983 resultados para X-LINKED INHERITANCE
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Tecnologia e Segurança Alimentar
A thesis submitted for the degree of Ph. D. in Physics
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.
Scanning electron microscopy applied to the mycelial phase of Sporothrix schenckii shows a matted mycelium with conidia of a regular pattern. X-Ray microanalysis applied in energy dispersive spectroscopy and also in wavelength dispersive spectroscopy reveals the presence of several elements of Mendeleef's classification.
Rett syndrome is a neurodevelopmental disorder caused by mutations in the MECP2 gene. We investigated the genetic basis of disease in a female patient with a Rett-like clinical. Karyotype analysis revealed a pericentric inversion in the X chromosome -46,X,inv(X)(p22.1q28), with breakpoints in the cytobands where the MECP2 and CDKL5 genes are located. FISH analysis revealed that the MECP2 gene is not dislocated by the inversion. However, and in spite of a balanced pattern of X inactivation, this patient displayed hypomethylation and an overexpression of the MECP2 gene at the mRNA level in the lymphocytes (mean fold change: 2.55±0.38) in comparison to a group of control individuals; the expression of the CDKL5 gene was similar to that of controls (mean fold change: 0.98±0.10). No gains or losses were detected in the breakpoint regions encompassing known or suspected transcription regulatory elements. We propose that the de-regulation of MECP2 expression in this patient may be due to alterations in long-range genomic interactions caused by the inversion and hypothesize that this type of epigenetic de-regulation of the MECP2 may be present in other RTT-like patients.
Foram pesquisados 7 municípios do Estado, sendo o maior número de amostras colhido em Russas, Morada Nova, Quixadá e Iracema. Foram feitas provas de precipitina com anti-soros de gato, cão, ave, cabra, roedor, marsupial e homem. De 1.205 provas realizadas, 392 apresentaram prova positiva (32,5%). Apresentaram 79,3% uma só fonte alimentar, 19,4% duas, 1% três e 3% quatro. Os resultados foram os seguintes:
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Finance from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
A radiological study of the small intestine of 17 untreated patients in the acute phase ofschistosomiasis was performed. Twelve patients (70% of total) had alterations: nine had clear-cut thickening of the duodenal and jejunal folds, one flocculation, one fragmentation and one thickening of mucosae, flocculation and fragmentation of the barium column. There was no correlation of the gastrointestinal symptomatology (vomiting, diarrhoea, dysentery, hepatomegaly) neither with the parasitological load nor with the x-ray alterations.
Descrevem-se as alterações anatomopatológicas observadas na necropsia de chagásico crônico, provavelmente, portador da forma indeterminada da doença. O coração mostrou lesões dos três folhetos e do sistema excito-condutor, traduzidas especialmente por pequenos focos inflamatórios. Havia discreta fibrose do miocárdio contrâtil, nódulo átrio-ventricular e origem do ramo esquerdo do feixe de His. Tais alterações, embora de leve intensidade, assemelham-se, qualitativamente, às relatadas nas demais formas crônicas da doença de Chagas e representam lesões ativas, com potencial evolutivo. No esôfago, observou-se entre outros fatos, despopulação neuronal acentuada.
Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Biology, Cell Biology
The liver abscess is the most frequent extraintestinal complication of intestinal amoebiasis: its diagnosis is suggested by the clinical picture but it must be confirmed by paraclinic tests. Themost stringent diagnosis requires identification of E. histolytica. But this is possible only in a few cases. Serological tests greatly improve the diagnosis of this severe complication of amoebiasis. We compared the Enzyme Linfed Immunosorbent Assay and the Counterimmunoeletrophoresis techniques. Both techniques were used to detect amoebic antibodies in 50 control patients, 30 patients with liver abscess and 30 patients with intestinal amoebiasis. All the sera from control patients gave negative results iin both techniques. When analysing the sera from patients with intestinal amoebiasis, 10% of them were positive by ELISA but non by CIE. The sera of patients with liver abscess, we found that 90% were positive by the ELISA method and 66.6% by the CIE technique. In patients with amoebic liver abscess, the results showed that the ELISA was more sensitive than the CIE, as it presented a higher sensitivity (100%) than that of the CIE technique (66%).
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
Dissertation toobtaina Master of Science degree in Bioorganics
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia de Materiais
Dacron and nitrocellulose were evaluated as matrices for the dot enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (dot-ELISA) for schistosomiasis and compared to indirect immunofluorescence (IMF). Titration of sera from 18 schistosomiasis patients against soluble worm antigen preparation (SWAP) was carried out and sera from healthy individuals from non-endemic areas were used as controls. The IMF was less sensitive than the dot-ELISAs, although the difference was not statistically significant (p > 0.05). The dot-ELISA based on nitrocellulose was as sensitive as that using dacron. Stability did not differ between nitrocellulose and dacron. Specificity was lower when dacron was used than when nitrocellulose was used, although the difference was not statistically significant (p > 0.05). In conclusion, this work showed that nitrocellulose and dacron performed similarly in dot-ELISA, suggesting that they may be used alternatively in population surveillance in endemic areas.