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Analisis destinado a identificar las condiciones de alfabetizacion de la poblacion joven (de 15 a 29 anos) de America Latina y a estudiar la insercion y ubicacion de los jovenes en el mercado ocupacional segun su diferente nivel educativo. Se utilizan los datos del programa de muestras censales (OMUECE) elaborado por CELADE. La primera parte entrega informacion sobre el analfabetismo y la escolaridad incipiente de los jovenes de 15 a 24 anos en 1970. Los datos se desagregan por zonas rurales y urbanas y por sexos. Tambien se compara la situacion presentada con la de 1960. La segunda parte se preocupa de la relacion educacion-empleo y de las variaciones de esta relacion entre 1960-1970. El trabajo es preponderamentemente descriptivo, aunque al pasar se senalan problemas y algunas hipotesis. Contiene 57 cuadros estadisticos mas un anexo de 103 cuadros.
En este artículo se construyen las series de la participación salarial en el producto interno bruto (PIB) de 15 economías de América Latina y la correspondiente al conjunto de estas entre 1950-2010. Se determina, con diferentes metodologías, la tendencia no lineal de esta variable, corroborando la presencia de dos grandes ciclos. Se incluye una discusión de diversos autores, especialmente clásicos y postkeynesianos, que exploran la vinculación de esta variable con el nivel de actividad económica. Asimismo, se demuestra la pertinencia del enfoque postkeynesiano para explicar que las variaciones del PIB real están determinadas por la participación salarial, la formación bruta de capital y las exportaciones de bienes y servicios, entre las principales variables. Sin embargo, la contribución de la variación de la participación salarial al crecimiento del producto real es menos importante a partir de los años ochenta.
Teniendo como telón de fondo el aumento sustantivo de la participación laboral femenina en toda la región latinoamericana, en este artículo se caracterizan las políticas adoptadas para conciliar la vida familiar y laboral entre 2003 y 2013, así como las implicaciones del diseño de estas medidas para la equidad socioeconómica y de género. Se abordan los casos de la Argentina, el Brasil, Chile, Costa Rica y el Uruguay, cinco países de la región que, en función de sus trayectorias históricas, tienen las mejores condiciones relativas para ejecutar medidas que reorganicen tiempos, ingresos y servicios. El análisis empírico indica, primero, que estas transformaciones favorecieron más homogéneamente la equidad socioeconómica que la equidad de género. Segundo, se identificaron variaciones significativas entre países, tanto en la magnitud como en el tipo de cambio ocurrido. El trabajo concluye con interrogantes sustantivos respecto de las medidas, su implementación y efectividad, y las variaciones entre países.
Una misma tasa de crecimiento del ingreso genera efectos de distinta magnitud en la pobreza y en la desigualdad. Esto sugiere aplicar metodologías complementarias para valorar si la estrategia de desarrollo ha generado variaciones del ingreso, la pobreza y la equidad en favor de los pobres. En este trabajo se aplican distintas metodologías para calificar la calidad del crecimiento del ingreso en los países de América Latina durante el período 1990-2008.
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The moral judgment was approached upon a constructivist perspective which focuses on its evolution according to the different types of social relations. The several forms of resolution of conflicts are also considered in this reference, since they are related to situations of interaction, as well as the aggressiveness. The research was carried out with sixty children and teenagers from a socio-educational institution. It aimed to identify the variations according to age, and relate the trends in moral judgment, the styles of resolution of conflicts, and the perception of the educators regarding to the manifestation of aggressive behaviors. The instruments for collecting data were the Scale of Perception from Teachers for children that manifested Aggressive Behaviors in School, a Clinical Interview about moral judgment and the adaptation of the Children\'s Action Tendency Scale - CATS. The results showed that variations in relation to age were significant regarding to moral judgment. The younger children showed more heteronomous judgments and the older children more autonomous. Furthermore, the data evidenced a positive relationship between semiautonomia and aggressiveness, which raises the possibility of this being regarded as one of the unique strategies to take a position within an authoritarian and coercive environment.
Pós-graduação em História - FCHS
All trees with diameter at breast height dbh >= 10.0 cm were stem-mapped in a "terra firme" tropical rainforest in the Brazilian Amazon, at the EMBRAPA Experimental Site, Manaus, Brazil. Specifically, the relationships of tree species with soil properties were determined by using canonical correspondence analyses based on nine soil variables and 68 tree species. From the canonical correspondence analyses, the species were grouped into two groups: one where species occur mainly in sandy sites, presenting low organic matter content; and another one where species occur mainly in dry and clayey sites. Hence, we used Ripley's K function to analyze the distribution of species in 32 plots ranging from 2,500 m(2) to 20,000 m(2) to determine whether each group presents some spatial aggregation as a soil variations result. Significant spatial aggregation for the two groups was found only at over 10,000 m(2) sampling units, particularly for those species found in clayey soils and drier environments, where the sampling units investigated seemed to meet the species requirements. Soil variables, mediated by topographic positions had influenced species spatial aggregation, mainly in an intermediate to large distances varied range (>= 20 m). Based on our findings, we conclude that environmental heterogeneity and 10,000 m(2) minimum sample unit sizes should be considered in forest dynamic studies in order to understand the spatial processes structuring the "terra firme" tropical rainforest in Brazilian Amazon.
This study examined precipitation in southern Brazil based on a data set provided by the Brazilian National Water Agency, covering the period from 1976 to 2010. Data were homogenized using the R software and the Climatol subroutine, which allow completing missing data. Isohyets were drawn using the Geostatistics software to obtain a semivariogram for each analysis. There was a remarkable interannual variability in this region, with positive anomalies in the warm phase (El Nino) and negative anomalies in the cold phase (La Nina) of ENSO. Also, the responses of this variability were not uniform in the entire region, since there was variability from year to year and from event to event.
Cerebral palsy (CP) describes a group of permanent disorders of the development of movement and posture, causing activity limitation, that are attributed to non-progressive disturbances that occurred in the developing fetal or infant brain.A child with cerebral palsy may have impairments in motor control, which contributes to loss of functional abilities in posture and mobility. The severity of the impairment on the neuromuscular system determines the variations of functional mobility in children with cerebral palsy. The control of the patient, during the dental treatment, is of fundamental importance because these patients present some pathological reflexes which interfere in the odontological assistance
Fundação do Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Climatic factors directly influence growth and productivity of plants inside greenhouses, where temperature can be considered one of the major parameter in this context. Thus, the aim of this research was to develop a low cost device for thermal sensing and data acquisition, and use it in data collection and analysis of spatial variability of temperature inside a greenhouse with tropical climate. The developed equipment for thermal measurements showed a high degree of accuracy and fast responses in measurements, proving its efficiency. The data analysis interpretations were made from the elaborations of variograms and of tridimensional maps generated by a geostatistical software. The processed data analysis presented that a greenhouse without thermal control has spatial variations of air temperature, both in the sampled horizontals layers as in the three analyzed vertical columns, presenting variations of up to 3.6 ºC in certain times.