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Hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) thin films have been deposited from silane using a novel photo-enhanced decomposition technique. The system comprises a hydrogen discharge lamp contained within the reaction vessel; this unified approach allows high energy photon excitation of the silane molecules without absorption by window materials or the need for mercury sensitisation. The film growth rates (exceeding 4 Angstrom/s) and material properties obtained are comparable to those of films produced by plasma-enhanced CVD techniques. The reduction of energetic charged particles in the film growth region should enable the fabrication of cleaner semiconductor/insulator interfaces in thin-film transistors.


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Thin films of diamond-like carbon (DLC) have been deposited using a novel photon-enhanced chemical vapour deposition (photo-CVD) method. This low energy method may be a way to produce better interfaces in electronic devices by reducing damage due to ion bombardment. Methane requires high energy photons for photolysis to take place and these are not transmitted in most photo-CVD methods owing to the presence of a window between the lamp and the deposition environment. In our photo-CVD system there is no window and all the high energy photons are transmitted into the reaction gas. Initial work has proved promising and this paper presents recent results. Films have been characterized by measuring electron energy loss spectra, by ellipsometry and by fabricating and testing diode structures. Results indicate that the films are of a largely amorphous nature and are semiconducting. Diode structures have on/off current ratios of up to 106.


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In order to develop materials that exhibit enhanced flexoelectric switching in the chiral nematic phase we have identified mesogenic units that display inherently strong flexoelectric coupling capabilities. Here we examine the oxycyanobiphenyl (OCB) moiety: homologues from the nOCB series exhibit significant electro-optic switching effects when doped with a highly chiral additive. Here we have examined lower dielectric anisotropy materials, since they allow the flexoelectric response to be extended to high field amplitudes. We show that dielectric coupling strength can be low in symmetric bimesogenic molecules. The flexoelectric response of such a molecular structure is tested by doping a homologue from the series CBOnOCB with a chiral additive: very significantly we find that the optic axis is rotated through 2φ=45° in <50 μs on reversing the polarity of the field (amplitude E=±6 V μm-1). Subsequently we have synthesized room temperature chiral nematic materials that exhibit 2φ≥90° at E≈10 V μm-1. © 2001 OPA (Overseas Publishers Association) N.V. Published by license under the Gordon and Breach Science Publishers imprint, a member of the Taylor & Francis Group.


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Ultrasound elastography tracks tissue displacements under small levels of compression to obtain images of strain, a mechanical property useful in the detection and characterization of pathology. Due to the nature of ultrasound beamforming, only tissue displacements in the direction of beam propagation, referred to as 'axial', are measured to high quality, although an ability to measure other components of tissue displacement is desired to more fully characterize the mechanical behavior of tissue. Previous studies have used multiple one-dimensional (1D) angled axial displacements tracked from steered ultrasound beams to reconstruct improved quality trans-axial displacements within the scan plane ('lateral'). We show that two-dimensional (2D) displacement tracking is not possible with unmodified electronically-steered ultrasound data, and present a method of reshaping frames of steered ultrasound data to retain axial-lateral orthogonality, which permits 2D displacement tracking. Simulated and experimental ultrasound data are used to compare changes in image quality of lateral displacements reconstructed using 1D and 2D tracked steered axial and steered lateral data. Reconstructed lateral displacement image quality generally improves with the use of 2D displacement tracking at each steering angle, relative to axial tracking alone, particularly at high levels of compression. Due to the influence of tracking noise, unsteered lateral displacements exhibit greater accuracy than axial-based reconstructions at high levels of applied strain. © 2011 SPIE.


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Prenatal stress can cause many long-term behavior changes in offspring, but whether prenatal stress can alter addictive behavior in offspring and postnatal enriched environment treatment (EE) can restore these changes are unknown. We reported here that pr


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In this paper we present Poisson sum series representations for α-stable (αS) random variables and a-stable processes, in particular concentrating on continuous-time autoregressive (CAR) models driven by α-stable Lévy processes. Our representations aim to provide a conditionally Gaussian framework, which will allow parameter estimation using Rao-Blackwellised versions of state of the art Bayesian computational methods such as particle filters and Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). To overcome the issues due to truncation of the series, novel residual approximations are developed. Simulations demonstrate the potential of these Poisson sum representations for inference in otherwise intractable α-stable models. © 2011 IEEE.


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We report enhanced reflection displayed by arrays of silicon based inverted nanocones. Theoretical studies suggest that such arrays display enhanced reflection and photonic band gaps within the optical and near infrared regions. Measured results show three to four fold enhancement in reflection and agree well with calculations. Such arrays can be used to enhance infrared reflection in photovoltaic devices which mostly contribute towards heating. © 2011 American Institute of Physics.


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Supply chain tracking information is one of the main levers for achieving operational efficiency. RFID technology and the EPC Network can deliver serial-level product information that was never before available. However, these technologies still fail to meet the managers' visibility requirements in full, since they provide information about product location at specific time instances only. This paper proposes a model that uses the data provided by the EPC Network to deliver enhanced tracking information to the final user. Following a Bayesian approach, the model produces realistic ongoing estimates about the current and future location of products across a supply network, taking into account the characteristics of the product behavior and the configuration of the data collection points. These estimates can then be used to optimize operational decisions that depend on product availability at different locations. The enhancement of tracking information quality is highlighted through an example. © 2009 IFAC.


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Trichosanthin (TCS) is a type 1 ribosome-inactivating protein (RIP) effective against HIV-1 replication. The mechanism is not clear. Present results suggested that the antiviral action tray be partly mediated through enhanced apoptosis on infected cells. TCS induced apoptosis in normal H9 cells and this action was more potent in those infected with HIV-1. In flow cytometry study, TCS induced larger population of apoptotic H9 cells chronically infected with HIV-1 in a dose-dependent manner. At TCS concentration of 25 mu g/ml. 8.4% of normal H9 cells were found to be apoptotic whereas the same concentration induced 24.5% in HIV-1 chronically infected cells. Such difference was not found in the control experiments without TCS treatment. Two other studies supported this action. Cytotoxic study showed that cell viability was always lower in HIV-1 infected cells after TCS treatment, and DNA fragmentation studs confirmed more laddering in infected cells. The mechanism of TCS induced apoptosis in normal or infected H9 cells is not clear. Results in this study demonstrated that TCS is snore effective in inducing apoptosis in HIV-1 infected cells. This may explain in part the antiviral action of TCS. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.