873 resultados para non-dialysis management
We find evidence that conflicts of interest are pervasive in the asset management business owned by investment banks. Using data from 1990 to 2008, we compare the alphas of mutual funds, hedge funds, and institutional funds operated by investment banks and non-bank conglomerates. We find that, while no difference exists in performance by fund type, being owned by an investment bank reduces alphas by 46 basis points per year in our baseline model. Making lead loans increases alphas, but the dispersion of fees across portfolios decreases alphas. The economic loss is $4.9 billion per year.
Gli ultimi 10 anni hanno visto un crescente aumento delle richieste di fornitura di servizi legati alla manutenzione edilizia da parte della Grande Distribuzione Organizzata; la domanda è quella di servizi riconducibili al Facility Management, ovvero rapporti basati sul raggiungimento di standard qualitativi predefiniti in sede contrattuale e garanzia di intervento 24h/24. Nella prima parte del progetto di tesi viene inquadrata la disciplina del FM, le motivazioni, gli strumenti e gli attori coinvolti. Dopo un excursus normativo sulla manutenzione in Italia, una classificazione delle tipologie di intervento manutentivo e una valutazione sull’incidenza della manutenzione nel Life Cycle Cost, viene effettuata un’analisi delle modalità interoperative del FM applicato alla manutenzione edilizia nel caso della GDO. La tesi è stata svolta nell'ambito di un tirocinio in azienda, il che ha permesso alla laureanda di affrontare il caso di studio di un contratto di Global Service con un’importante catena di grande distribuzione, e di utilizzare un software gestionale (PlaNet) con il quale viene tenuta traccia, per ogni punto vendita, degli interventi manutentivi e della loro localizzazione nell’edificio. Questo permette di avere un quadro completo degli interventi, con modalità di attuazione già note, e garantisce una gestione più efficace delle chiamate, seguite tramite un modulo di Call Center integrato. La tesi esamina criticamente i principali documenti di riferimento per l’opera collegati alla manutenzione: il Piano di Manutenzione e il Fascicolo dell’Opera, evidenziando i limiti legati alla non completezza delle informazioni fornite. L’obbiettivo finale della tesi è quello di proporre un documento integrativo tra il Piano di Manutenzione e il Fascicolo, al fine di snellire il flusso informativo e creare un documento di riferimento completo ed esaustivo, che integra sia gli aspetti tecnici delle modalità manutentive, sia le prescrizioni sulla sicurezza.
Seagrass meadows (Zostera marina) are an important ecosystem in the coastal environment of the Baltic Sea. This study employs a discrete choice experiment to value a set of non-market benefits provided by seagrass meadows in the Gulf of Gdańsk, Poland. The benefits valued in this study are a reduction of filamentous algae in the water and on the beach; access to seagrass meadows for boaters and divers; and improved water clarity. Results show significant willingness to pay for each attribute and differences of value estimates across different groups of survey respondents. It is discussed how to link choice attributes and estimated values with established ecosystem benefit categories in order to facilitate value transfer.
Pour parfaire les compétences des nouvelles directions d’école, nous constatons l’émergence de programmes de formation proposés par des universités, des districts scolaires, etc. Le but de notre étude est d’identifier les contextes de formation formel, non formel ou informel qui ont le plus aidé les nouvelles directions d’école dans le développement de leurs compétences d’une part, et ceux qui seraient mieux à même de les aider à l’avenir. Dans le cadre de cette recherche qualitative, 101 acteurs-trices de l’éducation ont été interrogé-es. Les résultats montrent que les trois contextes de formation (formel, non formel et informel) semblent avoir contribué au développement des compétences des nouvelles directions, alors que le contexte non formel, et plus particulièrement les ateliers et le soutien du district scolaire, s’avère être celui pouvant le plus aider les nouvelles directions à développer leurs compétences dans le futur. (DIPF/Orig.)
The distance learning program "School Management" supports decision makers at the school and ministerial levels in the shaping of formal and informal learning processes at different levels in schools and curricula in Eritrea. This paper examines how the distance learning program is interconnected to educational system development. (DIPF/Orig.)
Background The culture of current clinical practice calls for collaboration between therapists and patients, sharing power and responsibility. This paper reports on the findings of a qualitative study of exercise prescription for patients with NSCLBP, taking into account issues such as decision making and how this accords with patient preferences and experiences. Objective To understand the treatment decision making experiences, information and decision support needs of patients with NSCLBP who have been offered exercise as part of their management plan. Design A qualitative study using a philosophical hermeneutic approach. Methods Semi-structured interviews with eight patients (including use of brief patient vignettes) was undertaken to explore their personal experiences of receiving exercise as part of the management of their NSCLBP, and their involvement in decisions regarding their care. Findings The findings provide a detailed insight into patients’ perceptions and experiences of receiving exercise-based management strategies. Four themes were formed from the texts: (1) patients’ expectations and patients’ needs are not synonymous, (2) information is necessary but often not sufficient, (3) not all decisions need to be shared, and (4) wanting to be treated as an individual. Conclusions Shared decision making did not appear to happen in physiotherapy clinical practice, but equally may not be what every patient wants. The overall feeling of the patients was that the therapist was dominant in structuring the interactions, leaving the patients feeling disempowered to question and contribute to the decision making.
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to identify the key determinants of organisational silence from the perspective of non-standard workers (NSWs). The study focuses on three research themes: first, analysing the experiences motivating NSWs to remain silent; second, analysing the role of the NSW life cycle in the motivation to remain silent, the final theme is evaluation of the impact on organisational voice of an organisation employing a workforce in which NSWs and standard workers (SWs) are blended. Design/methodology/approach – The study utilises a phenomenological approach, as defined by Van Manen (2007), to collect and analyse the phenomenon of organisational silence from the perspective of NSWs. The NSWs are defined as individuals operating via Limited Liability UK registered companies created for the purpose of delivering services to organisations via a contract of services. This study employed a combination of phenomenology and hermeneutics to collect and analyse the data collected from the NSWs using semi-structured interviews (Lindseth and Norberg, 2004). Findings – The study concludes with three core findings. NSWs experience similar motivational factors to silence as experienced by standard workers (SWs). The key differential between a SW and a NSW is the role of defensive silence as a dominant motivator for a start-up NSW. The study identified that the reasons for this is that new NSWs are defensive to protect their reputation for any future contract opportunities. In addition, organisations are utilising the low confidence of new start up NSWs to suppress the ability of NSWs to voice. The research indicates how experienced NSWs use the marketing stage of their life cycle to establish voice mechanisms. The study identified that NSWs, fulfiling management and supervisory roles for organisations, are supporting/creating climates of silence through their transfer of experiences as SWs prior to becoming NSWs. Research limitations/implications – This study is a pilot study, and the findings from this study will be carried forward into a larger scale study through engagement with further participants across a diverse range of sectors. This study has identified that there is a need for further studies on organisational silence and NSWs to analyse more fully the impact of silence on the individuals and the organisation itself. A qualitative phenomenological hermeneutical study is not intended to be extrapolated to provide broad trends. The focus of the phenomenological hermeneutic research methodology is on describing and analysing the richness and depth of the NSW’s experiences of silence in organisational settings. Originality/value – This paper draws together the studies of worker classification, motivators for organisational silence, and the impact of blending SWs and NSWs in an organisational setting. The study demonstrates that academic research to date has focused predominantly on SWs to the exclusion of the 1.5 million, and growing, NSWs in the UK. This study examines these under-represented workers to analyse the participants’ experiences of organisational silence, and its consequences in organisational settings, demonstrating a need for further studies.
Abstract not available
Benzodiazepines continue to be widely prescribed in primary care for longer than guidelines advise and can cause adverse consequences for those who have long-term prescriptions. The aim of this study was to explore the experience of nonmedical prescribers (NMPs) in relation to their role in improving benzodiazepine prescribing management in primary care. A qualitative study using a thematic analysis framework, in which face-to-face interviews with eight NMPs from the disciplines of nursing and pharmacy were conducted in their areas of practice in 2011 in rural localities in southern Scotland. The NMPs view their qualification as rigorous in its capacity to promote more focused and confident practice, and provide detailed knowledge about medications and the ability to question the appropriateness of medicines. As medication review is an integral part of the role of the NMP they are suited to contribute positively to benzodiazepine prescribing management. Although several obstacles to the successful integration and full utilization of non-medical prescribing currently exist, more training in the recognition of mild-to-moderate mental health problems, psychopharmacology and alternative interventions would allow this role to be assumed with confidence. NMPs may have a useful role to play in benzodiazepine prescribing. NMPs have regular contact with patients in the older age group and those with chronic illnesses, and are in a prime position to utilize opportunistic medication review to improve concordance in this area of prescribing.
After having elective percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) patients are expected to self-manage their coronary heart disease (CHD) by modifying their risk factors, adhering to medication and effectively managing any recurring angina symptoms but that may be ineffective. Objective: Explore how patients self-manage their coronary heart disease (CHD) after elective PCI and identify any factors that may infl uence that. Design and method: This mixed methods study recruited a convenience sample of patients (n=93) approximately three months after elective PCI. Quantitative data were collected using a survey and were subject to univariate, bivariate and multi-variate analysis. Qualitative data from participant interviews was analysed using thematic analysis. Findings: After PCI, 74% of participants managed their angina symptoms inappropriately. Younger participants and those with threatening perceptions of their CHD were more likely to know how to effectively manage their angina symptoms. Few patients adopted a healthier lifestyle after PCI. Qualitative analysis revealed that intentional non-adherence to some medicines was an issue. Some participants felt unsupported by healthcare providers and social networks in relation to their self-management. Participants reported strong emotional responses to CHD and this had a detrimental effect on their self-management. Few patients accessed cardiac rehabilitation.
BACKGROUND: Risk assessment is fundamental in the management of acute coronary syndromes (ACS), enabling estimation of prognosis. AIMS: To evaluate whether the combined use of GRACE and CRUSADE risk stratification schemes in patients with myocardial infarction outperforms each of the scores individually in terms of mortality and haemorrhagic risk prediction. METHODS: Observational retrospective single-centre cohort study including 566 consecutive patients admitted for non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction. The CRUSADE model increased GRACE discriminatory performance in predicting all-cause mortality, ascertained by Cox regression, demonstrating CRUSADE independent and additive predictive value, which was sustained throughout follow-up. The cohort was divided into four different subgroups: G1 (GRACE<141; CRUSADE<41); G2 (GRACE<141; CRUSADE≥41); G3 (GRACE≥141; CRUSADE<41); G4 (GRACE≥141; CRUSADE≥41). RESULTS: Outcomes and variables estimating clinical severity, such as admission Killip-Kimbal class and left ventricular systolic dysfunction, deteriorated progressively throughout the subgroups (G1 to G4). Survival analysis differentiated three risk strata (G1, lowest risk; G2 and G3, intermediate risk; G4, highest risk). The GRACE+CRUSADE model revealed higher prognostic performance (area under the curve [AUC] 0.76) than GRACE alone (AUC 0.70) for mortality prediction, further confirmed by the integrated discrimination improvement index. Moreover, GRACE+CRUSADE combined risk assessment seemed to be valuable in delineating bleeding risk in this setting, identifying G4 as a very high-risk subgroup (hazard ratio 3.5; P<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Combined risk stratification with GRACE and CRUSADE scores can improve the individual discriminatory power of GRACE and CRUSADE models in the prediction of all-cause mortality and bleeding. This combined assessment is a practical approach that is potentially advantageous in treatment decision-making.
Objectives: To present the possibility of acute arterial and venous thrombosis. Materials and methods: Report of a patient presenting with acute dyspnoea and chest pain. Results: Using a combined medical team and imaging studies, pulmonary embolism and acute arterial thrombosis were diagnosed. The patient was treated medically and surgically. Conclusion: Physicians should be aware of the possibility of combined thrombosis and the diagnosis and management of the condition.
Efficient crop monitoring and pest damage assessments are key to protecting the Australian agricultural industry and ensuring its leading position internationally. An important element in pest detection is gathering reliable crop data frequently and integrating analysis tools for decision making. Unmanned aerial systems are emerging as a cost-effective solution to a number of precision agriculture challenges. An important advantage of this technology is it provides a non-invasive aerial sensor platform to accurately monitor broad acre crops. In this presentation, we will give an overview on how unmanned aerial systems and machine learning can be combined to address crop protection challenges. A recent 2015 study on insect damage in sorghum will illustrate the effectiveness of this methodology. A UAV platform equipped with a high-resolution camera was deployed to autonomously perform a flight pattern over the target area. We describe the image processing pipeline implemented to create a georeferenced orthoimage and visualize the spatial distribution of the damage. An image analysis tool has been developed to minimize human input requirements. The computer program is based on a machine learning algorithm that automatically creates a meaningful partition of the image into clusters. Results show the algorithm delivers decision boundaries that accurately classify the field into crop health levels. The methodology presented in this paper represents a venue for further research towards automated crop protection assessments in the cotton industry, with applications in detecting, quantifying and monitoring the presence of mealybugs, mites and aphid pests.
The problem: Around 300 million people worldwide have asthma and prevalence is increasing. Support for optimal self-management can be effective in improving a range of outcomes and is cost effective, but is underutilised as a treatment strategy. Supporting optimum self-management using digital technology shows promise, but how best to do this is not clear. Aim: The purpose of this project was to explore the potential role of a digital intervention in promoting optimum self-management in adults with asthma. Methods: Following the MRC Guidance on the Development and Evaluation of Complex Interventions which advocates using theory, evidence, user testing and appropriate modelling and piloting, this project had 3 phases. Phase 1: Examination of the literature to inform phases 2 and 3, using systematic review methods and focussed literature searching. Phase 2: Developing the Living Well with Asthma website. A prototype (paper-based) version of the website was developed iteratively with input from a multidisciplinary expert panel, empirical evidence from the literature (from phase 1), and potential end users via focus groups (adults with asthma and practice nurses). Implementation and behaviour change theories informed this process. The paper-based designs were converted to the website through an iterative user centred process (think aloud studies with adults with asthma). Participants considered contents, layout, and navigation. Development was agile using feedback from the think aloud sessions immediately to inform design and subsequent think aloud sessions. Phase 3: A pilot randomised controlled trial over 12 weeks to evaluate the feasibility of a Phase 3 trial of Living Well with Asthma to support self-management. Primary outcomes were 1) recruitment & retention; 2) website use; 3) Asthma Control Questionnaire (ACQ) score change from baseline; 4) Mini Asthma Quality of Life (AQLQ) score change from baseline. Secondary outcomes were patient activation, adherence, lung function, fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO), generic quality of life measure (EQ-5D), medication use, prescribing and health services contacts. Results: Phase1: Demonstrated that while digital interventions show promise, with some evidence of effectiveness in certain outcomes, participants were poorly characterised, telling us little about the reach of these interventions. The interventions themselves were poorly described making drawing definitive conclusions about what worked and what did not impossible. Phase 2: The literature indicated that important aspects to cover in any self-management intervention (digital or not) included: asthma action plans, regular health professional review, trigger avoidance, psychological functioning, self-monitoring, inhaler technique, and goal setting. The website asked users to aim to be symptom free. Key behaviours targeted to achieve this include: optimising medication use (including inhaler technique); attending primary care asthma reviews; using asthma action plans; increasing physical activity levels; and stopping smoking. The website had 11 sections, plus email reminders, which promoted these behaviours. Feedback during think aloud studies was mainly positive with most changes focussing on clarification of language, order of pages and usability issues mainly relating to navigation difficulties. Phase 3: To achieve our recruitment target 5383 potential participants were invited, leading to 51 participants randomised (25 to intervention group). Age range 16-78 years; 75% female; 28% from most deprived quintile. Nineteen (76%) of the intervention group used the website for an average of 23 minutes. Non-significant improvements in favour of the intervention group observed in the ACQ score (-0.36; 95% confidence interval: -0.96, 0.23; p=0.225), and mini-AQLQ scores (0.38; -0.13, 0.89; p=0.136). A significant improvement was observed in the activity limitation domain of the mini-AQLQ (0.60; 0.05 to 1.15; p = 0.034). Secondary outcomes showed increased patient activation and reduced reliance on reliever medication. There was no significant difference in the remaining secondary outcomes. There were no adverse events. Conclusion: Living Well with Asthma has been shown to be acceptable to potential end users, and has potential for effectiveness. This intervention merits further development, and subsequent evaluation in a Phase III full scale RCT.
The aim of this master’s thesis was to map the management accounting processes and reporting of an internal service unit. The research was conducted in energy services in a forest industry company. Research questions and the results of the study are highly specific for the case unit although some generalizable features of management accounting in internal service units under shared services were searched. The research was carried out as a qualitative action research and a single case study. Internal benchmarking was used to find best practices from other units and to get a comprehensive understanding of the financial processes of the case company. Empirical data for the study was collected with participant observation, interviews of experts and by exploring internal company documents. A literature review was conducted to outline the subject and to support the study. Although the management accounting processes of the case unit were found to be on a good level, some improvement ideas were presented. Results of the research show that the needs of the customers are in the key role in the processes of an internal service unit. Management accounting and reporting need to support the company strategy and management decision-making. To evaluate the performance of the service unit both financial and non-financial measures are needed.