formation module. Due to the involved problems characteristics, the implementation of this architecture requires the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques. Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) are used for resource and load forecasting and Evolutionary Particle Swarm Optimization (EPSO) is used for energy resource scheduling. The paper presents a case study that considers a 33 bus distribution network that includes 67 distributed generators, 32 loads and 9 storage units.


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Dissertação de Mestrado em Supervisão em Educação, enquadrada na linha de investigação sobre Desenvolvimento Profissional dos Professores, apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Didática da Língua Portuguesa no 1.º e no 2.º Ciclos.