967 resultados para motives for environmental responsibility
A gestão das Instituições de Ensino Superior está a ser repensada num contexto de globalização tendo em conta a missão destas, a responsabilidade e a sua cultura (ou culturas), impondo-se novos modelos de gestão e governação. A Qualidade e a Responsabilidade Social do Ensino Superior constituem um tema pertinente e actual. As transformações estruturais que as sociedades atravessam aconselham e justificam da parte do Ensino Superior uma atitude consentânea com as necessidades daquelas. Os desafios que, as Instituições de Ensino Superior enfrentam, exigem novas perspectivas estratégicas e nova visão perante cenários de incerteza que surgem a nível mundial, desempenhando a liderança um papel fundamental na qualidade destas instituições. Neste sentido, lança-se no presente estudo, a seguinte questão: Que Modelos de Gestão e Governação contribuem para a melhoria da Qualidade no Ensino Superior? A metodologia utilizada para a realização deste estudo passa pelo delineamento de uma estratégia com cinco fases: elaboração de um plano ajustável à evolução do trabalho, levantamento do estado da arte de uma forma gradual, trabalho de pesquisa e criação, escrita da tese e análise crítica e reflexão. Para além de outros aspectos relevantes no domínio do Ensino Superior, foram estudados diversos modelos, Modelos de Excelência, modelos para implementação de Sistemas de Gestão da Qualidade, Gestão Ambiental, Gestão da Segurança e Saúde do Trabalho, Gestão de Risco; entre outros. Criaram-se diversos Indicadores de Responsabilidade Social neste contexto e foi feito um estudo piloto no âmbito da Responsabilidade Social em Instituições de Ensino Superior. Por último, destacaram-se as conclusões que decorrem do estudo piloto efectuado, bem como reflexões que surgem da investigação teórica realizada. O estudo piloto efectuado permitiu concluir, por exemplo, que existem indícios de algum alheamento no seio das Instituições às temáticas relacionadas com os princípios éticos e com a educação ambiental. Por outro lado, uma grande parte dos indivíduos inquiridos disseram não ter qualquer opinião quando confrontados com questões sobre Participação Social Responsável, Investigação Socialmente Útil e Gestão Social do Conhecimento. Conclui-se que as questões para as pessoas ainda são muito vagas, daí que, faça sentido o debate de todas estas questões, bem como estudos que contribuam para uma mudança de paradigma relativamente à educação, e em particular no Ensino Superior, com vista à qualidade, num sentido abrangente.
The management of Higher Education Institutions is being rethought, with the mission and culture of the institutions changing due to globalization, resulting in new models of management and governance. The quality of Higher Education and its obligations to society are of current importance. The structural changes that the society has gone through requires a response in higher education that matches the changing needs of the society. Higher Education Institutions require new perspectives and a new strategic vision to cope with the uncertainty arising at a global scale, and this plays a role in their quality and whether they are leading institutions. Thus the following question arises: Which forms of management and governance contribute to the improvement of quality in higher education? The methodology for this study was designed with five stages: preparation of a plan of work within the thesis, the gradual progression to understanding the up-to-date understanding of Higher Education Research, generating research hypotheses and creating further understanding, writing the thesis with critical analysis and reflection. In addition to other relevant issues in higher education, different models were studied: Models of excellence, Models for implementation of Quality Management Systems, Environmental Management, Occupational Health and Safety Management, Risk Management, among others. Several indicators of Social Responsibility were created in this context and a pilot study was conducted in the area of Social Responsibility in Higher Education Institutions. Finally the conclusions resulting from the pilot study are presented and questions arising from the theoretical research are discussed. For example, the pilot study showed that there are indicators of a lack of understanding within the institutions to issues related to ethical and environmental education. Moreover, a large proportion of respondents said individuals have no opinion when confronted with questions on Responsible Social Involvement and Social Research and Social Management of Useful Knowledge. It is concluded that people have a vague awareness of these issues, so these concepts are new to them.
The management of Higher Education Institutions is being rethought, with the mission and culture of the institutions changing due to globalization, resulting in new models of management and governance. The quality of Higher Education and its obligations to society are of current importance. The structural changes that the society has gone through requires a response in higher education that matches the changing needs of the society. Higher Education Institutions require new perspectives and a new strategic vision to cope with the uncertainty arising at a global scale, and this plays a role in their quality and whether they are leading institutions. Thus the following question arises: Which forms of management and governance contribute to the improvement of quality in higher education? The methodology for this study was designed with five stages: preparation of a plan of work within the thesis, the gradual progression to understanding the up-to-date understanding of Higher Education Research, generating research hypotheses and creating further understanding, writing the thesis with critical analysis and reflection. In addition to other relevant issues in higher education, different models were studied: Models of excellence, Models for implementation of Quality Management Systems, Environmental Management, Occupational Health and Safety Management, Risk Management, among others. Several indicators of Social Responsibility were created in this context and a pilot study was conducted in the area of Social Responsibility in Higher Education Institutions. Finally the conclusions resulting from the pilot study are presented and questions arising from the theoretical research are discussed. For example, the pilot study showed that there are indicators of a lack of understanding within the institutions to issues related to ethical and environmental education. Moreover, a large proportion of respondents said individuals have no opinion when confronted with questions on Responsible Social Involvement and Social Research and Social Management of Useful Knowledge. It is concluded that people have a vague awareness of these issues, so these concepts are new to them.
The management of Higher Education Institutions is being rethought, with the mission and culture of the institutions changing due to globalization, resulting in new models of management and governance. The quality of Higher Education and its obligations to society are of current importance. The structural changes that the society has gone through requires a response in higher education that matches the changing needs of the society. Higher Education Institutions require new perspectives and a new strategic vision to cope with the uncertainty arising at a global scale, and this plays a role in their quality and whether they are leading institutions. Thus the following question arises: Which forms of management and governance contribute to the improvement of quality in higher education? The methodology for this study was designed with five stages: preparation of a plan of work within the thesis, the gradual progression to understanding the up-to-date understanding of Higher Education Research, generating research hypotheses and creating further understanding, writing the thesis with critical analysis and reflection. In addition to other relevant issues in higher education, different models were studied: Models of excellence, Models for implementation of Quality Management Systems, Environmental Management, Occupational Health and Safety Management, Risk Management, among others. Several indicators of Social Responsibility were created in this context and a pilot study was conducted in the area of Social Responsibility in Higher Education Institutions. Finally the conclusions resulting from the pilot study are presented and questions arising from the theoretical research are discussed. For example, the pilot study showed that there are indicators of a lack of understanding within the institutions to issues related to ethical and environmental education. Moreover, a large proportion of respondents said individuals have no opinion when confronted with questions on Responsible Social Involvement and Social Research and Social Management of Useful Knowledge. It is concluded that people have a vague awareness of these issues, so these concepts are new to them.
1. Aim - Concerns over how global change will influence species distributions, in conjunction with increased emphasis on understanding niche dynamics in evolutionary and community contexts, highlight the growing need for robust methods to quantify niche differences between or within taxa. We propose a statistical framework to describe and compare environmental niches from occurrence and spatial environmental data.¦2. Location - Europe, North America, South America¦3. Methods - The framework applies kernel smoothers to densities of species occurrence in gridded environmental space to calculate metrics of niche overlap and test hypotheses regarding niche conservatism. We use this framework and simulated species with predefined distributions and amounts of niche overlap to evaluate several ordination and species distribution modeling techniques for quantifying niche overlap. We illustrate the approach with data on two well-studied invasive species.¦4. Results - We show that niche overlap can be accurately detected with the framework when variables driving the distributions are known. The method is robust to known and previously undocumented biases related to the dependence of species occurrences on the frequency of environmental conditions that occur across geographic space. The use of a kernel smoother makes the process of moving from geographical space to multivariate environmental space independent of both sampling effort and arbitrary choice of resolution in environmental space. However, the use of ordination and species distribution model techniques for selecting, combining and weighting variables on which niche overlap is calculated provide contrasting results.¦5. Main conclusions - The framework meets the increasing need for robust methods to quantify niche differences. It is appropriate to study niche differences between species, subspecies or intraspecific lineages that differ in their geographical distributions. Alternatively, it can be used to measure the degree to which the environmental niche of a species or intraspecific lineage has changed over time.
Audit report on the ADLM Counties Environmental Public Health Agency for the year ended June 30, 2007
The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) administers the Public Drinking Water Program in Iowa under delegation of authority from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The 1996 re-authorized Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) requires that each state that has been granted primary implementation authority prepare an annual report on violations of national primary drinking water regulations within the state, make the report readily available to the public, and submit it to the EPA. This report fulfills this responsibility in Iowa for the 2006 calendar year, and includes violations of maximum contaminant levels, maximum residual disinfectant levels, treatment technique requirements, major monitoring or reporting requirements, action level exceedances, and operation certification requirements.
Nestling birds produced later in the season are hypothesized to be of poor quality with a low probability of survival and recruitment. In a Spanish population of house martins (Delichon urbica), we first compared reproductive success, immune responses and morphological traits between the first and the second broods. Second, we investigated the effects of an ectoparasite treatment and breeding date on the recapture rate the following year. Due probably to a reverse situation in weather conditions during the experiment, with more rain during rearing of the first brood, nestlings reared during the second brood were in better condition and had stronger immune responses compared with nestlings from the first brood. Contrary to other findings on house martins, we found a similar recapture rate for chicks reared during the first and the second brood. Furthermore, ectoparasitic house martin bugs had no significant effect on the recapture rate. Recaptured birds had similar morphology but higher immunoglobulin levels when nestlings compared with non-recaptured birds. This result implies that a measure of immune function is a better predictor of survival than body condition per se.
Previous indirect evidence suggests that impulses towards pro-socialbehavior are diminished when an external authority is responsiblefor an outcome. The responsibility-alleviation effect states that ashift of responsibility to an external authority dampens internalimpulses toward honesty, loyalty, or generosity. In a gift-exchangeexperiment, we find that subjects respond with more generosity(higher effort) when a wage is determined by a random process thanwhen it is assigned by a third party, indicating that even a slightshift in perceived responsibility for the final payoffs can changebehavior. Responsibility-alleviation is a factor in economicenvironments featuring substantial personal interaction.
We model green markets in which purchasers, either firms orconsumers, have higher willingness-to-pay for lesspolluting goods. The effectiveness of pollution reductionpolicies is examined in a duopoly setting. We show thatduopolists' strategic behaviour may increase pollutionlevels. Maximum emission standards, commonly used in greenmarkets, improve the environmental features of products.Nonetheless, overall pollution levels will rise becausegovernment regulation also affects market shares and bootsfirms' sales. Consequently, social welfare may be reduced.We also explore the effects of technological subsidies andproduct charges, including differentiation of charges.
A Importância do Ecoturismo no Património Arquitectónico de Cabo Verde das Potencialidades à Prática
Desde a última década do séc. XX, o turismo em Cabo Verde tem sido um dos sectores que mais cresce, atraindo maior investimento directo estrangeiro. Contudo, este crescimento gerou também maior pressão sobre os recursos existentes, com impactes negativos a vários níveis. Tem-se reflectido e discutido a sustentabilidade do turismo em território nacional, com objectivos claros de valorização do destino turístico cabo-verdiano, através da conservação e melhoria do ambiente natural, social e cultural. A aposta das autoridades cabo-verdianas no incremento do turismo para o séc. XXI levou a eleição do ecoturismo como a actividade de futuro, com o objectivo de melhorar a competitividade da oferta turística, ser uma alternativa no sector. Uma actividade que pode ser implementada em qualquer ilha, desde que bem aproveitada a vasta oferta de produtos existentes, envolva e forme a população da importância da conservação da biodiversidade e contribua para a erradicação da pobreza ao gerar recursos económicos para as comunidades locais. Deste modo, se requer pensar que arquitectura para o planeamento e realização de infra- estruturas físicas para o adequado desenvolvimento do ecoturismo em Cabo Verde. Os actores directos como os arquitectos, engenheiros civis e planeadores têm uma enorme responsabilidade ao desenhar e executar obras para o turismo, sobre tudo em ecossistemas de grande fragilidade como os que caracterizam as áreas naturais. Sendo um assunto relativamente recente no país, ainda não se criaram normas, regras, directivas claras para o desenvolvimento deste tipo de infra-estruturas turísticas. Em muitos casos, são os próprios desenhadores e construtores, bem como aos seus clientes, quando demonstram alguma sensibilidade na conservação e preservação de áreas de significação ecológica, estabelecem os seus próprios critérios de desenho e códigos éticos que garantam o mínimo de impacte ambiental e uma interacção harmoniosa e sustentável entre a obra física e os espaços circundantes. O presente trabalho tem como objectivo discutir e analisar qual a importância do ecoturismo no panorama arquitectónico cabo-verdiano e se este turismo sustentável será apenas uma ideia teórica, um modelo ideal de actividade ou passível de ser aplicável, de se observar na prática.
This paper describes the influence of high environmental stress on evolutionary trends in some selected Mesozoic ammonite lineages and some protists. During extinction periods, many ammonoids are affected by drastic simplifications of their shell geometry, ornamentation and suture line. We observe that relatively tightly coiled ammonites can give rise to highly evolute forms or uncoiled heteromorphs with simple ornamentation and almost ceratitic suture line-a phenomenon called "proteromorphosis". Such simplifications often correspond to a reappearance of ancestral geometries (primitive ornamentation, evolute coiling or uncoiling) which suggest that the evolutionary clock of these organisms can be reinitialized by extreme, sublethal, environmental stress such as giant volcanism (including its consequences on diverse pollutions and on climatic changes) and major regressive events. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Comparative national management accounting is the least developed aspect in the field of international accounting. Only during the second half of the 1990's some comparisons of national managementaccounting practice have appeared published but only at theregional level. In this paper a range of factors that give rise to variations in national management accounting practice are postulated. We support this list with examples from a range of analyses of national management accounting practices, drawing particularly on the work of Lizcano (1996) and Bhimani (1996).Finally, twelve key factors are identified as influencing an individual country's approach to management accounting.