762 resultados para Salminen, Pauliina


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Työsopimuksen päättämistä työntekijän henkilöön liittyvällä perusteella on tutkittu laajasti. Perinteisesti oikeusyhteisön mielenkiinnon kohteina ovat olleet työntekijän tahalliset menettelyt. Vähemmälle huomiolle ovat jääneet tahattomat puutteet työntekijän työntekovelvollisuuden täyttämisessä ja niiden merkitys työsopimussuhteen jatkumisen kannalta. Kyse on useimmiten tapauksista, joissa työntekijän työsuoritus ei syystä tai toisesta täytä työnantajan sille asettamia vaatimuksia. Työntekijän työnjälki voi olla huolimatonta, hänen työtahtinsa voi olla riittämätön tai hän ei kykene saavuttamaan työnantajan työnteolle asettamia muita tavoitteita. Näissä tapauksissa on kyse työntekijän alisuoriutumisesta. Tutkielman tarkoituksena on selvittää, millä edellytyksillä ja missä tilanteissa työnantajalla on oikeus päättää alisuoriutuvan työntekijän työsuhde. Metodisesti tutkielma on oikeusdogmaattinen. Sen tavoitteena on selvittää voimassa olevan oikeuden sisältöä lainsäädännön, lain esitöiden, oikeuskäytännön ja oikeuskirjallisuuden avulla. Oikeuskäytännöllä ja erityisesti hovioikeuksien ratkaisuilla on tutkielmassa korostunut merkitys, sillä lain, sen esitöiden ja korkeimman oikeuden prejudikaattien tarjoama tulkinta-apu tutkimusongelman käsittelyssä on rajallinen. Tutkimuksessa on havaittu, että työnantajalla voi olla oikeus päättää alisuoriutuvan työntekijän työsuhde. Jotta alisuoriutuminen voisi muodostaa työsopimuksen pätevän päättämisperusteen, alisuoriutumisen tulee kuitenkin olla luonteeltaan olennaista ja kestoltaan jatkuvaa. Päättämisharkinta on kokonaisharkintaa, jossa otetaan huomioon tapauksen olosuhteet kokonaisuudessaan. Työsuhteen päättäminen alisuoriutumistapauksissa tapahtuu useimmiten irtisanomalla työsopimus. Koska alisuoriutumisessa ei yleensä ole kyse yksittäisestä vakavasta velvoitteiden vastaisesta menettelystä vaan pidemmän aikaa kasautuvasta työsuhteen päättämisperusteesta, alisuoriutuminen voi vain harvoin ylittää työsopimuksen purkamiskynnyksen. Oikeuskäytännöstä löytyy kuitenkin muutamia tapauksia, joissa purkaminen on katsottu perustelluksi.


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The need behind this thesis was in the development of a more modern earning logic for a pelvic floor muscle home training device to which a portal solution is going to be introduced as a part of new upgraded version of the device. The goal is to offer useful guidelines and recommendations for the medical device manufacturer to use in the process of creating the new business model around the new product version. In the theoretical part of this thesis, the used theoretical frameworks for business model generation and pricing models are presented. The special characteristics of healthcare technology industry are also introduced as initial data for the empirical part. The empirical data is collected via interviews and meetings from both inside and outside of the company to gain a comprehensive picture of the issue at hand. The needed changes in the business model as well as possible pricing options are gone through in the empirical chapters with the main focus being on the incoming revenue streams and pricing. As results of the thesis recommendations are presented for the changes that are needed in the business model after the introduction of the portal solution. The results of this thesis can be used for finishing the development process of the new version of the device and especially the earning logic of it.


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Introducción: La obstrucción intestinal es una patología de alta prevalencia e impacto en los servicios de cirugía general a nivel mundial. El manejo de esta entidad puede ser médico o quirúrgico. Cuando se requiere intervención quirúrgica, se busca evitar el desarrollo de isquemia intestinal y resecciones intestinales; durante el postoperatorio, pueden existir complicaciones. El objetivo de este estudio es identificar los factores asociados al desarrollo de complicaciones post operatorias en un grupo de pacientes con obstrucción intestinal mecánica llevados a manejo quirúrgico. Metodología: Estudio analítico tipo casos y controles en un grupo de pacientes con diagnóstico de obstrucción intestinal mecánica llevados a manejo quirúrgico de su patología. Los casos corresponden a los pacientes con complicaciones postoperatorias y los controles aquellos que no presentaron complicaciones. Se identificaron factores asociados a complicación post operatoria mediante modelos estadísticos bivariados y multivariados de regresión logística para factores como edad, sexo, antecedente quirúrgico, presentación clínica, paraclínica y diagnóstico postoperatorio de malignidad, entre otras. Resultados: Se identificaron un total de 138 pacientes (54 casos y 129 controles). Los rangos de edad entre 55-66 años y mayor de 66 años fueron asociados con complicaciones postoperatorias (OR 3,87 IC95% 1,58-9,50 y OR 3,62 IC95% 1,45-9,08 respectivamente). El déficit de base inferior a 5 mEq/litro se relaciona con complicaciones postoperatorias (OR 2,64 IC95% 1.33-5,25) Otras pruebas de laboratorio, características radiológicas, hallazgos de malignidad en el postoperatorio y la evolución de los pacientes no fueron asociados con complicaciones. Conclusiones: Las disminución de las complicaciones durante el manejo quirúrgico de obstrucción intestinal mecánica continúa siendo un reto para la cirugía general. Factores no modificables como edad avanzada y modificables como el equilibrio ácido base deben ser tenidos en cuenta dada su correlación en el desarrollo de complicaciones postoperatorias.


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This study was undertaken to explore gel permeation chromatography (GPC) for estimating molecular weights of proanthocyanidin fractions isolated from sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia). The results were compared with data obtained by thiolytic degradation of the same fractions. Polystyrene, polyethylene glycol and polymethyl methacrylate standards were not suitable for estimating the molecular weights of underivatized proanthocyanidins. Therefore, a novel HPLC-GPC method was developed based on two serially connected PolarGel-L columns using DMF that contained 5% water, 1% acetic acid and 0.15 M LiBr at 0.7 ml/min and 50 degrees C. This yielded a single calibration curve for galloyl glucoses (trigalloyl glucose, pentagalloyl glucose), ellagitannins (pedunculagin, vescalagin, punicalagin, oenothein B, gemin A), proanthocyanidins (procyanidin B2, cinnamtannin B1), and several other polyphenols (catechin, epicatechin gallate, epicallocatechin gallate, amentoflavone). These GPC predicted molecular weights represented a considerable advance over previously reported HPLC-GPC methods for underivatized proanthocyanidins. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Four blends formulated with low saturated fatty acid content, with the saturated component rich in stearic acid, were prepared from shea stearin, interesterified shea stearin, fully hardened soybean oil and high oleic sunflower oil in order to study their performance as shortenings in puff pastry products. The blends had a low saturated fatty acid content (30.1 ± 1.1%) compared to butter (65.9%). Saturates in the four blends examined came mainly from SSS, SOS, SSO and SOO. Puff pastry prepared from the blend that contained SOS as the main source of saturates had better properties than the other blends. It was similar to butter in compressibility of the baked product. The β-polymorphic form was present in all blends, although blends containing the highest levels of SSS also showed some β′ crystals.


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This paper presents the development of a rapid method with ultraperformance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS) for the qualitative and quantitative analyses of plant proanthocyanidins directly from crude plant extracts. The method utilizes a range of cone voltages to achieve the depolymerization step in the ion source of both smaller oligomers and larger polymers. The formed depolymerization products are further fragmented in the collision cell to enable their selective detection. This UPLC-MS/MS method is able to separately quantitate the terminal and extension units of the most common proanthocyanidin subclasses, that is, procyanidins and prodelphinidins. The resulting data enable (1) quantitation of the total proanthocyanidin content, (2) quantitation of total procyanidins and prodelphinidins including the procyanidin/prodelphinidin ratio, (3) estimation of the mean degree of polymerization for the oligomers and polymers, and (4) estimation of how the different procyanidin and prodelphinidin types are distributed along the chromatographic hump typically produced by large proanthocyanidins. All of this is achieved within the 10 min period of analysis, which makes the presented method a significant addition to the chemistry tools currently available for the qualitative and quantitative analyses of complex proanthocyanidin mixtures from plant extracts.


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To augment capacity-building for microbiome and probiotic research in Africa, a workshop was held in Nairobi, Kenya, at which researchers discussed human, animal, insect, and agricultural microbiome and probiotics/prebiotics topics. Five recommendations were made to promote future basic and translational research that benefits Africans.


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Binding to bovine serum albumin of monomeric (vescalagin and pedunculagin) and dimeric ellagitannins (roburin A, oenothein B, and gemin A) was investigated by isothermal titration calorimetry and fluorescence spectroscopy, which indicated two types of binding sites. Stronger and more specific sites exhibited affinity constants, K1, of 104–106 M–1 and stoichiometries, n1, of 2–13 and dominated at low tannin concentrations. Weaker and less-specific binding sites had K2 constants of 103–105 M–1 and stoichiometries, n2, of 16–30 and dominated at higher tannin concentrations. Binding to stronger sites appeared to be dependent on tannin flexibility and the presence of free galloyl groups. Positive entropies for all but gemin A indicated that hydrophobic interactions dominated during complexation. This was supported by an exponential relationship between the affinity, K1, and the modeled hydrophobic accessible surface area and by a linear relationship between K1 and the Stern–Volmer quenching constant, KSV.


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Novel probiotics and prebiotics designed to manipulate the gut microbiota for improving health outcomes are in demand as the importance of the gut microbiota in human health is revealed. The regulations governing introduction of novel probiotics and prebiotics vary by geographical region. Novel foods and foods with health claims fall under specific regulations in several countries. The paper reviews the main requirements of the regulations in the EU, USA, Canada and Japan. We propose a number of areas that need to be addressed in any safety assessment of novel probiotics and prebiotics. These include publication of the genomic sequence, antibiotic resistance profiling, selection of appropriate in vivo model, toxicological studies (including toxin production) and definition of target population.