838 resultados para cidadania e direitos humanos


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Pós-graduação em História - FCHS


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Pós-graduação em História - FCHS


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Sexuality device authorizes families to become the guardians of its members’ sexuality, ensuring the exclusion of any kind of dissidence from heteronormativity by means of reinforcement of homophobia. This paper presents the analyses of female participants who are dissident of heteronormativity. They were accessed through snow-ball technique and were interviewed. After transcribing their interviews, the researcher produced narratives of their lives with were corroborated with the participants. Data were analyzed from a poststructuralist perspective. By then, we privileged the study of the manifestation of homophobia in the family, developing a genealogy of their detractors effects, but also highlighting modes of resistance to it. This locus of manifestation of homophobia, obscured by the intimacy of the private world, is still a fairly discussed topic in national studies and maximizes the damage caused by discrimination in macro social spaces. We pointed out, then, family as an important target of action for public policies which aim the protection of human and civil rights, as well as all kinds of violence and discrimination.


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Starting from the theoretical contributions of Michel Foucault and from a critical appraisal of the Declaration of Universal Human Rights and the 1988 Brazilian Constitution, this article maps the constitution of labor as a dimension that goes from social right to health device. In our analysis we find that labor as a social right and health device has a subjective protagonism and has social and economic aspects contemplated by documents. However in defining and orienting ways of being of individuals that work delivered speeches that fall in and control, hindering the openness of workers for movements of creation expansion of life and work in its positivity of experimentations. We conclude that is not enough to recognize labor as a social right, indicate its role as a health strategy or direct political efforts without problematizing not “what kind of work” can be supportive in a more creative construction of its own work and health.


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This article provides a theoretical reflection on the relationship between public policies and the social vulnerability of children and adolescents, based on the supervised internship of students of Psychology at UNESP/Campus Assis. The work revealed the need to examine the implications that social vulnerability concepts and public policies have in this area of professional activity. The study indicated the importance of addressing the ways that social vulnerability arises, and suggested possible contributions that psychology could make in the social sphere. The work highlights the need for the future psychologist to deepen his/her knowledge of these issues in order to develop a critical professional attitude that breaks from the approach in which individuals and/or their families are considered responsible for the processes that maintain them at risk.


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This paper is the result of a homonymous scientific research, funded by CNPq-PIBIC where we understand the adoption process as a process of dissidence in relation to the bio-parental matrix. Founded on a heteronormative naturalization of human sexuality - which presupposes a continuum and naturalized organization among sex / gender / desire – this bioparental matrix sets the binary relation of distinction between the legitimate/illegitimate child as their origin or not arising from “blood ties”. Considering our experience in the Project developed at the Department of Clinical Psychology at UNESP, Assis, SP called “Ties of love: Adoption, Gender, Citizenship and Rights”, we prepared a content analysis - as proposed by Bardin (1977) -, of transcripts of psychological sessions that were made from 2005 to 2012 in the "Center for Research and Applied Psychology “Dra. Betti Katzenstein. Our general objective was to analyze the effects of the bioparental matrix and its impact on children/adolescents and their families as well as estimate the possibilities of escape to the subjection to this bioparental matrix. The results showed us several aspects that may be significant for understanding the discursive crossings related to the practice of adoption. It was observed that there is still a great ambivalence pervading this theme, revealing that there is a discrepancy between what we say and what we do in relation to practices of caring among the adopted children. On the one hand, it was noticed that relatives rationally seek to enhance the bonding of the “emotional ties”, but their practices and beliefs, are still supported in modes of subjectivation that prioritize the biological discourse. This fact reveals a strained and conflictive field that probably weaknesses those families seeking to prioritize the ties of affection. However, as can be seen in this study, it is comforting and motivating to realize the power of resistance of individuals to absolute truths that govern their ways of feeling, affiliating and/ or exert their parenting.


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This paper presents some reflections about the challenge of the Psychiatric Reform (RP) and the National Policy of Humanization (NHP) to change modes of production and health care. Starting at observations about the current scenario , marked by a conservative tendency, the author seeks to explain the care that has freedom as a principle and ethical requirement and that compulsory admissions represents a worrying setback in the public mental health policy. At the end the author points out that both policies (PNH and Mental Health) are bets which are produced in nooks and crevices of the conservative model, which represents an immense challenge.


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Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS


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Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS


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Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS


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Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS


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Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS


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Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS


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Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)