882 resultados para Readings
This exploratory study aims to present some readings as Doyé (2003), Carrasco Perea (2003), Melo Araújo e Sá (2004), Chavagne (2009) and Alas-Martins (2010; 2011) which helped to confirm some ways for showing that a plurilingual environment can enable a trend in improving the understanding of written texts in the mother tongue, and can collaborate on a better perception of the world around a person with all their different nuances. The study describes the methodology and some results of our doctoral research that resulted in the insertion of the experimental discipline called Intercomprehension of Romanic Languages (ILR) in the curriculum in the city of Natal / RN / Brazil, and it was justified because of high functional illiteracy degree among young people up to 15 years old according to the educational data from IBGE research on 2010. The results were verified through an experimental action-research which was characterized by Lewin (1946); Nunan (1992); Thiollent (1994) and Trip (2005) in two schools: Professoara Terezinha Paulino de Lima (municipal school) and Professora Ana Julia de Carvalho Mousinho (State of Rio Grande do Norte), with 95 students from the final years of primary education. The corpus of this research was subjected to a series of condensed techniques like the nonparametric test from Kruskal and Wallis (1952) and the parametric test ANOVA as an effort to provide statistical significance to the analysis of the results indicated in the book of ILR activities. The research presented some skill views about reading comprehension of written texts according to perspective of Ringbow (1987), Giacobbe (1990), Alarcão (1991; 2009a and 2009b), Corder (1992), Castellotti (2001) and Degache (2003), and the possibilities of transfer these skills for learning Portuguese as pointed out by Meissner, Klein and Stegmann (2004); it indicates a positive trend towards the understanding of LM according to analyzing the scores of written tests and texts by participants in solving tasks
This work exposes the Paul Ric ur s thought in relation to the contemporary complaint between the hermeneutics and the ideologies criticism. It shows, in this direction, the unity between text and action according to Ric ur s perspective. The philosophical view of Ric ur, It affirms, is far from any eclecticism, but if it characterizes for a dynamic style, explained here from the analogies with the movement of the particles, of the quantum physics, which help to excuse to the make a mistake idea of compilation and eclecticism, resultant of superficial readings of its texts. In deep, this work nothing more it is that a contribution to the construction of a theory of the reading of the text of this notable philosopher
Common understanding about what freedom means has always been more or less related to the power to realize something intended, desired, a capability. Therefore, being free is commonly interpreted under the concept of free-will and the category of possibility to act. Although there are predecessors in History of Philosophy, Schopenhauer refuses the thesis of free will proposing otherwise the denial of willing (to live) as the ultimate possibility for human freedom, if not the only one left. The thesis that would make him famous was deeply misunderstood and so miscarried somewhat due to the way it was many times presented by the means of exotic examples wrapped in a mystical mood besides exaltations to Eastern traditions, which may satisfy anthropological curiosity instead of being capable to satisfy the reader in a philosophical way. It seems to result from Schopenhauer s thought a kind of pessimism against life. Otherwise, typical readings on the Schopenhauerian thesis are found full of inconsistencies once closely regarded, which blame does not belong to the author but to his interpreters. A new reading about the denial of willing as the ultimate possibility for human freedom demands a criticism on the inconsistencies and prejudgments deep grounded. For this, we firstly clarify the ways of understanding the willing nothing , which cannot be reduced to the mere refusal or conformism, being instead positively understood as a special manner of willing: the admission of oneself for the sake of one is. A few more than a century later The world as will and representation came to light, Heidegger proposes in his fundamental ontology that the proper being-free concerns to originary decision by which, in anguish of being suspended in nothingness, Dasein renders itself singular as the being who is in-a-world and to-death, concluding that the ultimate possibility of freedom is being-free-to-death. Developing the hypothesis that freedom, properly understood, concerns to nothingness as to indeterminate possibilities, we seek for a dialogue between Schopenhauer s thought and existential philosophy aiming to reconstitute and overcome Metaphysics tradition turning the question about freedom into a matter of Ontology. From the factual existence perspective, as we must show, every human activity (or inactivity) is ordinarily mediated by representations, in which me and world appear as distinct entities. So, each one among determininate individuals finds itself connected to the things in the world by interest, which proper concept must be sufficiently explored. Starting from this point, we may proceed to detailed analysis of usual representations of freedom aiming their destruction by Ontology and then reaching existential thesis according to Kierkegaard and Heidegger. Turning back to the analysis of Schopenhauer s work, we conclude existential understanding of freedom as will-to-be can also be found in Schopenhauer. In this way, denial of willing means ultimate freedom once the Will turns back to its own essence by suppressing the world as representation, which means the originary absolute indetermination of the extreme possibility to-be
Study of Liposomes Stability Containing Soy Phosphatidyleholine and Hydrogenated Soy Phosphatydylcholine Adding or Not Cholesterol by Turbidity Method. Liposomes are structures composed by phospholipids as soy phosphatidylcholine (PC) and hydrogenated soy phosphatydylcholine (PCH). Among the methods used to prove liposomes stability, turbidity method is widely used. The objective of this work was to study the liposomes stability containing PC or PCH with and without cholesterol (CHOL) by turbidity method. Liposomes were stored a 30 degrees C during 90 days and periodically absorbance readings at 410 nm were made to verify possible turbidity alterations. Increases in the turbidity with time occurred for PC liposomes. In the presence of CHOL higher turbidity was obtained probably reflecting the increase in the size of liposomes. For PCH liposomes the presence of CHOL did not affect the turbidity suggesting higher physical stability of the structures.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This study investigates the Repetition of movements shown in a stereotypical case of a child three years old. In line with the psychoanalysis model of search, this work presents fragments of the clinic process, the locus for the observation of repetitive, ritualized and choreographically movements of this child who used not to speak. The contrast between their movements and the issuance of a word verbalized at the end of the treatment caused the following question: repetition in this child production would be a reproduction of the same or would be directing for the difference? In the psychiatric speech, the stereotypes are listed as diagnostic criteria for certain mental disorders. In the psychoanalysis studies a question about the psych nature of ritualistic gestures apparently without purpose or direction is included. Thus, the route followed was the reading of the theoretical concept of repetition in the psychoanalytic works of S. Freud and J. Lacan. With Freud, the repetition is linked to the transfer and resistance. In that context, when it appears in act, in the place of the talk, it constitutes a particular way of remembering. But the existence of a force in the psychic apparatus that acts independent and involuntarily of the Principle of pleasure (the repetition compulsion) subsidizes the discovery of Freudian pulsion of death that is the tendency to return to itself. In the Lacan reading, the function of Repetition is magnified, as it fulfils two functions: the automaton - reminders of repetitive signs, and that the service of tiqué - the meeting of the subject with his lack constituent. In this sense, repetition is not simply a reproduction, but the search for new, the difference, caused by the lack of continuity that pushes the circuit. Finally, the clinic process and the theoretical readings made the comprehension of the child repetitive and choreographically movements and the pronouncement of a "good-bye", full of meaning. This repetitive scenario which is full of questions, by this very nature, insists in remains inconclusive
Adubação nitrogenada no consórcio de milho com duas espécies de braquiária em sistema plantio direto
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a produtividade de grãos e de forragem do consórcio entre milho e espécies de braquiária (safras de 2008/2009 e 2009/2010), submetidos a doses de nitrogênio em cobertura, em sistema plantio direto. Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições, em arranjo fatorial 2x5, com duas espécies de braquiária (Urochloa brizantha 'Xaraés' e U. ruziziensis) e cinco doses de N aplicadas em cobertura: 0, 50, 100, 150 e 200 kg ha‑1. Foram avaliados: leituras indiretas do teor foliar de clorofila (índice de clorofila Falker, ICF), teores de macronutrientes foliares, componentes da produção e produtividade de grãos do milho, e produtividade de matéria seca das forrageiras após o consórcio. Constatou-se que a espécie U. ruziziensis foi a mais competitiva com o milho em consórcio, o que proporcionou menores teores nutricionais e ICF nas duas safras analisadas. O crescimento vegetativo, os componentes da produção e a produtividade de grãos do milho não foram influenciados pelos consórcios. A adubação nitrogenada em cobertura aumenta linearmente o ICF, os teores de N, P e S, bem como os componentes da produção e a produtividade de grãos.
This study aimed to analyze the work of social workers at the Hospital Universitário Onofre Lopes (HUOL), with the analytical approach the contracting process with the HUOL with the National Health System (SUS), which is set from 2004. Thus, this study sought in times of state reform, restructuring and tension between enlargement / reduction of social and labor rights, understanding the limits and possibilities of social work in HUOL, analyzing how these determinations bounce in the practice of social workers included in the collective process of health work. From a theoretical and methodological historical and dialectical materialism, we conducted literature search, in which developed book report and readings of texts, articles, books that focus on the central categories of the study, namely: Work, Social Work, Health, Health Reform , Project ethical and professional politician. Operationalized also a documentary research, on the Brazilian Public Health Policy, (SUS) and of the Education, as well as research field in which we conducted interviews with 11 social workers, employees packed the HUOL. We conclude that social workers did not participate in the discussion process of contracting the HUOL with the Municipal Health Secretariat of Natal, RN, manager of health and full resetting of user access, via reference setting - counter-referral services provided by the hospital brought the main demands on Social Work guidance regarding the functionality of SUS, and the social intervention in the struggle to guarantee such access. However, the data show that the expansion of demands that require the intervention of the social worker at HUOL is not associated with quantitative growth of these professionals need. Such conditions inflect the possibilities of materialization of the professional ethical-political project, even though that these professionals worry and seek the intellectual improvement, quality of service and to guarantee the social rights of users in the professional practice everyday
This study evaluated the adverse effects of oral firocoxib in dogs. Six dogs (20.2 +/- 6.3 kg) were studied. Values for complete blood count (CBC), serum urea, creatinine, alanine transaminase, alanine phosphatase, -glutamyl transferase, occult blood in feces, platelet aggregation, and buccal mucosal bleeding time were measured before and 7, 14, 21, and 29 days after SID treatment with firocoxib 5.3 +/- 0.34 mg/kg (FG) or lactose 1 mg/kg (LG) for 2 8 days, in a randomized crossover study. Gastrointestinal (GI) tract endoscopy was performed before treatment began and at 29 days. Lesions were scored from grade 0 to 6. Data were analyzed using ANOVA and paired t-tests (P < 0.05). None of the dogs presented adverse clinical effects. There were no significant changes in CBC, biochemical profiles within groups, or differences between groups. Pretreatment mean SD bleeding time (LG, 70.7 +/- 32.1 sec; FG, 75.8 +/- 38.1 sec) and platelet aggregation (LG, 86.4 +/- 10.2%; FG, 85.6 +/- 9.2%) were not significantly different from readings at 29 days (LG, 95.2 +/- 25 sec; FG, 91.7 +/- 24 sec and LG, 73.2 +/- 15.1%; FG, 84 +/- 10.3%) nor the groups were different. None of the dogs had positive fecal occult blood tests, and endoscopic lesion scores were grade 0 both before treatment and at 29 days. Administration of firocoxib did not cause any adverse effects on GI, or hematological or serum biochemical variables and appears to have been well tolerated by dogs.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos na função ventricular esquerda do uso precoce e tardio de dopamina, em modelo experimental de coração isolado. MÉTODO: Foram utilizados 60 coelhos em modelo de coração isolado mantido por animal suporte. Um balão intraventricular foi locado no ventrículo esquerdo. Três grupos foram constituídos: grupo controle (GC); grupo que recebeu dopamina precoce (Dopa P) e grupo que recebeu dopamina tardia (após 20 minutos) (Dopa T). Foram realizadas leituras hemodinâmicas diretas e indiretas. RESULTADOS: Fluxo sangüíneo coronariano: GC(7,196 ± 1,275ml/min); Dopa P (9,477 ± 1,160ml/min); Dopa T (14,316 ± 2,308ml/min), com GC=Dopa P, GC ¹Dopa T e Dopa P¹Dopa T. Primeira derivada temporal da pressão intraventricular (dp/dt+): GC (719,61 ± 127,53ml/min); Dopa P (719,61 ± 127,53ml/min); Dopa T (1431,60 ± 230,87ml/min), p<0,05, Dopa P¹Dopa T, GC=Dopa P e GC ¹ Dopa T. Primeira derivada temporal da pressão intraventricular negativa (dp/dt-): GC (469,85 ± 107,16mmHg/s); Dopa P (716,07 ± 215,66mmHg/s); Dopa T (931,24 ± 181,46mmHg/s), p<0,05, Dopa P¹Dopa T¹GC. Delta V: GC (1,355 ± 0,2432ml); Dopa P (0,97 ± 0,3199ml); Dopa T (1,27 ± 0,2983ml), p>0,05, Dopa P=Dopa T=GC. Estresse sistólico desenvolvido: GC (27,273 ± 10,276g/cm²); Dopa P (55,219 ± 24,625g/cm²); Dopa T (79,152 ± 12,166g/cm²), Dopa P=Dopa T, Dopa P=GC e GC ¹ Dopa T.Dialdeído Malônico (MDA): GC (4,5 ± 0,527mmol/L); Dopa P (4,7 ± 1,16mmol/L); Dopa T (4,1 ± 0,7379mmol/L), p>0,05, Dopa P=Dopa T=GC. CONCLUSÕES: Concluiu-se que, no modelo experimental delineado, o uso precoce da dopamina foi deletério, segundo algumas variáveis hemodinâmicas.
The general objective of this study was to analyze the city of Santa Cruz cope with the impacts of the changes caused by the insertion of religious tourism with the construction of the Tourist Complex Religious Alto de Santa Rita, and specific objectives: to identify the economic activities from building the Tourist Complex Religious Alto de Santa Rita with the monument of Santa Rita; describe the research scenario to respect the traditions, rituals and spatial organization of the city and to evaluate the impacts through construction of movement by Religious Tourism Complex human capital and economic development fostered by Religious Tourism. To this end, we used the methods of application of Questionnaires and interviews, as well as the method was conducted participant observation, individual and systematic, having exploratory held through a correlational analysis regarding the impacts by inserting Tourism religious elsewhere. Was performed also discourse analysis of speeches Stakeholder city of Santa Cruz / RN for understanding the local reality. Literature search was performed readings of books, articles, theses and dissertations dealing with the issue, it was necessary to use data from websites. As for the media research field was qualitative. At the end of the study, it was concluded that the city of Santa Cruz suffered socio-economic and cultural, as a result, especially the lack of a previously developed tourism planning
Photography is a resourse of the most used and effective marketing, besides being an polysemic art, boundless sense; this allows for different readings. Nevertheless, there are those who, through the control and supervision, try to organize its meaning, such as the marketing companies. Others, such as artists, are the responsibility of the observers to give their work some understanding. Resorting a photographic iconography of the tourist attractions of the city of João Pessoa in Brazil from 2005 to 2010. This survey selected images published in catalogs supported by the Fundo de Incentivo a Cultura (FIC) and the Empresa Paraibana de Turismo (PBTUR). The central idea of this qualitative research is the assumption that, in general, tourists crave, even unconsciously, a reality of a tourist attraction motivated by photographic image conveyed the travel market, meanwhile, emphasizes that the art market, the same attraction is exposed and uncovered. Thus it is argued, by photos, such as environmental and sociocultural characteristics are commodified by these organs that have different purposes is not exclusive, given that the FIC supports art and PBTUR sponsors the tourism. Beyond the iconography used for cataloging and photographic analysis, interviews were conducted by the method of visual narratives in ordes to approximate the data with the view of tourists and photographers. In that resulted in a refletion on the current imagistic process involving the release of the tourist destinations in order to be allowed on a critical reading of photographic production and market resources to marketing and promoting the art of the city. It was observed that both the art and photography marketing acquire different symbolic values with respect to their markets promoted by the catalogs analyzed.
O presente estudo tem como objetivo compreender a percepção e o significado do cuidar de pacientes com problemas de auto-imagem, resultantes de alteração física, por enfermeiros de um hospital universitário. A trajetória metodológica foi a fenomenologia, os sujeitos da pesquisa foram oito enfermeiros. Para a análise dos depoimentos, realizou-se a transcrição e as leituras, buscando a essência das unidades, expressão dos significados, tematizando e interpretando as falas, buscando convergências, divergências e idiossincrasias e a síntese do fenômeno. Os temas desvelados foram: (não)aceitação da enfermidade; trabalho em equipe; limitações conseqüentes da doença; sentimentos e comportamento do enfermeiro e equipe; vínculo entre equipe, paciente e família; a família; auto-imagem do paciente; idade dos pacientes; o preconceito; (re) conhecimento da doença; nível e cuidados mais intensos; a religião e capacitação. Pela amplitude do fenômeno outros ângulos podem ser desvelados e outras perspectivas habitadas.
It understands a study made concerning the main aspects of the Agrarian Reform and the Agricultural Nestings of the Rio Grande do Norte. For in such a way an inquiry became necessary initially on the origin of the Brazilian agrarian concentration passing for the donation of Sesmarias, Land Law, Statute of Land and Ith National Plan of the Agrarian Reformation, as well as of the Social Movements of fight for the land appeared since century XIX: Canudos, Contestado, Cangaço, Ligas Camponesas and MST. Drawing the fight for the land in the Rio Grande do Norte, we rescue the component elements of the first indications of the Agrarian Reform and formation of Agricultural Nestings in the State. In the attempt to unmask the current situation of the Settlements, we investigate some concerning aspects to the conditions of life of the seated ones, that it is marked by innumerable problems that go since the lack of water until the a precariousness of the infrastructure and presence of services, over all with relation to the education and health. For in such a way we work initially on the basis of diverse bibliographical readings, together data-collecting the official agencies and some directly involved entities with the Agrarian Reform in the RN. We utilized also the research of field in 27 Settlements of different Microregions of the State that consisted of the application of interviews together to the leaderships of these Settlements and application of forms with the seated families who resulted in a bigger knowledge concerning the reality of these areas that integrate the Politics of the Agrarian Reform
The public and private politics that was implemented in Natal, have always been attracting, great contingent of people in search of employments. However, not always, they can attend the migratory demands. Recently, Nova Parnamirim that is situated in the municipal district of Parnamirim - RN, due to proximity with Natal, it is passing for an intensive and accelerated occupation process impelled by the urban politics that created and they determined new diversities, leaning in the growth of the modern tertiary. In this context, Nova Parnamirim is suffering, along the time, substantial transformations in your espace, so much of nature social as environmental, that are affecting in the quality of your residents' life. This fact is mainly linked in the absence of an appropriate urban planning that have to be considered as an instrument norteador of the development of the city in its constant construction process. The study has as objective to analyze the social-space dynamics of the area and their implications, identifying the principal agents that promote and they benefit of that urbanization process. For the ccomplishment of this research it was executed bibliographical readings that turn of theoretical studies about the urban subjects and enviroments, besides field activities for the rising of the data investigated in the methodological approach