910 resultados para cannabis dependence


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BACKGROUND High-dose benzodiazepine (BZD) dependence is associated with a wide variety of negative health consequences. Affected individuals are reported to suffer from severe mental disorders and are often unable to achieve long-term abstinence via recommended discontinuation strategies. Although it is increasingly understood that treatment interventions should take subjective experiences and beliefs into account, the perceptions of this group of individuals remain under-investigated. METHODS We conducted an exploratory qualitative study with 41 adult subjects meeting criteria for (high-dose) BZD-dependence, as defined by ICD-10. One-on-one in-depth interviews allowed for an exploration of this group's views on the reasons behind their initial and then continued use of BZDs, as well as their procurement strategies. Mayring's qualitative content analysis was used to evaluate our data. RESULTS In this sample, all participants had developed explanatory models for why they began using BZDs. We identified a multitude of reasons that we grouped into four broad categories, as explaining continued BZD use: (1) to cope with symptoms of psychological distress or mental disorder other than substance use, (2) to manage symptoms of physical or psychological discomfort associated with somatic disorder, (3) to alleviate symptoms of substance-related disorders, and (4) for recreational purposes, that is, sensation-seeking and other social reasons. Subjects often considered BZDs less dangerous than other substances and associated their use more often with harm reduction than as recreational. Specific obtainment strategies varied widely: the majority of participants oscillated between legal and illegal methods, often relying on the black market when faced with treatment termination. CONCLUSIONS Irrespective of comorbidity, participants expressed a clear preference for medically related explanatory models for their BZD use. We therefore suggest that clinicians consider patients' motives for long-term, high-dose BZD use when formulating treatment plans for this patient group, especially since it is known that individuals are more compliant with approaches they perceive to be manageable, tolerable, and effective.


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With the aim of providing a worldsheet description of the refined topological string, we continue the study of a particular class of higher derivative couplings Fg,n in the type II string effective action compactified on a Calabi–Yau threefold. We analyse first order differential equations in the anti-holomorphic moduli of the theory, which relate the Fg,n to other component couplings. From the point of view of the topological theory, these equations describe the contribution of non-physical states to twisted correlation functions and encode an obstruction for interpreting the Fg,n as the free energy of the refined topological string theory. We investigate possibilities of lifting this obstruction by formulating conditions on the moduli dependence under which the differential equations simplify and take the form of generalised holomorphic anomaly equations. We further test this approach against explicit calculations in the dual heterotic theory.


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Insulin is an important regulator of renal salt and water excretion, and hyperinsulinemia has been implicated to play a role in hypertension. One of the target proteins of insulin action in the kidney is Na(+)/H(+) exchanger 3 (NHE3), a principal Na(+) transporter responsible for salt absorption in the mammalian proximal tubule. The molecular mechanisms involved in activation of NHE3 by insulin have not been studied so far. In opossum kidney (OK) cells, insulin increased Na(+)/H(+) exchange activity in a time- and concentration-dependent manner. This effect is due to activation of NHE3 as it persisted after pharmacological inhibition of NHE1 and NHE2. In the early phase of stimulation (2-12 h), NHE3 activity was increased without changes in NHE3 protein and mRNA. At 24 h, enhanced NHE3 activity was accompanied by an increase in total and cell surface NHE3 protein and NHE3 mRNA abundance. All the effects of insulin on NHE3 activity, protein, and mRNA were amplified in the presence of hydrocortisone. These results suggest that insulin stimulates renal tubular NHE3 activity via a biphasic mechanism involving posttranslational factors and an increase in NHE3 gene expression and the effects are dependent on the permissive action of hydrocortisone.


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The concentration of 11-nor-9-carboxy-Δ(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol (THCCOOH) in whole blood is used as a parameter for assessing the consumption behavior of cannabis consumers. The blood level of THCCOOH-glucuronide might provide additional information about the frequency of cannabis use. To verify this assumption, a column-switching liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) method for the rapid and direct quantification of free and glucuronidated THCCOOH in human whole blood was newly developed. The method comprised protein precipitation, followed by injection of the processed sample onto a trapping column and subsequent gradient elution to an analytical column for separation and detection. The total LC run time was 4.5 min. Detection of the analytes was accomplished by electrospray ionization in positive ion mode and selected reaction monitoring using a triple-stage quadrupole mass spectrometer. The method was fully validated by evaluating the following parameters: linearity, lower limit of quantification, accuracy and imprecision, selectivity, extraction efficiency, matrix effect, carry-over, dilution integrity, analyte stability, and re-injection reproducibility. All acceptance criteria were analyzed and the predefined criteria met. Linearity ranged from 5.0 to 500 μg/L for both analytes. The method was successfully applied to whole blood samples from a large collective of cannabis consumers, demonstrating its applicability in the forensic field.


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Empirical research on discrimination is faced with crucial problems stemming from the specific character of its object of study. In democratic societies the communication of prejudices and other forms of discriminatory behavior is considered socially undesirable and depends on situational factors such as whether a situation is considered private or whether a discriminatory consensus can be assumed. Regular surveys thus can only offer a blurred picture of the phenomenon. But also survey experiments intended to decrease the social desirability bias (SDB) so far failed in systematically implementing situational variables. This paper introduces three experimental approaches to improve the study of discrimination and other topics of social (un-)desirability. First, we argue in favor of cognitive context framing in surveys in order to operationalize the salience of situational norms. Second, factorial surveys offer a way to take situational contexts and substitute behavior into account. And third, choice experiments – a rather new method in sociology – offer a more valid method of measuring behavioral characteristics compared to simple items in surveys. All three approaches – which may be combined – are easy to implement in large-scale surveys. Results of empirical studies demonstrate the fruitfulness of each of these approaches.


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Background. Liver cancer mortality continues to be a significant factor in deaths worldwide and in the U.S., yet there remains a lack of studies on how mortality burden is impacted by racial groups or by heavy alcohol use. This study evaluated the geographic distribution of liver cancer mortality across population groups in Texas and the U.S. over a 24-year period, as well as determining whether alcohol dependence or abuse correlates with mortality rates. ^ Methods. The Spatial Scan Statistic was used to identify regions of excess liver cancer mortality in Texas counties and the U.S. from 1980 to 2003. The statistic was conducted with a spatial cluster size of 50% of the population at risk, and all analyses used publicly available data. Alcohol abuse data by state and ethnicity were extracted from SAMHSA datasets for the study period 2000–2004. ^ Results. The results of the geographic analysis of liver cancer mortality in both Texas and the U.S. indicate that there were four and seven regions, respectively, that were identified as having statistically significant excess mortality rates with elevated relative risks ranging from 1.38–2.07 and 1.05–1.623 (p = 0.001), respectively. ^ Conclusion. This study revealed seven regions of excess mortality of liver cancer mortality across the U.S. and four regions of excess mortality in Texas between 1980–2003, as well as demonstrated a correlation between elevated liver cancer mortality rates and reporting of alcohol dependence among Hispanics and Other populations. ^


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Naltrexone, an opioid antagonist, was the second drug approved for treatment of alcohol dependence in the U.S. Its approval followed two landmark studies published in the U.S. in 1992. [1, 2] These studies showed that a combined treatment of naltrexone and behavioral therapy reduced alcohol consumption in alcoholics. Opioid antagonists decrease craving for alcohol and help to reduce drinking by blocking opioid peptide receptors in the body that are active in a dopamine chemical reward system. ^ Despite their usefulness, opioid antagonists have been underutilized. Health providers not educated in the use of opioid antagonists hold the view that opioid antagonist therapy is ineffective. However, it is apparent from the relevant literature that this therapy, when properly understood and targeted, has the potential to make a positive contribution in treating alcohol dependent patients. ^ This thesis will review the scientific literature and the present body of knowledge regarding opioid antagonists (naltrexone) and their pharmacological role in treating alcohol dependence.^


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Objective. Predictors of non-adherence to antiretroviral medications in a population of low-income, multiethnic, HIV-positive smokers were investigated. ^ Methods. A secondary analysis was conducted using baseline data collected from 326 patients currently prescribed antiretrovirals enrolled in a randomized clinical trial assessing smoking outcomes. Variables evaluated included demographics, stress, depression, nicotine dependence, illicit drug use and alcohol use. ^ Results. The average age of participants was 45.9 years (SD=7.6). The majority of participants were male (72.1%), Black (76.7%), reported sexual contact as the method of HIV exposure (heterosexual (43%) and MSM (27%)) and were antiretroviral adherent (60.4%). Results from unadjusted analyses indicated depression (OR=1.02; 95% CI=1.00-1.04), illicit drug use (OR=2.39; 95% CI=1.51-3.79) and alcohol consumption (OR=2.86; 95% CI=1.79-4.57) were associated with non-adherence. Multivariate analyses indicated nicotine dependence (OR=1.13; 95% CI=1.02-1.25), illicit drug use (OR=2.10; 95% CI=1.27-3.49) and alcohol use (OR=2.50; 95% CI=1.52-4.12) were associated with nonadherence. ^ Conclusions. Illicit drug use, alcohol use and nicotine dependence are formidable barriers to antiretroviral adherence in this population. Future research is needed to assess how to address these variables in the context of improving antiretroviral adherence for individuals living with HIV/AIDS.^


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Opioids are drugs with opium-like qualities that are either derived from opiates (drugs created from opium, such as morphine or codeine) or chemically produced. In the U.S. opiate abuse and related deaths have been increasing and traditional maintenance treatment has been Methadone with variable success. However, since 2003 synthetic Buprenorphine has been used since it is prescribed daily by physicians in pill form and should improve outcomes. Comparative studies are limited and the effect of ethnicity on treatment outcome is unknown. ^ Data collected at one clinic from December 2005 through May 2009 were used to compare the association between ethnicity and other socioeconomic variables with treatment status, and to identify factors associated with the dropout among participants. Descriptive tables and multiple logistic regression models were used to examine the data on 1,295 total participants. Of the total, 875 participants (68%) were from the Methadone subsample and 420 participants (32%) from the Buprenorphine subsample; only about 15% stayed in treatment. ^ This study showed that with either Methadone or Buprenorphine maintenance therapy, only about 15% participants stay active over 3.5 years. Methadone treated patients that stayed active in treatment were associated with Caucasian ethnicity and were more likely to be employed. With Buprenorphine maintenance treatment only age over 40 years was associated with continuing activity in the program. Further studies that examine the reasons for the high dropout status and the implication of the socioeconomic and ethnic associations found in this data may help to improve treatment outcomes.^


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A partir de las reflexiones sobre las contradicciones y posibilidades en el análisis de los discursos de científicos y las prácticas de los usuarios de Cannabis en Argentina, se pretende reconsiderar las tareas de las Ciencias Sociales en el escenario del presente social en transformación. El propósito es abordar un análisis desde una perspectiva geopolítica que no ignore los procesos ni la discusión científica que tienen lugar en los países de la región Cono Sur ya que dependen de un mismo circuito, el del tráfico ilegal de Cannabis, producido y prensado en Paraguay para comercializarlo en Brasil, Argentina, Chile y Uruguay. Con respecto a este último país, si bien significa un porcentaje pequeño de la producción, con la Regulación este 2014, se estipula que tenderá a salir del circuito como mercado de consumo en un tiempo corto. Al analizar los usos de esta planta podría resultar fructífero interpretar los alcances de reformas legislativas en el intento de reducir el poder económico de su tráfico ilegal en el Cono Sur, así como también cuando se trata de desvendar contradicciones inherentes al narcotráfico, que inyecta dinero ilegal a través del lavado de activos, invirtiéndolo en varios frentes, permitiendo su crecimiento exponencial. El narcotráfico se entiende a partir de esta investigación como circuito con actores invisibles y criminalizados y como segundo negocio ilegal más lucrativo y funcional a las crisis de sobreacumulación


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En la actualidad, la despenalización y regulación del cultivo y la tenencia para consumo personal es uno de los desafíos estratégicos que enfrentan las políticas públicas en la agenda del pensamiento social latinoamericano y argentino en el marco del reconocimiento de derechos. La crisis de diciembre de 2001 y la caída del valor de la moneda argentina desincentiva al narcotráfico de Cannabis proveniente de Paraguay hacia Argentina. El ?prensado paraguayo? se desvía al gran mercado en el que se convierte Brasil. Los largos períodos de falta de marihuana en Argentina y la consecuente especulación para la suba del precio promovieron el autocultivo y la transformación de las representaciones de los usuarios. En este contexto, la estigmatización de los usuarios favoreció su vinculación a través de Internet. Esta forma de comunicación generó una red que permitió el surgimiento del Movimiento Cannábico Argentino y su consolidación a lo largo de esta década. Los espacios de representación emergentes y las prácticas espaciales de los usuarios y cultivadores de Cannabis en Argentina tienen lógicas de intercambio, cooperación y autogestión, opuestas a las lógicas del circuito del narcotráfico. El fortalecimiento del Movimiento junto con el desarrollo de estas acciones colectivas de movilización en el espacio público disminuye la vinculación de los usuarios con la oferta ilegal proveniente del circuito del narcotráfico y su vulnerabilidad social


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En la actualidad, la despenalización y regulación del cultivo y la tenencia para consumo personal es uno de los desafíos estratégicos que enfrentan las políticas públicas en la agenda del pensamiento social latinoamericano y argentino en el marco del reconocimiento de derechos. La crisis de diciembre de 2001 y la caída del valor de la moneda argentina desincentiva al narcotráfico de Cannabis proveniente de Paraguay hacia Argentina. El ?prensado paraguayo? se desvía al gran mercado en el que se convierte Brasil. Los largos períodos de falta de marihuana en Argentina y la consecuente especulación para la suba del precio promovieron el autocultivo y la transformación de las representaciones de los usuarios. En este contexto, la estigmatización de los usuarios favoreció su vinculación a través de Internet. Esta forma de comunicación generó una red que permitió el surgimiento del Movimiento Cannábico Argentino y su consolidación a lo largo de esta década. Los espacios de representación emergentes y las prácticas espaciales de los usuarios y cultivadores de Cannabis en Argentina tienen lógicas de intercambio, cooperación y autogestión, opuestas a las lógicas del circuito del narcotráfico. El fortalecimiento del Movimiento junto con el desarrollo de estas acciones colectivas de movilización en el espacio público disminuye la vinculación de los usuarios con la oferta ilegal proveniente del circuito del narcotráfico y su vulnerabilidad social