998 resultados para Uranium oxides.


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Concentrations and activity ratios of uranium and thorium isotopes (234U/238U, 230Th/232Th) were determined at about 5-m intervals through the composite top 22-m sequence of Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Hole 645 in Baffin Bay and, in the Labrador Sea, at 1-m intervals through the top 11 m of Core 84-030-003 (TWC and P) collected by the Hudson during a preliminary survey of Site 647, and also at about 2-m intervals through the composite top 22-m sequence of Hole 646. In the Labrador Sea, surficial sediments show unsupported 230Th having a 230Th/234U activity ratio of about 3. At Site 647, a regular decrease in the 230Th/232Th activity ratio was observed downcore from about 1.2 (at 1 mbsf) to about 0.4 (at ~8 mbsf), through a sequence spanning over 18O stages 2 through 8. The correlative thorium/uranium chronology and 18O stratigraphy indicate relatively constant sedimentation rates throughout the sequence. At Site 646, down Greenland slope, and at Site 645, in Baffin Bay, highly variable uranium and thorium concentrations and isotopic ratios were observed in relation to highly variable sedimentation rates. As a whole, the lower-excess observed in Baffin Bay records is indicative of very high absolute sedimentation rates in comparison with those of the Labrador Sea. These rates are confirmed by the 18O-stratigraphy and a few AMS 14C controls on handpicked foraminifers. At both Labrador Sea sites, a clear indication of an initial 230Th-excess (over the 230Th-rain from the water column) was found.


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Middle Miocene to Holocene fine-grained argillaceous sediments (clays, claystones/muds, and mudstones), which volumetrically dominated the sediment recovery in the Woodlark Basin during Leg 180, were chemically analyzed for major elements, trace elements, and some rare earth elements by X-ray fluorescence. Selected samples also underwent X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis for mineral determination. The results shed light on sediment provenance when combined with shipboard sediment descriptions, smear slide study, and XRD. The oldest sediments recovered (Site 1108) of middle-late Miocene age include volcanogenic muds with distinctive high MgO and K2O, indicative of a relatively basic calc-alkaline source related to an inferred Miocene forearc succession. The forearc basement, composed of diabase and basalt, was locally exposed (Site 1109) and eroded in the late Miocene (<5.4-9.93 Ma), giving rise to fluvial conglomerates (Sites 1109, 1115, and 1118). Chemically distinctive fine-grained claystones and siltstones (with relatively high Ti, low K) are compatible with derivation from tropically weathered basic igneous rocks, correlated with the Paleogene Papuan ophiolite. Overlying latest Miocene-Pleistocene fine-grained sediments throughout the Woodlark Basin were partly derived from calc-alkaline volcanic sources. However, relatively high abundances of Al2O3 and related element oxides (K2O and Na2O) and trace elements (e.g., Rb and Y) reflect an additional terrigenous input throughout the basin, correlated with pelitic metamorphic rocks exposed on Papua New Guinea and adjacent areas. In addition, sporadic high abundances of Cr and Ni, some other trace metals, and related minerals (talc, crysotile, and chlorite) reflect input from an ophiolitic terrain dominated by ultramafic rocks, correlated with the Paleogene Papuan ophiolite. The source areas possibly included serpentinized ultramafic ophiolitic rocks exposed in the Papua New Guinea interior highlands. Chemical evidence further indicates that fine-grained terrigenous sediment reached the Woodlark Basin throughout its entire late Miocene-Holocene history. Distinctive high-K volcanogenic muds rich in tephra and volcanic ash layers that appear at <2.3 Ma (Sites 1109 and 1115) are indicative of high-K calc-alkaline volcanic centers, possibly located in the Dawson Strait, Moresby Strait, or Dobu Seamount area. Chemical diagenesis of fine-grained sediments within the Woodlark Basin is reflected in clay neomorphism and localized formation of minerals including dolomite, ankerite, and zeolite but has had little effect on the bulk chemical composition of most samples.


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We provide new insights into the geochemistry of serpentinites from mid-ocean ridges (Mid-Atlantic Ridge and Hess Deep), passive margins (Iberia Abyssal Plain and Newfoundland) and fore-arcs (Mariana and Guatemala) based on bulk-rock and in situ mineral major and trace element compositional data collected on drill cores from the Deep Sea Drilling Project and Ocean Drilling Program. These data are important for constraining the serpentinite-hosted trace element inventory of subduction zones. Bulk serpentinites show up to several orders of magnitude enrichments in Cl, B, Sr, U, Sb, Pb, Rb, Cs and Li relative to elements of similar compatibility during mantle melting, which correspond to the highest primitive mantle-normalized B/Nb, B/Th, U/Th, Sb/Ce, Sr/Nd and Li/Y among subducted lithologies of the oceanic lithosphere (serpentinites, sediments and altered igneous oceanic crust). Among the elements showing relative enrichment, Cl and B are by far the most abundant with bulk concentrations mostly above 1000 µg/g and 30 µg/g, respectively. All other trace elements showing relative enrichments are generally present in low concentrations (µg/g level), except Sr in carbonate-bearing serpentinites (thousands of µg/g). In situ data indicate that concentrations of Cl, B, Sr, U, Sb, Rb and Cs are, and that of Li can be, increased by serpentinization. These elements are largely hosted in serpentine (lizardite and chrysotile, but not antigorite). Aragonite precipitation leads to significant enrichments in Sr, U and B, whereas calcite is important only as an Sr host. Commonly observed brucite is trace element-poor. The overall enrichment patterns are comparable among serpentinites from mid-ocean ridges, passive margins and fore-arcs, whereas the extents of enrichments are often specific to the geodynamic setting. Variability in relative trace element enrichments within a specific setting (and locality) can be several orders of magnitude. Mid-ocean ridge serpentinites often show pronounced bulk-rock U enrichment in addition to ubiquitous Cl, B and Sr enrichment. They also exhibit positive Eu anomalies on chondrite-normalized rare earth element plots. Passive margin serpentinites tend to have higher overall incompatible trace element contents than mid-ocean ridge and fore-arc serpentinites and show the highest B enrichment among all the studied serpentinites. Fore-arc serpentinites are characterized by low overall trace element contents and show the lowest Cl, but the highest Rb, Cs and Sr enrichments. Based on our data, subducted dehydrating serpentinites are likely to release fluids with high B/Nb, B/Th, U/Th, Sb/Ce and Sr/Nd, rendering them one of the potential sources of some of the characteristic trace element fingerprints of arc magmas (e.g. high B/Nb, high Sr/Nd, high Sb/Ce). However, although serpentinites are a substantial part of global subduction zone chemical cycling, owing to their low overall trace element contents (except for B and Cl) their geochemical imprint on arc magma sources (apart from addition of H2O, B and Cl) can be masked considerably by the trace element signal from subducted crustal components.


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Three mid-Holocene sea surface temperature (SST) records spanning more than 30 years were reconstructed for the northern South China Sea using Sr/Ca ratios in Porites corals. The results indicate warmer than present climates between circa 6100 yr B.P. and circa 6500 yr B.P. with the mid-Holocene average minimum monthly winter SSTs, the average maximum monthly summer SSTs, and the average annual SSTs being about 0.5°-1.4°C, 0°-2.0°C, and 0.2°-1.5°C higher, respectively, than they were during 1970-1994. Summer SSTs decrease from circa 6500 yr B.P. to circa 6100 yr B.P. with a minimum centered at circa 6300 yr B.P. The higher average summer SSTs are consistent with a stronger summer monsoon during the mid-Holocene, and the decreasing trend indicates a secular decrease of summer monsoon strength, which reflects the change in summer insolation in the Northern Hemisphere. El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycles were apparent in both the mid-Holocene coral and modern instrumental records. However, the ENSO variability in the mid-Holocene SSTs was weaker than that in the modern record, and the SST record with the highest summer temperatures from circa 6460 yr B.P. to 6496 yr B.P. shows no robust ENSO cycle. This agrees with other studies that indicate that stronger summer monsoon circulation may have been associated with suppressed ENSO variability during the mid-Holocene.


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Reconstruction of the geologic history of the Yenisey Ridge, which developed as an accretionary collision orogen on the western margin of the Siberian craton is essential to understanding the evolution of mobile belts surrounding older cratons, as well as to resolving the recently much debated problem of whether Siberia was part of the supercontinent Rodinia. Available paleotectonic models suggest that this supercontinent was assembled at the Middle-Late Riphean boundary (1100-900 Ma) as a result of the Grenville orogeny, the first long-lived mountain building event which occurred in geosynclinal areas during the Neogaea. However, the character of crustal evolution at that stage is still speculative due to the lack of reliable and conclusive isotope data. In many current geodynamic models, a common underlying assumption is that the Yenisey Ridge showed very little endogenic activity for 1 Gyr, from the time of Tarak granite emplacement (1900-1840 Ma) to the Middle Neoproterozoic (~750 Ma). On the basis of this assumption, several recent studies suggested the absence of Grenvillian collisional events within the Yenisey Ridge. The results of the SHRIMP II U-Pb analysis of rift-related plagiogranites of the Nemtikha Complex, Yenisey Ridge (1380-1360 Ma) suggest an increase in magmatic activity in the Mesoproterozoic. Interpretation of these results in terms of a supercontinent cycle may help find evidence for possible occurrence of the Grenville orogeny on the western margin of the Siberian craton. With this in mind, we attempted to reconstruct using recent geochronological constraints the evolution of metapelitic rocks from the Teya polymetamorphic complex (TPMC), which is a good example of superimposed zoning of low and medium-pressure facies series. High precision age determinations from rock complexes formed in different geodynamic settings under different thermodynamic conditions and geothermal gradients were used to distinguish several major metamorphic events and unravel their time relations with tectonic and magmatic activity in the region.


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Measurements of uranium concentration and the 234U/238 U activity ratio in oceanic basalts which have undergone low-temperature seafloor alteration indicate that uranium uptake is a pervasive occurrence but that the various phases involved behave differently with respect to this process. Palagonite exhibits uranium contents 8-20 times higher than unaltered glass coupled with low 234U/238U, suggesting ongoing preferential leaching of 234U. Altered crystalline interiors of several old basalts have 234U/238U > 1, indicative of recent uranium exchange with seawater. The data also provide evidence for uranium sources with 234U/238U higher than the seawater value of 1.14. Manganese crusts on basalts of a variety of ages have isotopic ratios indicating that they either are recent deposits or also have experienced continuing uranium exchange with seawater.


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The main stages of the sedimentary cycle of uranium in modern marine basins are under consideration in the book. Annually about 18 thousand tons of dissolved and suspended uranium enters the ocean with river runoff. Depending on a type of a marine basin uranium accumulated either in sediments of deep-sea basins, or in sediments of continental shelves and slopes. In the surface layer of marine sediments hydrogenic uranium is predominantly bound with organic matter, and in ocean sediments also with iron, manganese and phosphorus. In diagenetic processes there occurs partial redistribution of uranium in sediments, as well as its concentration in iron-manganese, phosphate and carbonate nodules and biogenic phosphate detritus. Concentration of uranium in marine sediments of various types depending on their composition, as well as on forms of its entering, degree of differentiation and of sedimentation rates, on hydrochemical regime and water circulation, and on intensity of diagenetic processes.


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Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1151 (Sacks, Suyehiro, Acton, et al., 2000, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.186.2000) is located in an area where the surface water mass is influenced by both the Kuroshio and Oyashio Currents. The site also receives a relatively high flux of detrital materials from riverine input from Honsyu Island and eolian input from Central and East Asia. We analyzed alkenones and alkenoates in the sediments to reconstruct alkenone unsaturation index (Uk'37)-based sea-surface temperature (SST), total organic carbon, and total nitrogen to estimate the terrigenous contribution by the C/N ratio during the last glacial-interglacial cycle. The major elements were also analyzed to examine the variation in terrigenous composition.