983 resultados para concentration (composition)


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This research measured particle and gaseous emissions from ships and trains operating within the Port of Brisbane, and explored their influence on ambient air composition at a downwind suburban measurement site. The ship and train emission factor investigations resulted in the development of novel measurement techniques which permit the quantification of particle and gaseous emission factors using samples collected from post-emission exhaust plumes. The urban influence investigation phase of the project produced a new approach to identifying influences from ship emissions.


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Leucine is a key amino acid for initiating translation in muscle cells, but the dose-dependent effects of leucine on intracellular signaling are poorly characterized. This study examined the effect that increasing doses of leucine would have on changes in mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR)–mediated signaling, rates of protein synthesis, and cell size in C2C12 cells. We hypothesized that a leucine “threshold” exists, which represents the minimum stimulus required to initiate mTOR signaling in muscle cells. Acute exposure to 1.5, 3.2, 5.0, and 16.1 mM leucine increased phosphorylation of mTORSer2448 (~1.4-fold; P < .04), 4E-BP1 Thr37/46 (~1.9-fold; P < .001), and rpS6Ser235/6 (~2.3-fold; P < .001). However, only p70S6kThr389 exhibited a dose-dependent response to leucine with all treatments higher than control (~4-fold; P < .001) and at least 5 mM higher than the 1.5-mM concentration (1.2-fold; P < .02). Rates of protein synthesis were not altered by any treatment. Seven days of exposure to 0.5, 1.5, 5.0, and 16.5 mM leucine resulted in an increase in cell size in at least 5 mM treatments (~1.6-fold, P < .001 vs control). Our findings indicate that even at low leucine concentrations, phosphorylation of proteins regulating translation initiation signaling is enhanced. The phosphorylation of p70S6kThr389 follows a leucine dose-response relationship, although this was not reflected by the acute protein synthetic response. Nevertheless, under the conditions of the present study, it appears that leucine concentrations of at least 5 mM are necessary to enhance cell growth.


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Heteroleptic complexes of the type \[RuL2L′](PF6)2 (L, L′ = combinations of 1,10-phenanthroline (phen) and 2,2′-bipyridine (bipy)) were found to cocrystallize with \[Ni(phen)3](PF6)2 to produce cocrystals of \[Ni(phen)3]x\[RuL2L′]1–x(PF6)2. In this report we show that the ability of the complexes to cocrystallize is influenced by the number of common ligands between complexes in solution. Supramolecular selection is a phenomenon caused by molecular recognition through which cocrystals can grow from the same solution but contain different ratios of the molecular components. It was found that systems where L = phen displayed less supramolecular selection than systems where L = bipy. With increasing supramolecular selection, the composition of cocrystals was found to vary significantly from the initial relative concentration in the cocrystallizing solution, and therefore it was increasingly difficult to control the final composition of the resultant cocrystals. Consequently, modulation of concentration-dependent properties such as phase was also found to be less predictable with increasing supramolecular selection. Notwithstanding the complication afforded by the presence of supramolecular selection, our results reaffirm the robustness of the \[M(phen)3](PF6)2 structure because it was maintained even when ca. 90% of the complexes in the cocrystals were \[Ru(phen)(bipy)2](PF6)2, which in its pure form is not isomorphous with \[M(phen)3](PF6)2. Experiments between complexes without common ligands, i.e., \[Ru(bipy)3](PF6)2 cocrystallized with \[Ni(phen)3](PF6)2, were found to approach the limit to which molecular recognition processes can be confused into cocrystallizing different molecules to form single cocrystals. For these systems the result was the formation of block-shaped crystals skewered by a needle-shaped crystals.


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The electrochemical formation of nanostructured materials is generally achieved by reduction of a metal salt onto a substrate that does not influence the composition of the deposit. In this work we report that Ag, Au and Pd electrodeposited onto Cu under conditions where galvanic replacement is not viable and hydrogen gas is evolved results in the formation of nanostructured surfaces that unexpectedly incorporate a high concentration of Cu in the final material. Under cathodic polarization conditions the electrodissolution/corrosion of Cu occurs which provides a source of ionic copper that is reduced at the surface-electrolyte interface. The nanostructured Cu/M (M = Ag, Au and Pd) surfaces are investigated for their catalytic activity for the reduction of 4 nitrophenol by NaBH4 where Cu/Ag was found to be extremely active. This work indicates that a substrate electrode can be utilized in an interesting manner t make bimetallic nanostructures with enhanced catalytic activity.


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Enrichment of marine organics in remote marine aerosols can influence their ability to act as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN), which are sites for water vapour to condense into cloud droplets. This project identified the composition and hygroscopicity of sea spray aerosol (SSA) formed at the ocean surface due to bursting of entrained air bubbles. SSA from organically enriched waters in the southwest Pacific and Southern Oceans were investigated. Results indicate that current emission schemes may not adequately predict SSA CCN, influencing the representation of cloud formation in climate modelling.


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The primary requirements for high-biomass-concentration microalgal cultivation include a photon source and distribution, efficient gas exchange and suitable growth medium composition. However, for mass outdoor production of microalgae, growth medium composition is a major controlling factor as most of the other factors such as light source and distribution are virtually uncontrollable. This work utilises an elemental balance approach between growth medium and biomass compositions to obtain high-density microalgal cultures in an open system. F medium, commonly used for the cultivation of marine microalgae such as Tetraselmis suecica was redesigned on the basis of increasing the biomass capacity of its major deficient components to support high biomass concentrations (τ ∼ 5.0 % for N, S and τ ∼ 10 % P), and the entire formulation was dissolved in 0.2 um sterile filtered natural seawater. Results show that the new medium (F') displayed a maximum biomass concentration and total lipid concentration of 1.29 g L 1 and 108.7 mg L 1 respectively, which represents over 2-fold increase compared to that of the F medium. Keeping all variables constant except growth medium, and using F medium as the base case of 1 medium cost (MC) unit mg -1 lipid, the F' medium yielded lipid at a cost of only 0.35 MC unit mg -1 lipids. These results show that greater amounts of biomass and lipids can be obtained more economically with minimal extra effort simply by using an optimised growth medium.


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The preparation of macroporous methacrylate monolithic material with controlled pore structures can be carried out in an unstirred mould through careful and precise control of the polymerisation kinetics and parameters. Contemporary synthesis conditions of methacrylate monolithic polymers are based on existing polymerisation schemes without an in-depth understanding of the dynamics of pore structure and formation. This leads to poor performance in polymer usage thereby affecting final product recovery and purity, retention time, productivity and process economics. The unique porosity of methacrylate monolithic polymer which propels its usage in many industrial applications can be controlled easily during its preparation. Control of the kinetics of the overall process through changes in reaction time, temperature and overall composition such as cross-linker and initiator contents allow the fine tuning of the macroporous structure and provide an understanding of the mechanism of pore formation within the unstirred mould. The significant effect of temperature of the reaction kinetics serves as an effectual means to control and optimise the pore structure and allows the preparation of polymers with different pore size distributions from the same composition of the polymerisation mixture. Increasing the concentration of the cross-linking monomer affects the composition of the final monoliths and also decreases the average pore size as a result of pre-mature formation of highly cross-linked globules with a reduced propensity to coalesce. The choice and concentration of porogen solvent is also imperative. Different porogens and porogen mixtures present different pore structure output. Example, larger pores are obtained in a poor solvent due to early phase separation.


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Board composition is critical to board effectiveness. Shaping an effective board begins with the selection of directors. While much attention has been paid to the skills and qualifications directors require, there has been less focus on the necessity for board members to interact and work well together. This exploratory study offers insights into what qualities directors look for when selecting new members and the approach adopted to identify and select them. The findings of 10 in-depth interviews with Australian directors suggest new members are selected both on competencies and compatibility. Yet not all selection approaches adequately assess candidates for these two criteria. As a result many appointments fail to realise the selection criteria reducing capacity to reach its full potential.


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We show that the cluster ion concentration (CIC) in the atmosphere is significantly suppressed during events that involve rapid increases in particle number concentration (PNC). Using a neutral cluster and air ion spectrometer, we investigated changes in CIC during three types of particle enhancement processes – new particle formation, a bushfire episode and an intense pyrotechnic display. In all three cases, the total CIC decreased with increasing PNC, with the rate of decrease being greater for negative CIC than positive. We attribute this to the greater mobility, and hence the higher attachment coefficient, of negative ions over positive ions in the air. During the pyrotechnic display, the rapid increase in PNC was sufficient to reduce the CIC of both polarities to zero. At the height of the display, the negative CIC stayed at zero for a full 10 min. Although the PNCs were not significantly different, the CIC during new particle formation did not decrease as much as during the bushfire episode and the pyrotechnic display. We suggest that the rate of increase of PNC, together with particle size, also play important roles in suppressing CIC in the atmosphere.


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PURPOSE: This paper describes dynamic agent composition, used to support the development of flexible and extensible large-scale agent-based models (ABMs). This approach was motivated by a need to extend and modify, with ease, an ABM with an underlying networked structure as more information becomes available. Flexibility was also sought after so that simulations are set up with ease, without the need to program. METHODS: The dynamic agent composition approach consists in having agents, whose implementation has been broken into atomic units, come together at runtime to form the complex system representation on which simulations are run. These components capture information at a fine level of detail and provide a vast range of combinations and options for a modeller to create ABMs. RESULTS: A description of the dynamic agent composition is given in this paper, as well as details about its implementation within MODAM (MODular Agent-based Model), a software framework which is applied to the planning of the electricity distribution network. Illustrations of the implementation of the dynamic agent composition are consequently given for that domain throughout the paper. It is however expected that this approach will be beneficial to other problem domains, especially those with a networked structure, such as water or gas networks. CONCLUSIONS: Dynamic agent composition has many advantages over the way agent-based models are traditionally built for the users, the developers, as well as for agent-based modelling as a scientific approach. Developers can extend the model without the need to access or modify previously written code; they can develop groups of entities independently and add them to those already defined to extend the model. Users can mix-and-match already implemented components to form large-scales ABMs, allowing them to quickly setup simulations and easily compare scenarios without the need to program. The dynamic agent composition provides a natural simulation space over which ABMs of networked structures are represented, facilitating their implementation; and verification and validation of models is facilitated by quickly setting up alternative simulations.


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Context Older oncology patients have unique needs associated with the many physical, psychological,and social changes associated with the aging process. The mechanisms underpinning and the impact of these changes are not well understood. Identification of clusters of symptoms is one approach that has been used to elicit hypotheses about the biological and/or psychological basis for variations in symptom experiences. Objectives The purposes of this study were to identify and compare symptom clusters in younger (<60 years) and older ($60 years) patients undergoing cancer treatment. Methods. Symptom data from one Australian study and two U.S. studies were combined to conduct this analysis. A total of 593 patients receiving active treatment were dichotomized into younger (<60 years) and older ($60 years) groups. Separate exploratory factor analyses (EFAs) were undertaken within each group to identify symptom clusters from occurrence ratings of the 32 symptoms assessed by the Memorial Symptom Assessment Scale. Results In both groups, a seven-factor solution was selected. Four partially concordant symptom clusters emerged in both groups (i.e., mood/cognitive, malaise, body image, and genitourinary). In the older patients, the three unique clusters reflected physiological changes associated with aging, whereas in the younger group the three unique clusters reflected treatment-related effects. Conclusion The symptom clusters identified in older patients typically included a larger and more diverse range of physical and psychological symptoms. Differences also may be reflective of variations in treatment approaches between age groups. Findings highlight the need for better understanding of variation in treatment and symptom burden between younger and older adults with cancer.


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Purpose/Objectives: To examine and compare the reliability of four body composition methods commonly used in assessing breast cancer survivors. Design: Cross-sectional. Setting: A rehabilitation facility at a university-based comprehensive cancer center in the southeastern United States. Sample: 14 breast cancer survivors aged 40-71 years. Methods: Body fat (BF) percentage was estimated via bioelectric impedance analysis (BIA), air displacement plethysmography (ADP), and skinfold thickness (SKF) using both three- and seven-site algorithms, where reliability of the methods was evaluated by conducting two tests for each method (test 1 and test 2), one immediately after the other. An analysis of variance was used to compare the results of BF percentage among the four methods. Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was used to test the reliability of each method. Main Research Variable: BF percentage. Findings: Significant differences in BF percentage were observed between BIA and all other methods (three-site SKF, p < 0.001; seven-site SKF, p < 0.001; ADP, p = 0.002). No significant differences (p > 0.05) in BF percentage between three-site SKF, seven-site SKF, and ADP were observed. ICCs between test 1 and test 2 for each method were BIA = 1, ADP = 0.98, three-site SKF = 0.99, and seven-site SKF = 0.94. Conclusions: ADP and both SKF methods produce similar estimates of BF percentage in all participants, whereas BIA overestimated BF percentage relative to the other measures. Caution is recommended when using BIA as the body composition method for breast cancer survivors who have completed treatment but are still undergoing adjuvant hormonal therapy. Implications for Nursing: Measurements of body composition can be implemented very easily as part of usual care and should serve as an objective outcome measure for interventions designed to promote healthy behaviors among breast cancer survivors. - See more at: https://onf.ons.org/onf/38/4/comparison-body-composition-assessment-methods-breast-cancer-survivors#sthash.5djfTS1Q.dpuf