967 resultados para Terminal Ballistics
AEM was supported by a BBSRC-CASE studentship award. Research in the IJM laboratory is currently supported by the Chief Scientist's Office of the Scottish Government and the charity Friends of Anchor.
General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.
A homogeneous PdII catalyst, utilizing a simple and inexpensive amine ligand (TMEDA), allows 2-alkynoates to be prepared in high yields by an oxidative carbonylation of terminal alkynes and alcohols. The catalyst system overcomes many of the limitations of previous palladium carbonylation catalysts. It has an increased substrate scope, avoids large excesses of alcohol substrate and uses a desirable solvent. The catalyst employs oxygen as the terminal oxidant and can be operated under safer gas mixtures.
Contributos de enfermagem na prestação de cuidados ao utente em fase terminal no serviço de Medicina
Com a transição epidemiológica vivenciada em Cabo Verde (CV), relacionada com a aquisição de novos modos e hábitos de vida nomeadamente alimentação desequilibrada e o sedentarismo vêm-se constatando um aumento da incidência de pessoas a falecerem após longos anos de sofrimento provocado por uma doença crónica degenerativa. Dessa reflexão surge o presente trabalho que tem como finalidade Identificar a contribuição de enfermagem na prestação dos cuidados ao utente em fase terminal no serviço de medicina. Para melhor compreender os objetivos do trabalho em curso optou-se por um estudo de uma abordagem qualitativa, descritiva e exploratório utilizando como método de colheita de dados uma entrevista estruturada, do qual participaram sete (7) enfermeiros do serviço de Medicina. Constatou-se que, no contexto hospitalar, perante o utente em fase terminal o enfermeiro tem uma função primordial, na medida em que o profissional de saúde é que está mais próximo do utente, e tem mais possibilidades de dar apoio emocional, físico e psicológico a pessoa nessa fase difícil da sua vida, e ainda é ele que funciona como elo de ligação entre o utente, família e a equipa multidisciplinar. A Enfermagem tem em sua essência o cuidar, e quando falamos do cuidar de uma pessoa em fim de vida esse cuidar ganha uma importância significativa e individual. A pesquisa realizada enfatizou que o cuidar do utente em fase terminal terá sempre por base garantir melhor qualidade dos últimos momentos de vida do utente, e permitir-lhe uma morte digna, e é nesse contexto que o cuidar de um utente em fase terminal é denominado de cuidados paliativos, uma vez que este não tem como objetivo a cura mas sim o cuidar do utente de forma holística e na sua individualidade.
This paper examines assumptions about future prices used in real estate applications of DCF models. We confirm both the widespread reliance on an ad hoc rule of increasing period-zero capitalization rates by 50 to 100 basis points to obtain terminal capitalization rates and the inability of the rule to project future real estate pricing. To understand how investors form expectations about future prices, we model the spread between the contemporaneously period-zero going-in and terminal capitalization rates and the spread between terminal rates assigned in period zero and going-in rates assigned in period N. Our regression results confirm statistical relationships between the terminal and next holding period going-in capitalization rate spread and the period-zero discount rate, although other economically significant variables are statistically insignificant. Linking terminal capitalization rates by assumption to going-in capitalization rates implies investors view future real estate pricing with myopic expectations. We discuss alternative specifications devoid of such linkage that align more with a rational expectations view of future real estate pricing.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08
De janvier 1984 à mai 1986 des observations ont été réalisées au niveau du système de pompage et de filtration du terminal méthanier de Montoir (Loire-Atlantique) afin d'estimer l'impact de ces installations sur les juvéniles et adultes de poissons estuariens transitant dans le circuit. Il apparaît qu'une adaptation du système de nettoyage des tambours filtrants au calendrier des principales espèces concernées est souhaitable et que les larves et alevins de certaines espèces sensiblec (sprat, éperlan) ne résistent pas à ce traitement.
Mouse double minute 2 (MDM2) has a phosphorylation site within a lid motif at Ser17 whose phosphomimetic mutation to Asp17 stimulates MDM2-mediated polyubiquitination of p53. MDM2 lid deletion, but not Asp17 mutation, induced a blue shift in the λmax of intrinsic fluorescence derived from residues in the central domain including Trp235, Trp303, Trp323, and Trp329. This indicates that the Asp17 mutation does not alter the conformation of MDM2 surrounding the tryptophan residues. In addition, Phe235 mutation enhanced MDM2 binding to p53 but did not stimulate its ubiquitination function, thus uncoupling increases in p53 binding from its E3 ubiquitin ligase function. However, the Asp17mutation inMDM2 stimulated its discharge of the UBCH5a-ubiquitin thioester adduct (UBCH5a is a ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2D 1 UBC4/5 homolog yeast). This stimulation of ubiquitin discharge fromE2 was independent of the p53 substrate. There are now four known effects of the Asp17 mutation on MDM2: (i) it alters the conformation of the isolated N-terminus as defined by NMR; (ii) it induces increased thermostability of the isolated N-terminal domain; (iii) it stimulates the allosteric interaction ofMDM2 with the DNA-binding domain of p53; and (iv) it stimulates a novel protein–protein interaction with the E2-ubiquitin complex in the absence of substrate p53 that, in turn, increases hydrolysis of theE2-ubiquitin thioester bond. These data also suggest a new strategy to disrupt MDM2 function by targeting the E2-ubiquitin discharge reaction.
The impact of end customer quality complaints with direct relationship with automotive components has presented negative trend at European level for the entire automotive industry. Thus, this research proposal is to concentrate efforts on the most important items of Pareto chart and understand the failure type and the mechanism involved, link and impact of the project and parameters on the process, ending it with the development of one of the company’s most desired tool, that hosted this project – European methodology of terminals defects classification, and listing real opportunities for improvement based on measurement and analysis of actual data. Through the development of terminals defects classification methodology, which is considered a valuable asset to the company, all the other companies of the YAZAKI’s group will be able to characterize terminals as brittle or ductile, in order to put in motion, more efficiently, all the other different existing internal procedures for the safeguarding of the components, improving manufacturing efficiency. Based on a brief observation, nothing can be said in absolute sense, concerning the failure causes. Base materials, project, handling during manufacture and storage, as well as the cold work performed by plastic deformation, all play an important role. However, it was expected that this failure has been due to a combination of factors, in detriment of the existence of a single cause. In order to acquire greater knowledge about this problem, unexplored by the company up to the date of commencement of this study, was conducted a thorough review of existing literature on the subject, real production sites were visited and, of course, the actual parts were tested in lab environment. To answer to many of the major issues raised throughout the investigation, were used extensively some theoretical concepts focused on the literature review, with a view to realizing the relationship existing between the different parameters concerned. Should here be stated that finding technical studies on copper and its alloys is really hard, not being given all the desirable information. This investigation has been performed as a YAZAKI Europe Limited Company project and as a Master Thesis for Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, conducted during 9 months between 2012/2013.
Este documento presenta dos anteproyectos arquitectónicos: a) Para la Terminal de Autobuses y b) Ampliación del Cementerio Municipal, ambos del municipio de San José Villanueva, departamento de La Libertad, y que han sido realizados por medio de una investigación bibliográfica y de campo. La alcaldía municipal en atención al crecimiento de su población, ha considerado necesario mejorar algunos servicios de la misma y con ello satisfacer las necesidades existentes del municipio
(Artículos periodísticos)