911 resultados para Small Firm Growth
Using firm-level data from nine developing countries, we demonstrate that certain institutions, like restrictive labour market regulations, that are considered bad for economic growth might be beneficial for production efficiency, whereas good business environment, which is considered beneficial for economic growth, might have an adverse impact on production efficiency. We argue that our results suggest that there might be significant difference in the macro- and micro-impacts of institutional quality, such that the classification of institutions into 'good' and 'bad might be premature. © The Author 2013. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Cambridge Political Economy Society. All rights reserved.
Cravo T. A., Becker B. and Gourlay A. Regional growth and SMEs in Brazil: a spatial panel approach, Regional Studies. This paper examines economic growth for a panel of 508 Brazilian micro-regions for the period 1980-2004, using spatial econometrics and paying particular attention to the importance of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The findings indicate the presence of spatial dependence in the process of economic growth and the existence of two spatial regimes in Brazil. The human capital level of the whole population is an important growth determinant, but does not generate positive spillovers. Furthermore, human capital embodied in SMEs is more important than the size of this sector for regional growth and SME activity generates positive spatial spillovers. © 2014 © 2014 Regional Studies Association.
Human mesenchymal stem cell (hMSC) therapies have the potential to revolutionise the healthcare industry and replicate the success of the therapeutic protein industry; however, for this to be achieved there is a need to apply key bioprocessing engineering principles and adopt a quantitative approach for large-scale reproducible hMSC bioprocess development. Here we provide a quantitative analysis of the changes in concentration of glucose, lactate and ammonium with time during hMSC monolayer culture over 4 passages, under 100% and 20% dissolved oxgen (dO2), where either a 100%, 50% or 0% growth medium exchange was performed after 72h in culture. Yield coefficients, specific growth rates (h-1) and doubling times (h) were calculated for all cases. The 100% dO2 flasks outperformed the 20% dO2 flasks with respect to cumulative cell number, with the latter consuming more glucose and producing more lactate and ammonium. Furthermore, the 100% and 50% medium exchange conditions resulted in similar cumulative cell numbers, whilst the 0% conditions were significantly lower. Cell immunophenotype and multipotency were not affected by the experimental culture conditions. This study demonstrates the importance of determining optimal culture conditions for hMSC expansion and highlights a potential cost savings from only making a 50% medium exchange, which may prove significant for large-scale bioprocessing. © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
The contribution of different-sized businesses to job creation continues to attract policymakers’ attention; however, it has recently been recognised that conclusions about size were confounded with the effect of age. We probe the role of size, controlling for age, by comparing the cohorts of firms born in 1998 over their first decade of life, using variation across half a dozen northern European countries Austria, Finland, Germany, Norway, Sweden and the UK to pin down size effects. We find that a very small proportion of the smallest firms play a crucial role in accounting for cross-country differences in job growth. A closer analysis reveals that the initial size distribution and survival rates do not seem to explain job growth differences between countries, rather it is a small number of rapidly growing firms that are driving this result.
This introductory article to the special issue on building the evidence base for small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) growth policy reviews the themes covered by the contributions to the special issue and identifies a number of directions for future research and policy.
Using the resource-based view framework, we investigate the link between multiunit franchising (MUF) and performance on four key challenges in franchise chain management: growth, uniformity, local responsiveness, and system-wide adaptation. Our findings support the assertion that system growth is positively related to MUF rate within a system, in particular in relation to geographic expansion. Interestingly, while uniformity does not seem to be related to MUF rate, we find marginal support for an inverted u-shaped relationship between system-wide adaptation and MUF rate. Furthermore, the data suggest that local responsiveness and MUF rate are related in a u-shaped function.
We extend and complement prior work by investigating the earnings quality of firms with different financial health characteristics and growth prospects. By using three alternative measures of default likelihood and two alternative measures of growth options, without being limited to a specific event, we provide a more comprehensive setup for analysing the earnings characteristics of the universe of firms than examining distressed firms with persistent losses, dividend reductions or bankruptcy-filings. Our dataset consists of 15,049 healthy U.S. firms over the period 1990-2004. Results show that the relation between earnings quality and financial health is not monotonic. Distressed firms have a low level of earnings timeliness for bad news and a high level for good news, and manage earnings toward a positive target more frequently than healthy firms. On the other hand, healthy firms have a high level of earnings timeliness for bad news. Growth aspects play an important role in a firm's ability to manage earnings. In contrast to the findings of prior studies, growth firms have greater earnings timeliness for bad news, whereas value firms manage earnings toward a positive target more frequently than growth firms. © 2011 The Authors. Abacus© 2011 Accounting Foundation, The University of Sydney.
The existence of adequate financial capital at start-up as well as during the lifetime of a firm is considered to be vital not only for its survival but also for its effective trading and growth, as it can act as a buffer against unforeseen difficulties (Cooper, Gimeno-Gascon, & Woo, 1994; Chandler & Hanks, 1998; Venkataraman & Van de Ven, 1998; Cassar, 2004). Inadequate or inappropriate capital structure is often the most common reason for a large proportion of small business failures (Chaganti, DeCarolis, & Deeds, 1995).
We consider a possible game-theoretic foundation of Forchheimer's model of dominant-firm price leadership based on quantity-setting games with one large firm and many small firms. If the large firm is the exogenously given first mover, we obtain Forchheimer's model. We also investigate whether the large firm can emerge as a first mover of a timing game.
We show that in a simple price-setting game with one large firm and many small firms the large firm does not accept the role of the price leader.
A tanulmány célja a Magyarországon működő exportáló vállalatok jellemzőinek feltárása volt a 2009-es vállalati versenyképességi felmérés alapján. Több tanulmány vizsgálta a vállalatok exportteljesítményét vállalati méret és tulajdonosi szerkezet szerinti bontásban, az elemzésben a szerző viszont ettől eltérő szemléletmódot alkalmazott. A vállalatok exportteljesítménye áll (exportértékesítés volumene, aránya, exportárbevétel változása, jövedelmezőség), a vállalati csoportképzés, klaszterelemzés középpontjában. Három jól elkülöníthető klasztert sikerült azonosítani: a jelentős exporthányaddal és folyamatos növekedéssel jellemezhető sikeres exportáló vállalatok csoportját, a stagnálással, s gyakran csökkenő exportértékesítéssel jellemezhető vállalatcsoportot, s végül a harmadik klasztert azok a jelenleg még alacsony export-ár bevétellel és alacsony exportaránnyal jellemezhető vállalatok képezték, melyekre a növekedés és a kiugróan magas jövedelmezőség volt a jellemző. Az elemzés egyediségét az adja, hogy a vállalati versenyképességi felmérés adatbázisa lehetővé tette a különböző exportteljesítmények hátterében álló működési jellemzők vizsgálatát, amelynek eredményeit a cikk bemutatja. Fő következtetésként megállapítható, hogy a sikeres exportáló vállalatok csoportja mindegyik jellemző szerint jobb működési jellemzőkkel rendelkezik a másik két csoporthoz viszonyítva. / === / The purpose of the paper is to reveal the main characteristics of the Hungarian export oriented firms. It is based on the Hungarian Competitiveness Research Survey 2009. 85% of enterprises were small or medium size in the sample. The aim of the analysis was to identify main factors and tendencies of the overall export performance. Several papers discussed the export activities of firms according to their size and ownership structure in Hungary. A different method was used here. The overall export performance (measured by volume, change, and share of export revenues, and firm profitability ratios) was put in the centre of cluster analysis. Three different clusters were identified. Firms in the firstcluster had significant export performance and growth rate. The second cluster was the group of stagnating firms and the third one contained those whose export performance was low but signaled growth with excellent profitability ratios. The uniqueness of the paper derived from the Competitiveness Research Survey because it provided an opportunity to analyse the connection between export performance and other management and operational characteristics of enterprises. The paper may induce futher research in exploring main enterprise level factors of export performance of the Hungarian firms.
A hálózati megközelítés alapján a vállalatok nem izoláltan működő szervezetek. A kis- és középvállalkozások számára a hálózatok, a partnerkapcsolatok jelentős támogatást képesek biztosítani a növekedés, a tanulás és az innovációs tevékenység során. A szerző a hálózati, partneri kapcsolatok szerepét a válság idején vizsgálta, kvalitatív kutatás keretében. A tanulmány fontos megállapítása, hogy nem kizárólag a hálózatban rejlő lehetőségek, hanem a korábban biztos partneri kapcsolatok megszűnése is indukálhat innovációt a válság idején, valamint a biztonság, a tartalék-erőforrások megléte esetén lassabb a piaci reagálás, kevésbé kerül előtérbe a változás, s főként az innovációs tevékenység ______ Based on the network perspective companies are not isolated organizations. Networks and partnerships mean a significant support for SMEs in growth, learning and innovation. The author examines the role of networks and partnerships during the crisis, in a qualitative research. An important result of the paper is that not only the opportunities in networks but also the decomposition of prior secure relationships can induce innovation during the crisis. Moreover in case of safety and slack resources the reaction is slower, change and innovation come to the front less.
A cikk a magyarországi kis- és középvállalkozások logisztikai költségeit vizsgálja a nemzetközi kutatások tükrében és a 2009-es közel kétezer hazai KKV-re kiterjedő „Vállalkozások helyzetének felmérése” alapján. A hazai logisztikai költségeket leginkább a vállalatméret és az ágazat befolyásolja. A magyarországi kis- és középvállalkozások ki nem szervezett szállítási és raktározási tevékenységei a hazai fuvarozóknak és raktárszolgáltatóknak jelentős piacbővülést jelenthetnének. Ez azonban csak látens piacbővülés, mivel a hazai KKV-k nem tervezik, hogy szállítási és raktározási tevékenységeiket nagyobb arányban szervezzék ki. Ez részben azzal magyarázható, hogy a feldolgozóipari, mezőgazdasági és kereskedő kis- és középvállalkozások viszonylag nagy arányban tekintik a logisztikát alapvető képességnek. Nemzetközi viszonylatban a magyarországi KKV-k magas logisztikai költségszintekkel szembesülnek, melynek mérséklésével az adminisztrációs terhek csökkentéséhez hasonló megtakarítást lehetne elérni. ____ This article examines total logistics costs and its components of the Hungarian small- and medium-sized enterprises in the light of international researches. It shows that company-size and its sector are the most important drivers of logistics costs and its components according to „Survey of position of enterprises”, which covered nearly 2000 Hungarian SMEs in 2009. It also proves that transport and warehousing demand of the Hungarian SMEs means a significant market growth for national carriers and warehouse providers. It is only a latent growth, because the Hungarian SMEs do not plan to outsource their transport and warehouse activities in a greater extent. The relative high level of logistics as a core competence among processing industry, agriculture and trade SMEs can be a partial explanation to this. The Hungarian small- and medium-sized enterprises face with high logistics costs in international comparison. Its reduction may bring similar savings as reduction of administrative burdens.
This study surveys the occurrence of nodulation in woody legume species in Panamá and Costa Rica, describes nodule and root characteristics, and researches host-bacteria specificity, nodulation potential of soils, and the effects of light, added nitrogen, and rhizobia and VA mycorrhizal fungi inoculation on seedling growth. I examined 83 species in 37 genera and found 80% to be nodulated. Percent nodulated species in the Caesalpinioideae, Mimosoideae, and Papilionoideae was 17, 95, and 86, respectively, with no correlation between nodule morphology and tribal classification. Nodules formed mainly at root branch points which supports epidermal breaks as an important rhizobia infection route. More non-nodulated than nodulated species had root hairs. Several species emitted volatile sulfur-containing compounds, including the toxic compound ethylmercaptan, from roots, germinating seeds, and other tissues. These emissions may have an allelopathic action against pathogens, predators, or other plants. In contrast to the general non-specificity of most legumes for rhizobia, Mimosa pigra L. was highly specific and only nodulated in flooded soils. This species' specificity, combined with a limited occurrence of its root nodule bacteria may limit its natural distribution, but its spread as an invasive weed is facilitated when fill material from rivers is deposited in other areas. ^ An experimental light level of 1.5% of full sun completely inhibited seedling nodulation, as do similar naturally low levels in forest understory. In the forest, trees and seedlings were not nodulated. in some soils with suspected high N content. For six experimental species, added N progressively increased seedling growth while decreasing nodule biomass; at the highest level of added N nodulation was completely suppressed. Species and individuals showed variation in nodule biomass at high N applications which may indicate an opportunity for genetic selection for optimal N acquisition. Rhizobia inoculation had a small positive effect on seedling shoot growth, but VA mycorrhiza inoculation overwhelmingly increased seedling size, biomass, and leaf mineral concentration. In lowland tropical forest, VA mycorrhizal colonization appears indispensable for legume nodulation because of the fungus' ability to supply P in deficient soils. This requirement makes the legume-rhizobia-mycorrhiza association obligately tripartite. ^
This dissertation focused on the longitudinal analysis of business start-ups using three waves of data from the Kauffman Firm Survey. ^ The first essay used the data from years 2004-2008, and examined the simultaneous relationship between a firm's capital structure, human resource policies, and its impact on the level of innovation. The firm leverage was calculated as, debt divided by total financial resources. Index of employee well-being was determined by a set of nine dichotomous questions asked in the survey. A negative binomial fixed effects model was used to analyze the effect of employee well-being and leverage on the count data of patents and copyrights, which were used as a proxy for innovation. The paper demonstrated that employee well-being positively affects the firm's innovation, while a higher leverage ratio had a negative impact on the innovation. No significant relation was found between leverage and employee well-being.^ The second essay used the data from years 2004-2009, and inquired whether a higher entrepreneurial speed of learning is desirable, and whether there is a linkage between the speed of learning and growth rate of the firm. The change in the speed of learning was measured using a pooled OLS estimator in repeated cross-sections. There was evidence of a declining speed of learning over time, and it was concluded that a higher speed of learning is not necessarily a good thing, because speed of learning is contingent on the entrepreneur's initial knowledge, and the precision of the signals he receives from the market. Also, there was no reason to expect speed of learning to be related to the growth of the firm in one direction over another.^ The third essay used the data from years 2004-2010, and determined the timing of diversification activities by the business start-ups. It captured when a start-up diversified for the first time, and explored the association between an early diversification strategy adopted by a firm, and its survival rate. A semi-parametric Cox proportional hazard model was used to examine the survival pattern. The results demonstrated that firms diversifying at an early stage in their lives show a higher survival rate; however, this effect fades over time.^