974 resultados para Relativistic viscous hydrodynamics
The pulsatile flow of an incompressible viscous fluid in a cylindrical tube of varying cross section is investigated for small Reynolds numbers. The solutions consist of a stedy and an oscillatory part. The shear stress distribution on the wall is evaluated and discussed in detail for special geometries like tapered tubes, locally constricted tubes and peristaltic tubes. The existence of separation in the flow field is noticed.
Gravitaation kvanttiteorian muotoilu on ollut teoreettisten fyysikkojen tavoitteena kvanttimekaniikan synnystä lähtien. Kvanttimekaniikan soveltaminen korkean energian ilmiöihin yleisen suhteellisuusteorian viitekehyksessä johtaa aika-avaruuden koordinaattien operatiiviseen ei-kommutoivuuteen. Ei-kommutoivia aika-avaruuden geometrioita tavataan myös avointen säikeiden säieteorioiden tietyillä matalan energian rajoilla. Ei-kommutoivan aika-avaruuden gravitaatioteoria voisi olla yhteensopiva kvanttimekaniikan kanssa ja se voisi mahdollistaa erittäin lyhyiden etäisyyksien ja korkeiden energioiden prosessien ei-lokaaliksi uskotun fysiikan kuvauksen, sekä tuottaa yleisen suhteellisuusteorian kanssa yhtenevän teorian pitkillä etäisyyksillä. Tässä työssä tarkastelen gravitaatiota Poincarén symmetrian mittakenttäteoriana ja pyrin yleistämään tämän näkemyksen ei-kommutoiviin aika-avaruuksiin. Ensin esittelen Poincarén symmetrian keskeisen roolin relativistisessa fysiikassa ja sen kuinka klassinen gravitaatioteoria johdetaan Poincarén symmetrian mittakenttäteoriana kommutoivassa aika-avaruudessa. Jatkan esittelemällä ei-kommutoivan aika-avaruuden ja kvanttikenttäteorian muotoilun ei-kommutoivassa aika-avaruudessa. Mittasymmetrioiden lokaalin luonteen vuoksi tarkastelen huolellisesti mittakenttäteorioiden muotoilua ei-kommutoivassa aika-avaruudessa. Erityistä huomiota kiinnitetään näiden teorioiden vääristyneeseen Poincarén symmetriaan, joka on ei-kommutoivan aika-avaruuden omaama uudentyyppinen kvanttisymmetria. Seuraavaksi tarkastelen ei-kommutoivan gravitaatioteorian muotoilun ongelmia ja niihin kirjallisuudessa esitettyjä ratkaisuehdotuksia. Selitän kuinka kaikissa tähänastisissa lähestymistavoissa epäonnistutaan muotoilla kovarianssi yleisten koordinaattimunnosten suhteen, joka on yleisen suhteellisuusteorian kulmakivi. Lopuksi tutkin mahdollisuutta yleistää vääristynyt Poincarén symmetria lokaaliksi mittasymmetriaksi --- gravitaation ei-kommutoivan mittakenttäteorian saavuttamisen toivossa. Osoitan, että tällaista yleistystä ei voida saavuttaa vääristämällä Poincarén symmetriaa kovariantilla twist-elementillä. Näin ollen ei-kommutoivan gravitaation ja vääristyneen Poincarén symmetrian tutkimuksessa tulee jatkossa keskittyä muihin lähestymistapoihin.
A study of the essential features of piston rings in the cylinder liner of an internal combustion engine reveals that the lubrication problem posed by it is basically that of a slider bearing. According to steady-flow-hydrodynamics, viz. Image the oil film thickness becomes zero at the dead centre positions as the velocity, U = 0. In practice, however, such a phenomenon cannot be supported by consideration of the wear rates of pistion rings and cylinder liners. This can be explained by including the “squeeze” action term in the
There is intense activity in the area of theoretical chemistry of gold. It is now possible to predict new molecular species, and more recently, solids by combining relativistic methodology with isoelectronic thinking. In this thesis we predict a series of solid sheet-type crystals for Group-11 cyanides, MCN (M=Cu, Ag, Au), and Group-2 and 12 carbides MC2 (M=Be-Ba, Zn-Hg). The idea of sheets is then extended to nanostrips which can be bent to nanorings. The bending energies and deformation frequencies can be systematized by treating these molecules as an elastic bodies. In these species Au atoms act as an 'intermolecular glue'. Further suggested molecular species are the new uncongested aurocarbons, and the neutral Au_nHg_m clusters. Many of the suggested species are expected to be stabilized by aurophilic interactions. We also estimate the MP2 basis-set limit of the aurophilicity for the model compounds [ClAuPH_3]_2 and [P(AuPH_3)_4]^+. Beside investigating the size of the basis-set applied, our research confirms that the 19-VE TZVP+2f level, used a decade ago, already produced 74 % of the present aurophilic attraction energy for the [ClAuPH_3]_2 dimer. Likewise we verify the preferred C4v structure for the [P(AuPH_3)_4]^+ cation at the MP2 level. We also perform the first calculation on model aurophilic systems using the SCS-MP2 method and compare the results to high-accuracy CCSD(T) ones. The recently obtained high-resolution microwave spectra on MCN molecules (M=Cu, Ag, Au) provide an excellent testing ground for quantum chemistry. MP2 or CCSD(T) calculations, correlating all 19 valence electrons of Au and including BSSE and SO corrections, are able to give bond lengths to 0.6 pm, or better. Our calculated vibrational frequencies are expected to be better than the currently available experimental estimates. Qualitative evidence for multiple Au-C bonding in triatomic AuCN is also found.
The unsteady MHD flow of an incompressible, viscous electrically conducting fluid contained between two torsionally oscillating eccentric disks has been investigated. The state of uniform rotation of the central region visualised in the steady flow is seen to be absent in the case of oscillatory flow.
The paper deals with the classical problem of axi-symmetric transmission of low amplitude waves through a circular pipe containing a viscous liquid. Exact governing equations are identified and solved, the radial as well as the axial component of the velocity being considered. Attention is drawn to certain fallacies underlying the conventional approach. The parameters required in the formulation of the transfer matrix for a pipe have been evaluated. In order to evaluate the response at the terminal point of a branched system for a sinusoidal input at one of the ends, a general algorithm has been developed.
Creeping flow hydrodynamics combined with diffusion boundary layer equation are solved in conjunction with free-surface cell model to obtain a solution of the problem of convective transfer with surface reaction for flow parallel to an array of cylindrical pellets at high Peclet numbers and under fast and intermediate kinetics regimes. Expressions are derived for surface concentration, boundary layer thickness, mass flux and Sherwood number in terms of Damkoehler number, Peclet number and void fraction of the array. The theoretical results are evaluated numerically.
The Pastor and the Bible: Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Pastors Relationship with the Bible Since 1970s there has been extensive discussion in Finland about questions relating to the interpretation of the Bible. The themes of this discussion have focused on the trustworthiness and authority of the Bible, and the discussion has attracted participation not only from representatives of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland but also from representatives of the academic community. The discussion has resulted in extensive publication on the relation of postmodern theology to the Bible. Despite this debate and the texts that have been produced, there is little empirical data on how Evangelical Lutheran pastors with theological education view the Bible. In the present study, 22 pastors of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland were interviewed about how they defined their relationship with the Bible. The interview material was analyzed by means of data-based content analysis. The analysis showed, first, that the pastors viewed the Bible as a mirror of the spiritual growth that they had experienced in the past. Second, the Bible was viewed as a source in the interpretation of matters of faith. The third theme concerned the pastors key experiences in their relationship with the authority of the Bible. The time periods that were significant in defining pastors spiritual growth and past perspective on the Bible included childhood, youth, the period of theological education, and the time spent as a pastor. In childhood, the Bible was part of the spiritual atmosphere of the home, and parents and grandparents made a crucial contribution to the child s emerging view of the Bible. In childhood, the Bible was essentially the Old Testament and its exciting stories. In youth, reading the Bible became more personal, and the teachings of Jesus began to take on a more central role. In youth, most of the interviewees had strong experiences of faith and began to view the Bible as an absolute and divine source of dogma. The period of theological studies meant a change in their relationship with the Bible and particularly, revelation of the human aspects of the Bible. These changes were associated with a deepening of belief in the Bible and also a painful crisis in questions related to the trustworthiness of the Bible. For many of the interviewees, their relationship with the Bible changed also when they started their work as pastors. When faced with a call to work as a pastor, the interviewees created a synthesis of the secure faith that they had experienced in their childhood and the more critical views with which they had become acquainted during their theological education. Pastorhood meant the beginning of public teaching of the Bible. The interviewees felt that, in this new role, they discovered again - but now in a deeper sense - the trustworthiness in the bible that they had experienced during their childhood. Based on the interviewees experiences during the periods mentioned above, five different interpretations were formed regarding how the interviewed pastors viewed their past relationship with the Bible. These interpretations were detachment from literal interpretation of the Bible (1), changes in their relationship with the Bible arising from experiences of faith (2), a slow process during which their relationship with the Bible became more human (3), overcoming hardships (4), and no change in their relationship with the Bible (5). In interpretations 1-3, the past was described as a linear development and journey towards a more coherent relationship with the Bible. Interpretations 4-5, in turn, reflected a desire to detach oneself from the perspectives of linear development and change and, instead, emphasize the immutable and process-like nature of one s relationship with the Bible. Concerning the Bible as a source in matters of faith, a conspicuous aspect of the interviews was that all pastors wanted to disconnect themselves from a fundamentalistic view of the Bible, regarding this as an intellectually dishonest relationship with the Bible. On the other hand, none of the interviewees supported a totally relativist view of the Bible. Instead, all interviewees regarded the Bible as a vital source for both them and the Evangelical Lutheran Church. Between the two poles of extremely fundamental and extremely relativistic views, four different categories of viewing the Bible emerged from the interviews: absolute truth (a), a book about the message of salvation (b), a book about holiness and generous love (c), and a source of inspiration (d). The views in categories (a) and (b) emphasized the divine nature of the Bible. According to the pastors who expressed these views, the Bible contains a clear and trustworthy message of God. The views in categories (c) and (d), in turn, emphasized the human aspects of the Bible. The pastors who expressed these views regarded the Bible as a collection of books that was born in a specific historical and cultural context and includes material characteristic to this time. Due to the time-bound nature of the Bible, each generation has to update its view of the Bible. The views in categories (c) and (d) arose from human reality. Comparisons of the views in the different categories indicated that despite their obvious differences, they also shared some common features. The views in categories (a) and (d) shared the common feature of absoluteness, which was seen in category (a) as an emphasis on dogmatism and in category (d) as an emphasis on rationalism. The views in categories (b) and (c), in turn, shared the common feature of a flexible and dynamic relationship with the Bible. The key experiences that appeared to characterize pastors relationship with the authority of the Bible were a joy that arises from self-evidence, awakening to confusion, fear of openness, falling back upon paradoxes, and new confidence. These experiences reveal the circular nature of the process that was common to all interviewees interpretation of their relationship with the Bible. That is, the interviewees experiences of their relationship with the Bible seem to go through a circular process that is activated again and again in new life events. It is like a journey from self-evidence towards critical questions and again back to new confidence. The interview material showed, hence, that relationship with the Bible are characterized by a process that involves experiences of trust, questioning and new trust. The present study brings out the multifaceted reality of pastors relationship with the Bible. The study breaks down contradictions between conservative and liberal views of the Bible by showing how representatives of these opposing poles share commonalities in their attitudes. The study points to a close association between an individual s life history and his or her relationship with the Bible, and lays the groundwork for future studies to investigate the relation between personality and view of the Bible.
Under certain special conditions natural selection can be effective at the level of local populations, or demes. Such interpopulation selection will favor genotypes that reduce the probability of extinction of their parent population even at the cost of a lowered inclusive fitness. Such genotypes may be characterized by altruistic traits only in a viscous population, i.e., in a population in which neighbors tend to be closely related. In a non-viscous population the interpopulation selection will instead favor spiteful traits when the populations are susceptible to extinction through the overutilization of the habitat, and cooperative traits when it is the newly established populations that are in the greatest danger of extinction.
In a very recent study [1] the Renormalisation Group (RNG) turbulence model was used to obtain flow predictions in a strongly swirling quarl burner, and was found to perform well in predicting certain features that are not well captured using less sophisticated models of turbulence. The implication is that the RNG approach should provide an economical and reliable tool for the prediction of swirling flows in combustor and furnace geometries commonly encountered in technological applications. To test this hypothesis the present work considers flow in a model furnace for which experimental data is available [2]. The essential features of the flow which differentiate it from the previous study [1] are that the annular air jet entry is relatively narrow and the base wall of the cylindrical furnace is at 90 degrees to the inlet pipe. For swirl numbers of order 1 the resulting flow is highly complex with significant inner and outer recirculation regions. The RNG and standard k-epsilon models are used to model the flow for both swirling and non-swirling entry jets and the results compared with experimental data [2]. Near wall viscous effects are accounted for in both models via the standard wall function formulation [3]. For the RNG model, additional computations with grid placement extending well inside the near wall viscous-affected sublayer are performed in order to assess the low Reynolds number capabilities of the model.
The solution of the steady laminar incompressible nonsimilar magneto-hydrodynamic boundary layer flow and heat transfer problem with viscous dissipation for electrically conducting fluids over two-dimensional and axisymmetric bodies with pressure gradient and magnetic field has been presented. The partial differential equations governing the flow have been solved numerically using an implicit finite-difference scheme. The computations have been carried out for flow over a cylinder and a sphere. The results indicate that the magnetic field tends to delay or prevent separation. The heat transfer strongly depends on the viscous dissipation parameter. When the dissipation parameter is positive (i.e. when the temperature of the wall is greater than the freestream temperature) and exceeds a certain value, the hot wall ceases to be cooled by the stream of cooler air because the ‘heat cushion’ provided by the frictional heat prevents cooling whereas the effect of the magnetic field is to remove the ‘heat cushion’ so that the wall continues to be cooled. The results are found to be in good agreement with those of the local similarity and local nonsimilarity methods except near the point of separation, but they are in excellent agreement with those of the difference-differential technique even near the point of separation.
The solution for a line source of oscillatory strength kept at the origin in a wall bounding a semi-infinite viscous imcompressible stratified fluid is presented in an integral form. The behaviour of the flow at far field and near field is studied by an asymptotic expansion procedure. The streamlines for different parameters are drawn and discussed. The real characteristic straight lines present in the inviscid problem are modified by the viscosity and the solutions obtained are valid even at the resonance frequency.
Using the framework of a new relaxation system, which converts a nonlinear viscous conservation law into a system of linear convection-diffusion equations with nonlinear source terms, a finite variable difference method is developed for nonlinear hyperbolic-parabolic equations. The basic idea is to formulate a finite volume method with an optimum spatial difference, using the Locally Exact Numerical Scheme (LENS), leading to a Finite Variable Difference Method as introduced by Sakai [Katsuhiro Sakai, A new finite variable difference method with application to locally exact numerical scheme, journal of Computational Physics, 124 (1996) pp. 301-308.], for the linear convection-diffusion equations obtained by using a relaxation system. Source terms are treated with the well-balanced scheme of Jin [Shi Jin, A steady-state capturing method for hyperbolic systems with geometrical source terms, Mathematical Modeling Numerical Analysis, 35 (4) (2001) pp. 631-645]. Bench-mark test problems for scalar and vector conservation laws in one and two dimensions are solved using this new algorithm and the results demonstrate the efficiency of the scheme in capturing the flow features accurately.
Graphene oxide (GO) sheets can form liquid crystals (LCs) in their aqueous dispersions that are more viscous with a stronger LC feature. In this work we combine the viscous LC-GO solution with the blade-coating technique to make GO films, for constructing graphene-based supercapacitors in a scalable way. Reduced GO (rGO) films are prepared by wet chemical methods, using either hydrazine (HZ) or hydroiodic acid (HI). Solid-state supercapacitors with rGO films as electrodes and highly conductive carbon nanotube films as current collectors are fabricated and the capacitive properties of different rGO films are compared. It is found that the HZ-rGO film is superior to the HI-rGO film in achieving high capacitance, owing to the 3D structure of graphene sheets in the electrode. Compared to gelled electrolyte, the use of liquid electrolyte (H2SO4) can further increase the capacitance to 265 F per gram (corresponding to 52 mF per cm2) of the HZ-rGO film.
The effect of vectored mass transfer on the flow and heat transfer of the steady laminar incompressible nonsimilar boundary layer with viscous dissipation for two-dimensional and axisymmetric porous bodies with pressure gradient has been studied. The partial differential equations governing the flow have been solved numerically using an implicit finite-difference scheme. The computations have been carried out for a cylinder and a sphere. The skin friction is strongly influenced by the vectored mass transfer, and the heat transfer both by the vectored mass transfer and dissipation parameter. It is observed that the vectored suction tends to delay the separation whereas the effect of the vectored injection is just the reverse. Our results agree with those of the local nonsimilarity, difference-differential and asymptotic methods but not with those of the local similarity method.