941 resultados para Structured illumination


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The growing concern about the depletion of oil has spurred worldwide interest in finding alternative feedstocks for important petrochemical commodities and fuels. On the one hand, the enormous re-serves found (208 trillion cubic feet proven1), environmental sustainability and lower overall costs point to natural gas as the primary source for energy and chemicals in the near future.2 Nowadays the transformation of methane into useful chemicals and liquid fuels is only feasible via synthesis gas, a mixture of molecular hydrogen and carbon monoxide, that is further transformed to methanol or to hydrocarbons under moderate reaction conditions (150-350 °C and 10-100 bar).3 For a major cost reduction and in order to valorize small natural gas sources, either more efficient "syngas to products" catalysts should be produced or the manner in which methane is initially activated should be changed, ideally by developing catalysts able to directly oxidize methane to interesting products such as methanol. On the other hand, from the point of view of CO2 emissions, the use of the re-maining fossil resources will further contribute to global warming. In this scenario, the development of efficient routes for the transformation of CO2 into useful chemicals and fuels would represent a considerable step forward towards sustainability. Indeed, the environmental and economic incen-tives to develop processes for the conversion of CO2 into fuels and chemicals are great. However, for such conversions to become economically feasible, considerable research is necessary. In this lecture we will summarize our recent efforts into the design of new catalytic systems, based on MOFs and COFs, to address these challenges. Examples include the development of new Fe based FTS catalysts, electrocatalysts for the selective conversion of CO2 into syngas, the development of efficient catalysts for the utilization of formic acid as hydrogen storage vector and the development of new enzyme inspired systems for the direct transformation of methane to methanol under mild reaction conditions. References (1) http://www.clearonmoney.com/dw/doku.php?id=public:natural_gas_reserves. (2) Derouane, E. G.; Parmon, V.; Lemos, F.; Ribeiro, F. R. Sustainable Strategies for the Up-grading of Natural Gas: Fundamentals, Challenges, and Opportunities; Springer, 2005. (3) Rofer-DePoorter, C. K. Chemical Reviews. ACS Publications 1981, pp 447–474.


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Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCE) improved communication skills of student of Pharmacology in Medicine and Podiatry degree. Bellido I, Blanco E, Gomez-Luque A. D. Pharmacology and Clinical Therapeutic. Medicine School. University of Malaga. IBIMA. Malaga, Spain. Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs) are versatile multipurpose evaluative tools that can be utilized to assess health care professionals in a clinical setting including communication skills and ability to handle unpredictable patient behavior, which usually are not included in the traditional clinical exam. To designee and perform OSCEs by student is a novelty that really like to the students and may improve their arguing and planning capacities and their communication skills. Aim: To evaluate the impact of designing, developing and presenting Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCE) by student in the communication skills development and in the learning of medicines in Medicine and Podiatry undergraduate students. Methods: A one-year study in which students were invited to voluntarily form groups (4 students maximum). Each group has to design and perform an OSCE (10 min maximum) showing a clinical situation/problem in which medicines’ use was needed. A clinical history, camera, a mobile-phone's video editor, photos, actors, dolls, simulators or whatever they may use was allowed. The job of each group was supervised and helped by a teacher. The students were invited to present their work to the rest of the class. After each OSCE performance the students were encouraged to ask questions if they wanted to do it. After all the OSCEs performances the students voluntarily answered a satisfaction survey. Results: Students of Pharmacology of Medicine degree and Podiatry degree, N=80, 53.75% female, 21±2.3 years old were enrolled. 26 OSCEs showing a clinical situation or clinical problem were made. The average time spent by students in making the OSCE was 21.5±9 h. The percentage of students which were satisfied with this way of presentation of the OSCE was 89.7%. Conclusion: Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCE) designed and performed by student of Pharmacology of the Medicine and Podiatry Degree improved their communication skills.


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The direct CO2 electrochemical reduction on model platinum single crystal electrodes Pt(hkl) is studied in [C2mim+][NTf2−], a suitable room temperature ionic liquid (RTIL) medium due to its moderate viscosity, high CO2 solubility and conductivity. Single crystal electrodes represent the most convenient type of surface structured electrodes for studying the impact of RTIL ion adsorption on relevant electrocatalytic reactions, such as surface sensitive electrochemical CO2 reduction. We propose here based on cyclic voltammetry and in situ electrolysis measurements, for the first time, the formation of a stable adduct [C2mimH–CO2−] by a radical–radical coupling after the simultaneous reduction of CO2 and [C2mim+]. It means between the CO2 radical anion and the radical formed from the reduction of the cation [C2mim+] before forming the corresponding electrogenerated carbene. This is confirmed by the voltammetric study of a model imidazolium-2-carboxylate compound formed following the carbene pathway. The formation of that stable adduct [C2mimH–CO2−] blocks CO2 reduction after a single electron transfer and inhibits CO2 and imidazolium dimerization reactions. However, the electrochemical reduction of CO2 under those conditions provokes the electrochemical cathodic degradation of the imidazolium based RTIL. This important limitation in CO2 recycling by direct electrochemical reduction is overcome by adding a strong acid, [H+][NTf2−], into solution. Then, protons become preferentially adsorbed on the electrode surface by displacing the imidazolium cations and inhibiting their electrochemical reduction. This fact allows the surface sensitive electro-synthesis of HCOOH from CO2 reduction in [C2mim+][NTf2−], with Pt(110) being the most active electrode studied.


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This paper provides a review of the literature while contributing to academic understanding of the concepts of agility and flexibility within the supply chain. The research identified 83 peer-reviewed articles through a structured review technique, which is based on a three-stage refinement process. Data reduction procedures using codification, sentence strings and a review of keywords, title, abstract and conclusion were used in the search. The papers identified focused on organizational and supply chain agility and flexibility. The acknowledged gaps in understanding and development of agility and flexibility in supply chains were identified and categorized in terms of conceptual, contextual and methodological gaps. Subsequent to the gap analysis, this paper argues that effective relationship integration with key partners is a fundamental mechanism for mitigating the problem of control dissipation, which has hindered academic understanding with respect to development and application of agile and flexible capabilities in supply chains. The findings in this paper will help academics to gain a better understanding and to develop the concepts of supply chain agility and flexibility. In addition, the findings indicate that supply chain stakeholders need to address the issue of relationship integration when undertaking, or participating in agility and flexibility development programmes, so as to maximize supply chain performance. The paper concludes by highlighting implications for managers and researchers, and proposes a number of areas for future investigation.


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AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the new evidence-informed nursing assessment framework HIRAID (History, Identify Red flags, Assessment, Interventions, Diagnostics, reassessment and communication) on the quality of patient assessment and fundamental nontechnical skills including communication, decision making, task management and situational awareness. BACKGROUND: Assessment is a core component of nursing practice and underpins clinical decisions and the safe delivery of patient care. Yet there is no universal or validated system used to teach emergency nurses how to comprehensively assess and care for patients. DESIGN: A pre-post design was used. METHODS: The performance of thirty eight emergency nurses from five Australian hospitals was evaluated before and after undertaking education in the application of the HIRAID assessment framework. Video recordings of participant performance in immersive simulations of common presentations to the emergency department were evaluated, as well as participant documentation during the simulations. Paired parametric and nonparametric tests were used to compare changes from pre to postintervention. RESULTS: From pre to postintervention, participant performance increases were observed in the percentage of patient history elements collected, critical indicators of urgency collected and reported to medical officers, and patient reassessments performed. Participants also demonstrated improvement in each of the four nontechnical skills categories: communication, decision making, task management and situational awareness. CONCLUSION: The HIRAID assessment framework improves clinical patient assessments performed by emergency nurses and has the potential to enhance patient care. RELEVANCE TO CLINICAL PRACTICE: HIRAID should be considered for integration into clinical practice to provide nurses with a systematic approach to patient assessment and potentially improve the delivery of safe patient care.


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This article examines the intentions and implications of ‘structured improvisation’ in relation to my work 'The weight of the thing left its mark' performed in Melbourne in April 2009. The performance piece is premised on the dancers maintaining a performance improvisation practice but to frame these and add predetermined context as a choreographic overlay. In so doing the aim was to create spaces within the work where improvisation could authentically exist while striving for a definable and repeatable ‘work’. The presentation will examine some of the complexities and difficulties inherent in this aim and grapples with the different expectations and conflicts that exist between performance improvisation and choreography.


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Japanese Lesson Study has provoked intense interest since it became known in the mid-1990s due to descriptions of the "typical" Japanese abacus - the soroban - with its Earth and Heaven beads as its metaphor, this paper examines the Earth beads necessary to reach the goal of a Heavenly bead - that is, an effective structured problem-solving mathematics lesson.


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Recently, the interest of the automotive market for hybrid vehicles has increased due to the more restrictive pollutants emissions legislation and to the necessity of decreasing the fossil fuel consumption, since such solution allows a consistent improvement of the vehicle global efficiency. The term hybridization regards the energy flow in the powertrain of a vehicle: a standard vehicle has, usually, only one energy source and one energy tank; instead, a hybrid vehicle has at least two energy sources. In most cases, the prime mover is an internal combustion engine (ICE) while the auxiliary energy source can be mechanical, electrical, pneumatic or hydraulic. It is expected from the control unit of a hybrid vehicle the use of the ICE in high efficiency working zones and to shut it down when it is more convenient, while using the EMG at partial loads and as a fast torque response during transients. However, the battery state of charge may represent a limitation for such a strategy. That’s the reason why, in most cases, energy management strategies are based on the State Of Charge, or SOC, control. Several studies have been conducted on this topic and many different approaches have been illustrated. The purpose of this dissertation is to develop an online (usable on-board) control strategy in which the operating modes are defined using an instantaneous optimization method that minimizes the equivalent fuel consumption of a hybrid electric vehicle. The equivalent fuel consumption is calculated by taking into account the total energy used by the hybrid powertrain during the propulsion phases. The first section presents the hybrid vehicles characteristics. The second chapter describes the global model, with a particular focus on the energy management strategies usable for the supervisory control of such a powertrain. The third chapter shows the performance of the implemented controller on a NEDC cycle compared with the one obtained with the original control strategy.


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Existing parsers for textual model representation formats such as XMI and HUTN are unforgiving and fail upon even the smallest inconsistency between the structure and naming of metamodel elements and the contents of serialised models. In this paper, we demonstrate how a fuzzy parsing approach can transparently and automatically resolve a number of these inconsistencies, and how it can eventually turn XML into a human-readable and editable textual model representation format for particular classes of models.


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Louis-André Dorion, dans un article publié en 2006 « Platon, Proclus et l’autarcie du monde », affirme que le concept d’autarcie dérivée de Proclus est un non-sens. Nous montrerons dans cet article que, loin d’être aporétique, le concept d’autarcie dérivée est tout à fait cohérent avec le système philosophique de Proclus. Pour défendre notre thèse, nous nous intéresserons spécifiquement à l’autarcie de l’âme, à travers le phénomène d’illumination suivant le processus de purification de l’âme séparable chez Proclus, rendant compte du caractère autoconstitutif de l’âme. Ainsi, nous comprendrons en quoi l’ontologie proclusienne permet de saisir les hypostases (Un, intellect et âme), non pas dans un rapport de causalité unilatérale hiérarchique, mais plutôt selon une dialectique de procession centrifuge et de conversion centripète. Finalement, il nous sera possible d’exposer que l’idée de dérivation ne contredit pas l’essence de l’autarcie, mais en est plutôt sa propre condition de possibilité.


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This is a redacted version of the the final thesis. Copyright material has been removed to comply with UK Copyright Law.


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Self-assembled silk fibroin (SF)-polyethylenimine (PEI) multilayered films were fabricated on ethanol treated electrospun SF nanofibrous substrates via the electrostatic layer-by-layer (LBL) adsorption. The film coated membranes were characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscope (TEM) and X-ray photoelectron spectrophotometer (XPS). The SEM images showed that the multilayers of SF-PEI were formed on the surface of the ethanol treated SF nanofibres. The characteristics such as the fiber shape and porous structure were well maintained as the number of the coated SF-PEI bilayers was less than five. However, obvious adhesive substances and blocked pores were observed on the surface of the fibers as the number of bilayers of SF-PEI increased to six. Furthermore, the obvious core-shell structures were observed by TEM. The thickness of five SF-PEI bilayers was approximately 80nm. Additionally, the XPS results also revealed that the SF-PEI multilayer composite membranes formed. The adsorption mainly depended on a simple electrostatic interaction between the layers of SF and PEI. These SF-PEI multilayer assembled nanofibrous membranes could be a promising material for use as a sensor, gene delivery agent and scaffolds.


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A successful trial on preparing natural rubber based core-shell structured fibres by co-axial electrospinning and fabrication of artificial blood vessel scaffolds from crosslinked fibres.