Integration of opinion into customer analysis model

Autoria(s): Yaakub, Mohd Ridzwan; Li, Yuefeng; Feng, Yanming

Guerrero, Juan




Nowadays, Opinion Mining is getting more important than before especially in doing analysis and forecasting about customers’ behavior for businesses purpose. The right decision in producing new products or services based on data about customers’ characteristics means profit for organization/company. This paper proposes a new architecture for Opinion Mining, which uses a multidimensional model to integrate customers’ characteristics and their comments about products (or services). The key step to achieve this objective is to transfer comments (opinions) to a fact table that includes several dimensions, such as, customers, products, time and locations. This research presents a comprehensive way to calculate customers’ orientation for all possible products’ attributes. A use case study is also presented in this paper to show the advantages of using OLAP and data cubes to analyze costumers’ opinions.



IEEE Computer Society Conference Publishing Services



Yaakub, Mohd Ridzwan, Li, Yuefeng, & Feng, Yanming (2011) Integration of opinion into customer analysis model. In Guerrero, Juan (Ed.) Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering, IEEE Computer Society Conference Publishing Services, China, pp. 90-95.


Copyright 2011 IEEE

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School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science; Science & Engineering Faculty

Palavras-Chave #080109 Pattern Recognition and Data Mining #080505 Web Technologies (excl. Web Search) #Opinion mining #Data cubes #OLAP #Multidimensional #Structured data #Unstructured data

Conference Paper