999 resultados para Unified Mechanism


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In this paper, the mechanism of detonation to quasi-detonation transition was discussed, a new physical model to simulate quasi-detonation was proposed, and one-dimensional theoretical and numerical simulation was conducted. This study firstly demonstrates that the quasi-detonation is of thermal choking. If the conditions of thermal choking are created by some disturbances, the supersonic flow is then unable to accept additional thermal energy, and the CJ detonation becomes the unstable quasi-detonation precipitately. The kinetic energy loss caused by this transition process is firstly considered in this new physical model. The numerical results are in good agreement with previous experimental observations qualitatively, which demonstrates that the quasi-detonation model is physically correct and the study are fundamentally important for detonation and supersonic combustion research.


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To investigate the roles of intercellular gap junctions and extracellular ATP diffusion in bone cell calcium signaling propagation in bone tissue, in vitro bone cell networks were constructed by using microcontact printing and self-assembled monolayer technologies. In the network, neighboring cells were interconnected through functional gap junctions. A single cell at the center of the network was mechanically stimulated by using an AFM nanoindenter. Intracellular calcium ([Ca2+](i)) responses of the bone cell network were recorded and analyzed. In the untreated groups, calcium propagation from the stimulated cell to neighboring cells was observed in 40% of the tests. No significant difference was observed in this percentage when the intercellular gap junctions were blocked. This number, however, decreased to 10% in the extracellular ATP-pathway-blocked group. When both the gap junction and ATP pathways were blocked, intercellular calcium waves were abolished. When the intracellular calcium store in ER was depleted, the indented cell can generate calcium transients, but no [Ca2+](i) signal can be propagated to the neighboring cells. No [Ca2+](i) response was detected in the cell network when the extracellular calcium source was removed. These findings identified the biochemical pathways involved in the calcium signaling propagation in bone cell networks. Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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The mechanism of energy balance in an open-channel flow with submerged vegetation was investigated. The energy borrowed from the local flow, energy spending caused by vegetation drag and flow resistance, and energy transition along the water depth were calculated on the basis of the computational results of velocity and Reynolds stress. Further analysis showed that the energy spending in a cross-section was a maximum around the top of the vegetation, and its value decreased progressively until reaching zero at the flume bed or water surface. The energy borrowed from the local flow in the vegetated region could not provide for spending; therefore, surplus borrowed energy in the non-vegetated region was transmitted to the vegetated region. In addition, the total energy transition in the cross-section was zero; therefore, the total energy borrowed from the flow balanced the energy loss in the whole cross-section. At the same time, we found that there were three effects of vegetation on the flow: turbulence restriction due to vegetation, turbulence source due to vegetation and energy transference due to vegetation, where the second effect was the strongest one. Crown Copyright (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Within the concept of the dinuclear system (DNS), a dynamical model is proposed for describing the formation of superheavy nuclei in complete fusion reactions by incorporating the coupling of the relative motion to the nucleon transfer process. The capture of two heavy colliding nuclei, the formation of the compound nucleus and the de-excitation process are calculated by using an empirical coupled channel model, solving a set of microscopically derived master equations numerically and applying statistical theory, respectively.Fusion-fission reactions and evaporation residue excitation functions of synthesizing superheavy nuclei (SHN)are investigated systematically and compared them with available experimental data. The possible factors that affecting the production cross sections of SHN are discussed in this workshop.


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Oxidative damage is an important mechanism in X-ray-induced cell death. Radiolysis of water molecules is a source of reactive oxygen species (ROS) that contribute to X-ray-induced cell death. In this study, we showed by ROS detection and a cell survival assay that NADPH oxidase has a very important role in X-ray-induced cell death. Under X-ray irradiation, the upregulation of the expression of NADPH oxidase membrane Subunit gp91(phox) was dose-dependent. Meanwhile, the cytoplasmic subunit p47(phox) was translocated to the cell membrane and localized with p22(phox) and gp91(phox) to form reactive NADPH oxidase. Our data Suggest, for the first time, that NADPH oxidase-mediated generation of ROS is an important contributor to X-ray-induced cell death. This suggests a new target for combined gene transfer and radiotherapy.


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Highly differential experimental results of the scattering system He++ on He at 30 keV are presented as well as a complete unified theoretical description where excitation, transfer and ionization are treated simultaneously on an ab initio level. The agreement even for highly differential cross sections is nearly complete although no explicit correlation besides Pauli correlation is included in the calculations.


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Based on the concept of dinuclear system, considering the strong competition between fusion and quasiffision processes, by solving the master equation numerically to calculate the fusion probability of superheavy nuclei, we have estimated the excitation functions for the reactions Ti-50, Fe-58 + Pb-208, Bi-209, and the experimental data are basically reproduced. For different incident energies and different angular momentum, the effects on fusion and survival probability and the contribution to evaporation residue cross section have been given. These results help to further understand the mechanism for, synthesizing superheavy nuclei.


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In terms of the quantitative causal principle, this paper obtains a general variational principle, gives unified expressions of the general, Hamilton, Voss, Holder, Maupertuis-Lagrange variational principles of integral style, the invariant quantities of the general, Voss, Holder, Maupertuis-Lagrange variational principles are given, finally the Noether conservation charges of the general, Voss, Holder, Maupertuis-Lagrange variational principles axe deduced, and the intrinsic relations among the invariant quantities and the Noether conservation charges of all the integral variational principles axe achieved.


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It was based on the comparisons of the variance properties of fragment multiplicities FM's and nuclear stoppings R's for the neutron-halo colliding system with those of FZ's and R's for the proton-halo colliding system with the increases of beam energy in more detail, the closely correlations between the reaction mechanism and the inner structures of halo-nuclei is found. From above comparisons it is found that the variance properties of fragment multiplicities and nuclear stopping with the increases of beam energy are quite different for the neutron-halo and proton-halo colliding systems, such as the effects of loosely bound neutron-halo structure on the fragment multiplicities and nuclear stopping are obviously larger than those for the proton-halo colliding system. This is due to that the structures of halo-neutron nucleus Li-11 is more loosely than that of the proton-halo nucleus Al-23 in this paper. In this case, the fragment multiplicity and nuclear stopping of halo nuclei may be used as a possible probe for studying the reaction mechanism and the correlation between the reaction mechanism and the inner structure of halo-nuclei.