982 resultados para interaction design


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Mixed flow turbines represent a potential solution to the increasing requirement for high pressure, low velocity ratio operation in turbocharger applications. While literature exists for the use of these turbines at such operating conditions, there is a lack of detailed design guidance for defining the basic geometry of the turbine, in particular, the cone angle – the angle at which the inlet of the mixed flow turbine is inclined to the axis. This investigates the effect and interaction of such mixed flow turbine design parameters.
Computational Fluids Dynamics was initially used to investigate the performance of a modern radial turbine to create a baseline for subsequent mixed flow designs. Existing experimental data was used to validate this model.
Using the CFD model, a number of mixed flow turbine designs were investigated. These included studies varying the cone angle and the associated inlet blade angle.
The results of this analysis provide insight into the performance of a mixed flow turbine with respect to cone and inlet blade angle.


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Quasi-phase matching (QPM) can be used to increase the conversion efficiency of the high harmonic generation (HHG) process. We observed QPM with an improved dual-gas foil target with a 1 kHz, 10 mJ, 30 fs laser system. Phase tuning and enhancement were possible within a spectral range from 17 nm to 30 nm. Furthermore analytical calculations and numerical simulations were carried out to distinguish QPM from other effects, such as the influence of adjacent jets on each other or the laser gas interaction. The simulations were performed with a 3 dimensional code to investigate the phase matching of the short and long trajectories individually over a large spectral range.


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Reinforced concrete members are extremely complex under loading because of localised deformations in the concrete (cracks, sliding planes) and between the reinforcement and concrete (slip). An ideal model for simulating behaviour of reinforced concrete members should incorporate both global behaviour and the localised behaviours that are seen and measured in practice; these localised behaviours directly affect the global behaviour. Most commonly used models do not directly simulate these localised behaviours that can be seen or measured in real members; instead, they overcome these limitations by using empirically or semi-empirically derived strain-based pseudo properties such as the use of effective flexural rigidities for deflection; plastic hinge lengths for strength and ductility; and energy-based approaches for both concrete softening in compression and concrete softening after tensile cracking to allow for tension stiffening. Most reinforced concrete member experimental testing is associated with deriving these pseudo properties for use in design and analysis, and this component of development is thus costly. The aim of the present research is to reduce this cost substantially. In this paper, localised material behaviours and the mechanisms they induce are described. Their incorporation into reinforced concrete member behaviour without the need for empirically derived pseudo properties is described in a companion paper.


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RC beams shear-strengthened with externally-bonded FRP side strips or U-strips usually fail by debonding. As such debonding occurs in a brittle manner at relatively small shear crack widths, some of the internal steel stirrups may not have reached yielding at beam shear failure. Consequently, the internal steel stirrups cannot be fully utilized. This adverse shear interaction between internal steel stirrups and external FRP strips may significantly reduce the benefit of shear-strengthening FRP but has not been considered by any of the existing FRP strengthening design guidelines. In this paper, an improved shear strength model capable of accounting for the effect of the above shear interaction is first presented, in which the unfavorable effect of shear interaction is reflected through a reduction factor (i.e. shear interaction factor). Using a large test database established in the present study, the performance of the proposed model as well as that of three other shear strength models is then assessed. This assessment shows that the proposed shear strength model performs better than the three existing models. The assessment also shows that the inclusion of the proposed shear interaction factor in the existing models can significantly improve their performance.


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Masonry arch bridges are one of the oldest forms of bridge construction and have been around for thousands of years. Brick and stone arch bridges have proven to be highly durable as most of them have remained serviceable after hundreds of years. In contrast, many bridges built of modern materials have required extensive repair and strengthening after being in service for a relatively short part of their design life. This paper describes the structural monitoring of a novel flexible concrete arch known as: FlexiArchTM. This is a bridge system that can be transported as a flat-pack system to form an arch in-situ by the use of a flexible polymeric membrane. The system has been developed under a Knowledge Transfer Partnership between Queen’s University Belfast (QUB) and Macrete Ltd. Tievenameena Bridge in Northern Ireland was a replacement bridge for the Northern Ireland Roads Service and was monitored under different axle loadings using a range of sensors including discrete fiber optic Bragg gratings to measure the change in strain in the arch ring under live loading. This paper discusses the results of a laboratory model study carried out at QUB. A scaled arch system was loaded with a simulated moving axle. Various techniques were used to monitor the arch under the moving axle load with particular emphasis on the interaction of the arch ring and engineered backfill.


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Partindo da ideia de ʻDesign Globalʼ e tendo como pano de fundo a emergência e consolidação de novos paradigmas de interação baseados numa relação mais direta entre o corpo e os conteúdos digitais, a presente tese aborda a questão da (re)qualificação da experiência humana tecnologicamente mediada do ponto de vista do Design, designadamente do Design de Interação e do Design da Experiência. Neste contexto, a noção de ʻexperiência tecnologicamente (i)mediadaʼ representa uma ação humana que é, simultaneamente, mediada (do ponto de vista técnico) e direta ou imediada (do ponto de vista da percepção) entre o ser e a sua ação no mundo. Dado o objecto de estudo ser a experiência real que os objetos e dispositivos técnicos convocam designadamente na vida quotidiana, o nosso estudo implica toda a dinâmica holística da relação singular – racional, emocional, estética e projetiva – do ser com o seu mundo. Desse modo, defende-se a necessidade de enquadrar a raiz do pensamento e ação em Design numa hermenêutica fenomenológica e ontológica do projeto. Esta tese visa desta forma contribuir para apuramento e consolidação de uma praxis transdisciplinar para os designers e restantes intervenientes do processo do Design, cujo desígnio é a (re)qualificação da experiência que os artefactos e dispositivos técnicos convocam, assim como na apropriação e vínculo que a pessoa estabelece com estes. O resultado deste estudo sintetiza-se nos seguintes objetivos: 1. no desenvolvimento de conceitos operativos que estruturem o pensamento de uma Filosofia da Ação em Design com base numa prática que designamos por “design centrado-no-ser”; 2. na reflexão da experiência tecnológica através do conceito do estado de fluxo de Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, enquadrando essa tipologia de experiências no contexto de uma vida, ou seja, no projeto de um eu; 3. na problematização da (re)qualificação da experiência técnica numa perspetiva de vida mais alargada que envolve o princípio de simetria entre ação ética e ação estética no pensamento e prática em Design; 4. na definição de um quadro de ações que manifesta a aplicabilidade dos conceitos desenvolvidos no ensino, investigação e prática do Design.


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Desde a Pré-História que a escolha de materiais esteve relacionada com a Arte. Mais tarde, durante a Idade Moderna vai ganhando uma importância cada vez maior. Atingida que foi a Idade Contemporânea, nomeadamente após a Revolução Industrial e durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, devido ao aumento do número de materiais disponíveis, é que se pode falar de uma verdadeira seleção de materiais. É também após a Revolução Industrial que se clarificam as relações entre a evolução dos materiais e os movimentos e correntes das Artes Plásticas. Neste contexto, estudaram-se as interligações entre o processo de design e as metodologias de seleção, assim como as diversas tipologias de ferramentas existentes para esse efeito. Deste estudo, consideradas as respetivas vantagens e limitações, foi possível identificar bases de dados essencialmente técnicas, ou ao invés, ferramentas para inspiração com muitas imagens e pouca informação sobre as propriedades dos materiais. Para completar este levantamento crítico sobre processos e ferramentas de seleção, inquiriram-se cinquenta e três profissionais que trabalhavam em diferentes gabinetes de design portugueses. As perguntas dirigidas aos designers portugueses versaram sobre problemas relacionados com a escolha de materiais, abrangendo o tipo de matériasprimas empregues, processos utilizados e a qualidade da informação obtida. Na sequência deste estudo, verificou-se a existência de diversas lacunas relativamente aos meios disponíveis, rotinas de seleção, qualidade da informação existente e metodologias utilizadas. Foi neste contexto que se iniciou o projeto de criação de uma nova metodologia suportada por uma ferramenta digital. Os principais aspetos inovadores são: uma melhor interligação entre a metodologia de design e o processo de seleção de materiais e a sua sincronização; a informação necessária em cada etapa e o destaque dos fatores catalisadores da seleção de materiais. Outro elemento inovador foi a conjugação de três formas deferentes de seleção de materiais numa só ferramenta (a geral, a visual e a específica) e a hipótese de aceder a diferentes graus de informação. A metodologia, no contexto dos recursos disponíveis, foi materializada sob a forma de ferramenta digital (ptmaterials.com). O protótipo foi aferido com testes de usabilidade de cariz heurístico, com a participação de dezanove utilizadores. Foram detetadas diversas falhas de interação que condicionaram a liberdade e o controlo da navegação no seio da interface. Os utilizadores também mencionaram a existência de lacunas na prevenção de erros e a ligação do sistema à lógica habitual de outras aplicações já existentes. No entanto, também constituiu um estímulo a circunstância da maioria dos designers avaliarem o sistema como eficaz, eficiente, satisfatório e confirmarem o interesse da existência dos três tipos de seleção. Posteriormente, ao analisar os restantes resultados dos testes de usabilidade, também foram evidenciadas as vantagens dos diferentes tipos de informação disponibilizada e a utilidade de uma ferramenta desta natureza para a Indústria e Economia Nacionais. Esta ferramenta é apenas um ponto de partida, existindo espaço para melhorar a proposta, apesar da concretização de uma ferramenta digital ser um trabalho de grande complexidade. Não obstante se tratar de um protótipo, esta ferramenta está adequada aos dias de hoje e é passível de evoluir no futuro, tendo também a possibilidade de vir a ser preferencialmente utilizada por outros países de língua portuguesa.


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Este trabalho de investigação teve como principais objetivos, por um lado, procurar as relações existentes entre a Instituição Ensino Superior de Design (IES-D) e as empresas, por outro, configurar um modelo que permitisse criar uma plataforma de inovação para o desenvolvimento de novos produtos na IES-D num contexto globalizado. Nos últimos anos, o setor “ensino superior” na Europa e em várias partes do mundo passou por grandes mudanças, o que acentuou o ambiente competitivo entre as IES, incluindo as de Design. Neste âmbito, procurou-se demonstrar o novo posicionamento estratégico da IES-D perante o mercado, e quais as ações a desenvolver que possibilitam alcançar uma vantagem competitiva sustentável. Primeiro, considerou-se fundamental identificar a importância do design perante o ensino, a situação mundial e a mudança da cultura económica. Depois, assinalaram-se as iniciativas de promoção do design e as políticas de inovação europeias. E por fim, reuniram-se os aspetos que obrigam as IES-D a assumir novos papéis de interação com o mercado. Por análise comparativa internacional procedeu-se à seleção de uma amostra de dezoito (18) IES-D – dez europeias, quatro norte americanas e quatro asiáticas. Instituições de ensino com tipologias diversas e pertencentes a distintos contextos socioeconómicos. A caracterização da amostra através de análise estrutural permitiu identificar aspetos comuns às IES-D – ações estratégicas que servem para promover a inovação. Para explicitar a interação do sistema formado por esses elementos comuns, configurou-se um modelo concetual – Hexágono da Inovação (HI). O modelo, enquanto instrumento de análise, permite criar um padrão da inovação da IES-D e posicioná-la perante o setor - ensino superior de design. Foi também realizado um ensaio da aplicabilidade do modelo concetual HI na ESAD.cr/IPL. Através da implementação da plataforma de inovação - ESAD Design Studio - Centro de Estudos e Investigação em Design (EDS/CEID), foram ensaiadas as ações necessárias para promover o design estratégico e o design de inovação.


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This thesis investigates the use and significance of X-ray crystallographic visualisations of molecular structures in postwar British material culture across scientific practice and industrial design. It is based on research into artefacts from three areas: X-ray crystallographers’ postwar practices of visualising molecular structures using models and diagrams; the Festival Pattern Group scheme for the 1951 Festival of Britain, in which crystallographic visualisations formed the aesthetic basis of patterns for domestic objects; and postwar furnishings with a ‘ball-and-rod’ form and construction reminiscent of those of molecular models. A key component of the project is methodological. The research brings together subjects, themes and questions traditionally covered separately by two disciplines, the history of design and history of science. This focus necessitated developing an interdisciplinary set of methods, which results in the reassessment of disciplinary borders and productive cross-disciplinary methodological applications. This thesis also identifies new territory for shared methods: it employs network models to examine cross-disciplinary interaction between practitioners in crystallography and design, and a biographical approach to designed objects that over time became mediators of historical narratives about science. Artefact-based, archival and oral interviewing methods illuminate the production, use and circulation of the objects examined in this research. This interdisciplinary approach underpins the generation of new historical narratives in this thesis. It revises existing histories of the cultural transmissions between X-ray crystallography and the production and reception of designed objects in postwar Britain. I argue that these transmissions were more complex than has been acknowledged by historians: they were contingent upon postwar scientific and design practices, material conditions in postwar Britain and the dynamics of historical memory, both scholarly and popular. This thesis comprises four chapters. Chapter one explores X-ray crystallographers’ visualisation practices, conceived here as a form of craft. Chapter two builds on this, demonstrating that the Festival Pattern Group witnesses the encounter between crystallographic practice, design practice and aesthetic ideologies operating within social networks associated with postwar modernisms. Chapters three and four focus on ball-and-rod furnishings in postwar and present-day Britain, respectively. I contend that strong relationships between these designed objects and crystallographic visualisations, for example the appellation ‘atomic design’, have been largely realised through historical narratives active today in the consumption of ‘retro’ and ‘mid-century modern’ artefacts. The attention to contemporary historical narratives necessitates this dual historical focus: the research is rooted in the period from the end of the Second World War until the early 1960s, but extends to the history of now. This thesis responds to the need for practical research on methods for studying cross-disciplinary interactions and their histories. It reveals the effects of submitting historical subjects that are situated on disciplinary boundaries to interdisciplinary interpretation. Old models, such as that of unidirectional ‘influence’, subside and the resulting picture is a refracted one: this study demonstrates that the material form and meaning of crystallographic visualisations, within scientific practice and across their use and echoes in designed objects, are multiple and contingent.


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Tese de doutoramento, Belas-Artes (Design de Equipamento), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Belas-Artes, 2014


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Tese de doutoramento, Ciências Geofísicas e da Geoinformação (Geofisíca), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2014


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Background. Recent literature has identified that children's performance on cognitive (or problem-solving) tasks can be enhanced when undertaken as a joint activity among pairs of pupils. Performance on this ‘social’ activity will require quality relationships between pupils, leading some researchers to argue that friendships are characterized by these quality relationships and, therefore, that friendship grouping should be used more frequently within classrooms. Aims. Children's friendship grouping may appear to be a reasonable basis for cognitive development in classrooms, although there is only inconsistent evidence to support this argument. The inconsistency may be explained by the various bases for friendship, and how friendship is affected by cultural contexts of gender and schooling. This study questions whether classroom-based friendship pairings will perform consistently better on a cognitive task than acquaintance pairings, taking into account gender, age, and ability level of children. The study also explores the nature of school-based friendship described by young children. Sample. 72 children were paired to undertake science reasoning tasks (SRTs). Pairings represented friendship (versus acquaintance), sex (male and female pairings), ability (teacher-assessed high, medium, and low), and age (children in Years 1, 3, and 5 in a primary school). Method. A small-scale quasi-experimental design was used to assess (friendship- or acquaintance-based) paired performance on SRTs. Friendship pairs were later interviewed about qualities and activities that characterized their friendships. Results. Girls' friendship pairings were found to perform at the highest SRT levels and boys' friendship pairing performed at the lowest levels. Both boy and girl acquaintance pairings performed at mid-SRT levels. These findings were consistent across Year (in school) levels and ability levels. Interviews revealed that male and female friendship pairs were likely to participate in different types of activity, with girls being school-inclusive and boys being school-exclusive. Conclusion. Recommendations to use friendship as a basis for classroom grouping for cognitive tasks may facilitate performance of some pairings, but may also inhibit the performance of others. This is shown very clearly with regard to gender. Some of the difference in cognitive task performance may be explained by distinct, cultural (and social capital) orientations to friendship activities, with girls integrating school and educational considerations into friendship, and boys excluding school and educational considerations.


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This paper reports on the creation of an interface for 3D virtual environments, computer-aided design applications or computer games. Standard computer interfaces are bound to 2D surfaces, e.g., computer mouses, keyboards, touch pads or touch screens. The Smart Object is intended to provide the user with a 3D interface by using sensors that register movement (inertial measurement unit), touch (touch screen) and voice (microphone). The design and development process as well as the tests and results are presented in this paper. The Smart Object was developed by a team of four third-year engineering students from diverse scientific backgrounds and nationalities during one semester.


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Public Display Systems (PDS) increasingly have a greater presence in our cities. These systems provide information and advertising specifically tailored to audiences in spaces such as airports, train stations, and shopping centers. A large number of public displays are also being deployed for entertainment reasons. Sometimes designing and prototyping PDS come to be a laborious, complex and a costly task. This dissertation focuses on the design and evaluation of PDS at early development phases with the aim of facilitating low-effort, rapid design and the evaluation of interactive PDS. This study focuses on the IPED Toolkit. This tool proposes the design, prototype, and evaluation of public display systems, replicating real-world scenes in the lab. This research aims at identifying benefits and drawbacks on the use of different means to place overlays/virtual displays above a panoramic video footage, recorded at real-world locations. The means of interaction studied in this work are on the one hand the keyboard and mouse, and on the other hand the tablet with two different techniques of use. To carry out this study, an android application has been developed whose function is to allow users to interact with the IPED Toolkit using the tablet. Additionally, the toolkit has been modified and adapted to tablets by using different web technologies. Finally the users study makes a comparison about the different means of interaction.


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Ionic Liquids (ILs) consist in organic salts that are liquid at/or near room temperature. Since ILs are entirely composed of ions, the formation of ion pairs is expected to be one essential feature for describing solvation in ILs. In recent years, protein - ionic liquid (P-IL) interactions have been the subject of intensive studies mainly because of their capability to promote folding/unfolding of proteins. However, the ion pairs and their lifetimes in ILs in P-IL thematic is dismissed, since the action of ILs is therefore the result of a subtle equilibrium between anion-cation interaction, ion-solvent and ion-protein interaction. The work developed in this thesis innovates in this thematic, once the design of ILs for protein stabilisation was bio-inspired in the high concentration of organic charged metabolites found in cell milieu. Although this perception is overlooked, those combined concentrations have been estimated to be ~300 mM among the macromolecules at concentrations exceeding 300 g/L (macromolecular crowding) and transient ion-pair can naturally occur with a potential specific biological role. Hence the main objective of this work is to develop new bio-ILs with a detectable ion-pair and understand its effects on protein structure and stability, under crowding environment, using advanced NMR techniques and calorimetric techniques. The choline-glutamate ([Ch][Glu]) IL was synthesized and characterized. The ion-pair was detected in water solutions using mainly the selective NOE NMR technique. Through the same technique, it was possible to detect a similar ion-pair promotion under synthetic and natural crowding environments. Using NMR spectroscopy (protein diffusion, HSQC experiments, and hydrogen-deuterium exchange) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), the model protein GB1 (production and purification in isotopic enrichment media) it was studied in the presence of [Ch][Glu] under macromolecular crowding conditions (PEG, BSA, lysozyme). Under dilute condition, it is possible to assert that the [Ch][Glu] induces a preferential hydration by weak and non-specific interactions, which leads to a significant stabilisation. On the other hand, under crowding environment, the [Ch][Glu] ion pair is promoted, destabilising the protein by favourable weak hydrophobic interactions , which disrupt the hydration layer of the protein. However, this capability can mitigates the effect of protein crowders. Overall, this work explored the ion-pair existence and its consequences on proteins in conditions similar to cell milieu. In this way, the charged metabolites found in cell can be understood as key for protein stabilisation.