999 resultados para extrato biológico
Atualmente, a produtividade do feijoeiro comum (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) pode ser reduzida devido à ocorrência de doenças em todo o território nacional, destacando-se a murcha de fusário, causada por Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. phaseoli (Fop). No campo, o patógeno é disseminado a longas distâncias através das sementes infectadas e/ou contaminadas e a sua sobrevivência ocorre, principalmente, no solo. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram: avaliar a inibição do crescimento micelial de Fop por Trichoderma spp.; classificar a sensibilidade in vitro de Fop e Trichoderma spp., separadamente, a fungicidas e verificar a compatibilidade entre fungicidas químicos e biológicos para controle de Fop, presente nas sementes e no solo. Para avaliar a inibição do crescimento micelial de Fop, foram utilizados três isolados do patógeno, os quais foram confrontados, in vitro, com três isolados de Trichoderma spp. em testes de cultura pareada e produção de metabólitos voláteis a 20-22°C. Os experimentos foram conduzidos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com cinco repetições para cada isolado de Trichoderma. Para a classificação da sensibilidade in vitro de Fop e Trichoderma a fungicidas, foram avaliados os mesmos isolados anteriormente utilizados. Foram comparados dez fungicidas, em doses entre 0 a 100 mg L-1 que foram ajustadas de acordo com a CI50 de cada fungicida. Com base na percentagem de inibição do crescimento micelial, foram estimados os valores da concentração inibitória de 50% (CI50) e 100% (CI100) e selecionaram-se os fungicidas compatíveis com Trichoderma spp. A compatibilidade entre tratamentos químico e biológico foi avaliada através da inoculação artificial de sementes de feijão com um isolado de Fop (IAC 11.299-1) e infestação do mesmo no solo. As sementes foram tratadas com os fungicidas fludioxonil, flutriafol e tiofanato metílico, e com os três produtos biológicos, separadamente e em misturas. Avaliou-se o efeito dos tratamentos por meio dos testes de sanidade, germinação, comprimento de plântulas, massa da matéria seca em laboratório e índice de velocidade de emergência e porcentagem de emergência em estufa não climatizada. O efeito protetor dos tratamentos foi verificado através do teste de transmissão do patógeno solo-planta. Todos os isolados de Trichoderma apresentaram antagonismo in vitro contra Fop. No teste de cultura pareada foi observada uma redução de 15 a 20% no crescimento micelial do patógeno. No teste de produção de metabólitos voláteis, o isolado T12-1086G05 foi responsável pela maior inibição do crescimento micelial de Fop (10 a 48%). Os testes de sensibilidade in vitro mostraram que tiofanato metílico, flutriafol e fludioxonil foram compatíveis com Trichoderma (CI50 > 2 mg L-1). Com exceção do flutriafol e do GF 422 isolados e em mistura, todos os tratamentos foram eficientes na erradicação de Fop nas sementes, sem afetar a sua qualidade fisiológica. No teste de transmissão, verificou-se que a incidência de Fop foi de 5 a 40% no hipocótilo e de 5 a 30% nas raízes de feijoeiro provenientes de sementes tratadas com os produtos.
Tuta absoluta (Meyrick, 1917) é uma das pragas-chave da cultura do tomate e outras solanáceas na América do Sul e atualmente também na Eurásia e África. Devido aos grandes prejuízos que causa à cultura, são principalmente usados inseticidas para o seu controle. Entretanto, na busca de estratégias mais sustentáveis, cada dia adquire maior importância o uso do controle biológico, como uma das estratégias do manejo integrado de pragas. Para o desenvolvimento destas estratégias é fundamental desenvolver um método de criação de T. absoluta em laboratório, em dieta artificial, sem necessitar do hospedeiro natural, muitas vezes difícil de ser obtido e mantido em laboratório, e, de grande importância para produzir parasitoides específicos para esta praga. Dentre os parasitoides mais usados para ovos de lepidópteros está Trichogramma pretiosum Riley 1879 que é usado no controle biológico aplicado desta praga. Tendo como foco principal T. absoluta, neste trabalho foram pesquisados 1) a seleção de uma dieta artificial para este lepidóptero baseando-se em características físicas e químicas, avaliando o seu desempenho por várias gerações em laboratório, e 2) avaliação de aspectos biológicos e reprodutivos de T. pretiosum parasitando ovos de T. absoluta e aspectos físicos da planta (tricomas) para compreender o controle biológico desta praga no tomateiro. Foi encontrado que uma dieta à base de germe-de-trigo, caseína e celulose é apropriada para a criação deste lepidóptero, já que o inseto mostrou adaptação à mesma no transcorrer das gerações com base em características biológicas e de tabela de vida; adicionalmente, os ovos provenientes de T. absoluta alimentada com dieta artificial são comparáveis aos da dieta natural, no parasitismo de T. pretiosum. Com relação ao controle biológico foi demonstrado que este parasitoide desenvolvido em ovos de T. absoluta, diminui seu tamanho e desempenho com o transcorrer das gerações, apresentando menor capacidade de voo do que os insetos produzidos em A. kuenhiella, sendo necessária a liberação de altas densidades de parasitoides por ovo da praga. Foi observado que, embora o parasitismo de T. pretiosum de ovos de T. absoluta seja melhor em variedades com poucos tricomas, uma alta densidade destas estruturas não impede o controle da praga alvo dependendo da disposição destas estruturas. O controle biológico de T. absoluta com T. pretiosum tem uma ação momentânea, sendo necessárias liberações frequentes devido ao fato de os parasitoides desenvolvidos na praga serem menos competitivos com aqueles provenientes do hospedeiro alternativo que apresenta ovos maiores do que T. absoluta.
Esta comunicação visa contribuir para o desenvolvimento da agricultura em MPB em Portugal. O estudo abarca uma análise temporal (1994-2014) e da implementação regional das suas principais produções (vegetal e animal). Em Portugal, a agricultura em MPB está concentrada maioritariamente nas regiões do Alentejo, Beira Interior e Trás-os-Montes, tanto em área como em operadores. De facto, em 2014, localizavam-se nestas regiões mais de 85,5% dos criadores de animais e 66,5% dos produtores agrícolas, correspondendo a aproximadamente 84% da área total dedicada à produção em MPB. No referido ano, a produção agrícola ocupava 228 841 hectares, distribuídos por 3 132 produtores, sobretudo pastagens (151 mil ha/1 100 agricultores) e olival (19 mil ha/1 400 agricultores). A produção animal englobava 1 003 produtores, maioritariamente criadores de bovinos (55% dos operadores/73 mil animais) e de ovinos (33% dos operadores/91 mil animais). Os operadores nacionais em MPB apontam como principais entraves à expansão do setor as dificuldades técnicas, designadamente, a obtenção de fatores de produção e o custo dos mesmos e, nas questões comerciais, ligadas à reduzida dimensão do mercado, desorganização da oferta e circuitos de comercialização desajustados, e desconhecimento dos consumidores relativamente ao MPB.
Nos últimos anos tem havido um aumento significativo da procura de frutos vermelhos. Os mirtilos são considerados frutos de boa qualidade, dado o seu elevado teor em compostos fitoquímicos biologicamente ativos, associados a efeitos benéficos para a saúde e bem-estar do Homem. A produção em modo biológico é reconhecida pelo consumidor como um processo que melhora a qualidade do produto. No presente trabalho pretendeu-se avaliar o efeito do modo de produção (biológico versus convencional) de três cultivares de mirtilo (Duke, Bluecrop, Ozarkblue) nas suas propriedades físico-químicas, e em particular na sua composição fenólica e atividade antioxidante. Foi ainda estudado o efeito da temperatura de armazenamento (± 5ºC e ± 15-25ºC) sobre essas propriedades. Para tal, as amostras foram analisadas à colheita e após 7 e 14 dias de armazenamento. A atividade antioxidante medida pelos métodos ABTS e DPPH mostrou que não há diferenças significativas entre as cultivares estudadas, sendo elevada em todos os casos. Os resultados obtidos confirmam, por isso, que o mirtilo é uma importante fonte de compostos fenólicos com elevada atividade antioxidante. Foi ainda verificado existirem algumas diferenças significativas em algumas propriedades em função da variedade (nomeadamente teor em matéria seca, cor ou textura). Também se verificara diferenças significativas em função do modo de produção, o qual influencia em particular a acidez e a doçura, o teor em taninos, a cor e a elasticidade dos frutos. Por fim, a temperatura de armazenamento mostrou ter uma influência significativa apenas no que respeita às propriedades físicas, nomeadamente cor e textura.
Nos dias de hoje, continua a assistir-se a elevados níveis de sinistralidade, no eventual reflexo de deficientes ou inexistentes estruturas de prevenção de riscos profissionais em muitos locais de trabalho. A necessidade de segurança, higiene, prevenção e formação no trabalho é, simultaneamente, uma reflexão sobre nós mesmos e as nossas atitudes, intervenientes prioritários, cada vez mais dependentes e exigentes com o trabalho e com tudo o que ele implica. Todavia, nos locais de trabalho são frequentemente criadas situações de perigo para a saúde e para a integridade física dos trabalhadores. A nível mundial, fontes ligadas à OMS (Organização Mundial da Saúde) e à OIT (Organização Internacional do Trabalho) referem que as condições de trabalho de cerca de 2/3 da população ativa estão abaixo dos padrões mínimos de qualidade, ou seja representam um risco real para a saúde e integridade física dos indivíduos. As estatísticas mundiais apontam para a existência de cerca de 157 milhões de novos casos de doenças profissionais por ano e de 120 milhões de acidentes de trabalho, dos quais 220 mil acidentes são fatais.
Resumo A presente dissertação visou avaliar o efeito da utilização do pato de Pequim no controlo de infestantes em milho biológico em comparação com o método clássico da sacha e da sacha/amontoa, avaliando a percentagem de cobertura das infestantes no solo e a produtividade do milho. Para além disso, pretendeu-se, ainda, perceber em que estádio vegetativo do milho os patos já não provocavam danos consideráveis na cultura. A investigação decorreu entre maio e outubro de 2015, em Coimbra, na superfície agrícola da ESAC, em 0,2 ha da área certificada em Agricultura Biológica, utilizando milho da variedade regional Pigarro. Os patos foram adquiridos com 4 semanas e abatidos às 12 semanas, tendo-se avaliado o seu crescimento nesse período. O pastoreio com patos, em diferentes estados vegetativos da cultura (Ve, V3 e V5 - germinação e emergência, três e cinco folhas completamente desenvolvidas, respetivamente), não permitiu afirmar com rigor qual o estádio vegetativo em que os animais já não provocavam danos. Analisando e comparando o pastoreio com patos após a 1ª sacha, após a sacha/amontoa e o método clássico, concluiu-se que tanto a cobertura do solo pelas infestantes quanto a produção de milho Pigarro (kg/ha) não variaram significativamente, para α = 0,05, após realização de análise de variância de fator único. Os resultados obtidos, embora preliminares e carecendo de continuidade de estudos, permitem, no entanto, indiciar que as opções ensaiadas podem vir a substituir o método clássico e serem alternativas válidas no combate às infestantes em milho biológico. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Pato de Pequim; Milho biológico; Infestantes; Cobertura; Pastoreio. iii Abstract This dissertation aimed to evaluate the effect of using the Peking duck for weed control in organic corn compared to the classical method of hoeing and weeding / earthing up, assessing the percentage of coverage of weeds in soil and corn yield. Furthermore, it was also intended to realize in what corn's vegetative stage, ducks no longer caused considerable damage to the crop. The research took place between May and October 2015, in Coimbra, in the ESAC's agricultural area of 0.2 ha certified in organic farming, using corn's regional variety, Throat clearing. The ducks were purchased at 4 weeks old and slaughtered at the 12th week, while their growth in this period was estimated. The grazing with ducks in different vegetative states of culture (Ve, V3 and V5 - germination and emergence, three and five fully developed leaves, respectively), didn't allow us to say with accuracy in what vegetative stage the animals no longer caused damage. Analyzing and comparing grazing with ducks after 1st weeding, after weeding / ridging and the classical method, it was concluded that both the soil cover by weeds as the Throat clearing corn production (kg / ha) did not vary significantly, for α = 0.05, after performing single- factor analysis of variance. The results, although preliminary and lacking continuity studies allow, however, to indicate that the tested options may come to replace the traditional method and be valid alternatives to combat weeds in biological maize. KEY-WORDS: Peking Duck; organic corn; weeds; Roof; Pasturing.
Este é o momento certo para se ser atrevido, apostar nos excessos, desejar máximo, e criar o verdadeiramente inesperado. O presente projeto visa a criação e apresentação de uma embalagem de mel português, para comercializar na Europa, em especial na Alemanha, embalagem esta que se pretende inovadora e atrativa. Para este projeto foi realizada uma parceria com uma produtora de mel, Montesino, empresa localizada em Bragança, Portugal. Mais do que um estudo sobre a apicultura e os hábitos de consumo de mel, a presente tese visa documentar todo o processo de desenvolvimento e criação de uma embalagem de mel biológico, tendo em vista a sua comercialização na Alemanha. A embalagem aqui proposta é composta por quatro acondicionamentos individuais de mel biológico. Por forma a atingir o objetivo a que me proponho neste projeto, foram conjugados dados referentes à apicultura em Portugal com os dados referentes aos consumos de mel na Europa, com maior incidência nos consumos na Alemanha. O mel não é apenas um líquido delicioso que estimula o paladar e abre o apetite. O seu sabor e aroma únicos e distintivos, criaram ao longo dos anos as mais variadas formas de apresentação. Esta investigação pretende, mais concretamente, observar a influência que o design tem na criação de uma “camada de valor” sobre um produto, de modo a que este, através do design da embalagem tenha impacto no mercado. Pretende-se compreender até que ponto a embalagem/carcaça/exterior influência o valor de um produto com o mesmo conteúdo. Trata-se de um produto biológico de alta qualidade, ao qual deve corresponder um preço adequado, que não coincidente com o custo para o produtor. A perspetiva deste projeto é o de desenvolver uma embalagem exterior com os seus frascos individuais de mel e a respetiva rotulagem, com o objetivo de corresponder às necessidades do mercado, como um produto pioneiro e que leve a comercialização de mel biológico português a um diferente nível de qualidade e valor. Este trabalho contribuirá, ou humildemente tentará contribuir, para aumentar a exportação de mel biológico para mercados estrangeiros, mais especificamente na Alemanha, desenvolvido em parceria com um produtor de mel e, assim, apoiando a economia local.
Sunscreen use is the most common photoprotection alternative used by the population, and so these products should offer improved protection with broad - spectrum, UVA and UVB protection . Vegetal substances have recently been considered as resources for sunscreen formulations due to their UV spectrum absorption and antioxidant properties. The Euterpe oleracea Mart., popularly known as açai, in its che mical composition contain polyphenols compounds, such as anthocyanins and flavonoids , to which antioxidant properties have been attributed . The aim of this work was to develop O/W sunscreens emulsions con taining açai glycolic extract ( AGE) and to evaluate both their physical stability , safety and photoprotective efficacy. The safety of the extract was evaluated by in vitro phototoxicity and cytotoxicity tests. Emulsions containing AGE and sunscreens were formulated using different types and concentrations o f polymeric surfactant (Acrylates/C 10 - 30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer and Sodium Polyacrylate). The influence of two rheology modifiers (Polyacrylamide (and) C13 - 14/Isoparaffin (and) Laureth - 7 and Carbomer) on the stability was also investigated. Physical stability was evaluated by preliminary and accelerated studies. The macroscopic analyses, pH value and electrical conductivity determinations and rheological behavior were evaluated at different time intervals . The in vivo Sun Protect Factor ( SPF ) was determined according to the International Sun Protection Factor Test Method – 2006 and UVA Protection Factor (FPUVA), wavelength critical and reason SPF/FPUVA were performed according to the method Colipa 2011. The extract did not present cytotoxic ity and phototoxic ity . The stable emulsion containing 5% glycolic extract of açai and 1.0% of sodium poliyacrylate showed pseudoplastic and thixotropic behavior . The sunscreen emulsion containing açai glycolic extract showed a SPF 25.3 and PF - UVA = 14.97. Whe n açai glycolic extract was added in the emulsion sunscreen, no significant increase in the in vivo SPF and FPUVA values were observed. This emulsion showed 1.69 of the SPF/PF - UVA ratio and a critical wavelength value of 378 nm, so may therefore be conside red a sunscreen with UVA and UVB protection.
The species of the genus Kalanchoe (Crassulaceae) are widely used in Brazil as a medicinal product to treat cough, boils, gastritis and other diseases. In this scenario stands out K. brasiliensis, popularly known as coirama or saião. This paper aims at the oral exposure of mice to a hydroalcoholic extract of leaves of Kalanchoe brasiliensis. The animals (total of 100) were divided into 12 groups (6 males and 6 females) for the acute assessment; and groups of 10 for subchronic evaluation. Test groups were treated with doses of 250 mg / kg, 500 mg / kg, 1000 mg / kg and 2000 mg / kg and the control group received 0.9% saline. The animals were observed for 14 days for acute evaluation and 30 days for subchronic evaluation, and in that period analyzed the appearance of clinical signs, changes in weight and consumption of water and food. After the observation period, histopathological analysis of the organs, biochemical serum and haematological parameters for the assessment of the subchronic groups were processed. Differences and changes in body weight were not observed among the groups, nor consumption of water and food, there were no deaths among the groups in the two types of assays. Histopathological analysis showed some alterations compatible with low acute hepatic toxicity. The results of blood glucose, triglycerides, ALT, urea and creatinine showed differences between the control group and the test concentrations studied (p <0.05), but these differences do not show relevant change in the clinical picture of animals. The results showed that the extract K. brasiliensis has low acute toxicity at the doses used and no toxicity when administered for 30 days. This highlights the importance of this species as future and promising candidate for phytotherapics, so has its pharmacological trials completed.
Hancornia speciosa Gomes (Apocynaceae), popularly known as ‘mangabeira’, has been used in folk medicine to treat inflammatory disorders, hypertension, dermatitis, diabetes, liver diseases and stomach disorders. Regarding the Hancornia speciosa fruits, the ethnobotany indicates its use especially for treating inflammation and tuberculosis. However, no study has been done so far to prove such biological activities. The objective was evaluation anti-inflammatory activity from the fruits of Hancornia speciosa Gomes (mangabeira). Aqueous extract was prepared by decoction, subsequently submitted the liquid-liquid fractionation. The secondary metabolites were identified by high performance liquid chromatography coupled with detector diode array (HPLC-DAD) and liquid chromatography diode array detector coupled with mass spectrometry (LC-DAD-MS). The anti-inflammatory properties of the aqueous extract, dichloromethane (CH2Cl2), ethyl acetate (EtOAc) and n-butanol (n-BuOH) fractions of the fruits from H. speciosa, as well as rutin and chlorogenic acid were investigated using in vitro and in vivo models. In vivo tests comprised the xylene-induced ear edema that was measured the formation of edema, carrageenan-induced peritonitis was evaluated the total leukocytes at 4h and zymosan-induced air pouch was measured the total leukocytes and differential cell count at 6, 24 and 48 hours, whereas in vitro tests were evaluated levels of cytokines IL-1β, IL-6, IL-12 and TNF-α using ELISA obtained of carrageenan-induced peritonitis model. The results showed the presence of rutin and chlorogenic acid were detected in the aqueous extract from H. speciosa fruits by HPLC-DAD and LC-DAD-ME. Furthermore, the aqueous extracts and fractions, as well as rutin and chlorogenic acid significantly inhibited the xilol-induced ear edema and reduced cell migration in the animal models such as carrageenan-induced peritonitis and zymosan-induced air pouch. In addition, reduced levels of cytokines IL-1β, IL-6, IL-12 and TNF-α were observed. This is the first study that demonstrated the anti-inflammatory effect of aqueous extract from Hancornia speciosa fruits against different inflammatory agents in animal models, suggesting that their bioactive molecules, especially rutin and chlorogenic acid contributing, at least in part, to the anti-inflammatory effect of aqueous extract. These findings support the widespread use of Hancornia speciosa in popular medicine and demonstrate that this aqueous extract has therapeutic potential for the development of a herbal drugs with anti-inflammatory properties.
Nanoemulsions are emulsified systems, characterized for reduced droplet size (50- 500nm), which the main characteristic are kinect stability and thermodynamic instability. These are promising systems on cosmetic area due to their droplet size that provide different advantages when compared to conventional systems, among others, larger surface area and better permeability. The Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill is a plant cultivated on Caatinga Brazilian biome, which has great socioeconomic importance to region. This plant shows carbohydrates utilized for cosmetic industry as moisturizing active in their chemical composition. The aim of study was to develop, characterize, evaluate stability and moisturizing efficacy of cosmetic nanoemulsions added to Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill extract. Nanoemulsions preparation was made using a low energy method. Different nanoemulsions were formulated varying the ratio of oil, water and surfactant phases beyond xanthan gum (0.5% e 1%) and Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill hydroglycolic extract addition on 1% and 3%. Obtained nanoemulsions were submitted to preliminary and accelerated stability tests. The evaluated parameters monitored were: macroscopic aspect, pH value, droplet size, zeta potential and polydispersion index, during 60 days on different temperatures. Stable formulations were submitted to moisturizing efficacy assessment by capacitance and transepidermal water loss methodologies during 5 hours. Stable samples were white and showed homogeneous and fluid aspect, pH value was inside ideal range (4,5-6,0) to topical application and droplet size under 200nm characterizing these system as nanoemulsions. Developed nanoemulsions did not decrease transepidermal water loss, however increased the water content on stratum corneum, highlighting the nanoemulsions containing 0.5% of xanthan gum and 1% of hydroglycolic extract. This work presents cosmetic moisturizing nanoemulsions composed to vegetal raw material from Brazilian Caatinga with potential to be used on cosmetic area.
Anxiety disorders and Parkinson’s disease (PD) affect a large portion of the world population. Indeed, therapeutic alternatives available do not contribute to improve most clinical conditions and/or are linked with undesirable side effects. Thus, there is a great demand for the development of new drugs to treatment of these diseases. Passiflora cincinnata Mast. is a native species present in several Brazilian states, popularly known as “maracujá do mato”, “maracujá tubarão” or “maracujá mochila”. Additionally, species of Passiflora genus are traditionally known for their exotic flowers, edible fruits with pronounced flavor and for their sedative, tranquilizer and anxiolytic properties reported by folk medicine. These plants possess important organic compounds such as phenols, cyanogenic glycosides, flavonoids and alkaloids, which are responsible for the anxiolytic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antihyperglycemic, among others activities when tested in mammals. Despite this fact, only a few studies have been conducted to investigate the possible in vivo biological effects of Passiflora cincinnata Mast extracts. Thereby, in this study we evaluated the effects of the alcoholic extract of this plant in anxiety and PD animal model. Mice acutely or chronically administered with ethanolic extract of P. cincinnata do not showed any anxiogenic- or anxyolitic-like effect in elevated plus maze (EPM). In order to reproduce PD symptom’s in mice, we administered repeated injections of reserpine which progressively induced motor impairments such as increase in catalepsy, oral movements, and reduction of the average speed of the animals in the open field, as well as depleted dopamine prodution in SNpc cells. Furthermore, this treatment resulted in the loss of aversive memory recall in mice when undergoing PMDAT. Yet, passiflora group also show this amnesic profile. However, animals treated concomitantly with the alcoholic extract of Passiflora cincinnata Mast. showed higher latency for the onset of motor impairment evaluated by catalepsy. Thus, our results shows that the alcoholic extract of the plant P. cincinnata was able to delay the onset of the catalepsy induced by reserpine administration, plus reverted the depletion of dopamine production in SNpc cells.
The use of plants for medicinal purposes is ancient, with widespread application in medicinal drugs. Although plants are promising sources for the discovery of new molecules of pharmacological interest, estimates show that only 17% of them have been studied for their possible use in medicine. Thus, biodiversity of Brazilian flora represents an immense potential for economic use by the pharmaceutical industry. The plant Arrabidaea chica, popularly known as “pariri”, is common in the Amazon region, and it is assigned several medicinal properties. The leaves of this plant are rich in anthocyanins, which are phenolic compounds with high antioxidant power. Antioxidant compounds play a vital role in the prevention of neurological and cardiovascular diseases, cancer and diabetes, among others. Within the anthocyanins found in Arrabidaea chica, stands out Carajurin (6,7-dihydroxy-5,4’- dimethoxy-flavilium), which is the major pigment encountered in this plant. The present work aimed to study on supercritical extraction and conventional extraction (solid-liquid extraction) in leaves of Arrabidaea chica, evaluating the efficiency of the extractive processes, antioxidant activity and quantification of Carajurin contained in the extracts. Supercritical extraction used CO2 as solvent with addition of co-solvent (ethanol/water mixture) and were conducted by the dynamic method in a fixed bed extractor. The trials followed a 24-1 fractional factorial design, the dependent variables were: process yield, concentration of Carajurin and antioxidant activity; and independent variables were: pressure, temperature, concentration of co-solvent (v/v) and concentration of water in the co-solvent mixture (v/v). Yields (mass of dry extract/mass of raw material used) obtained from supercritical extraction ranged from 15.1% to 32%, and the best result was obtained at 250 bar and 40 °C, co-solvent concentration equal to 30% and concentration of water in the co-solvent mixture equal to 50%. Through statistical analysis, it was found that the concentration of co-solvent revealed significant effect on the yield. Yields obtained from conventional extractions were of 8.1% (water) and 5.5% (ethanol). Through HPLC (High-performance liquid chromatography) analysis, Carajurin was quantified in all the extracts and concentration values (Carajurin mass/mass of dry extract) ranged between 1% and 2.21% for supercritical extraction. For conventional extraction, Carajurin was not detected in the aqueous extract, while the ethanol extract showed Carajurin content of 7.04%, and therefore, more selective in Carajurin than the supercritical extraction. Evaluation of antioxidant power (radical 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl – DPPH – sequestration method) of the supercritical extracts resulted in EC50 values (effective concentration which neutralizes 50% of free radicals) ranged from 38.34 to 86.13 μg/mL, while conventional extraction resulted in EC50 values of 167.34 (water) and 42.58 (ethanol) μg/mL. As for the quantification of total phenolic content (Folin-Ciocalteau analysis) of the supercritical extracts resulted in values ranged from 48.93 and 88.62 mg GAE/g extract (GAE = Gallic Acid Equivalents), while solid-liquid extraction resulted in values of 37.63 (water) and 80.54 (ethanol) mg GAE/g extract. The good antioxidant activity cannot be attributed solely to the presence of Carajurin, but also the existence of other compounds and antioxidants in Arrabidaea chica. By optimizing the experimental design, it was possible to identify the experiment that presented the best result considering the four dependent variables together. This experiment was performed under the following conditions: pressure of 200 bar, temperature of 40 °C, co-solvent concentration equal to 30% and concentration of water in the co-solvent mixture equal to 30%. It is concluded that, within the studied range, it is possible to purchase the optimum result using milder operating conditions, which implies lower costs and greater ease of operation.
The pericarp of Passiflora edulis var. flavicarpa Degener is now being investigated for medicine purposes. There are no reports about it toxicity. The aim of the present study was investigate the sub chronic toxicity in male rats and reproductive toxicity in pregnant rats and exposed fetuses of an extract obtained by infusion of the pericarp in water (1:3 m/v;100o C, 10 min). The extract composition was evaluated by tube reactions and thin lawyer chromatography (TLC). Adult male rats (n=8) were treated with 300 mg/kg of the extract, by gavage, during 30 days and pregnant rats (n=7) from gestation day 0 to day 20. Control received tap water (1 mL). Water and food intakes and body weight gain were recorded. At day 29 of treatment the sexual behavior of the males was analyzed and then half of males from each group received cyclophosphamide (50 mg/kg, i.p.) to (anti)genotoxic assessment in bone marrow. At day 30, males were anesthesized for parameters collection. At day 20 of gestation, the dams were anesthesized for reproductive performance evaluation. The fetal analysis was conducted by visceral and skeletal. Phytochemical analysis revealed the presence of flavonoids, unspecific alkaloids, phenols and triterpenic compounds. Statistical analysis revealed absence of significant differences between experimental and control. This study suggest that the aqueous extract obtained from pericarp of P. edulis var. flavicarpa Degener was not able to promote toxic effects in rats. Cytotoxicity was evaluated with the PCE/NCE ratio (NCE=normochromatic erythrocytes). Statistical analysis (mean ± SEM) revealed absence of changes in the frequency of MNPCE (negative control: 3.26±0.42; positive control: 11.72±1.02; negative experimental: 4.02±0.13; positive experimental: 10.47±0.87) or cytotoxicity (negative control: 0.37±0.08; positive control: 0.23±0.05; negative experimental: 0.37±0.07; positive experimental: 0.23±0.02). This study suggests that the extracts showed no (anti)genotoxic and no cytotoxic activities under the experimental conditions.
Candidiasis is a major oral manifestation in kidney transplant patients. Candida spp. possess essential virulence factors which contribute for the infectious process, including the ability to adhere to epithelial cells and biofilm formation. The extract obtained from the leaves of Eugenia uniflora [acetone: water (7:3, v/v)] has demonstrated antifungal activity against Candida spp. This study evaluated the influence of the extract of E. uniflora in adhesion to human buccal epithelial cells (HBEC) and biofilm formation of 42 strains of Candida spp. isolated from the oral cavity of kidney transplant patients. Candida spp. strains belonging to a culture collection were reactivated and phenotypically re-identified by classical and molecular methods (genotyping ABC and RAPD), when necessary, to complete the identification to the species level. For the virulence tests evaluated in vitro, yeasts were grown in the presence and absence of 1000 g/mL of the extract. A ratio of 10: 1 (Candida spp. cells x HBECs) was incubated for 1 hour at 37 ° C, 200 rpm, fixed with 10% formalin and the number of Candida cells adhered to 150 HBEC determined by optical microscope. Biofilms were formed on polystyrene microplates in the presence or absence of the extract. The quantification was performed with crystal violet staining at 570 nm. All isolates were viable and exhibited phenotypic characteristics suggestive of each species identified. Two strains presumptively identified as Candida dubliniensis belonged to this species as determined with genotyping ABC, while strains identified as belonging to the Candida parapsilosis species complex were differentiated by RAPD genotyping. Candida albicans was found to be the most adherent species to the buccal epithelia, while C. tropicalis showed remarkable biofilm formation.We could detect that the extract of E. uniflora was able to reduce adhesion to HBEC for both Candida albicans and non-Candida albicans Candida species. On the other hand, only 16 Candida spp. strains (36 %) showed reduced biofilm formation. However, two highly biofilm producer strains of C. tropicalis had an expressive reduction in biofilm formation. This study reinforces the idea that besides growth inhibition, E. uniflora may interfere with the expression of some virulence factors of Candida spp., and may be possibly applied in the future as a novel antifungal agent.