Geochemistry of ocean floor and forearc serpentinites

Autoria(s): Kodolányi, János; Pettke, Thomas; Spandler, Carl; Kamber, Balz S; Gméling, Katalin

MEDIAN LATITUDE: 21.784658 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: -91.448310 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 2.277300 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 146.002850 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 45.196660 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -11.612000 * DATE/TIME START: 1982-01-24T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 2003-09-04T13:30:00




We provide new insights into the geochemistry of serpentinites from mid-ocean ridges (Mid-Atlantic Ridge and Hess Deep), passive margins (Iberia Abyssal Plain and Newfoundland) and fore-arcs (Mariana and Guatemala) based on bulk-rock and in situ mineral major and trace element compositional data collected on drill cores from the Deep Sea Drilling Project and Ocean Drilling Program. These data are important for constraining the serpentinite-hosted trace element inventory of subduction zones. Bulk serpentinites show up to several orders of magnitude enrichments in Cl, B, Sr, U, Sb, Pb, Rb, Cs and Li relative to elements of similar compatibility during mantle melting, which correspond to the highest primitive mantle-normalized B/Nb, B/Th, U/Th, Sb/Ce, Sr/Nd and Li/Y among subducted lithologies of the oceanic lithosphere (serpentinites, sediments and altered igneous oceanic crust). Among the elements showing relative enrichment, Cl and B are by far the most abundant with bulk concentrations mostly above 1000 µg/g and 30 µg/g, respectively. All other trace elements showing relative enrichments are generally present in low concentrations (µg/g level), except Sr in carbonate-bearing serpentinites (thousands of µg/g). In situ data indicate that concentrations of Cl, B, Sr, U, Sb, Rb and Cs are, and that of Li can be, increased by serpentinization. These elements are largely hosted in serpentine (lizardite and chrysotile, but not antigorite). Aragonite precipitation leads to significant enrichments in Sr, U and B, whereas calcite is important only as an Sr host. Commonly observed brucite is trace element-poor. The overall enrichment patterns are comparable among serpentinites from mid-ocean ridges, passive margins and fore-arcs, whereas the extents of enrichments are often specific to the geodynamic setting. Variability in relative trace element enrichments within a specific setting (and locality) can be several orders of magnitude. Mid-ocean ridge serpentinites often show pronounced bulk-rock U enrichment in addition to ubiquitous Cl, B and Sr enrichment. They also exhibit positive Eu anomalies on chondrite-normalized rare earth element plots. Passive margin serpentinites tend to have higher overall incompatible trace element contents than mid-ocean ridge and fore-arc serpentinites and show the highest B enrichment among all the studied serpentinites. Fore-arc serpentinites are characterized by low overall trace element contents and show the lowest Cl, but the highest Rb, Cs and Sr enrichments. Based on our data, subducted dehydrating serpentinites are likely to release fluids with high B/Nb, B/Th, U/Th, Sb/Ce and Sr/Nd, rendering them one of the potential sources of some of the characteristic trace element fingerprints of arc magmas (e.g. high B/Nb, high Sr/Nd, high Sb/Ce). However, although serpentinites are a substantial part of global subduction zone chemical cycling, owing to their low overall trace element contents (except for B and Cl) their geochemical imprint on arc magma sources (apart from addition of H2O, B and Cl) can be masked considerably by the trace element signal from subducted crustal components.


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Supplement to: Kodolányi, János; Pettke, Thomas; Spandler, Carl; Kamber, Balz S; Gméling, Katalin (2012): Geochemistry of ocean floor and fore-arc serpentinites: Constraints on the ultramafic input to subduction zones. Journal of Petrology, 53(2), 235-270, doi:10.1093/petrology/egr058

Palavras-Chave #? = mineralogy could not be determined; [(Mg + Fe)/(Si + Al)]molar; 147-895D; 147-895E; 173-1068A; 173-1070A; 195-1200A; 195-1200B; 195-1200D; 195-1200E; 209-1270D; 209-1272A; 209-1274A; 210-1277A; 84-566C; 84-567A; 84-570; A. octonarius var. octonarius; Actinocyclus octonarius var. octonarius; Ag; Al; Al2O3; Al2O3 std dev; all Fe considered as Fe2+; all iron reported as FeO; Al std dev; Alteration; Aluminium; Aluminium, standard deviation; Aluminium oxide; Aluminium oxide, standard deviation; Amp; Amphibole; analysis; Antimony; Antimony, standard deviation; Area; Area/locality; Arsenic; As; as total Fe; B; Ba; Barium; Barium, standard deviation; basite, polymorphs (with associated phases in brackets); Ba std dev; Bastite; Be; Beryllium; Boron; Boron, standard deviation; B std dev; Ca; Cadmium; Caesium; Calcium; Calcium, standard deviation; Calcium oxide; Calcium oxide, standard deviation; Calculated; Calculated based on oxygen number; CaO; CaO std dev; Carb; Carbonate; Carbonates; Ca std dev; Cd; Ce; Cerium; Cerium, standard deviation; Ce std dev; Chloride; Chloride, standard deviation; Chlorine; Chromium; Chromium, standard deviation; Chromium(III) oxide; Chromium(III) oxide, standard deviation; Chromium number; Chromium number, standard deviation; Cl; Clinopyroxene; Cl std dev; Co; Cobalt; Code; Color desc; Color description; Comment; concentration calculated from 208Pb measurement; concentration calculated from 90Zr signal; Copper; Cpx; Cr; Cr/(Cr + Al); Cr/(Cr+Al) std dev; Cr2O3; Cr2O3 std dev; Cr std dev; Cs; Cu; data for S002, S011, S020, S021, S030, S032, S033 and S039 are from Babechuk et al. (2010); Deep Sea Drilling Project; Deg melting; Degree of melting; Depth; Depth, bottom/max; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Depth, top/min; Depth bot; Depth top; Description; DRILL; Drilling/drill rig; DSDP; Dy; Dysprosium; Dysprosium, standard deviation; Dy std dev; Electron microprobe; elements, total; Elements, total; elements, total, with FeO and Fe2O3; equant anhedral to subhedral crystals, if nothing else is indicated; Er; Erbium; Erbium, standard deviation; Er std dev; estimated assuming that the sum of cations is 3; Eu; Europium; Europium, standard deviation; Eu std dev; Event; exact concentrations (without <) are probably biased due to instrumental memory effects and should be considered as maximum estimates; Fe; Fe2+; Fe2+, estimated assuming that the sum of cations is 3; Fe2+/Fe3+; Fe2O3; Fe2O3 std dev; Fe3+; Fe3+, estimated assuming that the sum of cations is 3; Fe3O4; FeO; FeO std dev; Fe std dev; Ga; Gadolinium; Gadolinium, standard deviation; Gallium; Gd; Gd std dev; Glomar Challenger; grain code (contains a capital letter) identifies the grain for which average composition is presented below the code (except exsolution lamellae); in case of exsolution lamellae the code of the analyses (no letters in the code) is presented instead of a grain code; grain code identifies the grain for which average composition is presented below the code; Hafnium; Heat flow probe; Hf; Ho; Holmium; Holmium, standard deviation; Ho std dev; ICP-MS, Inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry; In; Indium; Internal standard concentration (oxide weight %); Iron; Iron, standard deviation; Iron 2+; Iron 2+/Iron 3+ ratio; Iron 2+ and 3+; Iron 3+; Iron oxide, Fe2O3; Iron oxide, Fe2O3, standard deviation; Iron oxide, FeO; Iron oxide, FeO, standard deviation; isometric sub to euhedral crystals, if nothing else is indicated; Joides Resolution; K; K2O; La; Label; Label 2; LA-ICP-MS, Laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer; Lanthanum; Lanthanum, standard deviation; La std dev; Lead; Lead, standard deviation; Leg147; Leg173; Leg195; Leg209; Leg210; Leg84; Li; Li std dev; Lithium; Lithium, standard deviation; Lithology; Lithology/composition/facies; LOI; Loss on ignition; Lu; Lu std dev; Lutetium; Lutetium, standard deviation; macroscopic; Magnesium; Magnesium, standard deviation; Magnesium number; Magnesium number, standard deviation; Magnesium oxide; Magnesium oxide, standard deviation; Magnetite; major phases; Manganese; Manganese, standard deviation; Manganese oxide; Manganese oxide, standard deviation; mbsf; measurement code; mesh center, polymorphs (with associated phases in brackets); mesh rim, polymorphs (with associated phases in brackets); mesh rims and centers, pseudomorpgic serpentine ± brucite ± iowaite after olivine; Mg; Mg/(Mg + Fe); Mg/(Mg+Fe) std dev; Mg# = 100 * [Mg/(Mg+Fetotal)]molar; MgO; MgO std dev; Mg std dev; Min assembl; Mineral; Mineral assemblage; Mineral name; Minerals, other; minor phases; Min other; Mn; MnO; MnO std dev; Mn std dev; N; Na; Na2O; Na2O std dev; Na std dev; Nb; Nb std dev; Nd; Neodymium; Ni; Nickel; Nickel, standard deviation; Nickel oxide; Nickel oxide, standard deviation; NiO; Niobium; Niobium, standard deviation; NiO std dev; Ni std dev; North Atlantic Ocean; North Pacific; North Pacific/SLOPE; North Pacific Ocean; number of individual analyses per grain; Ocean Drilling Program; ODP; ODP sample designation; Ol; Olivine; Optical microscopy; Opx; original lithologyc; Orthopyroxene; other; P2O5; Pb; Pb std dev; Phosphorus oxide; Piece; Point counting; Potassium; Potassium oxide; Pr; Praseodymium; Praseodymium, standard deviation; Prompt gamma neutron activation (PGNA, Yonezawa et al. 1999); Pr std dev; Ratio; Rb; Rb std dev; replacive; Rubidium; Rubidium, standard deviation; S; Samarium; Sample amount; Sample code/label; Sample code/label 2; Sb; Sb std dev; Sc; Scandium; Serpentine; serpentine: izarditez or chrysotile with or without minor brucite; serpentine + brucite: serpentine-brucite intergrowth with high proportion of brucite (SiO2 < 30.00 wt. %); serpentine formed after orthopyroxene; Si; Silicon; Silicon, standard deviation; Silicon dioxide; Silicon dioxide, standard deviation; Silver; SiO2; SiO2 std dev; S is regarded as a cation (e.g., in SO42- groups); Si std dev; Sm; Sn; SO3**2-; Sodium; Sodium, standard deviation; Sodium oxide; Sodium oxide, standard deviation; Spinel; Spl; Sr; Srp; Sr std dev; Standard deviation; Std dev; Strontium; Strontium, standard deviation; Sulfite; Sulfur; sum; Sum; Ta; talc, chlorite, Mn-oxides, sulphides, unidentified phases, voids; Tantalum; Tb; Terbium; textural position; Texture; Th; Thallium; Thorium; Thulium; Ti; Tin; TiO2; TiO2 std dev; Ti std dev; Titanium; Titanium, standard deviation; Titanium oxide; Titanium oxide, standard deviation; Tl; Tm; total; Tungsten; U; Uranium; using the equotion of Hellebrand et al. (2001; doi:10.1038/35070546); V; V2O5; V2O5 std dev; Vanadium; Vanadium, standard deviation; Vanadium oxide; Vanadium oxide, standard deviation; vein; vein, polymorphs (with associated phases in brackets); veins, including brucite ± magnetite veins; V std dev; W; with FeO and Fe2O3; X-ray fluorescence (XRF); Y; Yb; Yb std dev; Y std dev; Ytterbium; Ytterbium, standard deviation; Yttrium; Yttrium, standard deviation; Zinc; Zirconium; Zirconium, standard deviation; Zn; Zr; Zr std dev
