943 resultados para inequality.
Recerca centrada en l’anàlisi de característiques concretes de l’educació inclusiva en un entorn d’educació no formal, com és el futbol base. El criteri que s’ha utilitzat per realitzar l’anàlisi són els agrupaments. Des de l’educació inclusiva es promouen els agrupaments heterogenis, una forma d’agrupar a l’alumnat tenint en compte les seves diferències, per tal d’enriquir-se entre tot l’alumnat i treure profit d’elles. A la vegada aquest agrupament es caracteritza per fomentar la igualtat d’oportunitats en l’aprenentatge dels alumnes. En canvi, al futbol base predominen els agrupaments homogenis, distribuint als jugadors segons el seu nivell en diferents equips. A la recerca es fa una comparació entre l’opinió de diferents membres involucrats en el món del futbol base de dues entitats esportives, un club de futbol, on es fan els grups de forma homogènia, i una escola de futbol, on es fan els agrupaments de forma heterogènia. Els resultats mostren que realitzant agrupaments homogenis no s’assegura que tots els jugadors tinguin les mateixes oportunitats d’aprenentatge i que el nivell competencial dels jugadors en edat de formació pot ser un element que fomenti desigualtats en el seu procés d’aprenentatge esportiu.
Curral Velho es una comunitat tradicional, situada al nord-est de Brasil, que manté una relació directa amb els ecosistemes que la envolten. La comunitat depèn del estat de conservació del medi natura, ja que obtenen diferents serveis ecositemics. En aquest territori es desenvolupen dos tipus d’economies amb unes bases molt diferents. Una economia tradicional, desenvolupada per la pròpia comunitat, que es basa en la propietat col·lectiva del territori i en optimitzar a llarg termini els beneficis que s’obtenen del medi; y un altre com la camaronicultura, la base de la qual es la obtenció de beneficis a curt termini i amb un territori de propietat privada. Aquesta superposició de models de producció genera impactes ambientals, i un conflicte socio-ambiental entre la comunitat i els que desenvolupen la camaronicultura. L’objectiu es realitzar un estudi econòmic de la pesca artesanal de Curral Velho caracteritzant manera de viure, creant una base de dades sobre pesca artesanal i elaborant indicador de beneficis econòmics generats per la pesca artesanal. Per contextualitzar els resultats es va fer un anàlisis de les dos economies existents a la comunitat. Els resultats obtinguts en primer lloc són que l’economia d’explotació intensiva aporta més guanys per les persones de la comunitat que tenen un relació directa que les que es dediquen a la pesca artesanal, però es important no aturar-se aquí: s’ha de realitzar un anàlisis més profund. Com a conclusió, la activitat pesquera es més rentable a llarg termini ja que els recursos extrets de manera sostenible i així són il·limitats y accessibles a tota la comunitat. A diferència de la camaronicultura, la pesca artesanal no genera desigualtats socials ni vulneracions dels drets humans. Tot el contrari, genera forts vincles entre els individus de la comunitat basats en el treball en equip i l’aprenentatge vivencial e intergeneracional.
A continuous random variable is expanded as a sum of a sequence of uncorrelated random variables. These variables are principal dimensions in continuous scaling on a distance function, as an extension of classic scaling on a distance matrix. For a particular distance, these dimensions are principal components. Then some properties are studied and an inequality is obtained. Diagonal expansions are considered from the same continuous scaling point of view, by means of the chi-square distance. The geometric dimension of a bivariate distribution is defined and illustrated with copulas. It is shown that the dimension can have the power of continuum.
The paper examines the international distribution of energy intensities as a conventional proxy indicator of energy efficiency and sustainability in the consumption of resources, by employing some descriptive tools from the analysis of inequality and polarization. The analysis specifically focuses on the following points: firstly, inequalities are evaluated synthetically based on diverse summary measures and Lorenz curves; secondly, different factorial decompositions are undertaken that assist in investigating some explanatory factors (weighting factors, multiplicative factors and decomposition by groups); and thirdly, an analysis is made of the polarization of intensities when groups of countries are defined endogenously and exogenously. The results obtained have significant implications from both academic and political perspectives.
Fleurbaey and Maniquet have proposed the criteria of conditional equality and of egalitarian equivalence to assess the equity among individuals in an ordinal setting. Empirical applications are rare and only partially consistent with their framework. We propose a new empirical approach that relies on individual preferences, is consistent with the ordinal criteria and enables to compare them with the cardinal criteria. We estimate a utility function that incorporates individual heterogeneous preferences, obtain ordinal measures of well-being and apply conditional equality and egalitarian equivalence. We then propose two cardinal measures of well-being, that are comparable with the ordinal model, to compute Roemer’s and Van de gaer’s criteria. Finally we compare the characteristics of the worst-off displayed by each criterion. We apply this model to a sample of US micro data and obtain that about 18% of the worst-off are not common to all criteria.
In the last few years, Economic Theory has revised two basic ideas around the economics of the household: that family income is the result of the individual income of each of its members (income pooling), and that all family members living in the household have equal access to its resources. Unequal access to family resources (among women and men, on the one hand, and among the elderly, adults and children, on the other), is now understood as an input (for instance, that women eat less food and of worst quality than men), and as an output (for instance that women have poorer health, higher epidemic mortality, or are less tall than men as a result, among other things, of having received less food and poorer medical care, and/or of a heavier workload). Despite the fact that inequality in intra‐family consumption has become the center of attention in academic and international agencies, it can still not be found in the agenda of Economic History. In this paper we look at some of the resources consumed by Spanish families in the 19th century: food, alcoholic beverages, clothes and shoes. Medical topographies, our main source, suggest that unequal access to family resources among household members had a strong impact on their health and wellbeing.
Considering intrinsic characteristics of the system exclusively, both statistical and information theory interpretations of the second law are used to provide more comprehensive meanings for the concepts of entropy, temperature, and Helmholtz and Gibbs energies. The coherence of Clausius inequality to these concepts is emphasized. The aim of this work is to re-discuss the second law of thermodynamics in accordance to homogeneous processes thermodynamics, a temporal science which is the very special oversimplification of continuum mechanics for spatially constant intensive properties.
Artikkelissa arvioidaan teosta IQ and global inequality (Richard Lynn & Tatu Vanhanen, 2006) ja J. P. Roosin teoksesta kirjoittamaa kirja-arviota Sosiologian numerossa 3/2007.
Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on kuvata hyvän verojärjestelmän ominaisuuksien toteutumista nykyisessä pienten osakeyhtiöiden yritysverojärjestelmässä. Lisäksi tavoitteena on selvittää yritysverotuksen painoarvo yritystoimintaa säätelevässä lainsäädännössä sekä yritysverotuksen keskeiset teemat asiantuntijakirjoitusten perusteella. Verosuunnittelun ja verotuksen merkitystä yrityskentässä selvitetään myös yrittäjien näkökulmasta ja verrataan asiantuntijakirjoituksiin. Tutkimuksen teoriassa käydään läpi hyvän verojärjestelmän periaatteet sekä pienen osakeyhtiön verosuunnittelukeinot. Empiirisessä osassa tutkimuksen kyselyaineistoa käsiteltiin varianssianalyysilla (ANOVA) sekä asiantuntija-artikkelit jaettiin suhteellisiin pää- ja alaryhmiin. Tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan todeta, että nykyinen yritysverojärjestelmä ei ole tarpeeksi yksinkertainen ja se luo epätasa-arvoa verovelvollisten joukossa. Muuten oikeudenmukaisuus toteutuu melko hyvin nykyisessä yritysverojärjestelmässä. Veroilla halutaan myös jonkin verran ohjata verovelvollisen käyttäytymistä ja näin ollen täysin neutraaliinkaan verojärjestelmään ei päästä. Kansainvälisen kilpailukyvyn näkökulmasta Suomen nimellinen verotus on EU-maiden keskiarvoa hieman korkeampi, mutta verotuksella ei karkoteta tuotannontekijöitä. Oikeusvarmuus ja ennakoitavuus toteutuvat hyvin. Yritysverotus on ollut esillä alan lehdissä runsaasti ja erityisesti kansainvälinen yritysverotus on saanut painoarvoa. Asiantuntijat näkevät verosuunnittelun monimuotoisempana kuin yrittäjät, jotka pitävät suunnittelua lähinnä palkan ja osingon edullisuuden vertailuna.
Despite declining trends in morbidity and mortality, cardiovascular diseases have a considerable impact on Finnish public health. A goal in Finnish health policy is to reduce inequalities in health and mortality among population groups. The aim of this study was to assess inequalities in cardiovascular diseases according to socioeconomic status (SES), language groups and other sociodemographic characteristics. The main data source was generated from events in 35-99 year-old men and women registered in the population-based FINMONICA and FINAMI myocardial infarction registers during the years ranging from 1988-2002. Information on population group characteristics was obtained from Statistics Finland. Additional data were derived from the FINMONICA and FINSTROKE stroke registers and the FINRISK Study. SES, measured by income level, was a major determinant of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) mortality. Among middle-aged men, the 28-day mortality rate of the lowest group of six income groups was 5.2 times and incidence 2.7 times as high when compared to the highest income group. Among women, the differences were even larger. Among the unmarried, the incidence of ACS was approximately 1.6 times as high and their prognosis was significantly worse than among married persons - both in men and women and independent of age. Higher age-standardized attack rates of ACS and stroke were found among Finnish-speaking compared to Swedish-speaking men in Turku and these differences could not be completely explained by SES. In these language groups, modest differences were found in traditional risk factor levels possibly explaining part of the found morbidity and mortality inequality. In conclusion, there are considerable differences in the morbidity and mortality of ACS and stroke between socioeconomic and sociodemographic groups, in Finland. Focusing measures to reduce the excess morbidity and mortality, in groups at high risk, could decrease the economic burden of cardiovascular diseases and thus be an important public health goal in Finland.
This work presents a formulation of the contact with friction between elastic bodies. This is a non linear problem due to unilateral constraints (inter-penetration of bodies) and friction. The solution of this problem can be found using optimization concepts, modelling the problem as a constrained minimization problem. The Finite Element Method is used to construct approximation spaces. The minimization problem has the total potential energy of the elastic bodies as the objective function, the non-inter-penetration conditions are represented by inequality constraints, and equality constraints are used to deal with the friction. Due to the presence of two friction conditions (stick and slip), specific equality constraints are present or not according to the current condition. Since the Coulomb friction condition depends on the normal and tangential contact stresses related to the constraints of the problem, it is devised a conditional dependent constrained minimization problem. An Augmented Lagrangian Method for constrained minimization is employed to solve this problem. This method, when applied to a contact problem, presents Lagrange Multipliers which have the physical meaning of contact forces. This fact allows to check the friction condition at each iteration. These concepts make possible to devise a computational scheme which lead to good numerical results.
In this paper we present an algorithm for the numerical simulation of the cavitation in the hydrodynamic lubrication of journal bearings. Despite the fact that this physical process is usually modelled as a free boundary problem, we adopted the equivalent variational inequality formulation. We propose a two-level iterative algorithm, where the outer iteration is associated to the penalty method, used to transform the variational inequality into a variational equation, and the inner iteration is associated to the conjugate gradient method, used to solve the linear system generated by applying the finite element method to the variational equation. This inner part was implemented using the element by element strategy, which is easily parallelized. We analyse the behavior of two physical parameters and discuss some numerical results. Also, we analyse some results related to the performance of a parallel implementation of the algorithm.
This dissertation critically reviews the idea of meritocracy from both a theoretical and an empirical perspective. Based on a discussion of classical texts of social philosophy and sociology, it is argued that meritocracy as a concept for social stratification is best compatible with the sociological tradition of status attainment research: both frame social inequality in primarily individualistic terms, centring on the role of ascribed (e.g., gender, social background) and achieved (e.g., educational qualifications) characteristics for determining individuals’ socioeconomic rewards. This theoretical argument introduces the research problem at the core of this dissertation: to what extent can the individualistic conception of social stratification be maintained empirically? Fields of study and their interaction with educational attainment levels play a prominent role in the analysis of this question. Drawing on sociological versions of segmented labour market theory, it is assumed that fields of study may channel individuals into heterogeneous political-economic contexts on the labour market, which potentially modify the socioeconomic benefit individuals derive from their qualification levels. The focus on fields of study may also highlight economic differentials between men and women that derive from the persisting segregation of men’s and women’s occupational and educational specializations rather than direct gender discrimination on the labour market. The quantitative analyses in this dissertation consist of three research articles, which are based primarily on Finnish data, but occasionally extend the view to other European countries. The data sources include register-based macro- and microdata as well as survey data. Article I examines the extent and the patterns of gender segregation within the Finnish educational system between 1981 and 2005. The results show that differences between men’s and women’s field specializations have for the most part remained stable during this period, with particularly high levels of gender segregation observed at lower educational levels. The focus in Article II rests on the effects of gender-segregated fields of study on higher education graduates’ occupational status. It is shown that fields of study matter for accessing professional jobs and avoiding low-skilled positions in Finland: at the early career stage, particularly polytechnic graduates from female-dominated fields are less likely to work in professional positions. Finnish university graduates from male-dominated fields were more likely than their peers with different specializations to work as professionals, yet they also faced a greater risk of being sorted into lowskilled jobs if they failed to make use of this advantage. Article III proceeded to analyse the joint impact of educational qualification levels and fields of study on young adults’ median earnings in Finland between 1985 and 2005. The results show that qualification levels do not confer a consistent benefit in the process of earnings stratification. Advanced qualifications raise median earnings most clearly among individuals specializing in the same field of study. When comparing individuals with different field specializations, on the other hand, higher-level qualifications do not necessarily lead to higher median earnings. Overall, the findings of this dissertation reveal a heterogeneous effect of education for achieving social positions, which challenges individual-centred, meritocratic accounts of social stratification and underlines the problematic lack of structural and institutional dimensions in the dominant account of social status attainment.
Bullying is characterized by an inequality of power between perpetrator and target. Findings that bullies can be highly popular have helped redefine the old conception of the maladjusted school bully into a powerful individual exerting influence on his peers from the top of the peer status hierarchy. Study I is a conceptual paper that explores the conditions under which a skillful, socially powerful bully can use the peer group as a means of aggression and suggests that low cohesion and low quality of friendships make groups easier to manipulate. School bullies’ high popularity should be a major obstacle for antibullying efforts, as bullies are unlikely to cease negative actions that are rewarding, and their powerful position could discourage bystanders from interfering. Using data from the Finnish program KiVa, Study II supported the hypothesis that antibullying interventions are less effective with popular bullies in comparison to their unpopular counterparts. In order to design interventions that can address the positive link between popularity and aggression, it is necessary to determine in which contexts bullies achieve higher status. Using an American sample, Study III examined the effects of five classroom features on the social status that peers accord to aggressive children, including classroom status hierarchy, academic level and grade level, controlling for classroom mean levels of aggression and ethnic distribution. Aggressive children were more popular and better liked in fifth grade relative to fourth grade and in classrooms of higher status hierarchy. Surprisingly, the natural emergence of status hierarchies in children’s peer groups has long been assumed to minimize aggression. Whether status hierarchies hinder or promote bullying is a controversial question in the peer relations’ literature. Study IV aimed at clarifying this debate by testing the effects of the degree of classroom status hierarchy on bullying. Higher hierarchy was concrrently associated with bullying and predictive of higher bullying six months later. As bullies’ quest for power is increasingly acknowledged, some researchers suggest teaching bullies to attain the elevated status they yearn for through prosocial acts. Study V cautions against such solutions by reviewing evidence that prosocial behaviors enacted with the intention of controlling others can be as harmful as aggression.