Looking Forward to a Dynamic Third Age - Comparative Survey Report

Autoria(s): Bru Ronda, Concepción; Pina Medina, Víctor Manuel; Aleson-Carbonell, Marian; Ruiz Armero, Nuria; López Blanes, Antonio; Sarrión Cano, Víctor; Guðlaugsdóttir, Ingibjörg R.; Guðmundsson, Hans Kristján; Björnsson, Jón; Adamczyk, Monika; Stanowska, Małgorzata; Kato, Izabela; Gąska, Tomasz

Universidad Permanente de la Universidad de Alicante

EVRIS Foundation

U3A Reykjavik

Lublin University of the Third Age

BALL Project







BALL (Be Active Through Lifelong Learning) is an Erasmus + project of the European Union with the chief objective of analysing the degree of Preparation for Retirement among European citizens. The team working for this project, funded by the EU, is composed by organizations with broad experience at work with the third age from three European countries, Poland, Iceland and Spain, and the results obtained from these three contexts aim to provide a clear picture about the state of the art in preparation for retirement nowadays. The main objective of the project is to develop innovative guidelines and recommendations for use at lifelong learning centres; universities; companies; unions; associations; local and regional authorities who need and wish to prepare and encourage individuals under their auspices to prepare for the third age. The project defines the age group of 50 to 70 (the “baby boomer” generation) as the target group for such early preparations. The project and its outcomes will be used to raise awareness of these important issues and disseminate the results throughout the European Educational Area and the worldwide U3A network.

*ICELANDIC SURVEY REPORT Team (Hans Kristján Guðmundsson, Ingibjörg R. Guðlaugsdóttir, Jón Björnsson). *POLISH SURVEY REPORT Team (Monika Adamcyk, Małgorzata Stanowska, Izabela Kato, Tomasz Gąska). *SPANISH SURVEY REPORT Team (Concepción Bru Ronda, Víctor Manuel Pina Medina, Marian Alesón Carbonell, Nuria Ruiz Armero, Antonio López Blanes, Víctor Sarrión Cano)






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Palavras-Chave #Survey #Active Ageing #Health #Learning #Employment #Population #Retirement #Pre-Retirement
