935 resultados para rischio, idrocarburi, ADIOS2, Po


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Discovering proper search intents is a vi- tal process to return desired results. It is constantly a hot research topic regarding information retrieval in recent years. Existing methods are mainly limited by utilizing context-based mining, query expansion, and user profiling techniques, which are still suffering from the issue of ambiguity in search queries. In this pa- per, we introduce a novel ontology-based approach in terms of a world knowledge base in order to construct personalized ontologies for identifying adequate con- cept levels for matching user search intents. An iter- ative mining algorithm is designed for evaluating po- tential intents level by level until meeting the best re- sult. The propose-to-attempt approach is evaluated in a large volume RCV1 data set, and experimental results indicate a distinct improvement on top precision after compared with baseline models.


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We propose an approach to employ eigen light-fields for face recognition across pose on video. Faces of a subject are collected from video frames and combined based on the pose to obtain a set of probe light-fields. These probe data are then projected to the principal subspace of the eigen light-fields within which the classification takes place. We modify the original light-field projection and found that it is more robust in the proposed system. Evaluation on VidTIMIT dataset has demonstrated that the eigen light-fields method is able to take advantage of multiple observations contained in the video.


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This is the final report of an Australian Learning and Teaching Council Teaching Fellowship which addressed the needs of two separate groups of learners: (1) final year law students studying ethics and (2) law academics and other interested educators in higher education wishing to use information and communication technologies (ICT) to create engaging learning environments for their students but lacking the capacity to do so. The Fellowship resulted in final year law students being infused with an improved appreciation of ethical practice than they receive from traditional lecture/tutorial means by the development of an integrated program of blended learning including an online program entitled "Entry into Valhalla". This "ethics capstone‟ utilises multimedia produced using cost effective resources (including the "Second Life" virtual environment) to create engaging, contextualised learning experiences. The Fellowship also constructed the knowledge of producing cost-effective multimedia projects in other law academics and other educators in higher education by staff development activities comprising workshops, conference presentations and an interactive website using the "Entry into Valhalla" program as a case study exemplar.


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The existing Collaborative Filtering (CF) technique that has been widely applied by e-commerce sites requires a large amount of ratings data to make meaningful recommendations. It is not directly applicable for recommending products that are not frequently purchased by users, such as cars and houses, as it is difficult to collect rating data for such products from the users. Many of the e-commerce sites for infrequently purchased products are still using basic search-based techniques whereby the products that match with the attributes given in the target user's query are retrieved and recommended to the user. However, search-based recommenders cannot provide personalized recommendations. For different users, the recommendations will be the same if they provide the same query regardless of any difference in their online navigation behaviour. This paper proposes to integrate collaborative filtering and search-based techniques to provide personalized recommendations for infrequently purchased products. Two different techniques are proposed, namely CFRRobin and CFAg Query. Instead of using the target user's query to search for products as normal search based systems do, the CFRRobin technique uses the products in which the target user's neighbours have shown interest as queries to retrieve relevant products, and then recommends to the target user a list of products by merging and ranking the returned products using the Round Robin method. The CFAg Query technique uses the products that the user's neighbours have shown interest in to derive an aggregated query, which is then used to retrieve products to recommend to the target user. Experiments conducted on a real e-commerce dataset show that both the proposed techniques CFRRobin and CFAg Query perform better than the standard Collaborative Filtering (CF) and the Basic Search (BS) approaches, which are widely applied by the current e-commerce applications. The CFRRobin and CFAg Query approaches also outperform the e- isting query expansion (QE) technique that was proposed for recommending infrequently purchased products.


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Nowadays, Opinion Mining is getting more important than before especially in doing analysis and forecasting about customers’ behavior for businesses purpose. The right decision in producing new products or services based on data about customers’ characteristics means profit for organization/company. This paper proposes a new architecture for Opinion Mining, which uses a multidimensional model to integrate customers’ characteristics and their comments about products (or services). The key step to achieve this objective is to transfer comments (opinions) to a fact table that includes several dimensions, such as, customers, products, time and locations. This research presents a comprehensive way to calculate customers’ orientation for all possible products’ attributes. A use case study is also presented in this paper to show the advantages of using OLAP and data cubes to analyze costumers’ opinions.


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The purpose of this project was to conduct an empirical study that would result in findings that inform systemic policy development aimed at improving tertiary participation and attainment by students from low socioeconomic status (LSES) backgrounds in Queensland. The project focuses on systemic policy, initiatives and programs that encourage tertiary education participation and attainment by individuals from LSES backgrounds, rather than on institution-specific initiatives or programs. While the broad remit was to consider tertiary education participation, the study particularly highlights issues pertaining to LSES student participation and attainment in the higher education sector, given the notable under representation of this demographic subgroup in Australian universities. This study supports the strategic priority of addressing professional skills shortages and innovations aiming to improve human and social capital in the state of Queensland. The ultimate goal is to contribute to the enhancement of Queensland’s education and training system by maximising participation and attainment by people from LSES backgrounds in higher education, thereby improving their quality of life and future life choices and opportunities. The study addressed the following five research questions: 1. What are the major factors that promote or inhibit participation and attainment in tertiary education by LSES students in Queensland? 2. To what extent do systemic policies or practices(systemic factors) of Queensland’s tertiary education system promote or inhibit participation and attainment by LSES students? That is, what features of Queensland’s tertiary education system have a significant effect on participation and attainment by LSES students? 3. What system policies or practices are found to boost participation and attainment by LSES students in other jurisdictions? 4. What evidence is there to suggest that policies or practices that have boosted participation and attainment by LSES students in other jurisdictions would be successful if implemented in Queensland? 5. What are the implications of the research findings for Queensland’s tertiary education system to improve participation and attainment by LSES students? The project adopted a mixed methods approach to data collection. A comprehensive review of the literature was conducted to identify relevant state, national and international literature. Both qualitative and quantitative methodologies were used to collect data from a range of key stakeholders.


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The Coping Orientation to Problems Experienced is a multidimensional scale designed to assess how people respond to stress. The COPE has been validated in a variety of populations displaying variations in factor structure. However, in terms of mental health populations, it has only been validated in alcohol-dependent samples. This paper investigated the factor structure of the COPE in a sample of adults diagnosed with depression and anxiety. Two hundred and seventy-one patients attending cognitive behaviour therapy for anxiety and depression completed the COPE. Confirmatory factor analysis found a poor fit for both lower order and higher order factors based upon the Lyne and Roger (2000) study. Exploratory factor analyses identified six primary subscales (Active Planning, Social Support, Denial, Acceptance, Disengagement, Restraint) which explained approximately 60% of the variance in coping. These 6 subscales may assist researchers and clinicians to validly measure coping in anxious and depressed adults.


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This action research project investigated the use of a collaborative learning approach for addressing issues associated with teaching urban design to large, diverse cohorts. As a case study, I observed two semesters of an urban design unit that I revised between 2011 and 2012 to incorporate collaborative learning activities. Data include instructional materials, participant observations, peer-reviews of collaborative learning activities, feedback from students and instructors and student projects. Themes that emerged through qualitative analysis include the challenge of removing inequalities inherent in the diverse cohort, the challenge of unifying project guidance and marking criteria, and the challenge of providing project guidance for a very large cohort. Most notably, the study revealed a need to clarify learning objectives relating to design principles in order to fully transition to and benefit from a collaborative learning model.


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This research was done on hureaulite samples from the Cigana claim, a lithium bearing pegmatite with triphylite and spodumene. The mine is located in Conselheiro Pena, east of Minas Gerais. Chemical analysis was carried out by Electron Microprobe analysis and indicated a manganese rich phase with partial substitution of iron. The calculated chemical formula of the studied sample is: (Mn3.23, Fe1.04, Ca0.19, Mg0.13)(PO4)2.7(HPO4)2.6(OH)4.78. The Raman spectrum of hureaulite is dominated by an intense sharp band at 959 cm−1 assigned to PO stretching vibrations of HPO42− units. The Raman band at 989 cm−1 is assigned to the PO43− stretching vibration. Raman bands at 1007, 1024, 1047, and 1083 cm−1 are attributed to both the HOP and PO antisymmetric stretching vibrations of HPO42− and PO43− units. A set of Raman bands at 531, 543, 564 and 582 cm−1 are assigned to the ν4 bending modes of the HPO42− and PO43− units. Raman bands observed at 414, and 455 cm−1 are attributed to the ν2 HPO42− and PO43− units. The intense A series of Raman and infrared bands in the OH stretching region are assigned to water stretching vibrations. Based upon the position of these bands hydrogen bond distances are calculated. Hydrogen bond distances are short indicating very strong hydrogen bonding in the hureaulite structure. A combination of Raman and infrared spectroscopy enabled aspects of the molecular structure of the mineral hureaulite to be understood.


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This research was done on lazulite samples from the Gentil mine, a lithium bearing pegmatite located in the municipality of Mendes Pimentel, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Chemical analysis was carried out by electron microprobe analysis and indicated a magnesium rich phase with partial substitution of iron. Traces of Ca and Mn, (which partially replaced Mg) were found. The calculated chemical formula of the studied sample is: (Mg0.88, Fe0.11)Al1.87(PO4)2.08(OH)2.02. The Raman spectrum of lazulite is dominated by an intense sharp band at 1060 cm-1 assigned to PO stretching vibrations of of tetrahedral [PO4] clusters presents into the HPO2/4- units. Two Raman bands at 1102 and 1137 cm-1 are attributed to both the HOP and PO antisymmetric stretching vibrations. The two infrared bands at 997 and 1007 cm-1 are attributed to the m1 PO3/4- symmetric stretching modes. The intense bands at 1035, 1054, 1081, 1118 and 1154 cm-1 are assigned to the v3PO3/4- antisymmetric stretching modes from both the HOP and tetrahedral [PO4] clusters. A set of Raman bands at 605, 613, 633 and 648 cm-1 are assigned to the m4 out of plane bending modes of the PO4, HPO4 and H2PO4 units. Raman bands observed at 414, 425, 460, and 479 cm-1 are attributed to the m2 tetrahedral PO4 clusters, HPO4 and H2PO4 bending modes. The intense Raman band at 3402 and the infrared band at 3403 cm-1 are assigned to the stretching vibration of the OH units. A combination of Raman and infrared spectroscopy enabled aspects of the molecular structure of the mineral lazulite to be understood.


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Natural single-crystal specimens of barbosalite from Brazil, with general formula Fe2+Fe3+ 2 (PO4)2(OH)2 were investigated by Raman and infrared spectroscopy. The mineral occurs as secondary products in granitic pegmatites. The Raman spectrum of barbosalite is characterized by bands at 1020, 1033 and 1044 cm−1 cm−1, assigned to ν1 symmetric stretching mode of the HOPO3- 3 and PO3- 4 units. Raman bands at around 1067, 1083 and 1138 cm−1 are attributed to both the HOP and PO antisymmetric stretching vibrations. The set of Raman bands observed at 575, 589 and 606 cm−1 are assigned to the ν4 out of plane bending modes of the PO4 and H2PO4 units. Raman bands at 439, 461, 475 and 503 cm−1 are attributed to the ν2 PO4 and H2PO4 bending modes. Strong Raman bands observed at 312, 346 cm−1 with shoulder bands at 361, 381 and 398 cm−1 are assigned to FeO stretching vibrations. No bands which are attributable to water vibrations were found. Vibrational spectroscopy enables aspects of the molecular structure of barbosalite to be assessed.


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Natural single-crystal specimens of the herderite-hydroxylherderite series from Brazil, with general formula CaBePO4(F,OH), were investigated by electron microprobe, Raman, infrared and near-infrared spectroscopies. The minerals occur as secondary products in granitic pegmatites. Herderite and hydroxylherderite minerals show extensive solid solution formation. The Raman spectra of hydroxylherderite are characterized by bands at around 985 and 998 cm-1, assigned to ν1 symmetric stretching mode of the HOPO33- and PO43- units. Raman bands at around 1085, 1128 and 1138 cm-1 are attributed to both the HOP and PO antisymmetric stretching vibrations. The set of Raman bands observed at 563, 568, 577, 598, 616 and 633 cm-1 are assigned to the ν4 out of plane bending modes of the PO4 and H2PO4 units. The OH Raman stretching vibrations of hydroxylherderite were observed ranging from 3626 cm-1 to 3609 cm-1. The infrared stretching vibrations of hydroxylherderites were observed between 3606 cm-1 and 3599 cm-1. By using a Libowitzky type function, hydrogen bond distances based upon the OH stretching bands were calculated. Characteristic NIR bands at around 6961 and 7054 cm-1 were assigned to the first overtone of the fundamental, whilst NIR bands at 10194 and 10329 cm-1 are assigned to the second overtone of the fundamental OH stretching vibration. Insight into the structure of the herderite-hydroxylherderite series is assessed by vibrational spectroscopy.