989 resultados para great depression


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The Andaman-Nicobar Islands in the Bay of Bengal lies in a zone where the Indian plate subducts beneath the Burmese microplate, and therefore forms a belt of frequent earthquakes. Few efforts, not withstanding the available historical and instrumental data were not effectively used before the Mw 9.3 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake to draw any inference on the spatial and temporal distribution of large subduction zone earthquakes in this region. An attempt to constrain the active crustal deformation of the Andaman-Nicobar arc in the background of the December 26, 2004 Great Sumatra-Andaman megathrust earthquake is made here, thereby presenting a unique data set representing the pre-seismic convergence and co-seismic displacement.Understanding the mechanisms of the subduction zone earthquakes is both challenging sCientifically and important for assessing the related earthquake hazards. In many subduction zones, thrust earthquakes may have characteristic patterns in space and time. However, the mechanism of mega events still remains largely unresolved.Large subduction zone earthquakes are usually associated with high amplitude co-seismic deformation above the plate boundary megathrust and the elastic relaxation of the fore-arc. These are expressed as vertical changes in land level with the up-dip part of the rupture surface uplifted and the areas above the down-dip edge subsided. One of the most characteristic pattern associated with the inter-seismic era is that the deformation is in an opposite sense that of co-seismic period.This work was started in 2002 to understand the tectonic deformation along the Andaman-Nicobar arc using seismological, geological and geodetic data. The occurrence of the 2004 megathrust earthquake gave a new dimension to this study, by providing an opportunity to examine the co-seismic deformation associated with the greatest earthquake to have occurred since the advent of Global Positioning System (GPS) and broadband seismometry. The major objectives of this study are to assess the pre-seismic stress regimes, to determine the pre-seismic convergence rate, to analyze and interpret the pattern of co-seismic displacement and slip on various segments and to look out for any possible recurrence interval for megathrust event occurrence for Andaman-Nicobar subduction zone. This thesis is arranged in six chapters with further subdivisions dealing all the above aspects.


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Esta monografía aborda el estudio de la guerra que se suscitó en 1932 entre Colombia y Perú, por la invasión de un grupo de peruanos en Leticia. Las circunstancias históricas, políticas y económicas, desempeñaron un papel muy importante ya que Colombia y Perú enfrentaron un conflicto bélico en medio de la gran depresión económica mundial. En 1922 con la firma del Tratado Lozano Salomón se establecieron las fronteras entre ambos Estados. Pese a esto el 1 de septiembre de 1932 ciudadanos de Loreto inconformes con dicho Tratado, invadieron Leticia lo que conllevo el repudio de la comunidad internacional y el apoyo de la Sociedad de Naciones y Brasil para que la situación se resolviera de la mejor manera posible, y evitando en cualquier caso una confrontación de grandes proporciones. La teoría del Realismo de Hans Morgenthau y más específicamente el concepto del interés nacional explica como Colombia defendió en todo momento su interés nacional, de igual manera el autor Clausewitz con conceptos claves como que es la guerra, la guerra como continuación de la política por otros medios, y los objetivos políticos y militares en común darán al lector una aproximación teórica para explicar el tema de esta monografía. Finalmente la guerra que se suscitó en 1932, concluyó favorablemente a los intereses colombianos, gracias a papel que desempeñaron actores claves, que apelaron siempre al derecho internacional y a las instancias internacionales.


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Interactive guided learning material for clinical year students; core concepts on depression


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Recording of the Elsevier Author Seminar by Dr Anthony Newman and Michaela Kurschildgen.


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Regarding the standardization of psychological assessment instruments, that is, the construction of referential interpretations of a test, we can find different procedures performed both by Classical Test Theory (CTT) and the Theory of Item Response (IRT). Especially in this case (IRT), we can admit one test as a default, so to use its standardization and transfer the cut-off point to another instrument. Based on this information, the present study aimed to provide a cutoff score for the Baptista Depression Scale - Adult Version (EBADEP-A) through procedures of norms-transfer based on the Center for Epidemiologic Studies – Depression Scale (CES-D). The EBADEP-A presented good distribution and ability to discriminate depressive symptoms, and the sample, consisting of Brazilian College students, received a cutoff score of 32 points. It is emphasized that this is an exploratory and preliminary study, and it is suggested further analyzes to be performed with clinical samples for which results can be corroborated or confronted.


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This study aims to establish the stress and depression´s prevalence in informal primary caregivers of patients with bipolar affective disorder of the Clínica de Nuestra Señora de la Paz (Bogotá, Colombia). The sample consisted of 40 informal primary caregivers who were tested by several tools: a survey filter, a sociodemographic record, the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and the Daily Stress Questionnaire. Results indicate that there is much more presence of depression than of daily stress in the sample. 


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Trabajo no publicado


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Se analiza la influencia de las ideas de El Quijote en la elaboraci??n de una de las ??ltimas novelas de Charles Dickens, Great Expecctations. Se puede establecer la semejanza entre Don Quijote y Pip y estudiar la relaci??n de ambos con Sancho y Magwitch o con los Duques y la se??orita Havisham.


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Cuando la grande muy grande rana se encuentra con otros grandes muy grandes animales, ella ya no se siente tan grande muy grande y no quiere meterse en un gran muy grande follón.