991 resultados para S-PROCESS-RICH


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Breast cancer is a highly prevalent disease among women worldwide. While the expression of certain proteins within these tumours is used for prognosis and selection of therapies, there is a continuing need for additional markers to be identified. A considerable amount of current literature, based predominantly on cell culture systems, suggests that a major mechanism responsible for the progression of breast cancer is due to tumour cells losing their epithelial features and gaining mesenchymal properties. These events are proposed to be very similar to the epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) process that has been well characterised in embryonic development. For the developmental and putative cancer EMT, the cell intermediate filament status changes from a keratin-rich network which connects to adherens junctions and hemidesmosomes, to a vimentin-rich network connecting to focal adhesions. This review summarises observations of vimentin expression in breast cancer model systems, and discusses the potential role of EMT in human breast cancer progression, and the prognostic usefulness of vimentin expression.


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This study examines the process by which newly recruited nuclear engineering and technical staff came to understand, define, think, feel and behave within a distinct group that has a direct contribution to the organization's overall emphasis on a culture of reliability and system safety. In the field of organizational behavior the interactive model of social identity formation has been recently proposed to explain the process by which the internalization of shared norms and values occurs, an element critical in identity formation. Using this rich model of organizational behavior we analyzed multiple sources of data from nine new hires over a period of three years. This was done from the time they were employed to investigate the construction of social identity by new entrants entering into a complex organizational setting reflected in the context of a nuclear facility. Informed by our data analyses, we found support for the interactive model of social identity development and report the unexpected finding that a newly appointed member's age and level of experience appears to influence the manner in which they adapt, and assimilate into their surroundings. This study represents an important contribution to the safety and reliability literature as it provides a rich insight into the way newly recruited employees enact the process by which their identities are formed and hence act, particularly under conditions of duress or significant organizational disruption in complex organizational settings.


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Passenger experience has become a major factor that influences the success of an airport. In this context, passenger flow simulation has been used in designing and managing airports. However, most passenger flow simulations failed to consider the group dynamics when developing passenger flow models. In this paper, an agent-based model is presented to simulate passenger behaviour at the airport check-in and evacuation process. The simulation results show that the passenger behaviour can have significant influences on the performance and utilisation of services in airport terminals. The model was created using AnyLogic software and its parameters were initialised using recent research data published in the literature.


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SPARC (secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine)/ osteonectin/BM-40 is a matricellular protein implicated in development, cell transformation and tumorigenesis. We have examined the role of SPARC in cell transformation induced chemically with 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA) and 12- tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) in embryonic fibroblasts and in the skin of mice. Embryonic fibroblasts from SPARCnull mice showed increases in cell proliferation, enhanced sensitivity to DMBA and a higher number of DMBA/TPA-induced transformation foci. The number of DMBA-DNA adducts was 9 times higher in SPARCnull fibroblasts and their stability was lower than wild-type fibroblasts, consistent with a reduction in excision repair cross-complementing 1 the nucleotide excision repair enzyme in these cells. The SPARCnull mice showed an increase in both the speed and number of papillomas forming after topical administration of DMBA/TPA to the skin. These papillomas showed reduced growth and reduced progression to a more malignant phenotype, indicating that the effect of SPARC on tumorigenesis depends upon the transformation stage and/or tissue context. These data reinforce a growing number of observations in which SPARC has shown opposite effects on different tumor types/stages.


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There is a wide variety of drivers for business process modelling initiatives, reaching from business evolution and process optimisation over compliance checking and process certification to process enactment. That, in turn, results in models that differ in content due to serving different purposes. In particular, processes are modelled on different abstraction levels and assume different perspectives. Vertical alignment of process models aims at handling these deviations. While the advantages of such an alignment for inter-model analysis and change propagation are out of question, a number of challenges has still to be addressed. In this paper, we discuss three main challenges for vertical alignment in detail. Against this background, the potential application of techniques from the field of process integration is critically assessed. Based thereon, we identify specific research questions that guide the design of a framework for model alignment.


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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to foster a common understanding of business process management (BPM) by proposing a set of ten principles that characterize BPM as a research domain and guide its successful use in organizational practice. Design/methodology/approach The identification and discussion of the principles reflects our viewpoint, which was informed by extant literature and focus groups, including 20 BPM experts from academia and practice. Findings We identify ten principles which represent a set of capabilities essential for mastering contemporary and future challenges in BPM. Their antonyms signify potential roadblocks and bad practices in BPM. We also identify a set of open research questions that can guide future BPM research. Research limitation/implication Our findings suggest several areas of research regarding each of the identified principles of good BPM. Also, the principles themselves should be systematically and empirically examined in future studies. Practical implications – Our findings allow practitioners to comprehensively scope their BPM initiatives and provide a general guidance for BPM implementation. Moreover, the principles may also serve to tackle contemporary issues in other management areas. Originality/value This is the first paper that distills principles of BPM in the sense of both good and bad practice recommendations. The value of the principles lies in providing normative advice to practitioners as well as in identifying open research areas for academia, thereby extending the reach and richness of BPM beyond its traditional frontiers.


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Small Businesses account for a significant portion of the Australian business sector. With Business Process Management (BPM) gaining prominence in recent decades as a means of improving business performance, it would seem to only be a matter of time before it gains momentum within the Small Business sector. One may even question why it has not already achieved more traction within the sector. This case study involves a BPM initiative to develop process infrastructure in an establishing Small Business. It explores whether mainstream BPM tools, techniques and technologies can be applied in a Small Business setting. The chapter provides a background to the case organisation, outlines the activities undertaken in the BPM initiative and distils key observations drawn from participation in the initiative and consultation with stakeholders. Based on the case study experiences, a number of implications are identified for further consideration by the BPM discipline as it continues to address the question of how it can become more widely adopted amongst Small Businesses.


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Business Process Management has substantially matured over the last two decades. The techniques, methods and systems available to scope, model, analyze, implement, execute, monitor and even mine a process have been scientifically researched and can be in most cases deployed in practice. In fact, many of these BPM capabilities are nowadays a commodity. However, an opportunity-rich environment and rapidly emerging digital disruptions require new BPM capabilities. In light of this context, this paper proposes three future research and development directions for BPM academics and professionals. First, Ambidextrous BPM demands the shift of focus from exploitative to explorative BPM. Second, Value-driven BPM postulates a stronger focus on the desired outcomes as opposed to the available BPM methods. Third, Customer Process Management suggests complementing the dominating internal view of BPM with a stronger, design-inspired view on the process experiences of external stakeholders.


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This paper addresses the problem of determining optimal designs for biological process models with intractable likelihoods, with the goal of parameter inference. The Bayesian approach is to choose a design that maximises the mean of a utility, and the utility is a function of the posterior distribution. Therefore, its estimation requires likelihood evaluations. However, many problems in experimental design involve models with intractable likelihoods, that is, likelihoods that are neither analytic nor can be computed in a reasonable amount of time. We propose a novel solution using indirect inference (II), a well established method in the literature, and the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm of Müller et al. (2004). Indirect inference employs an auxiliary model with a tractable likelihood in conjunction with the generative model, the assumed true model of interest, which has an intractable likelihood. Our approach is to estimate a map between the parameters of the generative and auxiliary models, using simulations from the generative model. An II posterior distribution is formed to expedite utility estimation. We also present a modification to the utility that allows the Müller algorithm to sample from a substantially sharpened utility surface, with little computational effort. Unlike competing methods, the II approach can handle complex design problems for models with intractable likelihoods on a continuous design space, with possible extension to many observations. The methodology is demonstrated using two stochastic models; a simple tractable death process used to validate the approach, and a motivating stochastic model for the population evolution of macroparasites.


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This paper introduces an integral approach to the study of plasma-surface interactions during the catalytic growth of selected nanostructures (NSs). This approach involves basic understanding of the plasma-specific effects in NS nucleation and growth, theoretical modelling, numerical simulations, plasma diagnostics, and surface microanalysis. Using an example of plasma-assisted growth of surface-supported single-walled carbon nanotubes, we discuss how the combination of these techniques may help improve the outcomes of the growth process. A specific focus here is on the effects of nanoscale plasma-surface interactions on the NS growth and how the available techniques may be used, both in situ and ex situ to optimize the growth process and structural parameters of NSs.


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Highly efficient solar cells (conversion efficiency 11.9%, fill factor 70%) based on the vertically aligned single-crystalline nanostructures are fabricated without any pre-fabricated p-n junctions in a very simple, single-step process of Si nanoarray formation by etching p-type Si(100) wafers in low-temperature environment-friendly plasmas of argon and hydrogen mixtures.


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Synthesis of one-dimensional AlN nanostructures commonly requires high process temperatures (>900 °C), metal catalyst, and hazardous gas/powder precursors. We report on a simple, single-step, catalyst-free, plasma-assisted growth of dense patterns of size-uniform single-crystalline AlN nanorods at a low substrate temperature (∼650 °C) without any catalyst or hazardous precursors. This unusual growth mechanism is based on highly effective plasma dissociation of N2 molecules, localized species precipitation on AlN islands, and reduced diffusion on the nitrogen-rich surface. This approach can also be used to produce other high-aspect-ratio oxide and nitride nanostructures for applications in energy conversion, sensing, and optoelectronics. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.


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An effective technique to improve the precision and throughput of energetic ion condensation through dielectric nanoporous templates and reduce nanopore clogging by using finely tuned pulsed bias is proposed. Multiscale numerical simulations of ion deposition show the possibility of controlling the dynamic charge balance on the upper template's surface to minimize ion deposition on nanopore sidewalls and to deposit ions selectively on the substrate surface in contact with the pore opening. In this way, the shapes of nanodots in template-assisted nanoarray fabrication can be effectively controlled. The results are applicable to various processes involving porous dielectric nanomaterials and dense nanoarrays.


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A simple, effective and innovative approach based on low-pressure, thermally nonequilibrium, high-density inductively coupled plasmas is proposed to rapidly synthesize Si quantum dots (QDs) embedded in an amorphous SiC (a-SiC) matrix at a low substrate temperature and without any commonly used hydrogen dilution. The experimental results clearly demonstrate that uniform crystalline Si QDs with a size of 3-4 nm embedded in the silicon-rich (carbon content up to 10.7at.%) a-SiC matrix can be formed from the reactive mixture of silane and methane gases, with high growth rates of ∼1.27-2.34 nm s-1 and at a low substrate temperature of 200 °C. The achievement of the high-rate growth of Si QDs embedded in the a-SiC without any commonly used hydrogen dilution is discussed based on the unique properties of the inductively coupled plasma-based process. This work is particularly important for the development of the all-Si tandem cell-based third generation photovoltaic solar cells.


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This feature article introduces a deterministic approach for the rapid, single-step, direct synthesis of metal oxide nanowires. This approach is based on the exposure of thin metal samples to reactive oxygen plasmas and does not require any intervening processing or external substrate heating. The critical roles of the reactive oxygen plasmas, surface processes, and plasma-surface interactions that enable this growth are critically examined by using a deterministic viewpoint. The essentials of the experimental procedures and reactor design are presented and related to the key process requirements. The nucleation and growth kinetics is discussed for typical solid-liquid-solid and vapor-solid-solid mechanisms related to the synthesis of the oxide nanowires of metals with low (Ga, Cd) and high (Fe) melting points, respectively. Numerical simulations are focused on the possibility to predict the nanowire nucleation points through the interaction of the plasma radicals and ions with the nanoscale morphological features on the surface, as well as to control the localized 'hot spots' that in turn determine the nanowire size and shape. This generic approach can be applied to virtually any oxide nanoscale system and further confirms the applicability of the plasma nanoscience approaches for deterministic nanoscale synthesis and processing.