941 resultados para Roberts, Mark


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Originally published (London, 1675) as Antiquitates apostolicae ... as a continuation of Antiquitates christianae by Jeremy Taylor. Later editions published with numerous variations in title.


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Rezension von: Helmut Bremer / Mark Kleemann-Göhring / Christel Teiwes-Kügler / Jana Trumann (Hrsg.): Politische Bildung zwischen Politisierung, Partizipation und politischem Lernen. Beiträge für eine soziologische Perspektive. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa 2013 (341 S.; ISBN 978-3-7799-1589-8)


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Le présent mémoire porte sur la présence de la violence et de la sexualité sur la scène théâtrale québécoise, ainsi que sur l’influence du mouvement britannique In-yer-face sur la dramaturgie québécoise contemporaine. Par l’étude comparative des didascalies des textes ainsi que des mises en scènes de trois productions québécoises – soit Shopping and F**king (texte de Mark Ravenhill traduit par Alexandre Lefebvre, mise en scène de Christian Lapointe), Faire des enfants (texte d’Éric Noël, mise en scène de Gaétan Paré) et En dessous de vos corps je trouverai ce qui est immense et qui ne s’arrête pas (texte et mise en scène de Steve Gagnon) –, ce mémoire explore les diverses manières de représenter la violence et la sexualité sur la scène québécoise actuelle. Ce travail dépasse l’étude textuelle, il présente une réflexion sur le théâtre québécois et les nombreuses contraintes auxquelles les artistes doivent faire face lorsqu’ils veulent présenter un spectacle de théâtre comportant des scènes de violence et de sexualité au Québec.


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This dissertation examines a unique working class in the United States, the men and women who worked on the steamboats from the Industrial Revolution until the demise of steam-powered boats in the mid-20th century. The steamboat was the beginning of a technological system that was developed in America and used in such great numbers that it made the rapid population of the Trans-Appalachian West possible. The steamboat was forever romanticized by images of the antebellum South or the quick wit of Samuel Clemens and his sentimental book, Life on the Mississippi. The imagination swirls with thoughts of boats, bleach white, slowly churning the calm waters of some Spanish moss covered river. The reality of the boats and the experience of those who worked on them has been lost in this nostalgic vision. This research details the history of the western steamboat in the Monongahela Valley, the birthplace of the commercial steamboat industry. The first part of this dissertation examines the literature of authors in the field of labor history and Industrial Archaeology to place this work into the larger context of published literature. The second builds a framework for understanding the various eras that the steamboat went through both in terms of technological change, but also the change the workers experienced as their identity as a working class was being shaped. The third part details the excavations of two steamboat captains houses, those of Captain James Gormley and Captain Michael A. Cox. Both men represented a time in which the steamboat was in an era of transition. Excavations at their homes yield clues to their class status and how integrated they were in the local community. The fourth part of this study documents the oral histories of steamboat workers, both men and women, and their experience on the boats and on the river. Their rapidly declining population of those who lived and worked on the boats gives urgency for their lives to be documented. Finally, this study concludes with a synthesis of how worker identity solidified in the face of technological, socio-economic, and ideological change especially during their push for unionization and the introduction of the diesel towboat.


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Mark Klett focuses his talk about how photography and time interface and how this is illustrated through his photos. Introduction by Dahlia Morgan.


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Le présent mémoire porte sur la présence de la violence et de la sexualité sur la scène théâtrale québécoise, ainsi que sur l’influence du mouvement britannique In-yer-face sur la dramaturgie québécoise contemporaine. Par l’étude comparative des didascalies des textes ainsi que des mises en scènes de trois productions québécoises – soit Shopping and F**king (texte de Mark Ravenhill traduit par Alexandre Lefebvre, mise en scène de Christian Lapointe), Faire des enfants (texte d’Éric Noël, mise en scène de Gaétan Paré) et En dessous de vos corps je trouverai ce qui est immense et qui ne s’arrête pas (texte et mise en scène de Steve Gagnon) –, ce mémoire explore les diverses manières de représenter la violence et la sexualité sur la scène québécoise actuelle. Ce travail dépasse l’étude textuelle, il présente une réflexion sur le théâtre québécois et les nombreuses contraintes auxquelles les artistes doivent faire face lorsqu’ils veulent présenter un spectacle de théâtre comportant des scènes de violence et de sexualité au Québec.


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Specification for technical report, mark scheme. A template for a technical report is found at http://www.edshare.soton.ac.uk/14581


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Marking criteria for the poster assignment


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Rapidity-odd directed flow (v1) measurements for charged pions, protons, and antiprotons near midrapidity (y=0) are reported in sNN=7.7, 11.5, 19.6, 27, 39, 62.4, and 200 GeV Au+Au collisions as recorded by the STAR detector at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. At intermediate impact parameters, the proton and net-proton slope parameter dv1/dy|y=0 shows a minimum between 11.5 and 19.6 GeV. In addition, the net-proton dv1/dy|y=0 changes sign twice between 7.7 and 39 GeV. The proton and net-proton results qualitatively resemble predictions of a hydrodynamic model with a first-order phase transition from hadronic matter to deconfined matter, and differ from hadronic transport calculations.


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Amphibians have been declining worldwide and the comprehension of the threats that they face could be improved by using mark-recapture models to estimate vital rates of natural populations. Recently, the consequences of marking amphibians have been under discussion and the effects of toe clipping on survival are debatable, although it is still the most common technique for individually identifying amphibians. The passive integrated transponder (PIT tag) is an alternative technique, but comparisons among marking techniques in free-ranging populations are still lacking. We compared these two marking techniques using mark-recapture models to estimate apparent survival and recapture probability of a neotropical population of the blacksmith tree frog, Hypsiboas faber. We tested the effects of marking technique and number of toe pads removed while controlling for sex. Survival was similar among groups, although slightly decreased from individuals with one toe pad removed, to individuals with two and three toe pads removed, and finally to PIT-tagged individuals. No sex differences were detected. Recapture probability slightly increased with the number of toe pads removed and was the lowest for PIT-tagged individuals. Sex was an important predictor for recapture probability, with males being nearly five times more likely to be recaptured. Potential negative effects of both techniques may include reduced locomotion and high stress levels. We recommend the use of covariates in models to better understand the effects of marking techniques on frogs. Accounting for the effect of the technique on the results should be considered, because most techniques may reduce survival. Based on our results, but also on logistical and cost issues associated with PIT tagging, we suggest the use of toe clipping with anurans like the blacksmith tree frog.


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We report the STAR measurements of dielectron (e(+)e(-)) production at midrapidity (|y(ee)|<1) in Au+Au collisions at √[s(NN)]=200  GeV. The measurements are evaluated in different invariant mass regions with a focus on 0.30-0.76 (ρ-like), 0.76-0.80 (ω-like), and 0.98-1.05 (ϕ-like)   GeV/c(2). The spectrum in the ω-like and ϕ-like regions can be well described by the hadronic cocktail simulation. In the ρ-like region, however, the vacuum ρ spectral function cannot describe the shape of the dielectron excess. In this range, an enhancement of 1.77±0.11(stat)±0.24(syst)±0.33(cocktail) is determined with respect to the hadronic cocktail simulation that excludes the ρ meson. The excess yield in the ρ-like region increases with the number of collision participants faster than the ω and ϕ yields. Theoretical models with broadened ρ contributions through interactions with constituents in the hot QCD medium provide a consistent description of the dilepton mass spectra for the measurement presented here and the earlier data at the Super Proton Synchrotron energies.


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Local parity-odd domains are theorized to form inside a quark-gluon plasma which has been produced in high-energy heavy-ion collisions. The local parity-odd domains manifest themselves as charge separation along the magnetic field axis via the chiral magnetic effect. The experimental observation of charge separation has previously been reported for heavy-ion collisions at the top RHIC energies. In this Letter, we present the results of the beam-energy dependence of the charge correlations in Au+Au collisions at midrapidity for center-of-mass energies of 7.7, 11.5, 19.6, 27, 39, and 62.4 GeV from the STAR experiment. After background subtraction, the signal gradually reduces with decreased beam energy and tends to vanish by 7.7 GeV. This implies the dominance of hadronic interactions over partonic ones at lower collision energies.