1000 resultados para Roads, Experimental.


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El presente trabajo se desarrolló con el objetivo de generar información agronómica a través de la caracterización y evaluación preliminar de 24 líneas de frijol común (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) en sus diferentes estados fenológicos. El experimento fue establecido en la Estación Experimental “La Compañía”, ubicada en el Departamento de Carazo. El diseño experimental ut ilizado fue bloques completos al azar (BCA) con 24 tratamientos, un testigo (variedad INTA ROJO) y 3 réplicas. Para la caracterización se tomaron 28 caracteres cualitativos y 9 caracteres cuantitativos. Las variables evaluadas fueron días a la floración, días a la madurez fisiológica, días a cosecha, número de vainas por planta, número de semillas por vaina, número de plantas cosechadas, peso de 100 semillas, rendimiento (kg ha-1) y reacción a enfermedades. El tamaño de la muestra fue de 15 plantas dentro de la parcela útil, a excepción de las variables fenológicas, rendimiento (kg ha-1), reacción a enfermedad y peso de 100 semillas. El análisis estadístico hecho para las variables fue el ANDEVA, separación de medias por Tukey al 95% de confianza y análisis descriptivo para los 9 caracteres cuantitativos de la caracterización. Las variables fenológicas resultaron con una alta significancia, demostrando un comportamiento de precoz a intermedio, cumpliendo su ciclo en un rango de 65 a 72 días; los componentes de rendimiento fueron de significativo a altamente significativo para el número de semillas por vaina y peso de 100 semillas, respectivamente; no así para el número de vainas por planta y número plantas cosechadas, que resultaron no significativos. El rendimiento (kg ha-1) resultó significativo, con promedios que fueron de 1307 a 2264 kg ha-1. La separación de medias por Tukey demostró que ninguno de los materiales supera estadísticamente al testigo en casi todas las variables, a excepción del peso de 100 semillas. En la evaluación de la enfermedad Mustia hilachosa (Thanatephorus cucumeris); de las líneas evaluadas resultaron 3 resistentes, 20 intermedias y 1 susceptible.


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In this paper, TASCflow3D is used to solve inner and outer 3D viscous incompressible turbulent flow (R-e = 5.6 X 10(6)) around axisymmetric body with duct. The governing equation is a RANS equation with standard k-epsilon turbulence model. The discrete method used is a finite volume method based on the finite element approach. In this method, the description of geometry is very flexible and at the same time important conservative properties are retained. The multi-block and algebraic multi-grid techniques are used for the convergence acceleration. Agreement between experimental results and calculation is good. It indicates that this novel approach can be used to simulate complex flow such as the interaction between rotor and stator or propulsion systems containing tip clearance and cavitation.


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The present paper describes experimental investigation on the flow pattern and hydrodynamic effect of underwater gas jets from supersonic and sonic nozzles operated in correct- and imperfect expansion conditions. The flow visualizations show that jetting is the flow regime for the submerged gas injection at a high speed in the parameter range under consideration. The obtained results indicate that high-speed gas jets in still water induce large pressure pulsations upstream of the nozzle exit and the presence of shock-cell structure in the over- and under-expanded jets leads to an increase in the intensity of the jet-induced hydrodynamic pressure.


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El ensayo se estableció en la Estación Experimental “La Compañía” San Marcos, departamento de Carazo, Nicaragua. Durante la época de postrera (Octubre – Diciem bre 2007) se estudiaron 25 variedades de frijol común ( Phaseolus vulgaris) con el objetivo de contribuir a un mejor conocimiento y utilización de la diversidad genética de frijol común presente en el país. Las líneas estudiadas provenían de diferentes regi ones de Nicaragua. El ensayo se estableció en un diseño Làtice simple 5 x 5, pero debido a su baja eficiencia al compararlo con un Bloque completo al azar (BCA) se decidió que los resultados presentados son los obtenidos del análisis de datos considerados provenientes de un BCA. Las variables que se evaluaron fueron; emergencia de la planta, longitud del tallo principal, ancho de cobertura, al momento de la cosecha se tomaron vainas por plantas, número de granos por vaina, peso de cien semillas y el rendimi ento del grano. El análisis estadístico hecho para las variables fue ANDEVA y separación de medias tukey al 5% de confianza. Respecto a las variables emergencia de la planta y longitud del tallo principal se observó que hubo diferencia significativa con ra ngos aproximados de 77 y 39 plantas para la emergencia y 68.5cm y 18.5cm respectivamente en el caso de longitu d del tallo principal. En las variables; ancho de cobertura, vainas por plantas, granos por vaina y el peso de cien semillas no se encontró difer e ncia significativa. En rendimiento de grano se encontró diferencia significativa donde el mayor rendimiento lo obtuvo la accesión 4460 (987.1kg ha - 1 ) seguido de la accesión 4462 (941.5kg ha - 1 ). La accesión que obtuvo el menor rendimiento fue la 4662 (280kg ha - 1 ). El promedio general de los valores de rendimiento de este ensayo no logro superar el promedio nacional (aproximadamente 800kg ha - 1 ), esto pudo ser justificado por las condiciones climáticas desfavorables y la presencia de plagas que aunque fueron c ontroladas afectaron de alguna manera al cultivo.


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Este trabajo se estableció en la época de primera del 2010, en el Centro Experimental del Valle de Sébaco del Instituto Nicaragüense de Tecnología Agropecuaria, en el municipio de San Isidro, departamento de Matagalpa, con el objetivo de evaluar 10 líneas precoces de sorgo con buen comportamiento agronómico y productivo que se adapten a las condiciones ambientales de la zona. Se utilizó un diseño de bloques completos al azar (BCA) con 12 tratamientos y 4 repeticiones, evaluando variables de crecimiento, desarrollo y produccion, los datos obtenidos se sometieron al análisis de varianza (ANDEVA) y al análisis de agrupamiento a través de Tuckey (∞=0.05). Además se evaluaron variables cualitativas. El análisis de varianza no muestra diferencias estadísticas entre líneas para las variables peso de panoja, peso de mil granos y rendimiento de grano, sin embargo las demás variables de producción, crecimiento y desarrollo si presentaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas.


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Se evaluaron siete genotipos de tomate (Lycopersicum esculentum, Mill.) de los cuales AVTO1203, AVTO1883, AVTO1082, AVTO1031 y AVTO1173 provienen del Centro Mundial de Vegetales (AVDRDC) y dos variedades comerciales Shanty y Butero, que se usaron como testigos. El ensayo se estableció en el centro experimental ̈LAS MERCEDES̈ propiedad de la Universidad Nacional Agraria con el propósito de evaluar el comportamiento agronómico de los genotipos bajo sistema casa malla. El diseño experimental utilizado fue un bloque completo al azar, el análisis de la información se realizo utilizando análisis de varianza y separación de medias por TUKEY. Los genotipos mostraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas para las variables evaluadas, con excepción de los grados Brix, cuyos valores oscilaron entre 4.5 y 4.6. Los genotipos mostraron forma de fruto redondeada y redondo-alargada, en general el color de fruto fue rojo con distintas tonalidades oscuro e intermedio. Para el diámetro polar el carácter vario entre 6.36 cm y 3.8 cm; el diámetro ecuatorial vario de 4.89 cm y 2.72 cm. los genotipos presentaron números de lóculos de 6.6 a 2. Con respecto a frutos por plantas los valores oscilaron de 55.8 y 17.1 siendo los genotipos: A VTO1883, AVTO1203, y AVTO1082 los que estadísticamente se encontraron en la categoría superior con el testigo Shanty. El peso de los frutos vario entre 101.1 g y 58.1 g. Para el rendimiento los valores oscilaron entre 18.9 kg y 6 kg/parcela (la parcela fue de 2m2), los genotipos AVTO1203, AVTO1883, AVTO1082 y AVTO1173 se encontraron estadísticamente en la categoría superior con la variedad testigo Shanty. Basado a las características estudiadas se determinó que los genotipos AVTO1203 y AVTO1883 son promisorios por presentar similitud en rendimiento y características comerciales con el hibrido testigo Shanty.


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This work is devoted to study of the slip phenomenon between phases in water-oil two-phase flow in horizontal pipes. The emphasis is placed on the effects of input fluids flow rates, pipe diameter and viscosities of oil phase on the slip. Experiments were conducted to measure the holdup in two horizontal pipes with 0.05 m diameter and 0.025 m diameter, respectively, using two different viscosities of white oil and tap water as liquid phases. Results showed that the ratios of in situ oil to water velocity at the pipe of small diameter are higher than those at the pipe of big diameter when having same input flow rates. At low input water flow rate, there is a large deviation on the holdup between two flow systems with different oil viscosities and the deviation becomes gradually smaller with further increased input water flow rate. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Thermocapillary convection coupling with the evaporation effect of evaporating liquids is studied experimentally. This study focused on an evaporation liquid layer in a rectangular cavity subjected to a horizontal temperature gradient when the top evaporating surface is open to air, while most previous works only studied pure thermocapillary convection without evaporation. Two liquids with different evaporating rates are used to study the coupling of evaporation and thermocapillary convection, and the interfacial temperature profiles for different temperature gradients are measured. The experimental results indicate evidently the influence of evaporation effect on the thermocapillary convection and interfacial temperature profiles. The steady multicellular flow and the oscillatory multicellular flow in the evaporation liquid layer are observed by using the particle-image-velocimetry method.


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An on-board space experiment of bubble thermocapillary migration was performed in the Chinese 22nd recoverable satellite in 2005. Silicone oil of nominal viscosity 5cSt was used as the continuous phase in the experiment. Air bubbles were injected into the liquid in the same direction as the constant temperature gradient in the liquid. The velocities of bubbles were obtained by recording the paths of the bubbles. The results indicate that the scaled velocity of bubbles decreases with an increase of the Marangoni number extended to 9288, which agrees with the results of previous space experiments and numerical simulation. In addition, the interaction between two bubbles was also observed in the space experiment. The trajectories and the velocities of the bubbles were obtained. The two-bubble experiment results are also consistent with the theoretical analysis.


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An experimental investigation was conducted to study the holdup distribution of oil and water two-phase flow in two parallel tubes with unequal tube diameter. Tests were performed using white oil (of viscosity 52 mPa s and density 860 kg/m(3)) and tap water as liquid phases at room temperature and atmospheric outlet pressure. Measurements were taken of water flow rates from 0.5 to 12.5 m(3)/h and input oil volume fractions from 3 to 94 %. Results showed that there were different flow pattern maps between the run and bypass tubes when oil-water two-phase flow is found in the parallel tubes. At low input fluid flow rates, a large deviation could be found on the average oil holdup between the bypass and the run tubes. However, with increased input oil fraction at constant water flow rate, the holdup at the bypass tube became close to that at the run tube. Furthermore, experimental data showed that there was no significant variation in flow pattern and holdup between the run and main tubes. In order to calculate the holdup in the form of segregated flow, the drift flux model has been used here.


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Deformation twins have been observed in nanocrystalline (nc) fcc metals with medium-to-high stacking fault energies such as aluminum, copper, and nickel. These metals in their coarse-grained states rarely deform by twining at room temperature and low strain rates. Several twinning mechanisms have been reported that are unique to nc metals. This paper reviews experimental evidences on deformation twinning and partial dislocation. emissions from grain boundaries, twinning mechanisms, and twins with zero-macro-strain. Factors that affect the twinning propensity and recent analytical models on the critical grain sizes for twinning are also discussed. The current issues on deformation twinning in nanocrystalline metals are listed.


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With the PDPA (Phase Doppler Particle Analyzer) measurement technology, the probability distributions of particle impact and lift-off velocities on bed surface and the particle velocity distributions at different heights are detected in a wind tunnel. The results show that the probability distribution of impact and lift-off velocities of sand grains can be expressed by a log-normal function, and that of impact and lift-off angles complies with an exponential function. The mean impact angle is between 28 degrees and 39 degrees, and the mean lift-off angle ranges from 30 degrees to 44 degrees. The mean lift-off velocity is 0.81-0.9 times the mean impact velocity. The proportion of backward-impacting particles is 0.05-0.11, and that of backward-entrained particles ranges from 0.04 to 0.13. The probability distribution of particle horizontal velocity at 4 mm height is positive skew, the horizontal velocity of particles at 20 mm height varies widely, and the variation of the particle horizontal velocity at 80 mm height is less than that at 20 mm height. The probability distribution of particle vertical velocity at different heights can be described as a normal function.


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Results from a space experiment on bubble thermocapillary migration conducted on board the Chinese 22nd recoverable satellite were presented. Considering the temperature field in the cell was disturbed by the accumulated bubbles, the temperature gradient was corrected firstly with the help of the temperature measurement data at six points and numerical simulation. Marangoni number (Ma) of single bubble migrating in the space experiment ranged from 98.04 to 9288, exceeding that in the previous experiment data. The experiment data including the track and the velocity of two bubble thermocapillary migration showed that a smaller bubble would move slower as it was passed by a larger one, and the smaller one would even rest in a short time when the size ratio was large enough.


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Sand velocity in aeolian sand transport was measured using the laser Doppler technique of PDPA (Phase Doppler Particle Analyzer) in a wind tunnel. The sand velocity profile, probability distribution of particle velocity, particle velocity fluctuation and particle turbulence were analyzed in detail. The experimental results verified that the sand horizontal velocity profile can be expressed by a logarithmic function above 0.01 in, while a deviation occurs below 0.01 m. The mean vertical velocity of grains generally ranges from -0.2 m/s to 0.2 m/s, and is downward at the lower height, upward at the higher height. The probability distributions of the horizontal velocity of ascending and descending particles have a typical peak and are right-skewed at a height of 4 turn in the lower part of saltation layer. The vertical profile of the horizontal RMS velocity fluctuation of particles shows a single peak. The horizontal RMS velocity fluctuation of sand particles is generally larger than the vertical RMS velocity fluctuation. The RMS velocity fluctuations of grains in both horizontal and vertical directions increase with wind velocity. The particle turbulence intensity decreases with height. The present investigation is helpful in understanding the sand movement mechanism in windblown sand transport and also provides a reference for the study of blowing sand velocity. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.