908 resultados para Retirement Invesment


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El arquitecto Víctor Eusa (Pamplona, 1894-1990) es la figura central de la arquitectura en Navarra durante la mayor parte del siglo XX. Desde 1920, año en que termina sus estudios en Madrid, hasta 1973, año de su jubilación, produjo centenares de obras y proyectos en esta región española, con esporádicas intervenciones en otras zonas, como las provincias vecinas de Guipúzcoa, Vizcaya y Zaragoza. Su periodo activo coincide con el de la construcción del II Ensanche de Pamplona. La cantidad y calidad de su producción hacen posible establecer una identificación entre la obra de Eusa y la ciudad entonces existente. Sus obras principales son auténticos hitos urbanos que caracterizan el Ensanche. El archivo personal del arquitecto se perdió desgraciadamente en los años setenta del pasado siglo. Este trabajo de investigación ha partido de la recopilación de la documentación gráfica existente en archivos públicos y privados, que ha dado como fruto la catalogación de las obras y proyectos de Víctor Eusa, que constituye el tomo II de la tesis. En el tomo I se analiza la trayectoria del arquitecto y la evolución formal de su lenguaje, a partir de su formación académica y las sucesivas influencias que jalonan sus primeros años de profesión: sus viajes por Europa y Oriente, Otto Wagner y la Sezession vienesa, Perret y el hormigón armado, el Art-Déco y la Exposición de París de 1925, Dudok y la arquitectura holandesa, etc. Todo ello fructifica en una arquitectura expresionista muy personal, basada en la geometría de líneas rectas y quebradas, que combina el ladrillo y el hormigón como sus materiales preferidos. Su madurez se alcanza a finales de los años veinte y se prolonga hasta la guerra civil española. En este periodo se concentran sus obras más conocidas: Casa de Misericordia, Iglesia de los Paúles, Colegio de Escolapios, edificios de viviendas en plaza Príncipe de Viana y calle García Castañón, Seminario, Casino Eslava,… Después del 36, sus responsabilidades públicas sucesivas como arquitecto municipal de Pamplona y como arquitecto provincial de la Diputación Foral de Navarra introducen en su obra una nueva dimensión urbana. ABSTRACT The architect Víctor Eusa (Pamplona, 1894-1990) was the central figure in architecture in Navarra for most of the 20th century. From 1920, when he finished his studies in Madrid, to his retirement in 1973, he was responsible for hundreds of buildings in Navarra, as well as occasional projects in the neighbouring provinces of Guipúzcoa, Vizcaya and Zaragoza. His career as an architect developed in parallel with the second phase of urban expansion in Pamplona. In terms of both quantity and quality, this new district can be seen as an embodiment of Eusa's work, and his most outstanding buildings form the landmarks which give character to this area. Unfortunately, Eusa's personal archive was lost in the 1970s. By collecting and analyzing the graphic information available in public archives, the author of this dissertation was able to compile a catalogue of Eusa's work and projects, which is provided in volume II. Volume I focuses on Eusa's career and the formal development of his language, starting from his academic training and tracing the successive influences that were at work during his early years as an architect: his journeys through Europe and the East, Otto Wagner and the Vienna Secession, Perret and reinforced concrete, Art-Déco and the Paris Exhibition of 1925, Dudok and the Dutch architecture represented in the magazines Wendingen and De Stijl, and many others. All of this came together in Eusa's highly personal expressionist style, based on a geometry of straight and zigzag lines, combining his favourite materials, brick and concrete. His mature period consolidated by end of the 1920s and lasted until the Spanish Civil War. After 1936, Eusa's responsibilities as municipal architect for Pamplona and later as head of architecture for Navarra enabled him to develop his talents in the area of urban design.


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Faye Tull Carter obtained a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Home Economics from Lincoln University in 1938. She also received a graduate degree from Teacher’s College, Columbia University in New York. After graduation, Carter accepted the position as Library Assistant at Lincoln University Laboratory School. Upon receiving a Master’s degree in Library Science (MLS) from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, Carter was appointed the Librarian at Lincoln University Laboratory High School. She was later transferred to the University library, Inman E. Page Library, where she remained until her retirement in 1989. During her years of service, Carter was promoted to the level of Assistant Professor. She taught courses in Library Science and Children’s Literature. Carter’s duties at Inman E. Page Library included creating displays, arranging picture collections and organizing the research material for teachers and students in the Education Department. She also established the Children and Young Adult Literature Collection.


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Myrtle Smith Livingston became a physical education instructor in 1928 at Lincoln University, and while at Lincoln she established several formal athletic programs for female students. Livingston’s contributions made it possible for females to engage in principal sports for the first time. Livingston was also very active as a dancer and formed the first chapter of the Orchesis Group in 1936; the first chapter to be formed at a black college. The group gave both indoor and outdoor performances in tap and interpretive dance. In addition to these activities, she taught first aid to Jefferson City citizens during World War II and wrote several plays during this time period. Livingston’s most famous play, For Unborn Children, was published in the July 1926 issue of The Crisis magazine after winning 3rd prize in a literary competition. The play, which is about miscegenation and lynching, reflects the historical movements that helped shape her generation. Since then, scholars of black drama have recognized the play’s value and have ensured its availability by including it in anthropologies. Livingston died in Hawaii, only one and a half years into her retirement. There is a park named in her honor on Lincoln University’s campus that remains open today. Livingston’s life reflected the movements of her time and her dedication to community centered art.


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Trata-se de um estudo descritivo e exploratório, com abordagem qualitativa dos dados. Objetivou-se analisar a percepção da equipe de enfermagem sobre as condições geradoras de absenteísmo e suas implicações na assistência nas unidades de Urgência e Emergência (UE) das cinco distritais de saúde no município de Ribeirão Preto/SP. Os sujeitos foram profissionais da equipe de enfermagem (enfermeiro, auxiliar e técnico de enfermagem) que atuam nestas unidades. Foram selecionados 2 profissionais de cada categoria, a partir dos critérios de inclusão do estudo, sem considerar sexo, faixa etária e tempo de trabalho no serviço, totalizando 30 participantes. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas individuais semiestruturadas, conduzidas a partir de um roteiro norteador composto pelas variáveis (Processo de Gestão de Recursos Humanos (RH); Condição de Trabalho em Equipe e Qualidade do Cuidado Prestado) abordadas no estudo. Para análise dos dados utilizou-se análise de conteúdo, modalidade temática. Após análise dos dados, as categorias encontradas foram: TEMA 1 - Gerenciamento, organização e enfrentamento para a operacionalização do trabalho de enfermagem (Subtema 1 - Operacionalização da escala de trabalho frente ao desafio do quantitativo da equipe de enfermagem na unidade de UE; Subtema 2 - Reorganização do trabalho e a perspectiva dos trabalhadores frente à mudança para as 30h/semanais e a terceirização do serviço; Subtema 3 - Tempo de permanência do profissional no serviço; Subtema 4 - Comunicação como ferramenta para desenvolver o trabalho em equipe e gerenciar conflitos); TEMA 2 - Condições impostas ao trabalhador e sua influência no desenvolvimento do trabalho (Subtema 1 - Plano de carreira e salário como estimulantes para desenvolvimento do trabalho; Subtema 2 - Vínculo empregatício: vantagens e desvantagens; Subtema 3 - Educação permanente e sua importância para desenvolvimento do trabalho; Subtema 4 - Influência da estrutura física, materiais e equipamentos no cuidado) e TEMA 3 - Avaliação do serviço e da assistência prestada. No que diz respeito ao quantitativo de enfermagem disposto nas unidades, todos os entrevistados relatam que é um quantitativo razoável e que, em alguns momentos, se sentem sobrecarregados quando ocorrem ausências não previstas. Ao se tratar da terceirização das unidades estatutárias, relata-se que não houve comunicação prévia do evento e é visível a insegurança e frustração por parte dos entrevistados. Ressalta-se que a unidade terceirizada não sofreu mudanças em sua rotina. A rotatividade é presente nestas unidades de UE, sendo maior em determinada unidade e ocorre por inúmeros motivos, dentre eles, aposentadoria, transferência para Unidade Básica de Saúde (UBS), conflitos na equipe e/ou com pacientes, dentre outros. Todos os entrevistados sugerem que a comunicação é fundamental para o desenvolvimento do trabalho em equipe e é através dela que os conflitos possam vir a ser resolvidos. Neste momento, percebe-se, a partir das falas, que a comunicação é diferente entre as unidades e, portanto, existem níveis diferentes de conflitos entre as unidades. O município não possui um plano de carreira efetivo, portanto os entrevistados demonstram desmotivação para buscar novos conhecimentos. Quanto ao salário, estes têm a visão de que é razoável, sendo considerado elevado em relação às demais instituições de saúde do município, porém, defasado em relação à categoria profissional. Os profissionais terceirizados relatam uma certa insatisfação por trabalhar da mesma forma que os estatutários, recebendo um menor salário e sem os mesmos benefícios, o que nos leva à categoria vínculo empregatício, onde a estabilidade é abordada com visões positivas e negativas. Ao se tratar da visão negativa, os entrevistados sugerem que muitos colegas não sabem lidar com esse benefício, se ausentando do trabalho ou trabalhando de uma forma não adequada, prejudicando a rotina do serviço. No que tange à educação permanente, temos a diferença mais gritante do estudo, visto que os entrevistados estatutários relatam que não possuem a disponibilização, através da prefeitura, de cursos de atualização, capacitação e constante aprendizado enquanto que os terceirizados relatam atualizações constantes e apoio por parte da instituição com a qual eles estão vinculados. É unânime que todos os entrevistados consideram que a estrutura física, materiais e equipamentos interferem diretamente no cuidado. Ao serem questionados em relação à avaliação do cuidado prestado, eles o consideram bom, podendo ser melhor caso fossem disponibilizadas condições de trabalho mais adequadas. Considera-se o estudo como um possível instrumento de avaliação dos serviços prestados em unidade de UE, bem como das condições de trabalho fornecidas ao trabalhador e sua satisfação profissional


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Com as transformações ocorridas nas últimas décadas do século XX, notadamente a expansão financeira pela qual passou o capitalismo, o enfraquecimento fiscal dos Estados nacionais e o questionamento aos sistemas de previdência pública por repartição, ganham importância em todo o mundo os fundos de pensão. Estes fundos, ao lado de outros investidores institucionais, como seguradoras e fundos de investimentos, passam a cumprir papel central no mercado acionário e também no mercado de títulos públicos e privados. Com o objetivo de realizar lucros para pagar benefícios de aposentadoria para os seus participantes, os fundos de pensão arrecadam e concentram poupança privada pulverizada, transformando-a em um ativo poderoso. No Brasil, as Entidades Fechadas de Previdência Complementar nomenclatura jurídica dos fundos de pensão possuem um total de 702 bilhões de reais em ativos, que se concentram nas três maiores entidades do país: Previ, Petros e Funcef. Em comum, estes três fundos têm o fato de serem patrocinados por empresas estatais, o que, pela legislação vigente, dá ao Poder Executivo a competência de indicar metade de seus dirigentes, incluindo o seu presidente que possui voto de desempate. O presente trabalho pesquisou o papel que estas três EFPCs cumprem enquanto instrumento de atuação do Estado no domínio econômico, especialmente para o provimento de fundos para o desenvolvimento. Para isso, primeiramente, o estudo explora o movimento de expansão financeira do capitalismo e a crise no padrão de desenvolvimento brasileiro. Depois, investiga de maneira sistemática o arcabouço jurídico que regula os fundos de pensão; e, por fim, analisa a alocação dos seus investimentos e o perfil dos seus dirigentes.


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The purpose of this thesis is to determine if households with moderate incomes have the opportunity to acquire pecuniary wealth. In an environment of increasing globalization, labor-eliminating technology, and an overburdened entitlement system, the position of wealth is necessary for households with a penchant for early retirement and particularly for those that will inevitably succumb to involuntary retirement. In these writings, qualitative and quantitative descriptions of wealth are offered; two microeconomic metrics are introduced to identify baseline wealth and to gauge proximity to this value; and strategies are devised to close the gap between these metrics. The construct of the economic intertemporal household budget was used as the basis for this research whereby conventional measures of wealth, i.e. net worth and liquid net worth, have been coupled with historical and empirical household data to define and extrapolate wealth and wealth proximity metrics. The major finding is wealth is a dynamic variable contingent upon consumption level rather than income or saving levels. And because households exercise a greater degree of autonomy over consumption, moderate earners are afforded the same opportunities as high earners. The position of wealth is necessary because it sustains consumption in the event of an unwelcomed retirement and it can assuage reliance on entitlement programs. For the majority of households, wealth is a matter of choice.


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Research performed in this thesis studies the growth and evolution of advertising investment in digital media compared to traditional printed media, in particular daily newspapers. By means of advertising inserts in printed newspaper and online newspapers, the study’s objective was to confirm that digital media consolidate as an advertising platform. Throughout this study we used different quantitative and qualitative tools to demonstrate the starting hypothesis of this thesis. We used a combined methodology that included: a) joint analysis of printed newspaper “El Mundo” and online newspaper “elmundo.es” advertising content; b) analysis of advertising investment state-of-the-art; c) deep interviews to different media professionals, including advertisers, publicists, media planning, and researchers. A comparative study between the printed newspaper “El Mundo” and the online newspaper “elmundo.es” supported the analysis of contents in a realistic situation. Therefore a deep study of advertising inserts in both the printed and online version of “El Mundo” was performed. The main goal of this work was to show how advertising invesment is moving from traditional printed media to digital media The results of this study reveal that investment in digital media increases, meanwhile investment reduces in traditional media. At the same time, new reading habits along with technological innovation attracts readers to digital platforms. As a consequence, traditional printed newspapers have the immediate need to somehow engage online-newspaper readers into printed platforms. Hence, many advertisers already invest large sums of money in digital media, with marketing strategies and plans focused to online advertising campaigns in Internet. It is also true that in recent years printed and online media stopped “fighting”, which lead to the possibility of joint marketing and communication strategies between the aforementioned digital and online media. This research has different implications, one of them is that printed media seems to be a bussiness model which needs to be reinvented to adapt itself to the media’s current situation in order to be profitable and not to disappear. On the other hand, digital media must have a well-defined strategy with concrete and viable goals in online investment. Finally, it is important that new readers are taken into account by newspapers, this is: new readers mostly use digital platforms, thus interaction between readers and newspapers is much different than what it used to be when only printed newspapers existed. Media must go and be where the new reader is.


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From Introduction: Career transition issues have become of increasing interest in the field of sport psychology. Confronting the end of an athletic career is an inevitable reality that every athlete will confront in his or her lifetime (Baillie, 1993), regardless of level of competition (Kerr & Dacyshyn, 2000) or the amount of free choice related to the transition. Many athletes are able to cope with the effects of the transition process effectively, and see retirement as an opportunity to pursue new ventures and identity roles in life. However, retirement from sport can be an event that often results in various adjustment difficulties for an athlete involving emotional, social, financial, and vocational conflicts. Some athletes have reported experiencing effects such as depression, eating disorders, decreased self-esteem, increased suicidality, and substance abuse (Kerr and Dacyshyn, 2000). These types of distress can be exacerbated by the fact that many athletes fail to adequately anticipate and prepare for their impending transition (Baillie, 1993), and often embark on the retirement process without any formalized support (Stier, 2007).Typically, the role of a sport psychologist has been to assist in maximizing an athlete's competitive performance during the course of their career. However, as a sport psychologist's primary responsibility is to serve active competitors and athletic organizations, this tends to come at the expense of failing to provide follow-up care for the athlete as he or she retires from sport (Taylor, Ogilvie, and Lavallee, 2006). Since the 1970's, when the efforts of professionals in European sports organizations first received attention, there has been growing interest in academic circles about career transition


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Desde 1960 se han intensificado los flujos de turismo residencial internacional y las migraciones intra-europeas de jubilados hacia el Mediterráneo. La plasmación territorial de este proceso ha generado nuevas estructuras duales. Se analiza la situación de las comunidades noreuropeas que residen en urbanizaciones separadas de los núcleos urbanos tradicionales, con atención a la provincia de Alicante.


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There is a growing interest in learning how older migrants adapt to their new country of residence, in understanding their motivations for migration and the factors that influence international retirement migration patterns. However, there has been little research into the health and health care needs of international migrants retiring to other countries. This paper presents findings on health status and utilisation of health services with a particular focus on UK pensioners retiring to Spain. Future research should focus on the health needs of pensioners and their perspectives as to whether and how these health needs are met.


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Purpose – Many international retirement migrants are amenity movers undertaking the first move in the late life course model of migration. The purpose of this paper is to examine second moves within the retirement destination community to test whether the model of late life course migration accurately portrays the motivations and housing choices local movers make after retiring to another country. Design/methodology/approach – The paper combines secondary data and survey results to examine the composition of the retiree migrant population in the Alicante province of Spain. The socioeconomic characteristics and housing choices of those who have made a second move since retiring to Spain are compared with those who have not moved through a series of t-tests and chi-square tests. Findings – The paper finds that those who have made a second move within Spain are somewhat typical of second movers in the late life course. They are likely to cite mobility or health problems as a reason for moving and appear to recognize the need for a home that provides living area on one floor. Yet, they are choosing to move within an area that does not provide them with access to informal family care givers. Research limitations/implications – The data are restricted to retirees of two nationalities in one province of Spain. Further research is suggested in other locations and with retirees of other nationalities for comparison. Practical implications – Because many international retirees do not plan to return to their countries of origin, they will create demand for formal in-home care services and supportive retiree housing in the near future in their retirement destination countries. Originality/value – This paper provides understanding of a growing consumer housing segment in retirement destinations.


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BALL (Be Active Through Lifelong Learning) is an Erasmus + project of the European Union with the chief objective of analysing the degree of Preparation for Retirement among European citizens. The team working for this project, funded by the EU, is composed by organizations with broad experience at work with the third age from three European countries, Poland, Iceland and Spain, and the results obtained from these three contexts aim to provide a clear picture about the state of the art in preparation for retirement nowadays. The main objective of the project is to develop innovative guidelines and recommendations for use at lifelong learning centres; universities; companies; unions; associations; local and regional authorities who need and wish to prepare and encourage individuals under their auspices to prepare for the third age. The project defines the age group of 50 to 70 (the “baby boomer” generation) as the target group for such early preparations. The project and its outcomes will be used to raise awareness of these important issues and disseminate the results throughout the European Educational Area and the worldwide U3A network.


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This report evaluates the performance of long-term care (LTC) systems in Europe, with a special emphasis on four countries that were selected in Work Package 1 of the ANCIEN project as representative of different LTC systems: Germany, the Netherlands, Spain and Poland. Based on a performance framework, we use the following four core criteria for the evaluation: the quality of life of LTC users, the quality of care, equity of LTC systems and the total burden of LTC (consisting of the financial burden and the burden of informal caregiving). The quality of life is analysed by studying the experience of LTC users in 13 European countries, using data from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE). Older persons with limitations living at home have the highest probability of receiving help (formal or informal) in Germany and the lowest in Poland. Given that help is available, the sufficiency of the help is best ensured in Switzerland, Italy and the Netherlands. The indirectly observed properties of the LTC system are most favourable in France. An older person who considers all three aspects important might be best off living in Belgium or Switzerland. The horizontal and vertical equity of LTC systems are analysed for the four representative countries. The Dutch system scores highest on overall equity, followed by the German system. The Spanish and Polish systems are both less equitable than the Dutch and German systems. To show how ageing may affect the financial burden of LTC, projections until 2060 are given for LTC expenditures for the four representative countries. Under the base scenario, for all four countries the proportions of GDP spent on public and private LTC are projected to more than double between 2010 and 2060, and even treble in some cases. The projections also highlight the large differences in LTC expenditures between the four countries. The Netherlands spends by far the most on LTC. Furthermore, the report presents information for a number of European countries on quality of care, the burden of informal caregiving and other aspects of performance. The LTC systems for the four representative countries are evaluated using the four core criteria. The Dutch system has the highest scores on all four dimensions except the total burden of care, where it has the second-best score after Poland. The German system has somewhat lower scores than the Dutch on all four dimensions. The relatively large role for informal care lowers the equity of the German system. The Polish system excels in having a low total burden of care, but it scores lowest on quality of care and equity. The Spanish system has few extreme scores. Policy implications are discussed in the last chapter of this report and in the Policy Brief based on this report.


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This report aims at understanding how persons aged 50 years and older are and can be integrated into the working society in Belgium. We are interested in how people in this age group can be induced to engage in various forms of employment and lifelong learning. Based on secondary literature, descriptive databases as well as interviews with experts and focus groups, we find that the discussion on active ageing in Belgium is well advanced with numerous contributions by academics, stakeholders, social partners, the public administration and interest groups. The wish to retire at 60 is widely shared, but at the same time the majority of Belgium’s elderly are able and would be willing to work under specific conditions. Therefore, we recommend that Belgium should invest in more flexible systems including a revision of the tax scheme, such as the part-time retirement system proposed by the insurance company Delta Lloyd. An equally relevant recommendation would be to ensure that public employment agencies, employers and agencies that provide training encourage all workers to work and learn regardless of their age.


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This report reviews national and private initiatives to allow the elderly to continue their participation in the Finnish labour market and provides an analysis of the labour market and living conditions of seniors. We are interested in how those over 50 can be engaged in various forms of employment and lifelong learning. We find strong evidence that Finland generally provides good institutional conditions for active ageing. The quick and early ageing process was tackled by the fundamental pension reform that already prolonged retirement substantially and will probably facilitate later retirement as the attitudes concerning retirement change. On the other hand, Finland still seems to lag behind the other Nordic welfare states, has considerable problems in providing the same health conditions to low educated people in physically demanding occupations and could - – with respect to family pension in particular – invest further efforts in reforming the pension system. While many of the reforms Finland has conducted seem to be favourable and transferable to other European countries that still face the steepest phases of ageing in their societies, a reluctance towards changing attitudes that we observe in Finland, shows that organizing active ageing is a long-term project.